Make A Panel Or A Picturebox Rotated Vertically By An Angle?

Jun 30, 2012

I want to make a panel or a picturebox which is vertically rotated by an angle in y-axis. The form's opacity should be 50% but panel opacity should be 100 that is panel should be clearly visible but form should should be 50% transparent.

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Make 45 Angle Shoot Or 45 Angle Movement Of Bullet In .net?

Jun 9, 2011

how to make 45 angle shoot or 45 angle movement of bullet in

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VS 2008 How A Panel Can Be Rotated

Jul 13, 2011

In my project I have a peculiar requirement for rotating a panel by a standard angel based on mouse drag event. how a panel can be rotated? Is it possible with "Rotate Transform" method?

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Embed A Panel Or Picturebox Containing Controls Or Images Within An Outer Panel Or Picturebox?

Mar 1, 2012

In VB6 I could embed a panel or picturebox containing controls or images within an outer panel or picturebox. If I moved the outer control then the embedded panel would move with the outer panel and stay in the same relative position, which is what I require. This doesn't seem to happen in VB.NET, the internal panel stays fixed in its location, even if I have pasted this panel within the outer container. Is there are trick to this or do I have to code to get the internal panel to move with the outer one? How does an internal container remain embedded within an outer one?

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VS 2008 Correctly Position Rotated Image In Irregular Region Picturebox?

Aug 15, 2010

how can i correctly position a rotated image in an irregular region picturebox?

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Pass The Mouse Between The Picturebox And Panel, The Picturebox Disappears?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a panel, which contaisn two Pictures.When the panel is mousehover the Pictures appears. When the panel is mouseleave the Pictures disappears.However, when I'm trying to pass the mouse between the Picturebox and Panel, the Picturebox disappears, because the panel doesn't detect that as panel area.

Private Sub Panel_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Panel.MouseHover
Me.NextIMG.Visible = True
Me.PrevIMG.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub Panel_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Panel.MouseLeave
Me.NextIMG.Visible = False
Me.PrevIMG.Visible = False


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Make All Other Menu Items Vertically Shift

Apr 14, 2012

i have a menu strip that i docked on the left and i set the layout style to table so the dub menu items open below the selected menu item but i am wondering if i can make all my other menu items vertically shift so that i still can see them all. sort of like a sliding menu

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Make Form Grow Vertically When Button Clicked?

Sep 9, 2011

How would i make a form grow down vertically like say 200px when i click a button ?

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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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Make Form Snap To Certain Heights When The Form Is Resized Vertically?

Jun 12, 2012

I have 3 PictureBoxes on a form that are tiled on top of each other. the form has a minimum vaule of (502, 416) and a maximum of (502, 1080). because the user can select from a MenuStrip to display '1', '2' 0r '3' PictureBoxes at once '3' being the bottom and '1' being the top PictureBox. What i need is when the user drags down the form it snaps to the next PictureBoxes position, so it goes down in blocks this is what i have so far which is pretty far from working.

If Me.Height <= (1079) Then
Me.Height = (732)
ElseIf Me.Height <= (732) Then
Me.Height = (424)
End If

I also thought i might be able to figure it out if i new how to create a variable like this

If Me.Height <= (1079 to 733) Then
Me.Height = (732)

I know that it isn't the correct syntax but it's kind of the idea If you can make sense from my not so good description and point me in the right direction/code example i will be most grateful :)

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Panel Bounds For Picturebox?

May 23, 2010

Dim speed As Single = 50
Dim rndInst As New Random()
Dim xVel As Single = Math.Cos(rndInst.Next(5, 10)) * speed


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Picturebox Over The Form Or Panel

Jul 22, 2009

My name is DN and I'm creating a strategy game. I have created a panel and I have put a PictureBox on it. Now, the problem is here: The PictureBox is bigger than the panel. I know that we can solve the problem with putting to the panel two scrollbars, but as in a good game scrollbars should not exist in the main picture (map). I want for the people to control the map with keys (up,down,left,right) and the scrollbars should not be visible.

