[2008] WebBrowser Protect Text From Copying?

Jan 9, 2009

Is there a way to protect the text from selecting (CRTL+A) and Copying? I've disabled the context menu. But is there other way without javascript within the page I'm viewing?I know it isn't possible to hide something that is shown on the screen, but I need fool protection (I'm not talking about PrintScreen and OCR)

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VS 2008 Copying Text After Certain Phrases And Pasting It To Another Text

Aug 10, 2009

So I have this project for my internship at this company that is just screaming to be done with a script, but I don't know how to. I was given about 5,000 files to deal with. They are TRC files but can be opened in notepad to appear as follows:


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Protect Specific Text In Rich Text Box

May 2, 2010

I want to protect specific text in rich text box , I tried with

RichTextBox1.Select(1, 100)
RichTextBox1.SelectionProtected = True

above code is working fine but when i retreive data from database in .rtf format & I try to protect some text then its not working in first time it works second time

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VS 2008 - How To Protect DLL With License Key

Nov 24, 2009

How can I protect my dll with a license key, I already have my licensing scheme but I don't know where to put it.

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VS 2008 - Copy Text From Webbrowser?

Sep 4, 2010

how i can copy text from webbrowser (code) how i can get this text (July 20, 2007) from my webbrowser to textbox HTML


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VS 2008 Get A Specific Text From Webbrowser?

Jul 5, 2010

How can i get a text from a webbrowser to a textbox.Example: I want to get the unknown text on this webpage: url...And i want it to get this text to textbox:[code]

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VS 2008 Get Text From Class In Webbrowser

Aug 19, 2009

i need to grab text from a class in my webbrowser and idk how to do it here is what it looks like class="Class Id">Text<"/div>

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VS 2008 Protect Application From A Decompiler?

Jan 14, 2010

I just used a Hex editor and in about 10 seconds i got the source code. How can i protect my self form the decompiler?I looked on Google but all i found are third party application. What do you use to protect your software?

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VS 2008 Protect Product Obfuscation?

May 19, 2009

I've developed a product, I now want to protect it from reverse engineering and decompilation, can anyone share some info about this..?I'm looking for the BEST product out there, for doing this, I want to make it a pain to decompile or reverse engineer my product =)Does anyone know of any? or any other products that do other things that can help protect it, for example, I once found a program which converts ALL your .NET exe, into a C++ exe file, so it's not .NET code anymore, fully machine code or something like that (can't find it anymore though).

I thought posting here would be a good idea, since, a lot of you are very experienced with developing products, and perhaps some of you have used obfuscator's to protect them.

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2008 - WebBrowser Status Text - Add A Label

Mar 8, 2009

im making a tabbed web browser, and wondered if i can add a label and see what the page is loading, similar to other browsers like in the bottom left EG. "Connecting to [url]" etc. Note, im using TabControl, so commands like "WebBrowser1.Stop()" etc, will not work for me.

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VS 2008 Entering Text Into A Webbrowser Field

Mar 26, 2010

I want to make it so I have a form and a button and a web browser. The web browser will automatically load to a website that has boxes to fill in. In google chrome when i right click on the text box i can find the element or whatever its called. I am just wondering how I can make it so when I press the button it will change the text of the textbox on the website to whatever I want. Also how to make it press a button on a web browser as well.

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VS 2008 Show Word In Webbrowser And In A Text Box?

Apr 19, 2009

How do i make word that show up in webbrowser show up in a text box say hte webbrowser is at [URL] how can i get it to show the .txt stuff in a textbox

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VS 2008 Using Webbrowser Control With Text Document?

May 24, 2009

I'm trying to pull specific information from a website using the webbrowser control. Using something like this:


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[2008] Grabbing Text From Webbrowser's Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

okay so in webbrowser1 is there any way to grab text from it's textbox like say i go to google and type something in the textbox hit send can i grab the text from that textbox ?

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Password Protect Flash Drive In VB 2008?

Feb 8, 2010

lately, ive had a lot of free time and have been trying to password protect my flash drive in VB 2008. and ive figured out almost everything i want with it, but ive come to a bit of a roadblock. as of right now, ive got 2 accounts, but thats all ive done so far, because every account has like 3 if statements, and it would start to accumulate a bit of i made anymore. so, ive been looking into using a database, and having it retrieve the password and username from there. ive searched for hours, and have found a lot of little bits and pieces of code, but nothing that would work for my situation. Will somebody tell me how i would:

1: make sure that the password and username match in the database when i click the confirm button
2: add a new username and password to a database when they want to make their own account
3: save changes to the database when i log out and move to another computer

also, is there a simple way to log the date, time, IP address, and Username, put it in a text file, and email it to me? i would also like to know how to open a flash drive using its name, and not its letter, cause its a different drive letter on different computers.

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VS 2008 - How To Password Protect Flash Drives

Jan 29, 2010

Recently I've started experimenting with Visual Basic 2008, and just out of curiosity am trying to password protect my flash drives. (At the school I go to, it takes a couple seconds for things to disappear). So, I've got it to the point where I can have multiple "accounts" with their own passwords, ive got a lost password button, and a bunch of other stuff. But, anybody can just click out of it and go into the folder themselves, so I've been looking for a way to lock the focus on my password box. I've looked for hours and have found a lot of things that keep the focus on like a second form, so you cant go back to the first one, but I was still able to launch applications and things because the desktop was still active. I still haven't found one that keeps the focus locked on the first form and nothing else.

