VS 2010 Auto Find Com Port Of GSM Modem

Jan 14, 2012

how to automatically find the correct com port of my GSM modem.i can retrieve the available ports of the computer by using My.computer.Ports.Serial PortNames.can i find the right port using the display name property of the device?

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Name Of Port Associated With Modem?

May 11, 2011

I am using a 3rd party communication component and it is able to tell me the names of installed modems. Given the modem name, I need the com port associated with that modem (so that I can set the modem baud rate directly through the serial port). I also need a way to determine if that port is already in use.

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Serial Port Example Code - Connect To A Modem Thru The Serial Port

Oct 26, 2011

The link below has code to connect to a modem thru the serial port but it is for an earlier version of VB. when I convert the code, it does not fully convert and has 4 errors that prevent building the project. can someone tell me what needs to be changed or added?


Note: the error: not CLS-Compliant

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Get Data From This Radio Set Through A Modem And A Serial Port?

Mar 6, 2009

I have spend about a week trying to get data from this radio set through a modem and a serial port. The data is transmitted by the transmitter in 5-databits at baud rate of 50. An existing vb 6.0 program in windows 98 receives the data correctly with port settings of Speed = 50, Databit = 5, Parity = none and Stop bit = one. The data is received at every 9 sec, presumably with the help of a timer. I have to write a program in .net frame work 2.0 to get the same data. My problems are:

1. The program hangs when I execute SerialPort1. ReadLine().Trim or SerialPort1.ReadExisting

2. When I collect SerialPort buffer after every 9Sec, and try to get the strings out of each byte using following code, I get only repeated squares instead of characters.


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Communications :: Serial Port Communication Via Null Modem Cable?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a VB.net app running on one computer, displaying text into 2 texboxes or labels.I need to see the two values in two sperate textboxes or labels from the two labels on another computer via a null modem serial adapter.

1st computer.



straight forward right?

2nd computer to read the data

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
dim s as new string = serialport1.readline()
label1.text = s

This is what I was thinking;

serialport.writeline(label1.text & label2.text

This would send the two values over the serial port. How would I seperate the two values and display them in two different texboxes?cannot use them together)Am I on the right path at all? Or using the serialport.writeline method won't work at all....

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How To Make The System(modem) Auto Reply Using Vb?

Nov 30, 2009

currently i doing a sms service system using vb , can anyone tell me how or what code i can use to make the system auto reply when recieve an sms from a phone no

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Receive Data From Serial Port Link To Itegno Modem W3800

Sep 17, 2009

I am wondering is there any code to get the text reply from the modem? I am using the itegno W3800 modem. I have used the below method so far but apparently VB.NET windows form doesnt see the incoming data. The message box comes out empty. But when i try the same method with the TMAS Siemens GSM modem, VB.NET can see the incoming data and display out the data string.

here is the code that i have written:

serialPort.Write("AT" & vbCrLf) 'set command message format to text mode(1)
receiveddata = serialPort.ReadExisting()
it works for the TMAS gsm modem.

The baud rate for the TMAS GSM modem is 9600 and the baud rate for the itegno modem is 115200.

For the itegno modem, the data is sort of like stuck at the serial port as after every time i pressed on the button for example "AT"

this "AT" command gets "stuck" at the serialport and run only when i have connected through the serial port in hyper terminal.

I am thinking is it the baud rate for 115200 is too fast for VB to handle? And also is there any way to solve this problem?

i have to revert back to the itegno modem for use for my project at the end of the day.

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VS 2010 Can't Find The Auto-generated Initialize Components Method

Jul 14, 2011

I'm messing with a GUI however I can't seem to find the auto-generated initialize components method. There certainly is a constructor somewhere, my gui initialises and works just fine, but I can't see it...

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Call A Remote Modem Using A Local Modem Connected Via USB?

Oct 12, 2011

I am attempting to call a remote modem using a local modem connected via USB. Programming language is VB.NET and I am using the SerialPort control to talk to the modem.

