VS 2008 What Are Basics To Creating A Tcpclient / Server

Sep 8, 2009

What are the basics to creating a tcpclient / server?

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VS 2008 TCPClient/Server Reverse Connection?

Apr 21, 2009

I have herd that a new type (or old type) of connection when the server connects to the client. Is it really possible to do such a thing with mulit-Servers trying to connect to one client.How would I make one like that O.o.

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VS 2008 - Properly Closing TCPClient So Server Does Not Crash

Jan 27, 2011

I have a simple tcpclient/server messenger running. Everything works great, except for when a client exits the software. When someone exits, is crashes the server with various exceptions and the server has to be restarted, as well as the clients. What I am looking for is a way to properly "log out" a client BUT leave any other connected client on so that is no break in the chat. Then the person that logged out or a new person can join back in whenever they choose.

Dim clientSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
Dim serverStream As NetworkStream
Dim readData As String
Dim infiniteCounter As Integer
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Create A Client / Server Chatroom Using TCPClient In Visual Basic

Jan 6, 2010

However I have hit a massive brick wall with my program. My program that I'm trying (can't emphasis this word the importance of that word) to create a Client/Server chatroom using TCPClient in Visual Basic. So far I can get my client to speak to my server. However, i'm trying to get the returned data to display in a listbox which never happened, i then tried a label, which again never happened then a text box which I'm sure you can figure out how that went! I'm not great at networking programmers nor am I not bad I'm terrible but duty calls when it comes to projects.

The code I currently have was mostly taken from the net but when I have the program fully work and I understand how the software works I intend to heavily modify for it to suit the needs of what I need to achieve. where I can get my client to display the data from the server that I have already sent to the server (which displays successfully within the server).


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Creating A Sales Tax Program In Visual Basics?

Nov 13, 2011

Assume a grocery store approached you to write a simple program that calculates total sales of purchases. The program should accept item costs as input, calculate the tax on each item (8%), then display the item cost, total cost, and total after taxes. Item costs will be added to a listbox while the total without the taxes will be displayed in a label, the tax amount in another label, and finally, the total cost (items cost + tax) in a third label. this is the problem I have to program for,

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TCPClient - Creating Form Fields To Send Data

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using: [URL]. I already have the listener up and running. For the 'client' I'd like to change it to a 'form' program with a text field so i can enter one line of text and then a send button. I know how to drag the field and button over to a form but I'm not sure how to tell the program to use them?

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
[Code] .....

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File Transfer Tcpclient / Server

Nov 27, 2009

How would i send different types (.png/.bmg/.mp3) of file over a tcpconnection (server / client)

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.net - Difference Between New TcpClient(MachineName, Port) And New TcpClient(new IPEndpoint?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a .Net program that has to run on a cluster of server 2008. To find out the right IP I resolve the dns by GetHostEntry(VarDefinedInfConfig).AddressList(0)

but when I am converting my old code (this code picks the wrong IP) dns.GetHostName().AddressList(0) => this returns a virtual IP and not the right one.So I changed my TcpListener to (dns is parameter from config)Dim listener As TcpListener = New TcpListener(New IPEndPoint(Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(dns).AddressList(0), 8001))


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Tcpclient - Code To Connect To An SMS Server To Send Sms To Mobile Phones

Jun 23, 2011

Am using this code to connect to an SMS server to send sms to mobile phones but am getting stucked at the the bold like below:


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VS 2008 Visual Basics - 2008 - Open Up A Project Again?

Dec 5, 2010

I have put a ton of effort into my new project, and I have saved the coding and designer part. I never did publish it, and when I came back to open it later to work on it, I can't seem to get to the screen that allows you to move items, and edit the looks of the project. I have to files that say RSEB.Designer.vb and RSEB.Vb - So how do I open the screen that allows me to edit the damn project?

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TcpClient.Connect With Proxy Server - Conncect - Send - Recive Data Using Tcp Connection With Specific Internet Service

Nov 4, 2011

I found similar forum thread [URL], but he don't have answers. How I can conncect | send | recive data using tcp connection with specific internet service (not web).

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Creating FTP Server And Client In 2008?

Aug 26, 2009

procedure to create a FTP Server and Client program in VB 2008 with sample code?

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Creating Database In SQL Server 2008 And Visual?

Nov 22, 2010

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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VS 2008 : Creating Own DataReader Like TCP Client/Server?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm not even sure where to start. I would like to create something like the ADO DataReader but that works in a TCP Client/Server scenario.Basically, in the TCP Client, I want to be able to call a certain command in the TCP Server which will return a DataReader like object, which I can then iterate through such as:

while dr.Read from the client. In each loop, I would parse out the various fields as in a normal DataReader.The reason I want to do this is to gain the inherent efficiency of the DataReader object since it doesn't first load ALL of the data. To my understanding, the typical TCP Client/Server setup using streams, would first load all of the data on the server, then transport ALL of that data to the client for processing. I want to avoid that, and just stream the data as the client requests through the Read() command which means the connection will remain open to the server while the Read() command is being issued by the client, or until explicitly closed by the client.

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DB/Reporting :: Creating An Ordered View In SQL Server 2008?

