VS 2008 Second Instance Of Tableadapter?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a form with a tableadapter I want to perform operations on records of the same table just in code so
i defined a copy of the table adapter in the dataset designer named tableadapter1 The problem is that when i try to fill tableadapter1 i get the error Error3Value of type 'Deudoresnet.DeudoresDataSet.tablename1DataTable' cannot be converted to 'Deudoresnet.DeudoresDataSet.tablenameDataTable'.

Isnt ther in the dataset two table definitons?How you relate each with the correct tableadapter?

In the tableadapter manager the original table is related to tableadapter but table1 is related to (none) and i cant set it to tableadapter1

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VS 2008 Dynamic TableAdapter Query Possible WildCard

May 17, 2011

Im working on a project that includes a TableAdapter for filling data. I usually use parameters for queries I create, but what would be the best way to create a query that may have a wildcard without creating a bunch of queries?


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VS 2008 TableAdapter.Update Method, Not Available In IntelliSense?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a TableAdapter I created in the DataSet designer. It contains joined tables and I set it up to automatically generate Insert/Update/Delete commands. I understand that I have to write my own UpdateCommand. I did so, in the DataSet Designer, for this particular TableAdapter.

The issue is that the Update Method is not showing up via IntelliSense, when I attempt to write code like this:

vb.net Dim x as Integer = Me.DPTableAdapter.Update(), IntelliSense does not show the Update Method with the parameters I set up.I created the same exact method with another TableAdapter, in the same manner, and it worked just fine.

I also call EndEdit on the BindingSource, I just did not put it in this post.

View 15 Replies

.net - Save System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Instance To Hard Disk And Load It Back As An Instance?

Jun 24, 2011

I have following instance of System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection:

Dim UserSelection As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
UserSelection.Add("D_Color1", "Black")
UserSelection.Add("D_Color2", "Green")
UserSelection.Add("D_Color3", "Purple")

I need to save this instance to hard disk and then load it back from hard disk as an instance. How do I do that?

View 2 Replies

Invoke An Instance Function Delegate On An Instance Of A Generic Type?

Aug 4, 2010

D is a dictionary whose entry values are of Type T..What I'm attempting to do is have a delegate like "Serializer" below that I can invoke on an instance of T, such as "Entry.Value" below.Please see the "return Entry..." line below for my wishful thinking.[code]

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Make A Single Instance App And Showing The MainWindow When Another Instance Is Launched In .NET With WPF?

Aug 30, 2011

I am looking for a way to make my app running in a single instance mode and showing the MainWindow of the first instance when another instance is launched.I do a quick search on the internet but I did'nt find anything to open the MainWindow of the first instance or it was for Windows Form not for WPF.

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Transfer Control To The New Instance In A Single Instance Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a single instance VB 2010 application I know how to communicate with the next instances run through the StartupNextInstance application event. The usual way of working with this is parsing command line arguments of the new instance and continue execution of the old instance. What I would like to do is replace the running instance with the new one. Is there any way to do this other than disabling the single instance property ?

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Getting The Local Instance Of SQL Server Rather Than A Named Instance

Jul 29, 2010

A while ago, I wrote a web-based guestbook application that wrote it's own database.

My code was very amateurish, but, as it was my very first publication, I was very happy with it. Only about a month after I'd published it did I realize I'd made a huge mistake in the code.

I've only ever connected to a specific named instance of SQL Server, and it occurred to me that, if the SQL Server instance has a different name than the one I specified, it wouldn't work.

So, since my users will probably not know what the name of the instance of SQL Server that's running is, I thought adding a field where the user can specify it would help if they do, but what if they don't? My answer was to get the local instance, regardless of name.

I tried Data Source=.local;, Data Source=.; and other variants, but nothing worked.

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Is There Function Takes Name Of Instance And Return Instance

Feb 29, 2012

I was trying to fill 10 checkedlistboxes with items..So I made a sub with 2 arguments like this Private Sub fill_checkedlistboxes(ByVal items As String, ByVal checkedlistbox As CheckedListBox) End sub the first argument items is a long string whitch splits in the sub into many strings and added them all into the second arguments (thecheckedlistbox) I want to make for next statement to fill all the 10 checkedlistboxes in my form with an 10 long strings held in an array called strings, so i write something like this [code] What i have to write in the "?????" area to have the checkedlistbox that i want? the checkedlistboxes names are checkedlistbox 1, 2 , 3 ....10

View 12 Replies

Selecting Data From One Sql Instance An Inserting Into Another Sql Instance?

