Move Multiple Pictureboxs At The Same Time In One Dirction?

Sep 20, 2008

How do you move multiple Pictureboxs at the same time in one dirction like up down left right with arrow keys in visual basic 2005 express edition

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Loading Multiple Pics To Multiple Pictureboxs?

Oct 20, 2010

I have the following html code for some pictures:

<table cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#ffffff' cellspacing='0' style='border: solid 3px #470506;padding-right:1px;'><tr><td><img src='./images/counter/b.gif'></td>
<td><img src="./images/counter/3.gif" border="0"/></td>


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Make Multiple Pictureboxs Center On Screen The Code?

Sep 21, 2008

Using visual basic 2008 express enition How do you make multiple pictureboxs center on screen the code i got from a book is this

Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
PictureBox1.Left = ((Me.Width / 2) - (PictureBox1.Width))
PictureBox1.Top = ((Me.Height / 2) - (PictureBox1.Height))
PictureBox2.Left = ((Me.Width / 2) + (PictureBox2.Width))
PictureBox2.Top = ((Me.Height / 2) - (PictureBox2.Height))


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VS 2008 Dynamic Pictureboxs?

Mar 20, 2010

im trying to make a program that consists of two forms.One 'toolbox' form, and one 'pallet' form. The toolbox has components that you drag onto the pallet form. Once you drag them onto the pallet form, you should be able to move around the pictureboxes. Unfortunatley, since they are dynamic controls, i have no way of checking what picturebox you click on when there are multiple pictureboxes on the pallet at one time. they are in an arraylist, however i dont know how to check on my mouse_down routine what array index the picturebox is.

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VS 2008 How To Get Collection Of Pictureboxs

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to select all the pictureboxs in a flowlayoutpanel control with a for each loop but what should i use as the parent? this is the

For Each Pic as PictureBox in FlowlayoutPannel1 It says that Flowlayout pannel is not a collection but i do not know what to use and the other threads that i read did not make any sense

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Time To Move From VB 6.0?

Jun 18, 2010

Aside from one small ASP.NET webpage (using VB.NET as the language), I've been programming with Visual Basic 6.0 exclusively for the majority of my programming career (5 yrs or so).

With free versions of Visual Studio out there (Express), I've decided it's time to up my game. I also read this thread recently, which kind of killed me a little inside.

Anyway, I have two needs moving forward. I have to write a couple of small programs that load text files to a database (easy enough), so I'm going to write my next program in VB.NET. The other project is migrating a fairly substantial scheduling program that I wrote over as well. It's about 4 years old and in need of a major update so I figured a rewrite in .NET is the best way to go.

The question is, if I want to make my scheduling program web-based, am I better to use ASP.NET or the Visual Studio.NET. I noticed that it looks like you can create web apps using VS?

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Move Item At A Certain Time

May 15, 2011

i'm trying to make it so that when a timer reaches a certain number, that PictureBox3 has a new location. But I don't know how to make it so that at a certain "time" makes picturebox3 move.[code]

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Move A Panel And A Picturebox At The Same Time?

Jun 29, 2010

Ok i got a problem when ever i move a panel and a picturebox at the same time. Ok well them bolth move but the panel has a image in it and when ever i move it with the picturebox it creates a balck square behind the picturebox and the panel and how can i see it, well it on the top like picturebox.location(20,20) well balck quare.location(0,0) same size as picturebox how do i fix this cause it messes up the image. Here is my code:


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Move A TreeView Node Up / Down At Run-time?

Dec 27, 2011

Spent most of the day yesterday trying to figure this out but no luck so far. I would have thought that there would be an easy way to do this, but after spending hours Google'ing the subject, I could not find a single working example to accomplish this.[code]...

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How To Move Multiple Pictureboxes

Oct 31, 2009

how to move 5 picture boxes at the same time. Like making them bounce on the walls of the form and each other.

Here is my Code

Public Class Form2
Dim xSpeed, ySpeed As Integer
Dim iClicks As Integer


The problem is that the picture boxes do move but, they move at the same time. For example if Pb1 hits the left side of the form all of the other Picture Boxes will to.

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Move And Delete Multiple Copies?

Jan 15, 2012

I have an external harddrive and I usually backup my desktop with a cleanup folder which I usually move to the external harddrive.

The problem is: when I search for a file (i.e. example.mp3) I will find multiple copies which are taking up way too much space.

Is there an app or some code that can search for an extension (i.e. .mp3) and if it finds more than one copy of the same file, it can delete the extra file?

The reason I ask is: I have around 1300 different mp3s on my external harddrive and most of them are extra copies of the same mp3. When I search for the extension mp3 and I want to move all of the mp3s to a single folder I am prompted way too many times for overwriting or keeping the same mp3 file.

