VS 2008 How A Panel Can Be Rotated

Jul 13, 2011

In my project I have a peculiar requirement for rotating a panel by a standard angel based on mouse drag event. how a panel can be rotated? Is it possible with "Rotate Transform" method?

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Make A Panel Or A Picturebox Rotated Vertically By An Angle?

Jun 30, 2012

I want to make a panel or a picturebox which is vertically rotated by an angle in y-axis. The form's opacity should be 50% but panel opacity should be 100 that is panel should be clearly visible but form should should be 50% transparent.

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VS 2008 Draw Rotated Image On Graphics Object?

Jun 1, 2010

I know that you can pass a Point array to the DrawImage method of the Graphics object to apply rotation, skewing and flipping, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to calculate the rotation. So far I've got:

Dim radius As Integer = Math.Sqrt((rect.Width / 2) ^ 2 + (rect.Height / 2) ^ 2)
Dim dX As Integer = RadToDeg(Math.Cos(DegToRad(angle))) * radius
Dim dY As Integer = RadToDeg(Math.Tan(DegToRad(angle))) * dX
Dim new_upper_left_corner As New Point(rect.X + (rect.Width 2) - dX, rect.Y + (rect.Height 2) - dY)

This is all just off the top of my head so far, I'm not sure if it's right. How do I calculate the other points on the rectangle, and is there a built-in VB.NET method that's much easier? (Apart from Graphics.RotateTransform, which is slow and also rotates around 0,0.)

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VS 2008 Correctly Position Rotated Image In Irregular Region Picturebox?

Aug 15, 2010

how can i correctly position a rotated image in an irregular region picturebox?

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Panel Alignment - Center The Red Panel In The Middle Of The Dark Grey Panel ?

Jun 6, 2009

I need to center the red panel in the middle of the dark grey panel, when you resize the form the red panel should be in the middle, and the red panel can't be resize, anyone have a code or property to do this?

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Rotated Text In GDI+?

Oct 5, 2005

I've been looking for a simple example to print rotated text, without having to create paths and such, just by applying a temporary transformation to the page. My simple example would be to print "Rotated Text" in a circle patern with the bottom-left corner of the "R" being the anchor point around which the text rotates, something like:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint Dim poMatrix As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix Dim poState As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState Dim pfAngle As Single Dim piX As Integer 'x/y position to print Dim piY As Integer Dim poG As Graphics piX = 200


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Resize A Rotated Shape?

Jan 25, 2010

i'm working on a simple 2d drawing application that allows you to draw, move, rotate and resize shapes such as lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons and so on. My code for resizing shapes works fine, but only for unrotated shapes. Now i've changed the code to work also with rotation but i have still some problems, for example:

I create a rectangle at a specified location (the upper-left corner of the rectangle) and with a rotation around the location. With my code i can only to resize this shape using the top-left, the middle-right, the bottom-right and the bottom-center hot spots. The problem is when i try to resize the rectangle using the middle left hot spot or the other ones. As you can see in this images the problem is to calculate the new location that the rectangle should have after the resize operation.


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Get An Image Or Picture To Be Rotated Via Button Click?

Feb 18, 2011

is it possible for an image or picture to be rotated via button click.?

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Interface And Graphics :: Line Gets Smaller While Being Rotated?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm trying to rotate a mirror, which I represented by a line across a specific point. I translated the point of rotation to the center, rotated by an angle indicated in a text box and then translated it back to its original position.

Here is my code :


HTML Code:
Dim theta As Single
Private Cntr_X_blu_Mirror As Single = 5


I hope the code is good. The problem I encountered is that the line becomes smaller and smaller as I rotate it. and that's bad! Sometimes it even grows longer [I think when I rotate it in the oposite direction!]

Also, when I rotate it at 90 degrees, the rotation does not resembles a 90 degree rotation. It seems to be inclined at 45 degrees instead!

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Transparent Rotated Image Shows Original

Aug 15, 2010

I have a image with a transparent background. I clone it, rotate it, and save it in a picture box. Works fine (in that I can see the original object overlaid on the background image below it). However, the original unrotated image is also superimposed on the .image layer *with* the rotated one. Try as I can, I can't stop it from appearing.