Feb 16, 2012

I was hoping to save some coding by using views to access my forms in VBInstead of using a very long query I was hoping to use

Select * FROM my_view


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VS 2008 Creating A Custom TcpDrag N' Drop Client/Server?

Oct 22, 2009

Im thinking of making a really user friendly tcp drag and drop tcpclient/server like winsock.


How would i create this for my toolbox, but use sockets with this item. or can it be as flexible as socket?

How would i do this? Would i need to add more or create a brand new socket with my mini drag n drop Client/Server Ex: MySuperEasyClient.ASCII.EncryptData.SendData(textbox.text)

ps: What would this be called? TCPClient/Server or UDP?

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 TcpClient Eating Up CPU?

Oct 2, 2009

I've been working on a program where clients will send short messages to a server.[URL]

On the server side, this code is running to check for incomming messages:

Private mClient As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
bytesRead = mClient.GetStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, BYTES_TO_READ)


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VS 2008 Tcpclient Run Command

Apr 21, 2009

is there a way to send a command to start a prog on the tcpclient side.

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VS 2008 Know When A TcpClient Disconnects - Event?

Aug 31, 2010

I need to know when a TcpClient disconnects so I can properly free up the socket and process anything in my program that needs to happen when a client disconnects.

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VS 2008 Specify An IP Address For TcpClient To Use Through Lans

May 17, 2011

During development, we usually use localhost as the hostname, like the following

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient("localhost", 8585)

I want the user to be able to enter their IP address via a TextBox instead, like

Dim serverListener As New TcpClient(textbox1.text, 8585)

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VS 2008 TCPClient Connection State?

Feb 5, 2012

Is there a way to time out the connection? And loop to retry until it can connect?

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VS 2008 - Make A TCPClient And Be A TCPServer Too At A The Same Time?

Apr 23, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to make make a TCPClient and be a TCPServer too at a the same time

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[2008] Use The Tcplistener And Tcpclient Classes : Remove Whitespace?

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to learn how to use the tcplistener and tcpclient classes. While I am attempting to compare something that is sent from the client to the server it seems that it adds a bunch of spaces, the reason I know that is if I write to the console what was sent it adds a bunch of spaces at the end. Is there anyway to get rid of it and just get the original text. I tried trim() but that didn't seem to work but I could have been using it improperly.

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VS 2008 Go Back To Basics And Edit Some "SendKeys.Send" Code

Sep 17, 2009

I have been trying to make a IM spammer (Yes, before you flame this is not a 4 item spammer with a start/stop and 1 timer and 1 text box.) I have been testing methods to "expand" the term "IM Spammer" when people mention VB with it. While I have doing many small things (Just some simple add-ons etc. etc.) thats not important. I have been trying to go back to basics and edit some "SendKeys.Send" code. currently I have been useing the basic...


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VS 2008 - File.Copy Basics - Copying A File

Dec 14, 2009

I cannot do the following:

File.Copy(Application.StartupPath & "wait.exe", "%APPDATA%WAIT.EXE")

Can someone remind me how I got about copying a file to that location?

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WCF Basics With A Windows Service

Nov 8, 2010

I am looking into WCF specifically in relation to Silverlight. if I am correct in thinking that I can create a WCF Service, and expose a TCP endpoint using a Windows Service that my Silverlight app can use? I have managed to expose this using IIS but it would be good if we could bypass using IIS as some of our customers don't like it.


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Array Basics - Populating With Loop?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm looping through a zip file trying to add the file name of each file within.Is this the correct method?

Dim ZipNameArray(?)
Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipToUnpack)
For Each file In zip


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Asp.net - Editable Gridview - Can't Seem To Get The Basics Working ?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple example of an editable gridview, and for some reason can't seem to get the basics working. Why is this example not displaying the label Bar and a textbox when I click on "edit"?

aspx: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="gv.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebRoot.gv" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-


code behind:

Public Class MyFoo
Public ReadOnly Property FooVal() As String
Return _val


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Basics Conversion From A Byte To An Integer

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to make to do a widening conversion from a byte to an integer. form has a text box for both Input, and Output, plus a conversion button. [Code] I'm trying to use a catch block, but I'm not certain how it works exactly, and also tried to use an If statement to avert the issue, but that didn't work either. When ever user inputs a number greater than what can be held within the Byte data type the program crashes from the run time error. [Code] and an error message pops up in the compiler saying overflow exception was unhandled.

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DB/Reporting :: Database Controls Basics?

Jan 4, 2009

I am trying to do a very simple demo - load data from an access database and let the user manipulate it with a DataGridView. Here's what I understand so far:1) Create an OleDbDataAdapter by passing it a query and a connection.2) Create a DataSet by calling .Fill() on the DataAdapter with a DataSet object and a name for the retrieved data.3) Attach the DataGridView to the DataSet using the .DataSource property of the DataGridView and the .Tables property of the DataSet.However, I was told there is a much easier way to do it now in vb2008 using TableAdapters.1) Create a DataTableAdapter ( I can't actually find this object -what is it called?)2) Use the Fill method on the DataTableAdapter to connect it to a DataSet3) Now anything the user does in the DataGridView can be saved simply by using TableAdapter.Update.

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