VS 2008 Saving Changes From DataViewGrid To Table?

Nov 10, 2009

I added a DVG to the form. Then I clicked on the small box and selected a data source through the design screen. I chose the connection and then the sproc to get the data. This all works fine. That was added in the Load sub automatically. I will make changes to the cells by code rather than allowing the user to change the cells themselves. Then I want to click a button and save the changes to the table. Everything I have tried does not work.

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Saving Changed Data Before DataViewGrid Selection (Row) Changed?

Jan 20, 2010

on my Form I have a DataViewGrid and some textboxes with a save button (they are filled with additional data of the selected row).Save is disabled first, when I change something in the textboxes the save button is enabled.When the user changes a gow in the grid, I want to ask before changing the grid row, if he wants to save (if the button is enabled).I am using RowEnter but this is too late, then the selected row already changed (and my textboxes already got new data)...What event can I use to ask if I should save stuff before the user changes a row?Something like BeforeRowChanging with a chance to cancel changing the row?

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VS 2008 Path For Saving Table In Excel

Nov 12, 2010

I export table from my db into Excel. So that every time I save the table, I don't overwrite the previous version I want to save the Excel file as date and time.[code]Conversion from string " & application.startuppath & " to type 'Long' is not valid.

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VS 2008 Path For Saving Table In Excel?

Nov 1, 2011

I export table from my db into Excel. So that every time I save the table, I don't overwrite the previous version I want to save the Excel file as date and time. I currently have this.

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VS 2008 Saving Multiple Table Data Using DataAdapter?

Nov 17, 2009

I populate a datatable using a dataadapter. the select query pulls data from a view in which I combine multiple tables. Now I need to run different update statement etc to update each table. foe example I will update balance field in the accounts table using one query and another to update days present etc.

how should i do this? must i loop through each row in my datagridview?

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DataViewGrid - How To Clear Row Selection

Dec 15, 2011

When I open my form that contains a DataViewGrid the first row is always automatically highlighted in blue showing that it is selected. If I use


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DataViewGrid To Text File

Sep 12, 2011

Is this operation possible? I cannot find anything on it. I have something I'm working on and I have tried several techniques all fail.

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Overriding The Select In DataViewGrid?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a DataViewGrid that is populated with emp records sorted by a 'header' record listing the managers name. Currently, the user is a ble to select any row, even the manager row. I want to modify the program to prevent users from being able to select the manager record or 'header' record

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Wrap Lines In Dataviewgrid

Feb 6, 2012

I have some very long datasets how can i setup so they wrap in the Datview grid rows??

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Saving Data From DGV Into SQL Table

Mar 11, 2010

Saving all data from data grid view in vb.net 2005 into sql server 2005 database table.

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Saving Data In A Table?

Jun 22, 2012

why it says connection has not been initialized ?

Public Sub save()
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim adapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand


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Saving DGV To Different Database Table?

Jan 4, 2010

I use the following code to Populate DGV

Here's the code

Sub RC1Fill()
conn = New OleDbConnection(NewAdbconnstr)


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DataViewGrid - Determine That The Selection Starts At Row 3?

Jan 21, 2012

I can get the collection of selected rows but I cannot find a way to determine which is the first selected row. E.g. the table has 20 rows, the user selects rows 3,4,5,6 using the mouse on the rowheaders.How can I determine that the selection starts at row 3?

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DB/Reporting :: DataViewGrid Enter Key For Windows

Aug 16, 2009

I am using VS2008 using VB. I have a datagridview sourced to a dataset. There are 5 fields mapped to the datagridview, three are read only. I am using the 'RowLeave' event to do some processing.

I am using the 'CellEnter' event to 'SendKeys" a tab in the read only cells. The question is simple: how do I allow the user to enter data into one of the 'editable' cells and change the 'Enter' key into a 'Tab' key, so that the data they entered is in the cell and I tab over to the next 'editable' cell, even if it is in the next row?