Sep 1, 2011

I have no problem doing a select statement from a database and displaying it.An I have no problem inserting data into a sql database table. However with this issue I have to grab the data an insert it into a totally different SQL 2005 instance.

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 New Form Instance?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a form template on my IDE, I want to open a new instance of it depending on what button is clicked, how can I do this?

View 18 Replies

[2008] Reference An Instance From Another Sub?

Jan 11, 2009

I have a sub that initiates an instance of a library.object. That instance makes a connection to an instrument. Now I need to close it or change properties/run method from another sub. How do I reference this instance?

Public Class Form1
Private obj As AxCBMCOMMLib.AxCBMComm
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 : Regex To Catch On First Instance?

Aug 11, 2011

Hi, i have a regex code to get the time from a webbrowser but there is more than 1 time all in the same format.I need it to get the first time it catches, atm it gets the last time not the first?

Dim Regex As New Regex("d+:d+( [AP]M)")
Dim Matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(WebBrowser1.DocumentText)
For Each Match As Match In Matches
TextBox1.Text = (Match.ToString)

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Define A Class As An Instance?

Apr 17, 2010

I would like to define a class as something like a constant, and use the class directly rather than having to always create an instance. Is this possible? I've tried a handful of combinations of syntax, but nothing I've tried lets me do what I'm after. To give an idea of what I'm after:


View 7 Replies

VS 2008 MDI Multiple Instance Of Same Form?

Mar 24, 2010

I am in the process of trying to build an app that will permit multiple instances of the same form be added to an mdiparent as seperate mdichildren. The reason for this is that the child's data is based on a sql table's row information. Thus child one shows requested data from row 1, child two shows requested data from row 3 etc.

I have this setup so that each child is its own seperate tab in a tabcontrol. My problem is that after the second instance of the child is created the form in the first tab is disappearing after the line:

child.midparent = me

I don't understand what is causing this.

Dim child As Form = Support
Dim tab1 As New TabPage
child.MdiParent = Me


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VS 2008 New Instance Of A Class With An Unknown Name

Apr 25, 2012

is it possible to declare a new instance of a class using a name contained in another varible which is unknown?

For Instance....
Dim Clients() As String

Then say two clients are connected that array may contain the following:

Clients(0) = Client1245
Clients(1) = Client4856

I now need to create an instance of my class 'clsClient' for each client connecting so my thought was to declare it using the clients unique name/number. I know this isnt valid code but as an example

Dim clients(0) as New clsClient

So I would then have an instance of clsClient called Client1245 and if I had a routine in clsclient called for instance StartClient() i could then do


Yes I know the code isnt valid but I think it gets across what I am trying to do and hopefully one of you smartass's will be able to instruct me on what I am trying to do and hopefully not too complex :-)

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VS 2008 Setting Form Instance To Nothing?

Jun 25, 2009

in Old vb/VBA, I am accustomed to doing THIS when I instance a form object (as in "pop-up"):

Private WithEvents SomePopUpForm As Form_PopUpForm
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
Set SomePopUpForm = New Form_SomePopUpForm
SomePopUpFOrm.Visible = True
End Sub


View 5 Replies

VS 2008 Single Instance And Process Name?

Oct 16, 2010

Is it possible to compile my VB.NET project with a specific process name so that I can code to ensure that user cannot run multiple instance of the program?I have researched on the internet and found out most of them validate by process name. However, I have done a test which simply changing the exeuctable file to another name, the process name changes in the task manager as well. Thus, I don't think validating through process name works unless I can specifically assign a process name in the VB.NET project or validate through other ways?

View 3 Replies

VS 2008 Use A Dll In My Project Without Having To Create An Instance Of The Dll?

Nov 18, 2009

is it possible to use a dll in my project without having to create an instance of the dll? for example I have a dll that has three basic math functions:


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VS 2008 When To Create A New Class Instance

Jun 22, 2010

I understand if i was to create my own class i would need to declare a variable with the new keyword to create an object to access the encapsulated methods properties etc, unless they were declared shared.

dim myVar as myClass = new myClass

But in this next example is where i have become confused. i have added the mschart control to the form and used the hittest function with the following code.

Dim myVar as hittestresult
myvar = me.chart1.hittest(e.x,e.y)

Why wasn't it necessary to create a new instance of the class 1st. Does the hittest function return an object or a reference pointer to the object. To clarify what's the protocol for when & when not to create a new instance of the class in use.