Curiously enough, if I change the image to non-transparent (a .bmp instead of a .gif, for example), I don't have the problem. Of course, I also can't see the background {:<(

Code snippet:
Dim myGraphic As Graphics
Dim m As Image
m = ArtHorImage.Clone


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VS 2005 - HitTest Rotated Rectangle With Four Points?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm making a game that needs to hit test a Rect object inside 4 points that basically forms rotated a rectangle. This means I can't use the Rect class's IntersectsWith function to hit test. So my question is: if I have 4 points that creates an imaginary rectangle of any orientation, how can I tell if another rectangle is inside the "fence" so to speak?

View 9 Replies

C# - Enable Me To Render Rotated Text With The TextRenderer.DrawText Method?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm using some code to enable me to render rotated text with the TextRenderer.DrawText method. (By default, DrawText can only copy a straight forward x and y transform from a graphics object).

The code (C#) is from: connect.microsoft.com. See below for a VB conversion.The code takes a graphics object, creates a device context and copies the transform matrix from the graphics object. It works, but I'd like, also, to set the TextRenderingHint, so I tried:

<DllImport("gdiplus.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True)> _
Public Shared Function GdipSetTextRenderingHint(ByVal graphics As HandleRef, ByVal textRenderingHint As System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint) As Integer End Function And then after the SetClip statement, I place: GdipSetTextRenderingHint(hDC, someHint) This gives me a memory access violation error, so I think I should be using something other than hDC as the argument.

I can get it to work by creating the device context from the original graphics object, and then creating another graphics object from the device context. I then set the hint on the new graphics object. This seems a bit convoluted so I was wondering if it was possible through interop.


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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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Asp.net - Controls (buttons) Be Set In A ModalPopup Extender Panel That Do Not Close The Panel?

Apr 21, 2009

When a user is editing a given piece of data, they're allowed to add messages/comments. These are stored as child records in a SQL database. Clicking on the Add Message button brings up a panel (pnlMessage) courtesy of the AJAX ModalPopup Extender. This takes some input and, when the "Send Message" button in the panel is clicked (I learned the hard way to NOT make that the 'OkButton' property), the message is stored in the database and an email is sent to the intended recipients. No problem there.

However, I need to be able to allow the user to add new email addresses (so long as they are registered in our database). I have another ModalPopup / panel combo (pnlSearch) that's tied to a button on the previous panel (pnlMessage).

The user is supposed to be able to add an email or click on a search button to populate a list to choose from.

The pop-up panel (pnlSearch) comes up just fine, but clicking the "Lookup" button (which instigates the search and returns a collection of records that the user is supposed to pick from) closes the panel.

Previously, I ran into the problem of having the Button.Click event never firing when I put the Button into the "OkControlID" property (the CancelControlID works fine since I don't want to do anything). Removing the "OkControlID=Button" line allowed it to work perfectly with the Button.Click event firing as expected.

So now I have the Search panel with a button for "OK" and a button for "Search" - but the panel should stay up and visible after the Search.Click does it's thing. Am I missing some property that basically says "don't close the panel when this button is clicked"? Of course, if I bring up the panel again in the same session, the results from the previous effort are there (the search results).

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Interface And Graphics :: HScrollBar And A Panel Inside A SplitContainer Panel?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a TopBar, A LeftBar, A VScrollBar, A HScrollBar and a Panel inside a SplitContainer Panel.The issue I'm having is that when my SplitContainer Panel is small enough to enable one of the ScrollBars, I will slide the ScrollBar and then when I resize the Split Panel, my Panel1 is staying where I scrolled it too.I'm having troubles thinking of the correct code to fix this.


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Move Dynamic Contorls During Runtime Within The Panel Or Some Container Like Panel?

Mar 2, 2009

I was trying to move some dynamic control within the parent container like panel or a group box how do i do that?

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Panel Within A Panel, Overlapping Borders Show As Bold And Indented?

May 8, 2009

I'm working on a visual studio 2008 VB.Net project (.net framework 2.0), and am having some trouble with the Panel control using a fixedsingle border. As a small example of the problem, suppose I have one Panel2 contained inside of Panel1. If the Left position of panel2 is set to 0 (meaning it's border is up against the left edge of Panel1), the left border will show as bold, and slightly indented.

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form[code].....

What I'd like to see is just a single line, not bold or indented, where the two panels borders are equal.Is there a property or custom paint technique I could use to achieve this behavior?

