VS 2008 Working With HUGE Numbers?
Sep 22, 2009
I've been messing around with prime numbers for a while now, but I now want to use massive numbers, say a few million digits in length. Is there a way of storing and performing mathematical functions with such large numbers? Is it even possible on my home computer? I read on another old thread, something about a big number library, but the links he gave are now dead.
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Sep 21, 2009
I've been messing around with prime numbers for a while now, but I now want to use massive numbers, say a few million digits in length. Is there a way of storing and performing mathematical functions with such large numbers? Is it even possible on my home computer? I read on another old thread, something about a big number library, but the links he gave are now dead.
View 4 Replies
Apr 1, 2009
intLoginTime = txtLoginTime.Text
intLogoutTime = txtLogoutTime.Text
The problem is that the numbers seem to round after the decimal point, so if I entered a login-time of 8.15 and log-out 9.30, instead of showing 1.15 as the difference, it shows '1'. is there a way around this?
View 13 Replies
Oct 3, 2009
Im trying to tell my button to go directly to a website, it works fine when i path it to the web browser itself, but then when i add it to go to the sppecific site it says system cannot specify file path. Heres the code Rob gave me and it didnt work ""[URL]""" Heres my exact line: Process.Start("C:Program FilesFlockFlock.exe ""[URL]"")
View 5 Replies
Feb 18, 2012
The loop will run about 3 times then overflow. I guess no matter what u do xor will result in Byte,Integer or Long. CDec(Key) will not work I need a way to bypass this so i can Xor large numbers.
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Oct 25, 2010
How can I calculate 2^ 3333 in vb.net it calculates up to 2^ 60 it says infinite for this calculation. Is tehre any way to work with really large numbers?
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Jul 11, 2011
All i made was a program to launch diffrent programs ^^. This is what I am currencly workin on: A calculator to calculate waves for example Wintermaul. I have writen this code:
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Apr 28, 2011
For example, to calculate this:(22 ^ 29) Mod 57Supposedly there is a way to get around overflows and do these calculations, but I can't find much online. Now, the person who said this was doing VBA in Excel and said that there was about 4 lines of code which could handle the overflow so it wouldn't happen.
View 4 Replies
Feb 22, 2010
I am a newbie programmer and I need a way to generate random numbers for a program I am working on. It just needs to be something simple that generates a number and allows me to assign it to a variable. I would like it to be something small say 1-10 would be good and an explanation of the syntax would be helpful
View 9 Replies
Jun 13, 2011
I'm working on a Windows forms app that will average a set of numbers, the only catch is that there are 10 textboxes(4 in the example for times sake), and not all of the textboxes could be filled with a number...I know that if i had a given set of numbers:
Dim a, b, c, d As Integer
a = t1.Text
b = t2.Text
c = t3.Text
View 2 Replies
Mar 28, 2010
how can i add two excel sheets with numbers and the equal (similar)numbers to save once
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Jul 31, 2009
I have been writing code fore a rather large project in the past mounts And Im beginning to think about arcitecture of the program... Its just a complete mess. I dont know how to tackle so much code..Its beginning to be impossible to debug.Basically Im doing the following prosidures. Importing several a Excel files and getting the rfrequency data from these files..Displaying them in a litview and a datatable... so you are able to edit them..Doing some calculation and exporting the results back to a xls file.Problem is now that im going to add more functionallity to the program,. What im woundering about is, is there some good unofficial guides on how to program with OOP?
View 11 Replies
Jun 18, 2009
It appears that my favorite thing in the world is tackling projects that are beyond my current knowledge and abilities. I have a little project that I am working on which is a simple image viewer stocked with (upon completion) your standard Load..., Next/Previous, Zoom In/Out, Actual Size, and Full Screen capabilities. However, I am running into a few snags:
(1) I've been able to get my "Load..." button to display a file dialog box, but I cannot seem to get a working filter (with which only image file types are allowed to be selected) in working order.
(2) I have a PictureBox object (entitled PictureBox1) that displays the image selected via the file dialog box, but it loads images in their full size (1:1/100% zoomed) state without scrollbars, etc. to allow me to navigate the loaded image. I would like to have it load the image, initially, to fit within the dimensions of PictureBox1 and from there be able to zoom in/out via my "Zoom In/Out" and "Actual Size" buttons and be able to scroll if the zoom level is beyond the dimensions of PictureBox1.
(3) It dawned on me that I haven't the faintest idea how to get my "Next/Previous" buttons to allow the user (me) to navigate, in succession, the images contained in the folder in which the currently loaded image is stored. [code]
If it is deemed that this thread is inappropriately requesting help, I ask that it be locked/deleted quickly as I recognize that this is a large community with many discussions going without need of unwelcome posts.