Communication is as follows:

I send: ATZ0[CR]

Modem responds: ATZ0[CR][CR][LF]OK[CR][LF]

I then try to dial a number:

I send: ATDTnnnnnnnnnn[CR] where nnnnnnnnnn is a valid number

The modem responds with:ATDTnnnnnnnnnn[CR][CR][LF]ERROR[CR][LF]

All other commands seem to work without any issues

For info the modem is a MultiTech MT5634ZBA-USB-V92

If I use hyperterminal and type the same commands in it works as expected and dials the number, so it must be something I am doing in my code, possible some setup in the SerialPort control

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Streaming Video Through Modem To Modem?

Oct 27, 2009

(from scratch as I've not done this before) how I can stream live through modem-to-modem connection. The modem here refers to dial-up modem (PSTN modem), there is no internet/lan involved.It will be 2 programs, the first is to transmit real-time video from webcam, and the second is to remote video from the first.

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VS 2010 Sending SMS Through GSM Modem

Aug 9, 2010

I have a problem in VB, I've never seem that.. Waht a confused thing... In the application I was using for send SMS to many conatiners, I use this


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Work With Modem In Vs2008 Or 2010?

Aug 16, 2010

If you remember in visual basic 6.0 there is a activix called VTAPI that represent the onDTMF event and PlayBackFile method:when user select number during a call, the OnDTMF event retrive the numbers or symbols and PlayBackFile can play a file when incoming call was answered.

My question is: Is there any component that can answer a incoming call and play sound and retrive the data from modem in vs 2005-2008-2010?

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VS 2010 GSM Modem / AT Commands - Test If The Message Was Successfully Sent?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an application, for sending SMS to mobile phones, using a GSM modem and AT commands. It works perfectly, except in one point. If the modem have some problem, for example doesn't have network, or even doesn't have a SIM card, I dont know if the message was sent or not. How can I test if the message was sucefully sent?

View 15 Replies

Find Where In WMI, The TCP/IP Port Filtering Is?

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying to find where in WMI, the TCP/IP port filtering is.

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Find A Way To Pass Port Forward?

Aug 16, 2010

I am not sure which method that I should use for my project. I would like to get bypass the port forward to avoid the 3rd party software such as packet sniffer to pick up the connection details.

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Find Out Port From Switch Of Computer

May 26, 2010

ok i got a hard question I have diferent computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address. i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address... some computer arent in the domain. how could i start puttin this into code

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Find Out What Port Of What Switch Its The Remote Computer

Jun 22, 2010

I have different computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address. i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address. some computer aren't in the domain. how could i start putting this into code.

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VS 2008 Find Out What Port Of What Switch Its The Remote Computer?

May 25, 2010

ok i got a hard question I have diferent computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address.

i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address.some computer arent in the domain.

how could i start puttin this into code

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VS 2005 Datagridview Auto Find

Jul 8, 2009

I have a datagridview that contains a long piclist. The requirement from the user is that they want to be able to type the first few numbers of an item in the list and have the grid automatically scroll to the appropriate spot in the list.I was hoping to find a property on the dgv for it, but haven't found anything yet.

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Windows Startup - Auto Find AppPath?

Jul 12, 2009

I have a checkbox "Run at startup"
Private Sub chkStartup_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkStartup.CheckedChanged
If chkStartup.Checked = True Then
Dim AppPath As String = "C:Documents and SettingsSamMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsImageShack vb.netImageShackAPIWrapperClientobjReleaseWebRequest.exe"
[Code] .....
Works great but, what happens when I want to release it? How can I get the application to auto find its apppath??? So I dont have to write C: .....

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Using A Serial Port In A DLL With .NET 2010?

Jun 3, 2012

I am trying to buld a DLL in VB.NET 2010 that will be use to control a vending machine.Whin a call into the DLL to a function to open and setup the comport the first time its opens it just fine, but if a call into the DLL again it does not know that the port is open even if it is still open. I can check with another program and is shows the port is open and if I try to call into the DLL again to open the port I get an error that the port is already open. Any idea how to set this up so it will work.

I need to open and config the com port in one call that leaves it open and then in other call use the com port to talk the equipment in the machine without closing the com port untill it is required to close it.