I need an app that can force the move without prompting and delete the extra copies; so, I am left with only one copy of each.


mp3 files on external hard drive for backup:
song.mp3 > in one folder
song.mp3 > in another folder


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Move Multiple Sprites Simultaneously?

Jun 18, 2011

Not wanting to hijack 45minutes thread, I thought I might spawn a thread of my own based on his question.

PlausiblyDamp was kind enough to provide some generic code, which I have modified and attached.

I have made a few alterations mostly around removing random objects, as the game in question (Space Invaders) has a set amount of aliens and set starting positions.

As a start I have limited the UpdatedPostion to horizontal movement as the aliens only go side to side unless they hit an edge.[code]...

View 15 Replies

Move The Rectangle To The Right By 1 Pixel Each Time The Timer1_tick Is Started?

Aug 28, 2009

Dim car As Graphics
x = 50
y = 100
'Dim myBrush As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(myColor)


I would like to move the rectangle to the right by 1 pixel each time the timer1_tick is started. At the same time, I would like to clear out the previous boxes after making a new one. This is to make the box looks as if it is moving to the right.

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VS 2008 - Multiple File Move Via DragAndDrop

Jun 30, 2009

I'm going to try this again since last time I asked (a long time ago now) I didn't get many responses. Maybe someone who knew didn't see my post or maybe someone new is around who might know. I want to add a file drag and drop feature to my program that allows people to drag files onto my form and when the files are released on a path (that is stored in a listbox) it moves/copies the files to that folder. I have all that working but what my issue is that each file has to be handled individually.

Now, Windows can move multiple files all in a single group; it calculates time till completion based on the cumulative size of all the files and shows a progress bar in that way. Currently, all I can do is either let it happen, or show a progress bar for each file. Does anyone know how to get files in an array of files to drop to display like Windows does with multiple files when moving or copying.

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Move Items From Inbetween Multiple Listboxes (4 Boxes)?

May 19, 2011

I'm having a problem with moving items between list boxes, i'm fine with moving an item from 1 list box to another but thats 2 boxes and i have 4. I basically want to know the code to move 1 item from a list box to any of my other 3 list boxes.

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Simulate Multiple Mouse Move And Click Events?

Oct 27, 2011

I wish to simulate multiple mouse move and click events for multiple mouse for emulation of mice in mouse mischief for a kinect project im working on. I want to emulate a mouse for each person on the kinect that is recognized using microsofts kinect sdk and be able to do a left mouse click for each person.

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DB/Reporting :: Move Data (400 GB) Into Database Then Be Able To Run Various Algorithms Determining Correlations Of Time Series

Mar 12, 2012

I'm faced with a (fun, actually) data mining problem; I have raw ASCII files from instruments, and I want to move that data (~400 GB) into a database, then be able to run various algorithms determining correlations of time series, etc. I would like to write the mining algorithms in Visual Basic (.net, VS 2010 right now), and be able to do visualizations with VB code I have in hand.On the nature of the data: think of a set of several thousand devices, each recording a measurement at a given interval - so I'm talking time-series vectors. It's not more complex than that - though I may have vectors with holes, etc. - not sure what problems of that sort lurk in the data.I spent today re-acquainting myself with VB.NET's interface to (in one case) a Microsoft Access database. What used to be fairly simple - DAO I think it was - involved tables, recordsets, etc (and that would likely be fine). Now I seem to be required to have a weird variety of generally useless objects, e.g. 'adapters', 'datasets', etc. The problem is that I know exactly what I need, and all this extraneous stuff just gets in the way (certainly in coding complexity and opaqueness, and likely in efficiency as well). If any of these mechanisms gave me a kind of virtual access to the entire dataset, and let me control caching parameters, might be great, but I found nothing along those lines. It seems like useless bloat, though I suppose it must be useful to someone.Anyway, I tried a number of different approaches, and none seemed at all aimed at what I need to do: efficiently do math on a large dataset. I can't believe I'm the first to have this problem, but I can find no useful wisdom out there. I'd be comfortable with pretty much any underlying database mechanism: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, but ideally something generally SQL based (I may eventually have to transition this entire system to draw from a client's SQL database, though that's not an overriding concern now). Other than that I want simplicity and efficiency. I thought my old ODBC techniques would work, and to some extent they do, though modifying tables seemed to have bizarre problems (no errors, but not modifications either).

I do have a fairly aggressive deadline to show some algorithm results, so my focus in the short term is to get something reasonable working *in* the short term - in other words, it's less important to me to pick the 'fastest' relational database than it is to pick a database that lets me focus on coding the algorithms, not working through tedious data access coding. If this db could be any smaller, I'd have tried to do it all 'in memory' at least for proving concepts; I don't want to have to learn an entire jargon and approach just to be able to retrieve data points.Perhaps I'll need to bite the bullet and just write something myself, a .dll perhaps just to save and restore large time series vectors. It seems a bit frightening to me that one would have to do this in this age, what with all the database systems out there, but I don't have much time to work through arcane interface logic.