View 9 Replies
Aug 1, 2008
Ok New thread - god I hate laptops sometimes - I just 'lost' a huge post in the editor due
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Jun 15, 2010
I have a huge .txt file which contains X & Y data seperated by serialization. Each serialization contains 1K x and y data points, the text file is about lines 1,340,000 long. Sometimes I need to go into the .txt file and find certain sets of data so I can plot and overlay them which gets tedious. I am going to write an application that I can just write the serialization into a text box on a form and and it will seach all of the txt files for the right data, put them into arrays, and then load them up into excel. My question is how would I search the .txt file for the correct serialization? Would I first read it into an array and then try and split it that way, or is there a way to just open the .txt file and search for the serialization without putting it into an array first?
View 3 Replies
Mar 8, 2010
In .NET, the Generics Lists have a sort function that accepts IComparer or Comparison. I'd like to sort just part of a list. Hopefully I can specify the start index, count of elements to sort, and a lambda function. It looks like you can only use lambda functions to do this if you're sorting the entire list. Is that right or did I miss something?
View 4 Replies
Oct 5, 2009
My program uses a wmp control to play sound, but I am not sure why it is listed in Windows 7's Sound mixer and has a huge icon. How do I change this?
View 7 Replies
Apr 21, 2012
Is there a way I can store HUGE strings without using settings? Or storing it outside the program?
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Dec 18, 2011
I have a past experience with visual Foxpro and SQL. Now, I need to build a database with multiple data files (say 100 files), each data file with millions of records, each record with dozens of fields.Then, each data file is linked with other files by using different fields. Primary data is in English. Then there would be a translation of the English data is in another language. Primary data in English is stored in separate files whereas the translated data is stored in separate data files.
View 4 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
I have a huge amount of data in flat-file format that I would like to validate with Visual Basic 2010. Basically the data is a text file with 300 comma separated fields and 500,000 records.
Any tips, sample code or examples? Are any .NET classes specifically geared for data validation?
As I have different validation rules for each field (some fields are dates, some are currency, etc.) I would like to store the rules away from the code (e.g. in an SQL database table). Has anyone seen this done before?
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Nov 16, 2010
im using vs2010 and SQL server 2005. what is the best and fastest way to load large volume of data into treeview
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Aug 31, 2009
I am programing a basic P.O.S. (Point of Sale) system, ad am looking for the best way to save Inventory objects. The object contains a few Singles and Strings (Such as barcode, name, price...ect). Assuming the user could possibly input thousands of such items, what is the best way to store and handle these?
My first, and simplest thought, is to add each inventory Item to an ArrayList, then once the user saves, or closes, the ArrayList prints each object to a text file, then when the program opens it reads the text file to re-populate the Array list. However, this seems very un-efficient (I assume). Would it be better to use an excell file or a Database (I know almost nothing about databases, but I can learn), or something completely different?
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Aug 9, 2010
Such as the text file has 5000 lines and 500000 columns. Each line has the format "xxx,yyy,zzz,000,...."
View 39 Replies
Nov 24, 2010
I have a huge text file that stores a huge matrix. The size of the file has 120GB. There are tremendous rows and 25 columns. I am only interesting a coulple of columns, say column 3, 6, 8, 13, 20. How to create a small matrix which contains these columns. I want to find a effective way rather than read the entire file.
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May 4, 2011
I have a very huge server log files like files are more than 500 to 600 mb and even some files are over 2 gb data. the files are maintained for few years. it will be maintained as is. each log file has at least 1 million lines to 20 million lines.I am looking create an application which can find a line in the text file using regex, removing duplicate entries.how these huge file can be handled in a way it works very quickly.
View 5 Replies
Oct 14, 2010
I have code in an ASP.NET form that needs to, depending on user entry create messages in the database. We are speaking of potentially thousands of db entries. How do I protect against deadlocks, I mean apart from using Transactions and setting IsolationLevel to Serializable, as well as using WITH(NOLOCK) statement on my select statements since I don't mind a dirty read.
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May 19, 2012
web method:
with this condition(PACK_DATE > "1388/11/07" 366 records) everything works well.but when i change date to 1388/11/06 1260 records or 1388/11/05 5460 records or ... following error occurs:
View 1 Replies
May 27, 2009
I am using file.readalllines to read the file into a string, then using listbox.items.addrange and splitting by vbcrlf to insert the items. Is there a way to reduce the lag it causes for loading huge lists?
View 6 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
I'm currently working with a gridview that has a huge underlying dataset.I'm almost certain that I saw something about a new facility in Visual Studio 2010/.NET 4, which would improve the performance (e.g. doesn't download all the data on databind, but rather only what data required for current page). My guess would be that it was using AJAX.I didn't need it at the time I saw it, and now I can't find it, even though I've been hunting online for a while.
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Sep 19, 2009
Is there anyway to use Microsoft File Transfer Manager as an OCX or DLL to manage huge downloads? I'm planning an app.
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