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VS 2010 - Listen For On Certain UDP Port

Aug 6, 2011

I am doing a little project before I get onto some more complicated stuff and I am trying to become more fimilar with ports. Basically the issue at hand is that I am not too sure how to listen for on a certian UDP port.

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VS 2010 - WCF Not Binding To TCP Port

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using VB.Net in VS2010, I'm attempting to self-host a WCF service. (It's actually in a windows service, but I'm trying to do this via a simple console app. Below is the code in question, the TCP/IP addresses are injected directly here. The WCF service itself is simply a renamed DEFAULT new WCF service project.

Dim host As New ServiceHost(GetType(TestService))
Dim tcpb As New NetTcpBinding()
tcpb.PortSharingEnabled = True
host.AddServiceEndpoint( _
GetType(ITestService), _
tcpb, _
"net.tcp://localhost:62020/TestWcfService/" _
) host.Open()

Is there something special I need to do to get the port to actually bind? when I run netstat -a it doesn't show a listening port on 62020 I am really at my whits end on this. I have another WCF service I'm trying to migrate out of IIS, and into a separate server running in a Windows Service. The WCF service will only be accessed internally. I've been having numerous issues in getting that migrated, so trying to get a simple service to bind, and have a client (website) access it. The other WCF is binding (different port) fine, but having communications errors.

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VS 2010 Disconnect IP From Port?

Jun 23, 2010

Lets assume that I have a game server in my computer.

I download a compiled game, server/client side.

The player starts the game and it keep sending and receiving data from the server.
Lets assume now, that I think that the player is using some bug and winning all the rounds. How can i disconnect his IP from the server port? I have seen some people using some kind of DLL to do the job. Its something like iphlpapi.dll ... i dont remember well.

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VS 2010 VB + ASP.NET COM Port Conflict

Dec 13, 2011

Apologies for the long post, but I would be very greatful for any advice given. I have developed a visual basic application to communicate with a device through a COM port. This application works fine. The device connected to the COM port sends information relating to the status of the device, this information is read in using VB and inturn written to an SQL database. Using the visual basic application the user can also send commands through the COM port to the device. The application scans the users computer and detects all available COM prots, these are presented to the user and they can select which one to connect to. The COM port is held open for the entire period that the program is in use (this is to allow for the incomming information to be read)


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VS 2010 Acessing Parallel Port?

Jun 18, 2012

I've been trying to this application in Visual Studio 2010 to only write to the parallel port, so supposedly it would be a very easy task, and by all the tutorials in the internet i've seen before it really is! Although it throws me always the same error which is too generic and don't give enough information for me to solve it. I'm doing this using the "Inpout32.dll" library to make the communication between VB.NET and the port..


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VS 2010 Detecting AT Command Port(s)?

Apr 22, 2012

looking for a way to detect all available AT Command ports on connected USB Mobile Modems.

I've tried messing with WMI a bit, but was only able to detect the HSBC ports, not the AT Command Ports which is nessassary to issue AT commands to the modems.

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VS 2010 Get Com Port Number By Friendly Name?

Feb 11, 2012

an application working with a modem through usb virtual port,on every different computer it gives different COM port numbers so I have to guess it. How to get COM port number by friendly name like in Windows Device Manager if i know GUID, PID & VID of device. Does anybody have a code snippet?

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VS 2010 Reading Data From USB Port?

Feb 26, 2012

how to read data from a USB Port. I have a games joystick connected to a USB port on my computer and the joystick has 10 buttons which each when pressed sends some binary code into the computer via the USB port. I need to capture these button clicks and perform a different event for each button click.

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VS 2010 Serial Port Communication?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm trying to read data coming from a serial port. I simply want to ignore all other data besides the string "button_pushed". The device actually writes "button_pushed" to clean up the display when viewing the serial connection from console or similar. I can change this easily but I'd like to keep it if possible.

My code is as follows:


I'll get an IOException from readLine(). I tried using readExisting() which prevented the error but results in the block being executed twice (probably caused by the "") so the log reads "No data match" and "Data match" for one button push.I have a few questions. First, why does ReadLine cause an exception? I tried to negate that with is_closing but it still occurs. Second, will I run into problems using readExisting as it reads the entire buffer?

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