VS 2010 Adding Text To File

Apr 22, 2011

i just wanna know how to append text to a file that is opened.... i want to add the text to the pre-exisitig text... as of now i am using


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VS 2010 Adding Text To Process?

Sep 22, 2011

im trying to start a process within vb.net as an administrator. I have succesfully impersonated an administrator from within my application, however when I try to process.start to access a UNC path it says login username or password invalid. This is not true because im running as the user who has permissions to access that unc path.

I was able to work around this, by using shell() instead of process.start(). However, with Shell() you can not specify a username and password, so I have to use the runas command. However, shell calls for runas, but runas requires you to enter a password in order to proceed to call the program your requesting runas to run. How can I programmatically enter the password into the runas.exe process as if I entered it manually.

If there is a way to implement this using process.start() instead of shell() please let me know.

This is what I have so far.


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VS 2010 Adding Text From Form Into Listview?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a 3rd windows form opened and I have 2 textboxes to add Username and Password as well as a button that says add account. Username is named as Email2 and Password is named as Pass2 and the button is addaccount2. The forms are named Form 1 Form 2 and Form 3. I have a listview in form2 that has columns with names and im trying to get it to when you fill in the info on Form3 the username and pass and click the Add account button it will put it in the listview box but I would like it to be so username would be under the username column and password to be under password column under Form2 in the listview.

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Adding Value From Another Text File

Jul 9, 2009

I have two text file. Text File A and Text File B

Text File A

Text File B
G93X0Y29 .....

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Adding Value From Another Text File?

Jul 9, 2009

I have two text file. Text File A and Text File B

Text File A


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Adding A Date In A Text File?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a program i wrote today, it works just as i wanted it to, with exception of one problem. Im more looking for some ideas on this one. For my work, we have folders on a drive that are filled with txt files, what we wanted to do was to add the last date it was modified to the top of the file so people would know when it was last modified. These files are used on CNC machines and the those people cant look at a last modified date as easy as the computer user can, just a short explanation of why we wanted to do this. So i wrote a program to do it, loop through each file in the user selected folder and add a date to the top of it, works perfect. Now here is the issue, when i write the last mod date to that file, the last mod date on the file changes to that day. For example, if i have a file in there that was modified January 28th 2011, the program reads that file, then on the top of the file it prints that date, January 28th 2011, but then that same file gets changed to the current date as a modified date, so if the program i wrote is used again on the same folder the next day, those files will all end up getting the previous days date on the top. I dont want that! I guess im wondering if there is a way to tell the files mod date not to get updated when its run through my program, it should only update when changed some other way, like someone actually opens it, changes stuff and hits the save button.

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Adding Commas To An Exported Text File

Mar 20, 2012

I created this code


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VS 2008 - Adding Second Line To Text File?

Jul 1, 2010

I am facing problem with a vb.net code, it adds a second line on the txt file why ?
Dim fs As New FileStream("pwp.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim s As New StreamWriter(fs)

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VS 2010 Adding A Resource File?

Jan 23, 2011

I've added multi-language support to my application by setting the Localizable property of each form to True and changing the Language property to the desired one. Then I change the Culture.

vb.net System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE")

VB automatically creates the resource files and this works all fine, but now I need to do something similar for Strings and MessageBoxes, e.g. MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.Exit). Everywhere I read that I need two resource files in order to do this, but I can't find where to add a second resource file myself.

Every forum post or google search result I found says, go to 'Project -> Add Resource', but I don't have the "Add Resource" menu option. Or they say, right click on your solution and go to 'Add -> Resource (RESX)', but I don't have a "Resource (RESX)" menu option either. When I go to 'Project -> Add New Item', there's no 'resource' option in the list either. Am I blind or does VB2010 Express not have an option to add resource files manually?

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Adding A Datarow By Dynamically Reading A Text File?

May 15, 2012

I have a program that reads a text file and creates a datatable dynamically based on the columns in the file.

This seems to work fine.

I then try to read the rest of the text file, creating a data row to add to my table. I'm using the code below but it's not working for me.

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Dim strFieldData As New ArrayList
Dim obj As New Object()


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Text Change - Creating Sub Routine For Adding Name Of File

Jun 14, 2010

I have written a text editor for an assignment but I am struggling on where to start on this bit. What I Want To Happen:- When the user saves there work I want the name of the file to be shown next to the name of the program at the top left hand side of the form. I am not sure If I just need to create a simple sub routine for adding the name of the file then calling the method in the save as routine.

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VS 2010 - Database File Cannot Be Found After Adding UserControl

Aug 30, 2011

After adding a UserControl to a form which access my database I get this warning:
Warning1The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database.
[ Data Source = C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEDatabase.sdf ]
C:UsersUserDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsProject1Project1Options.Designer.vb2160

Thing is I never had a database at that location, my database is and has always been in MyDocuments in the Project folder itself. There is nothing anywhere in my code referring to that database! When I double click it I get sent to this line in the Designers window:
Even though I get this error I can still access my database, so basically it does absolutely nothing except drive me mad! So how do I fix this?

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VS 2010 - Pick A Random Piece Of Text From A Text File?

Jun 9, 2012

How do you pick a random piece of text from a text file in this manner....


I need to pick a random answer, not including the question. let it be the simplest solution. I am only a beginner.

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VS 2010 : Get Text From A Text File And Save It In The Application?

