VS 2008 - Protect Objects From Enemy Trying To Capture In Game

Jul 25, 2009

I am making this game where you have to protect objects from the enemy trying to capture them. I have a loop where a number is randomized from 1 to the current level the person is on. If that number is 50 then a new enemy is created and sent out to get an object. But my problem is if the level is getting higher and higher then the game will get easier and easier. I want it to get harder and harder.

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Game Is Generating Enemy Bullets From Already Killed Enemies

Nov 26, 2009

I am creating a game for my class, it is above the level that I know a bit, but I have learned a lot from creating it.

This is how it it works:

-Every time a timer ticks a picturebox is created and displayed on the form, the picturebox is added to a collection. These enemies then move down the form

-My character fires bullets, and when they hit the enemy the enemy and the bullet gets disabled and removed, but not from the collection

-I have another timer that when it ticks, a random number is generated between 1, and the enemy collection count, so that a enemy missile can randomly come out of an enemy

This all works, but after the enemies are hit and removed from view, bullets still get generated from spots where the enemies once where, so to me that means that the destroyed enemies still remain in the collection.

If I try to remove the picture box from the collection I get an error.

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Game Is Generating Enemy Bullets From Already Killed Enemies?

Nov 24, 2009

I am creating a game for my class, it is above the level that I know a bit, but I have learned a lot from creating it.My problem is that when my user (doctor) sends out a bullet and it hits the enemy (the enemies are generated into a collection), the picturebox is disabled and no longer visible, but that picturebox spot in the collection for all the enemies is still there.

So when I generate a bullet and shot it from a random enemy in the enmCollection, sometimes that random enemy is one that is already been killed.I tried using enmCollection.Remove(..) whenever the collision with the enemy and a bullet occurs, but it gives me an overflow error or another error.

I've been trying for a day now.Everything in the game works correctly except for this.


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Game Programming :: VB Game Help Sprite Keeps Falling Through Objects?

Nov 16, 2008

I have been making a game similar to mario for learing perposes. I got the sprite to move left right up down but I still have no gravity nor can I jump. But i need to know how to make it so that my sprite dosent go through objects?

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Interface And Graphics :: Screen Capture From In Game

Aug 7, 2008

i am wanting to write a program to capture video from in game, the thing is that the video has to be small enough to then broadcast online simultaneously with a three minute delay, i have no idea where to start but am hoping to use VB,

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Delay Objects For Game?

May 8, 2012

I am creating a simple game for school in an Intro to VB 2010 class. I have already creating everything I need but want to add the effect of delaying an object flip method.

Background: The game; you drop a marble in one of 3 slots at the top. The marble will pass through each object changing its color and then exit either to the left or right. Currently when I click the button it will change all Flippers at the same time. I want to add in a delay to get them to change one at a time as the marble would pass through from top to bottom.[code]....

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Game Programming :: Dynamically Add Objects To A Form

Dec 27, 2011

Trying to dynamically add Alien objects (Picture boxes) to my game form. The picture boxes are invisible when I run the game. All of the other controls for the picture box seen to work just fine. Movement, Alien Shots ,etc, etc. [code]

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Game Programming :: Using 2005 And Dx9 D3d Clicking On Objects?

Aug 15, 2008

I'm not real sure how to even ask this question... but here goes.I'm using VB2005 and DirectX 9, D3D. It is 2D isometric display.Here is what I CAN do. Create a map grid. Draw each tile out and present the map on the screen. (ISO) I can even scroll around using the arrows and mouse at the edge of the screen.
- I can click on the map and get the X,Y coords of the tile I am on.... look up the grid to see what is supposed to be on this tile.The only game coding experience I have is using windows forms controls... I've done a few dozen of them. Dice games, card games..


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Game Programming :: Control Objects Separately In An Arraylist?

Apr 4, 2008

After going through some tutorials I set out to work on my own game. Right now it's simple, I have a ship that moves left, right and shoots. I also have Asteroids that fly at the ship.

The problem is that I have 3 asteroids in an array, and they all act the same... I would like random speeds and directions.

here is what I have in relevant code:[code....]

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Game Programming :: Referencing Dynamically Created Objects?

Apr 26, 2011

I dynamically (by programming text, not drawing in GUI) created a matrix of 10x10 buttons named 'Button1' till 'Button100'. In a formula I calculate a number, say '87'. If I next want to reference 'Button87' and change e.g. the background clolor and text properties, how would I do that? I am creating a PocketPC game using VB2005.