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Create A New Instance Of Table Adapter?

Sep 23, 2009

I have 3 controls sharing the same Bindingsource.Each control will require a different parameter for the query call to the DB to populate the proper controls data.However each control is filled with the same data and using one ctrl has the same effect to the thre controls. The controls all mirror eachother.how can i create a new instance of the table adapter?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 - First Instance Of Program Runs Forever

Aug 9, 2009

I wrote a simple auto login script to update my IP address on a certain website. Something really strange is happening now though. The first time I run the program, nothing happens. However, the second time I run the program, that instance will work fine. Then I look in task manager, and the first program is still running, using a whopping 50% of my CPU. I believe VB may be blocking off memory or something, as when two instances are running each is using around 25% of CPU. Then after the second one successfully completes, the first starts to use 50% again.

Here's my code below:
Option Strict Off
Public Class frmTest
Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 : Richtextbox Instance Of String Search?

Dec 12, 2009

I want to get a string from the richtextbox but here how it goes in programming for example i want to get all class/function and variable names in this given code.


Private Function Processstring(ByVal strin As String) As String
Dim astrWords As String() = New String() {"parrot"}
Dim strOut As String = strin
Dim strWord As String


how would i get the "processstring" by getting it after the word function?

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 Refactor All Instance Variable To Have All The Get And Set Method?

Jul 17, 2009

how do I refactor all my instance variable to have all the get and set method? I tried RefactorVB but it seems like it can only refactor 1 by 1.

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VS 2008 Reference The Same Instance Of A Class From Different Classes?

Feb 2, 2010

Whats the best way to instantiate a class so that i can have access to the object from diffreent forms and classes?

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VS 2008 Referred To Itself During Construction From A Default Instance?

Jan 3, 2011

I desperately need someones help on this one, as I'm completely stumped where this error comes from.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message="An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The form referred to itself during construction from a default instance, which led to infinite recursion. Within the Form's constructor refer to the form using 'Me.'" Source="Training Database"


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VS 2008 Single Instance System Tray?

Jan 3, 2012

A nice quick one I was wondering if anyone know the answer two (was shown a rough way to do this in vb6 but that was a long time ago)I have an application running in the system tray which I want as single instance (and currently have set as single instance)

However if someone double click on on the Desktop Icon or Startmenu Icon etc I want the main menu form to appear (frmMainMenu). Is it possible so that if opening the app when its already running triggers an invent in first instance rather than creating a new instance?

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VS 2008 Starting Program In Already Started Instance?

Mar 14, 2011

how to PROPERLY make a multi-tabbed or multi-window application that can handle file start requests.

For example, on startup my "Desktop Application" runs and sits there waiting for a task, either through the main menu, or for a file to display in a window. Now the problem is simple, how can I make this already running program load the dropped file (dropped on the executable (!)), instead of starting a new instance.

I understand I will have to check if the process is running, and if so, do some stuff with it. But the problem is passing the message to the active program.

Previously I used text files with paths/arguments in them, but I don't like the idea of the OS/program checking every 500 ms if a file is created in the "load this" folder...

Then I thought of sending a message using "Send Message", for example changing the text in a textbox and handle the "Text Changed" event, but is this reliable? Can any other program interfere with it?

So, basically I need the proper way of doing all of this. For example, Microsoft Visual Studio does this nicely, and no lag whatsoever...

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VS 2008 Use The New Keyword To Create Object Instance

Apr 13, 2010

VB is telling me to use the "NEW" keyword to create an object instance. For example: Private Sub ScoreTotal(ByVal sender..., ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged


When I run the "MainStudentScores" form and click on a student with three scores separated by the "|", it should give me a Score Total, Score Count, and Average. However it is giving me an error message at "Scores.Add(intPlaceHolder)" This is where VB is telling me to use the "NEW" keyword. Does this make sense?

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2008 Debugging - Form That Creates An Instance Of A New Class

Dec 8, 2009

I have a form that creates an instance of a New Class. The code is simple so there is no issues with the programming.

I can step through the code on the Main Form without issues. Stepping Into moves from 1 line to the next.

I can't seem to debug the code within the class though. I set breakpoints but "stepping into" doesn't work. The code gets executed, but it doesn't step through each instruction.

I've tried changing many of the options within Tools > Debug with no luck.

I've tried deleting files from bindebug and obdebug.

Not being able to debug my programs.

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