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Use A PictureBox/Panel As A Control Bar?

Jul 17, 2010

with making a PictureBox or a Panel into a control bar like what you get at the top ofwindows. I just need to know how to make it so when you click it you can move the window.Ive put the form so it has no 'FormBorderStyle'

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VS 2010 Map Using Picturebox And Panel?

Oct 25, 2011

I just started using Visual Basic and I'm trying to make a mapping application.

Background: I'm basically trying to make something similar, but on a very small scale, to Google Maps. A user loads an image in to an picture box which is put inside a panel(so i can scroll the image). When the user has uploaded an image(a map) i want to allow him to add Labels on where he clicks. I've already done this part except the i get the wrong coordinates when i scroll through the rest of the image. If i don't scroll, the labels get placed spot-on.

I use e.X and e.Y on an event of a mousedown on the picture box. I get the correct coordinates in relation to the picture box. But when i use these coordinates to create the labels after i have scrolled, it places them in the wrong spots. I dont know how to compensate for the scrolling.

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Zooming Picturebox On Panel?

Sep 20, 2011

I've been trying to get zoom capabilities on this

Public Class Form1
Private m_PanStartPoint As Point
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _


I can drag the whole panel around and scroll thru the picture but some of my images are quite large in length, is there any way for me to add zoom in or out capabilities to this code? tried adding a couple of button on my panel for "Zoom in" and "Zoom Out" but no functionality, sorry for the syntax i deleted the code before this post trying to do it from memory, after i double clicked the button it gave me the

private sub handles button click
private sub handles button click


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Editing Picturebox On Panel Array?

Jan 14, 2012

editing a picturebox...i have a class called panelArray and it builds an array of panels based on the number of panels i pass it...each panel has 4 labels and a picturebox added to it when the panel is created. I'm able to edit the labels by using something like:

Me.HostForm.Controls.Item(replaceIndex).Controls.Item(2).Text = ""

Since there are 5 objects total (1 picturebox & 4 labels) i thought i would be able to just use the same strategy for the picturebox, but it doesn't like using Image in the same manner it uses .Text?

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Move A Panel And A Picturebox At The Same Time?

Jun 29, 2010

Ok i got a problem when ever i move a panel and a picturebox at the same time. Ok well them bolth move but the panel has a image in it and when ever i move it with the picturebox it creates a balck square behind the picturebox and the panel and how can i see it, well it on the top like picturebox.location(20,20) well balck quare.location(0,0) same size as picturebox how do i fix this cause it messes up the image. Here is my code:


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Moving Picturebox On Large Panel

Feb 28, 2009

I have one panel, and on that one picturebox with large image, so panel shows scrollbars.Now I am adding one picturebox to that picturebox (which is on panel).And when i move the added picturebox, it looks like, it is resizing the image of picturebox.Actually it is not resizing, but it seems like some barrier or something like that, or may be it is delaying in assigning the new position to picturebox. Additionaly, it works well with all other controls, just picturebox with image creates this kind of problem.[code]

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VS 2008 Create Panel Within A Picturebox?

Jan 31, 2010

Is there anyway of creating a panel within a picturebox?

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VS 2010 A New Form With A New Panel And A New Picturebox On It?

Jun 26, 2010

I want to open a new form with a new panel and a new picture box on it when clicked a button.

I wrote:

Dim MyForm As New Form()
Dim MyPanel As New Panel()
Dim MyPicBox As New PictureBox()


Form is opening when I clicked on the button but it is completely blank. No panel is shown on it.

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Get Transformation Matrix Of An Image In A Picturebox In A Panel?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a picturebox inside a panel with scroll bars.

I can zoom in or out the image in the picturebox by changing the PictureBox.Size, and the scrollbars update automatically.

How do I convert coordinates in pixel returned by the PictureBox.MouseMove event into image coordinates when the scrollbars value is not zero and the PictureBox.Size is not the original?