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Show The Objects Based On The Payout And The Prize Money For Paylines In The Slot Game?

Oct 15, 2010

I am doing a internet cafe sweepstakes slot game in vb.net. I want to show the objects based on the payout and the prize money for paylines in the slot game. I tried using MT algorithem but it basically random number based. the final output should not be radom.


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Make The Enemy Shoot Bullets?

Apr 13, 2012

I am currently making a game like the worlds hardest game but with a difference. I have made 9 levels so far and am doing the boss level and i cant figure out how to make the boss shoot "bullets".there are two types of bullets the boss can shoot bullet1 - moves in a constant speed to the left after being shot bullet2 - moves in a constant speed to the left after being shot and follows the player on the y-axis The boss only follows the player on the y-axis(I have done this)The boss only shoots bullet1 until his health is below 50 then he increases the rate at which he shoots and randomly shoots bullets between bullet1 and bullet2The only way to win this game is to collect coins which randomly appears in the map, after you get the coin you decrease the bosses health by 5 (I have done this)If the player touches bullet or the boss then the level restarts (I have done this)

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Started Digging Into Worst Enemy SQL?

Aug 12, 2011

I've recently started digging into my worst enemy SQL. So far so good, was just curious how I would go about refreshing a gridview control which is tied to a sqldatasource. So you see if I wrote a new field in my database, how do I refresh the gridview to get that recent change?

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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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VS 2008 - How To Protect DLL With License Key

Nov 24, 2009

How can I protect my dll with a license key, I already have my licensing scheme but I don't know where to put it.

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VS 2008 Protect Application From A Decompiler?

Jan 14, 2010

I just used a Hex editor and in about 10 seconds i got the source code. How can i protect my self form the decompiler?I looked on Google but all i found are third party application. What do you use to protect your software?

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VS 2008 Protect Product Obfuscation?

May 19, 2009

I've developed a product, I now want to protect it from reverse engineering and decompilation, can anyone share some info about this..?I'm looking for the BEST product out there, for doing this, I want to make it a pain to decompile or reverse engineer my product =)Does anyone know of any? or any other products that do other things that can help protect it, for example, I once found a program which converts ALL your .NET exe, into a C++ exe file, so it's not .NET code anymore, fully machine code or something like that (can't find it anymore though).

I thought posting here would be a good idea, since, a lot of you are very experienced with developing products, and perhaps some of you have used obfuscator's to protect them.

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Password Protect Flash Drive In VB 2008?

Feb 8, 2010

lately, ive had a lot of free time and have been trying to password protect my flash drive in VB 2008. and ive figured out almost everything i want with it, but ive come to a bit of a roadblock. as of right now, ive got 2 accounts, but thats all ive done so far, because every account has like 3 if statements, and it would start to accumulate a bit of i made anymore. so, ive been looking into using a database, and having it retrieve the password and username from there. ive searched for hours, and have found a lot of little bits and pieces of code, but nothing that would work for my situation. Will somebody tell me how i would:

1: make sure that the password and username match in the database when i click the confirm button
2: add a new username and password to a database when they want to make their own account
3: save changes to the database when i log out and move to another computer

also, is there a simple way to log the date, time, IP address, and Username, put it in a text file, and email it to me? i would also like to know how to open a flash drive using its name, and not its letter, cause its a different drive letter on different computers.

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VS 2008 - How To Password Protect Flash Drives

Jan 29, 2010

Recently I've started experimenting with Visual Basic 2008, and just out of curiosity am trying to password protect my flash drives. (At the school I go to, it takes a couple seconds for things to disappear). So, I've got it to the point where I can have multiple "accounts" with their own passwords, ive got a lost password button, and a bunch of other stuff. But, anybody can just click out of it and go into the folder themselves, so I've been looking for a way to lock the focus on my password box. I've looked for hours and have found a lot of things that keep the focus on like a second form, so you cant go back to the first one, but I was still able to launch applications and things because the desktop was still active. I still haven't found one that keeps the focus locked on the first form and nothing else.

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VS 2008 Protect Cds From Being Copied - Detect Manufacturer Id?

May 3, 2010

is any method to know ATIP info of cdr/ cdrw.. or other method to protect cds from being copied - detect manufacturer id using VB.NET?

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[2008] WebBrowser Protect Text From Copying?