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VS 2008 Protect Cds From Being Copied - Detect Manufacturer Id?

May 3, 2010

is any method to know ATIP info of cdr/ cdrw.. or other method to protect cds from being copied - detect manufacturer id using VB.NET?

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VS 2008 Add Info From Textbox To This Webbrowser Text Area?

Sep 17, 2011

i have a textbox a button and a webbrowser What i need is when i hit the button whatever info is in the text box will be inserted into the webbrowser text area. Website that the webbrowser goes to[URL]..

<label>Just write or copy and paste your proxy IP addresses and ports to then click in <span>Check Proxy</span> button!<br><em>(one IP:Port per line)</em></label>
<textarea name="proxylist" class="textarea defaultTextActive" cols="22" rows="11">

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VS 2008 Read Webbrowser Text And Split Lines

Sep 11, 2010

im making an app that shows topics i post. i have an html file at [URL]. I'd like to take that html document and for each line of text (separated with <br>), and add them to a listbox. how can i do this?

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VS 2005 - Copying The Internet Cache Folder But Getting Copying Error?

Apr 22, 2009

I have a copying error with my program. I am trying to copy the internet cache folder, and the error states that some files cannont be copied (read only maybe?) How can i make it copy, or just skip the uncopyable files?

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Internet Cache), "d:My Documents")

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VS 2008 - Protect Objects From Enemy Trying To Capture In Game

Jul 25, 2009

I am making this game where you have to protect objects from the enemy trying to capture them. I have a loop where a number is randomized from 1 to the current level the person is on. If that number is 50 then a new enemy is created and sent out to get an object. But my problem is if the level is getting higher and higher then the game will get easier and easier. I want it to get harder and harder.

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VS 2008 Protect Source Code From Cracker To Decompile?

Apr 5, 2009

how do I protect my source code from cracker to decompile? I know there is no foolproof way to do that but i know it can make it harder for cracker to crack. Is there any free & easy tools that allows me to encrypt my codes?

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Copying Text From MS Word

Apr 2, 2009

I want to write a program that can copy a selected text in a active program (like word, excel,...) then paste it in my program to do some editting. Is it feasable, can anyone give me a clue how can I do it?

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Copying Text From Other Applications?

Apr 29, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to make my program copy text from another applications screen. For example if I wanted to copy the text from an AIM chatbox I imagine it would be simple but cannot find anything on this, interacting with other applications is a next concept for me

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.net - Copying Text Box Content To Decimal In Sql SQL Via Asp.net?

Feb 23, 2012

I am trying to take the amount entered in a text box and save that to a sql database in decimal format. The field in the table is set as decimal 7,2

The amount a user inputs is save to the table. However it rounds the decimal amount. eg. 10.55 saved as 11.00 & 10.45 saved as 10.00 I'm using visual studio 2010 and vb.net

myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("customer_contribution", Convert.ToDecimal(CType(Me.FormView1.FindControl("CustomerContributionTextbox"), TextBox).Text))

I've also tried it without the Decimal conversion and end up with the same results.

myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("customer_contribution", customer_contribution)

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Copying Text Along With Its Formatting From A RichTextBox

Feb 5, 2011

How to copy the text in a RichTextBox along with its formatting to a wordpad or webbrowser?

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Copying Specific Lines From A Text File?

Feb 8, 2012

I have 2 text files that are formatted in standard XML One of them contains some lines that need to be copied to the other. What i am trying to do is search through the first file until i see the string "<Segment" then copy all lines into a rich text box up until the string "<segment/>" I Then want to look through the other file until i find the string "<Jointfree/>" then copy the contents of the rich text box to underneath the Jointfree String I Also need to search the second file until i find the string "<Markers/>" and then paste some text into the line above the markers tag.

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Selecting And Copying Text From A Word File?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm using VB (visual studio) 2008. I'm trying to search a microsoft word file and select/copy text from itWhat i want to doa. Search for a string/word in a text document(i.e "question)b. When its found copy of text from that point to a point further down the document defined by a certain string ("a.")c. after this is done it will continue to look for the next time the same string occurs (i.e. "question"") and continue as aboveThis is to search a question paper and separate the questions out and save it separately .

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Copying Text From Combobox1on Dialog1 To Textbox On Form1

Jun 21, 2010

i have 2 form and 1 dialog... the problem is when i select form2 as startup form i'm not able to copy text from combobox1 on dialog1 to textbox1 which is on form1 ... if i select form1 as startup form its working fine... i have placed code with form design as following ...

Public Class Form2
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 Finding Text In A Textbox And Copying It To A String Variable?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that can export my schedule into a CSV file to upload on to google calender.I need to extract some text within a textbox control. I'll show you an example.This is the text in the textbox:


Monday, 10 January, 2011
09:45 - 18:00
Phone Work09:45 - 12:15


I need to get just the date and times from this list, and put them in variables. so that I'll end up with:

1) A string with a value as a date, which would be "10 January, 2011" for example: strDate1 would have the value of "10 January, 2011"

2) A start time, for example: strStartTime1 would have the value of 9:45

3) An end time, for example strEndTime1 would have the value of 18:00

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