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Move Button Over A Panel From The Form In Which The Button Is Created Dynamically At Run-time?

Jun 22, 2010

how to move button over a panel from the form in which the button is created dynamically at run-time ?

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Get A Progressbar To Move 1 "inch" Every Time?

Apr 22, 2010

i need to get a progressbar to move 1 "inch" every time my timer restarts... and that the max value should be the total sum of hour...min...sec

This is what ive got sofar:

TotValue = Val(Hour.Text) * Val(3600)
TotValue = TotValue + Val(Min.Text) * Val(60)
TotValue = TotValue + Val(Sec.Text)

This calculate now i want those seconds to be a the maximum size of the progressbar... And to make it go one step everytime my timer restarts... =)

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Access Multiple Controls On Run Time?

Jul 22, 2010

Recently i worked on a VB. I have to know how can create controls Dynamically on the run time and how can access these controls on the runtime??

Ex: I want to Create 10 checkboxes at runtime. After creating Checkboxes Dynamically how can i access these Checkboxes?? like i create Checkbox Called "chkAll" , If i check "ChkAll" checkbox then all Dynamic Checkboxes should be Check otherwise UnCheck?

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Closing Multiple Forms At Same Time

Feb 21, 2010

I have two child forms that open from the MDI Parent.My question is when I close one of the child forms all others will close also.

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Copying Multiple Files At The Same Time?

Dec 29, 2011

is there any way to copy multiple files at the same time WITH PROGRESS BAR like in windows explorer? I am using system FileIO.FileSystem.CopyFile for copying single file, but I want to do this with more then one file.

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Forms :: Multiple Key Events At Same Time?

May 6, 2010

How can i code my application so that it can handle two sets of key events at the same time? For example, if I was making a game where one player used the WASD, and the other the arrow keys for moving, how can i make it so that both can move at the same time? The code I used only allows one to move at a time.. (key press event, If e.KeyData = Windows.Forms.Keys.down then.... etc)

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Multiple FontStyles For A User At A Time

Dec 19, 2009

I've got an application in VB 2008 with, 1 richtextbox, 1 toolstrip and 1 menustrip. My toolstrip has many buttons, 5 of these being a: bold button, italic button, underline button, strikeout button and a regular button. However it is only possible to have ONE fontstyle at a time. If you want Bold AND Italic, it is impossible.


Make it so that the user can have more than one fontstyle at a time. Make it so that the user can click the button again to remove that fontstyle instead of clicking the "regular button".

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Navigating Multiple Tables At A Time?

Jun 9, 2011

Is it possible to navigate multiple tables at a time.... The two tables are joined with primary and foreign key relationship...

some site to which i can refer or some sample code for all first,next,previous,last

I can do it when its single table....

Private Sub btnFirst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFirst.Click
' con.Open()


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Pressing Multiple Keys At The Same Time?

Oct 7, 2009

im trying to make a two player game in vb 2008, it involves to ships either side of the screen shooting at each other.

A problem that ive found is that my code or vb wont recognize two keyboard inputs at the same time.

Private Sub Form3_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode


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Extend Session Time When There Are Multiple Forms?

Jun 28, 2010

How to extend the session time. There are many form in my application like parent and child forms. So how can I make pop up to appear when session times out and the pop up should appear on the form where the user is currently in, when popup comes I have to disable all forms like(they should be transparent (i.e) user should NOT be able to edit them).

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How To View Multiple Rows At Same Time In DataGridView

Aug 18, 2011

Its working for only single row.I got the Error Message is:
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"

Private Sub ViewButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ViewButton.Click
con = New SqlConnection(Constr)
cmdstr = "Select * From Mcdaily where Mcno='" & McnoCombo.Text & "' and Day(Edate)=" & Dtlog.Value.Day & " and Month(Edate)=" & Dtlog.Value.Month & ""
[Code] .....

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Multiple Referers One At A Time Loop Error ?

Jan 21, 2012

Here is the code:


What I want to do is I want to post to different referers one at a time and of course the links will be provided by a richtextbox(i.e. richtextbox1.lines(i) ). I will use only password(which will be chosen by the user from a combobox(combobox1.text)) because the username is harcoded. This is what so far ive come up with but it always gives me the result of the first line(or referer) from richtextbox1. I think there might be a problem with my "FOR" code.


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VS 02/03 : Closing Multiple Forms With Different Time Interval?

Aug 3, 2009

my program is design to receive a pup-up forms.i wnt this result..if i received a popup forms it will close automatically for 10minutes..the problem is i don't knew how to do it using timer.

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