Jul 2, 2011

I first want my program to get the text from a text file(I know how that's done), but once it gets it, I want to somehow save it that it won't need to get the text again(for example, if you restart the application, it won't need to get the text from the file because the text is already saved).

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VS 2010 Adding New Line & Writing Text On That Line

May 20, 2012

I want to modify a text file. It has a lot of lines of text in it. I want to add a line after a specific line (in the middle on other lines) and write strings there.

The code i have, writes to a specific line but it also overwrites the text on that line:


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VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

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File I/O And Registry :: Text File Tab Delimited Import Visual Studio 2010?

Nov 28, 2010

trying to input a text file that's tab delimited that looks something like this.

2.2 5.6
3.7 9
1.2 9.1


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VS 2010 : Search For Column 1 In Text File 1 And Display The Matching Column 2 Field In Column 2 Text File 2?

May 23, 2012

I have two text files, the first text file has two columns separated by a space (" ") and the second text file only has one column.

The column 1 in text file 1 and text file 2 match albeit in different order, what I'm trying to achieve is for every field in column 1 text file 2 I want to search for column 1 in text file 1 and display the matching column 2 field in column 2 text file 2.

Dim*OpenTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test1.txt")
Dim*OpenTextFile2*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")
Dim*SaveTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")


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File I/O And Registry :: VB 2010 Formatting Data In Text File?

May 4, 2012

1 List all of the data from Teams.txt in a Listbox. Include suitable headings.

2 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox (use the same Listbox as in 1 above).Include suitable headings. Note that you cannot assume that the file contains onlyresults for the first 3 weeks of the season. Your program should be able to process a results file with more or fewer results.

3 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox. However, in this case the actual team names should be output (your program will need to get this data from Teams.txt. The data should be formatted so that it is aligned correctly. Include suitable headings.

The output might look as follows:

Home Team Away Team Home Team Goals Away Team Goals
Bunbury Braves Nedlands Nodders 5 2

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VS 2010 : Inserting Text Into A Text File?

Nov 30, 2009

How would i insert some text into a specific file?Like say i have a file named helloworld.txt it has Hello World as text inside it, how would i take some new data like "Bye World" and then remove the contence of helloworld.txt and replace it with "Bye World" ?

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VS 2010 Replacing Text In A Text File?

May 1, 2012

I am in desperate need of code that will allow me to search through a text file (.txt) and change the word "POLAR" to a string with a particular value, for examples sake lets say the string = "SUN"

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Text A File To Excel 2010 With 2010

Jul 19, 2011

with VB.net 2010, i would like to export a text file (with ; separator and variable length lines) to excel 2010

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VS 2010 How To Get Text From (no Txt) File

Feb 2, 2012

How can I obtain selected text (see image) from the .a3c file in textbox using VB if possible?

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VS 2010 - Check If Text File Contains Anything

Jan 6, 2012

I would like it to check if the text file (myfile.txt) contains anything. [Code] but if I changed the myfile.txt with a value of "hello" and save it. I still get the "msgbox("myfile.txt does not contain any information")" What am I doing wrong?

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VS 2010 - How To Update Text File

May 20, 2010

I am trying to write a string to last line of the text file by using timer 1 second interval. I tried use StreamWriter and Writeline but it looks like always write on the first line. Or I have to open the streamwriter when the form load and keep it opening?

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VS 2010 - Search A Specified Text File

Mar 26, 2011

The user inputs a serial number in a form, the program searches a specified text file on the internet for that serial number, and if it is there then the program runs normally, but if not it exits. I already know how to do the trial part of this program and I know that this is not secure as someone could just hack it and find the text file and read the numbers, however this is for school and is not commercial. The only thing I need to know is how to search a text file for exact text that has been inputted by the user. I've been trawling the internet and I've heard of something called instr or something, but I'm not sure.

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VS 2010 Converting A Text File To XML?

Feb 28, 2012

Currently I am trying to convert a tab file to an xml but I seem to be running into some issues when trying to do the conversion.Example of the text file this I need to convert:

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VS 2010 Cut Lines In Text File?

May 25, 2012

I have a windows form with a textbox and a button, what I am trying to do is enter a number in the textbox and when clicked on the button to cut and paste the data in to a new text file (from number 0 to the number I entered).ie, textfile 1 has 100 lines of data, I enter 25 and press OK I would like to take the first 25 lines and save them into a new text file and save the remaining lines in textfile 1 so it should be like textfile1 75 lines and textfile2 25 lines.The closest I've come to this is the following but this only deletes the one line..[code]

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VS 2010 Delete From A Text File?

May 9, 2010

Trying to write to a text file using GetAsyncKeyState in user32, the only issue that I am having is when I press the backspace I get the ansi code character, but this is not what I want. I want it to really backspace, I know its doing this since that is how I coded it.

Here is my code
CountKeys = 0 ' Seting the key code back to 0
CountKeys = GetAsyncKeyState(BKey)
If CountKeys = -32767 Then


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VS 2010 Login From Text File?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm making a virtual OS, but I need some help with the login code.This is what I have so far:

Public Class Login
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
Label1.Visible = False


My problem(s) are that the arrays are getting an extra value ;eg length = 3 instead of 2 (which is specified in the text files), so I end up with a 3rd value "Nothing". This is bad because someone could login without a user/password.My other problem is that the arrays error in the msgbox. Using ToString() results in "System.String[]". How can I fix this?

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