VS 2008 Make From Image To Make It Loading Screen
May 19, 2010Can i make from this image to make it Loading Screen I mean i put this in Form1 [URL] And i want when the program start the progressbar (the white line to load)
View 1 RepliesCan i make from this image to make it Loading Screen I mean i put this in Form1 [URL] And i want when the program start the progressbar (the white line to load)
View 1 RepliesSo I am nearning completion of my 7th major project And I need the application to load files into ram when the application starts..Almost like a splash screen but with a loading bar.I have to load over 90 JPG's And I would like to have them in RAM so the application isn't so slow at first IE System.Load(My.Resources.JPG1) And LoadingBar1.Value += 10 Etc, etc.I have a Form I have created as a splash screen..I need it to load all the JPGs before starting the application..
View 6 RepliesHow do I make a loop from 1 to 100 and make it everytime it loops display incrementing numbers to the screen?
View 1 RepliesCan I make a certian function that will fade out [make a black screen that fades out for 2 seconds], then come back? Is that possible? ON A FORM.
View 3 Repliesmake the screen fade.By fade i mean you know when you goto Start>Turn Of My Computer in Xp and the screen turns black and white.
View 7 RepliesI'm trying to make a screen recorder using Visual Basic 2008 Express, and everything seems to be smoothlike... until I actually try to record with it. The actual error I am receiving is as follows.A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll The particular line of code that it seems to be having problems with is the following.
BMP.Save(FileDIR0 + Frame + IMG)And now I will post the rest of the code in case it helps.
Public Class Form1 Private Sub RECScreen_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RECScreen.Tick
i request assistance for my web browser. I did everything how i normally do it, but i would like to know how to make it autofit to the screen. Like i maximize it on my screen, but the browser part is still small like the regular size. Is there any way to make it maximize with Form1?
View 1 RepliesI am trying to make a VB project for use on a touch screen so I require buttons that when pressed load a different image (the selected version of the image) ie. I know how to do this in HTML and CSS for use in web pages but am struggling to find out how to do it in VB.I have an image (looks like a button) that I want displayed in my form window and then when the image is clicked I want the image to swap for another image so to the user it looks like they are pressing a button.Now the standard windows button in VB (ie when you drag a "button" from the tool box) does this but I can not replicate this using my own images.
View 7 RepliesHow do you find out what the screen resolution is and then make a comparison. ie if the resolution is 1024 x 768 do one thing else do another.
View 2 RepliesVS 2008 make text apper on the screen When the progress bar is full?
View 3 RepliesI have a program that Outputs a measurement after in putting an angle and a width... solves the triangle.
Make question is if there is any way to make the program print to the screen a picture of the triangle with the correct angles and measurements?
i don't if i can make an output that is too long for the MessageBox to [roll] across the screen rather than have [newline] in vb.net
View 8 RepliesI wanted to make a screen recorder (not screen capture) program, but I am not entirely sure how to get it started. I have seen many videos and things on how to make one, but all of these just take multiple pictures and then don't compile them into a movie file, and I don't want to take many pictures (unless that is the only way possible.) I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and I have looked at the Windows Media Encoder, but I can't seem to figure out how to use/implement it (yes, I have downloaded and installed it.) Maybe I can use some kind of ActiveX control?
View 3 RepliesIm trying to make my life for simple by making a function that returns which image it is.[code]...
View 3 RepliesHow to make cursor image like this program? url...I want to make Launcher like this but i can't make it even with autoupdater.
View 14 RepliesI am trying to find information on code to make the lines of a jpg file that have been loaded into a VB.NET WebBrowser control into selectable objects.
I have no idea what to search for or the correct terminology.
This is very similar to using the line tool in word or excel, after you draw a line you are able to select it.
how i can make a picture box with an image in semi transparent like a watermark that you can see through to what is behind it.
View 4 RepliesIve been programming in VB6 for years, i figured its time for an upgrade. Here's what im doing, and what the problem is:
Im loading a bunch of pictures on top of one image. They are all PNG files, and some of the images have transparent edges, and some semi-transparency within the image itself.
So basically, i need to be able to load these images on top of the other images, and still maintain the transparency.
Is this possible in VB08? This is one of the main reasons i moved to 08 from vb6, more things possible including multithreading.
how to make the loading bar or progress bar.<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!-- Session data--></input> <input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" />
View 4 RepliesAs this is probably an easy thing to code. i need it and yes i am new obviously as this is my first post
View 11 RepliesHow do i make my button open a program and make it windows size?
View 6 RepliesBasically I have 10 .png images.They contain a walk cycle I need to make some kind of loop inside a timer to make them change.
View 2 RepliesTypes have their own color (cyan by default).Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion.
View 1 Repliesi am developing one application for which i want it to stick to the edge of the screen when dragged near screen edge.
View 2 Repliesim making a web browser, but i dont know how to make a progress bar load when im loading a page. Please note that im using TabControl, so you cant use the WebBrowser function.Also i was wondering if you could add that little thing in the bottom left that says "connecting to http://..." and "transfering data from..." etc.
View 13 RepliesWith a button click event, how do I make a picture box image property switch to a random image from the resources folder?
View 1 Repliescan someone point me in the direction of how to make my app. Go fullscreen? Like how IE does it when you press F11 or a slideshow in WMP.
View 5 RepliesMake a login screen? will the code work?[code]...
View 1 Repliesi need to make a screen capture... but just of a web browser control... i got everything but how to get JUST the web control..
View 1 RepliesI am making a calendar, if I click on a day I want to make a screen disappear a bit like this:
|12:00 |
| Mister One, Footmassage |