Jan 9, 2009

Is there a way to protect the text from selecting (CRTL+A) and Copying? I've disabled the context menu. But is there other way without javascript within the page I'm viewing?I know it isn't possible to hide something that is shown on the screen, but I need fool protection (I'm not talking about PrintScreen and OCR)

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VS 2008 Protect Source Code From Cracker To Decompile?

Apr 5, 2009

how do I protect my source code from cracker to decompile? I know there is no foolproof way to do that but i know it can make it harder for cracker to crack. Is there any free & easy tools that allows me to encrypt my codes?

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Make Two Player Game That Allows You To Move Both Player Objects With The Same Event?

Jan 19, 2012

So I am trying to make a program that allows you to move two shapes using two KeyPress events, one to move the first object and another for the second. It works, but it can only move one of the two objects, not both at the same time.


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Capture Events In VB 2008?

Apr 27, 2012

how can I capture an event like a button click or timer event, if I created the controls at run-time?

Ex: Dim a As Button

Dim b As Timer

I want to capture the click event of the button "a" and the timer event of the timer "b".

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VS 2008 Signature Capture?

Apr 30, 2009

Ok, I have an Ambir Signature Pad, and i just want to get the signature as an image (lol just).Well, I was wondering if there is a way to 'connect' to the device via usb and treat it (the pencil) as a mouse and get the coord's when they drag.

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Packet Capture And Threading, Capture Library Waits For "thread Stop"

Apr 5, 2009

So I am hacking together an app which listens to traffic using SharpPcap library, it reconstructs the packets from sessions using the code from TpcRcon.

Listening and reconstructing part work on their own . What I want is on each packet arrival main window gets an event so it can display the packet , and when session is reconstructed display a complete packet (I am interested in HTTP ones) . -That is where it breaks with weird symptoms: for example right now it does not stop on invoking stop listening method - the sharppcap library function hangs there forever waiting on this line of code : m_pcapThreadEvent.WaitOne();//wait for the 'stopped' signal from thread

I also had it not working and crashing in sharppcap function because I had omitted one parameter in form delegate- which makes no sense, because form delegate does not deal with packet capture at all and only reacts on "New Packet" event from my "Listener" class (which is only there to notify main form)

My app starts as module main instancing class "Listener". MainForm has it
registered as friend with event and handles even "New Packet"

Main Form:
Private Sub uiListenStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btListenStart.Click
aLogger.AddMessage("Started Listening")


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VS 2008 - Capture A Part Of The Screen?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm doing program that I can capture a part of the screen. Heres code, I don't know why it's not working.


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VS 2008 - How To Capture PictureBox With Controls

Jan 7, 2010

I have a picturebox with controls on it. I wanna save it as a pic with controls. I have seen a getimageofcontrol() func. on vbforums earlier that does exactly this. But I am not able to find it now...

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VS 2008 - Imagebox And Webcam Capture ?

Sep 15, 2010

After a long while I started a project in VB.Net. I am making a security cam application for my own room. What I have done so far is capturing image from webcam (15 fps) to a imagebox and copying a still image from that imagebox to another in an intervall I have decided. Afterwards my code saves the image with a date and time as jpg. The code for capturing image I have found in this forum (iCam). My problem is (by the way I am an amateur programmer ) that the first imagebox (for realtime image capture) is not being showed (I dont want to see it). But if it is not active then all still images (saved as jpg) are all black. I think it is a drawing issue. I think imagebox is not being drawn (because it is not visible (actually the form is not visible)) and that is why still images are black. But I really don't know how to fix it? The class for capturing still images is very useful but only works with an imagebox.

(I really tried to understand the code. Especially the function, which copies a still image from 15 fps webcam output to a imagebox (which is used to save image as jpg file). But there are objects like: IntPtr, Hdc (getHdc, releaseHdc) and BitBlt. I really don't know anything about those objects.)

Code of iCam:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Public Class iCam
#Region "Api/constants"


I get realtime images with: iCam.initcam(me.picturebox1.handle.int32) and copy with: picturebox2.image= iCam.copyimage(picturebox1,New RectangleF(0, 0, Me.picturebox1.Width, Me.picturebox1.Height))

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VS 2008 : Capture Images From 2 Different Webcams?

Jun 24, 2011

i just want ask you guys how to capture images from 2 different webcams.is there any dll out there that i can use?

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