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Picturebox Panning Boundary Inside Panel?

Jul 2, 2011

My image is inside the panel, I set up a if-statement for the boundary which it can only be moved. When I tried to run it, it looks crappy when the mouse has panned it outside the boundary. Here is my code for panning:

If (mouse.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) Then
Dim mousePosNow As Point = mouse.Location
Dim deltaX As Integer = mousePosNow.X - mouseDowns.X


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Scroll Picturebox Inside A Panel Programmatically

Feb 23, 2010

I have a picturebox inside a panel, the picturebox is long, and the panel is set to allow scrollbars, which it adds. I can scroll the picture at design and runtime, but how do you scroll it programmatically?

Starting with the picture box with the top set to 0, and then doing this... (using any non-zero value as the lY value)
Dim newLocation As New System.Drawing.Point(0, -lY)


So how do i get the value to change (e.g. to scroll the picturebox!)

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Panel Containing PictureBox Flickers On Background Change - How To Eliminate This

May 13, 2011

I have a panel with the BackgroundImage set that I'm using as a button. The panel also contains a PictureBox with a png image loaded so that parts of the image are transparent and the panel image shows through. On MouseDown I change the panels BackgroundImage, then on MouseUp I change it back again. The problem is that when the panel image changes, the PictureBox flickers badly when redrawing its transparent areas. I've tried using the DoubleBuffered property of the form its on; no luck there. I've also tried SuspendLayout just before changing the image, refreshing the PictureBox, then ResumeLayout. Still no luck.

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VS 2008 Several Images In One Panel/picturebox With Drag And Drop?

Feb 27, 2010

Here is my code on A Drag and Drop from button to PictureBox:

Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile("C:file.png") Me.btnImage.Image = img Me.picBox.AllowDrop = True AddHandler btnImage.MouseDown, AddressOf btnImage_MouseDown


And what i want to do is to make the picturebox 500x500.then make several buttons representing different images. and then make it possible to drag and drop several images in the same imagebox and move them around. and hopefully i can make a button for saving the coordinates of the images and the image paths into a text file.

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Get A Panel With A Picturebox To Expand When The Maximize Button On The Form Is Clicked On?

May 27, 2010

I am currently working on a program in VB that is 480,600 and am using a panel with a picturebox inside of it so that I can use scroll bars to view a chart in the picturebox since my form will be so small. Since viewing a large chart is pretty irritating using scroll bars to some, what properties can I enable or disable to get the panel and picturbox to expand also when the Form Maximize button is clicked rather than staying the same size up in the top corner?

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Mousewheel Scroll In Panel With Dynamically Added Picturebox Controls?

Dec 2, 2009

I've dynamically added 20 pictureboxes to a panel and would like to see the panel scroll when I use the mouse wheel. To implement this I have tried to set the autoscroll to true on the panel control. Here is the code.

For i As Integer = 1 To 20:
Dim b As New PictureBox()
b.Image = Nothing


It works for "button" control, but not for the "picturebox" or "label" controls?
How can I implementthe scrolling affect using 'mousewheel'?

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Make A Picturebox Follow Another Picturebox?

Nov 9, 2009

I am trying to make a picturebox follow another picturebox. But I also want this picturebox to be able to collide with the other picturebox if the picturbox stops. I hope this is not too confusing. I cannot figure this one out. The code below is probably nothing like what I should be doing, but i cannot think of any other way to do what I want.

PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox2.Location.X)
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(PictureBox2.Location.Y)

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Make Picturebox Transparent Over Other Picturebox?

Jun 10, 2012

I have two Picturebox and both should be transparent background, but the real problem is both transparent for form background but not over each other .

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Panel Alignment - Center The Red Panel In The Middle Of The Dark Grey Panel ?

Jun 6, 2009

I need to center the red panel in the middle of the dark grey panel, when you resize the form the red panel should be in the middle, and the red panel can't be resize, anyone have a code or property to do this?

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