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[VB2005] Rotateflip Image Is Eating More Memory Than Non Rotated Image ?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm writing a program that print images in full page. I.E, I print image on A4 paper, landscape. When I print an image without rotating it (the image IS landscape), the image uses all the space of the page, and is not cropped. it is OK. The print job is about 1.5 Mb. When I print an image WITH rotating it (the image IS PORTRAIT ), the image uses all the space of the page, and is not cropped. it is OK. The print job is about 28 Mb. The images are about 2000x3000 pixels, and stored in JPEG files (about 2.5 Mb each). I suppose that the 28 Mb should be the "uncompressed" size of the picture, and 1.5Mb, the compressed size...

By the way, When I look at the task manager, my application memory usage grows by job size, which seems to be OK. It grows either 1,5 Mb if no rotation is occured, and 25-30Mb when rotation occured.

Since I can print hundreds of image at once, my print queue will grow abnormaly if I need to rotate all

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Autoscroll X.panel According To T.panel's Scroll Position

Mar 19, 2009

This is for a mapping/plotting program.

t.panel is the main panel and it has too much content to fit in one screen so there are scroll bars. x.panel contains the horizontal scale for the data points in t.panel. I drew the scale using a bitmap and set it as x.panel's background.

Setting x.panel's horizontalscroll.value = t.panel's horizontalscroll.maximum doesn't seem to work. I think this is because x.panel's doesn't have any content that causes it to need scroll bars.

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VS 2008 One Panel Two Graphics?

Jul 30, 2009

I have one panel, is there anyway I can control two different drawings in that one panel? I have a gradient background which changes colors, then I have an Ellipse which I would like to move around the panel, without effecting the background gradient.


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VS 2008 Scaling A Panel?

Sep 27, 2009

All I need to do is scale a panel to my co-ordinates X = 0-100 and Y = 0-100 and then plot a point (PSet?) at 50,50.

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VS 2008 Scrolling In A Panel?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a panel on my main form that has vertical scrollbars enabled. I also have a custom control I have built that is the same width as the panel and has a height of 45. I store multiple of my user controls in an array, and I want the panel to display these controls like a listbox... one stacked on top of the other. So I loop through the array and add each control to the panel at coordinates right under the previous one.This works fine, and as long as I use the the mouse to scroll down and expose the controls I'm interested in and then clicking on that control, things work great. The problem comes in when I want to use the arrow key to move down to the next control. If the next control is visible on the panel, it works fine.

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VS 2008 Create Panel Within A Picturebox?

Jan 31, 2010

Is there anyway of creating a panel within a picturebox?

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VS 2008 Edit Anything In Control Panel

Aug 19, 2009

Alright im going to make a new project that can edit anything in control panel.

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VS 2008 Panel Resize At Runtime?

May 31, 2011

I found this code (Class) on Net for resizing controls at runtime by user on GUI as we do it design time.

Public Class ResizeableControl
Private WithEvents mControl As Control


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VS 2008 Printing A Panel With Objects?

Dec 24, 2010

my panel contains datagridview and labels, i think i copied the code here. the problem is, it only prints labels, textboxes, and pictureboxes as the code states in the conditional statement. here is the code i am using:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage


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VS 2008 Rotating Buttons In A Panel?

Oct 24, 2009

I have a panel in my form and 5 buttons. All the buttons are docked to the top. Also in the panel I have a treeview ctl that is set to fill. What I am trying to accomplish is when you push one of the buttons the remainder move to the bottom and the treeview ctl fills between the buttons.

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VS 2008 Using The Sliding Panel Menu?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a panel that I have made double-buffered so that any controls on it don't flicker when it slides in and out from the left side of the form.The problems I'm having is:SOLVED When the MouseHover event is triggered, the panel doesn't slide out, it goes from its initial size to its full size without incrementing.SOLVED The MouseLeave event is triggered when I mouse over any control inside the panel.

The MouseHover event of the panel:

Private Sub pnlMenu_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pnlMenu.MouseHover
If blnDocumentsMenuExtended = False Then
Do Until Me.pnlMenu.Width = 28


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[2008] Transparent Image On Panel?

Jan 14, 2009

I have a forms app that contains a panel. This panel contains an picturebox - the user can then drag the picturebox image.

I need to add an image? in the panel that will not move when the user drags the picturebox image.

This image? needs to be transparent so that the picturebox image can be seen though it when drag occurs.

I've tried drawing directly on to the panel but nothing appears. Perhaps what I am drawing is behind the picturebox?

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File Attachment Inside A Panel - VS 2008

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a form with a panel; I have a MS Word document inmy local drive and I want to display the filenem with icon inside the panel. It is very similiar to the Ourlook when we attach a word documnet and outlook displays the filename with icon.

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