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How To Get A Query For Multiple Columns In Dataviewgrid

Dec 26, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to get a query for multiple columns in my dataviewgrid.. So far i havn't even been able to make a single column query work, when i search something in First_Name for example, it returns nothing. ive used query builer, ive written the code myself, nothing seems to work.

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Saving Data Into Multiple Table?

Dec 12, 2011

I have a vb6 code block

Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
On Error Goto LblErr


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Mask Setting For A Masked Text Box And Also A DataViewGrid

Feb 4, 2010

when opening a form I parse all items, in this case the Masked Tex boxes.

I am in Germany, I want . to be a thousand separator and , to be a decimal separator.

txt.Mask = "999,999.00" does not work, I do not understand why. Can anybody give me a hint?
txt.Mask = "999.999,00" does also not work.
Public Sub config_maskedTextbox(ByVal txt As MaskedTextBox)


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Search A Access Db Via A TextBox1 A Button1 And A Dataviewgrid?

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to search a Access Db via a TextBox1 a Button1 and a dataviewgrid.My sql statement loks like this:

Select LastName FROM Clients WHERE (LastName LIKE 'TextBox1.text')

This doesn't work I have tried '" & "' around the textbox words I've tried '& TexBox1 &'. This I tried to learn from Data over forms video-- LIKE @LastName +'%' that really didn't work. If I use = "Bla bla" it will work but the LIKE word does not. Even a point in the right direction. I've spent many many many hours on this. And what makes me mad is I've done it somhow before even with a combobox as a variable in the SELECT "var" but anywayI'm wondering now if the LIKE statement isn't used in Access? and if the % wildcard is used in Access?

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Search Result To Display In The DataViewGrid + MS Access

Nov 1, 2009

I wanted my search result to display in the DataViewGrid but it shows nothing when i click the search button or anything i did wrong?


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Using TextBox To Fill A DataViewGrid In Query Builder?

Apr 22, 2011

I am trying to use a DataViewGrid to show certain transactions.I also have a TextBox for the user to enter the transaction ID to fill the DataViewGrid.In the Query Builder it works if I give the NABTransID in the Query but I want it to read the TextBox1.text to find the transactions.


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.Net Codes (Saving Image Direct To Sql Table)?

Apr 13, 2011

Im trying to save images direct to sql table using vb .net,

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Adding Then Saving A Row Into A Table Using Insert Through A Tableadaptor

Feb 3, 2010

I have 3 tables. Customer,item, and price, where price holds the customerid,itemid, and the price. This lets me set a different price for each item based on who is buying it. I am trying to add data to the price table from a form which gets a customerid and itemid, and the price they will be charged. The only table to be updated is the price table.

Private Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveaspButton.Click
' cust and item are pulled in when the user inputs a name, the lookuptable is used to put into an unseen label


This does add a table in the table visual studios uses but wont save it to the main database. This means I can do a fill method and see the row while the program is running, but wont be there next time I run the program.

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PictureBox - How To Resize Image Before Saving To SQL Table

Apr 27, 2011

I have some problem about image sizing, citing the process: I've create 2 button and picture box. The button1 load opendialog to load image then the image will be viewed at picturebox and the button2 will save to sql table. My problem is how could I resize the image before saving to sql table.

My code:
--before saving
dim myImage as Image=Picturebox.image
How could I resize the actual dimension of image?

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Saving Directly From A Datagrid To A Table In A Database?

Apr 7, 2011

Basically I have a DataGrid on a form that is used to monitor attendance. I do this by making the data types for the relevant fields boolean so that at runtime, they appear as check boxes that the user can tick. If the user ticks this then the table in MySQL saves this as a 1, or if it is left unticked the table saves it as a 0. I then use those values in a mathematical equation to calculate weekly attendance.

My problem, however, is with saving changes to the table itself. Initially I set a primary key which was fine and allowed me to save. However I needed to turn that primary key to a foreign key and when I do that, I am told that I need a primary key. Now I got round that before when I was entering data into a text box and in my SQL query I'd simply put as my value being " & (name of textbox).Text & " but when I am entering data straight onto the datagrid, I am unsure of what to put in my SQL statement.

StudentID (Was primary key but turned it into foreign key)


My friend from college told me it's probably because there are multiple records in the database and can't distinguish between the two (as perhaps there's no WHERE clause in that UpdateCommand) but I doubt it as it was working perfectly well with multiple records when StudentID was a primary key.

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VS 2010 - Saving Date To Access Table

Jul 3, 2011

I'm using a MaskedTextBox, named txtDOB, into which the user types a date (the mask property is "00/00/0000"). This value is then stored in an array
Dim NewStudentFields(37) As Object
NewStudentFields(4) = txtDOB.Text
And the array is passed to a subroutine which uses the data to put into a new table row.

Some of the code from this sub:
da.InsertCommand = New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO tblStudentInfo (FullName, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, etc.etc.) VALUES (@FullName, @FirstName, @LastName, @Gender, @DateOfBirth)")
da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@DateOfBirth", OleDbType.DBDate, "DateOfBirth")
If NewStudentFields(4) <> " / /" Then
dsNewRow.Item("DateOfBirth") = DateTime.Parse(NewStudentFields(4))
IsDBNull(dsNewRow.Item("DateOfBirth") = True)
End If

The code executes as far as the red line which triggers the error message "Conversion from string "DateOfBirth" to type 'Integer' is not valid." There's probably something wrong with the final "If...End if", too!

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Session ID - Saving Connection Status On Table Of User Logging In

Jan 17, 2012

I have a small application shared by 5 users. The application uses an Access 2007 database located on a local network server. My question is: Whenever a user logs into I save it's connection status on a table. When using OleDb is there a way of getting something like a unique "session id" for the user logging in?

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Using Command Buttons To Add Data To On Screen Table / Then Saving To Database

Apr 20, 2011

i am creating a system where when a command button is pressed, it adds the data corresponding to that command button to a Table of the screen. And basically im at my wits end at how to do this, i have tried using SQL and databases but all i seem to be able to do is type data into the table and this is not what i want.Basically the table has 3 columns at the moment, which are filled in column at a time, and this need to be done by pressing command buttons. To explain this basically there are 8 buttons, which can be pressed to enter into the first column, once one of these buttons is pressed and second set of buttons appear which correspond to the second column and after one of these buttons is pressed the 3rd set of buttons appears to enter into the third column.Once the last button is pressed that is the first row filled in and the user can again press a button from the first set. Its basically a system for rapidly entering data into this table through the corresponding buttons.I have the buttons appearing and all that working fine, but thats basically just the layout. I need to know how to enter the data into the table.i have to use a SQL database, i only added that as at the end of the session, the entire table of data needs to be added to a master database but i can attempt this at a later date.

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Displaying Data From 3 Tables Using References Then Saving To One Table Using Tableadaptors And Datagridview?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 3 tables. customer,item, pricing, each with keys customerid,itemid,priceid. pricing is related to customer and item tables by a 1 to many.pricing (priceid,customerid,itemid,price)


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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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Saving Updates To Data Table Using Binding Navigator Save Item Button?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to understand how the binding navigator buttons are actually working.

I started by creating a table called "Students" in MS Access,

I then "dragged and dropped" that table onto my VB form after importing the data connection.

When I debug, I click the add new (the yellow plus "+") then I type info into my fields (700_Number, First_Name, MI, Last_Name). (700_Number=Primary Key)

After I am finished typing into the four text boxes, I click save. If I end my program then start the debugger again, the record is still there...it goes away only if I change some of the code anywhere in my program.

Also, I am trying to use the record I just put into my database for another part of my program. I use this line of code:


This is just to see if what I am trying to put into my database is actually making it there. Every time I run, this message box turns up blank.

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