VS 2010 GSM Modem / AT Commands - Test If The Message Was Successfully Sent?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an application, for sending SMS to mobile phones, using a GSM modem and AT commands. It works perfectly, except in one point. If the modem have some problem, for example doesn't have network, or even doesn't have a SIM card, I dont know if the message was sent or not. How can I test if the message was sucefully sent?

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Sends AT Commands To Modem And VB

Feb 9, 2011

i use Telit Ez 10 ( GM862 ) GSM modem. I tried to write simple program that sends AT Commands to modem and see the responds to these commnads. But it does not work. tp correct the VB code.


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Datagridview Insert Successfully Message?

Feb 8, 2012

I am uploading an excel data to display in a datagridview and when i click on an update button it updates the database.but I want a code that will look up a column and get a value then display in a message box like "Data uploaded successfully for @ChurchID"where @Churchid is a column in the excel sheet but the id is the same but unique for every excel sheet upload If the upload is not successfull then it should give a failed message for that @churchID


Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To (Me.DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) - 1
Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=C:Documents and Settingsmichael.marteyMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsmyRegistermyRegisterinDebugChurchesRegister.mdb")


View 9 Replies

VS 2005 : Determine If UDP Message Was Successfully Received On The Other Endpoint?

Sep 24, 2009

I just want to make sure if the UDP sent was received successfully, what could be some methods to do such? Its just for chatting on a local network.

View 14 Replies

How To Parse Sms Message From Gsm Modem

Feb 13, 2012

im having a problem parsing this message from textbox, this is actually sms message from sim i read it from textbox

ex. "+CMGR: "REC UNREAD","SMARTLoa",,"12/02/13,17:13:22+32"
13Feb 17:22: 09212363053 Load Wallet Balance: P1055.57. Ref:540018216951"

i want to parse this message and put in the mysql table,

sender = field 1
message = field 2
13Feb 17:22: 09212363053 Load Wallet Balance: P1055.57. Ref:540018216951
time/date = field 3

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Homework - Test Fires The Message Box Twice?

Sep 20, 2011

I am trying to unit test for data being input into a textbox (txtPrice). If it is not numeric, it throws a messagebox stating that the input must be numeric. However, when I unit test, I can't figure out why my test fires the message box twice.THis is my (simple) unit test:

Public Sub txtBoxes_LeaveTest()
Dim target As frmEstimate_Accessor = New frmEstimate_Accessor ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim sender As Object = Nothing ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value[code].....

My understanding is that for unit testing, you declare the sender, and (in this case) set the sender to some value that will trip the message box. 112L should do this on the leave event. I then write my expected, which in this case is 112L, fire the event, and then get the actual out of the text box. I then Assert.AreEqual to ensure the expected and actual are the same.

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VS 2005 : Dial A Computer From Another Computer Using Modem For Sending Files And Message?

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to dial a computer from another computer using Modem for sending files and messge.Follwoing is the code done in dialing computer

Text1.Text = "Test string from App1 "
Number$ = InputBox$("Enter phone number:", "Number$")
If Number$ = "" Then Exit Sub
Temp$ = Status


But after the dial tone, i am getting the exception "CTL_E_GETNOTSUPPORTED " at the line MSComm1.Output = Text1.Text?

View 6 Replies

Call A Remote Modem Using A Local Modem Connected Via USB?

Oct 12, 2011

I am attempting to call a remote modem using a local modem connected via USB. Programming language is VB.NET and I am using the SerialPort control to talk to the modem.

Communication is as follows:

I send: ATZ0[CR]

Modem responds: ATZ0[CR][CR][LF]OK[CR][LF]

I then try to dial a number:

I send: ATDTnnnnnnnnnn[CR] where nnnnnnnnnn is a valid number

The modem responds with:ATDTnnnnnnnnnn[CR][CR][LF]ERROR[CR][LF]

All other commands seem to work without any issues

For info the modem is a MultiTech MT5634ZBA-USB-V92

If I use hyperterminal and type the same commands in it works as expected and dials the number, so it must be something I am doing in my code, possible some setup in the SerialPort control

View 5 Replies

Test The Program I Put Any Number From 1 To 16 And I Get My Own Error Message?

Mar 2, 2012

[code]...Basically, I'm trying to make it so when you type a number between 1 and 16, it runs it through the equation and displays a result in a label. This event happens after you press a "yes" button.The problem is when I test the program I put any number from 1 to 16 and I get my own error message, specifically the <1 error. It doesn't make since because I type in numbers that are greater than 1...

View 1 Replies

The Last Change Wasn't Successfully Persisted.Please Shut Down The Running Application. Sending Message To Designer Failed.Designer May Not Be Running.''?

Jun 4, 2011

what account for this error message in ls beta 2?'' The last change wasn't successfully persisted.Please shot down the running application.

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Have Same Type Message Structures From Live / Test Web Services?

Mar 17, 2009

I have two separate web services, the first configured to extract data from a live database, the second from a test database.

When consuming these web services from an application the object returned is a MyMessageData class which is defined in the web service.

In the application I would like to instantiate a empty the MyMessageData (from the live web service) and then use a configuration setting to decide which web service to retrieve the actually data from.

This does not work for test because the application does not see the instantiated MyMessageData class from live as the same type as the MyMessageData that is returned from the test webservice. [code]....

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Streaming Video Through Modem To Modem?

Oct 27, 2009

(from scratch as I've not done this before) how I can stream live through modem-to-modem connection. The modem here refers to dial-up modem (PSTN modem), there is no internet/lan involved.It will be 2 programs, the first is to transmit real-time video from webcam, and the second is to remote video from the first.

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VS 2010 Sending SMS Through GSM Modem

Aug 9, 2010

I have a problem in VB, I've never seem that.. Waht a confused thing... In the application I was using for send SMS to many conatiners, I use this


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Work With Modem In Vs2008 Or 2010?

Aug 16, 2010

If you remember in visual basic 6.0 there is a activix called VTAPI that represent the onDTMF event and PlayBackFile method:when user select number during a call, the OnDTMF event retrive the numbers or symbols and PlayBackFile can play a file when incoming call was answered.

My question is: Is there any component that can answer a incoming call and play sound and retrive the data from modem in vs 2005-2008-2010?

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VS 2010 Auto Find Com Port Of GSM Modem

Jan 14, 2012

how to automatically find the correct com port of my GSM modem.i can retrieve the available ports of the computer by using My.computer.Ports.Serial PortNames.can i find the right port using the display name property of the device?

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"withevents" - Click The Button On The Form, It Doesnt Display The Message In Test()

Mar 21, 2009

I have the follwoing code:


Code:'controllerPublic Class Controller1

Friend WithEvents btn As Button


In the above code when i click the button on the form, it doesnt display the message in test(). I have to click two times to display this message. Why this happense and what can i do to fix this? both the classes are inteh same project scopecheers.

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VS 2010 VB 2010 - Program For Multiple Choice Test?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm really new at programming and was looking for guidance about a project I have.I have to design a program that administers a multiple choice test to users. It delivers questions one at a time, from a predefined test file for the user to answer. It also marks and displays a score at the end of the test.

First, a QUESTION form verify's the user's registration status and access. The user provides a registration number and password and the program reads it from a "registration.txt" file to determine if the user is eligible to take the test (i.e., they are registered to take it). If it is correct, then the user presses the "Begin" button. If not, then a message appears and the student tries again to enter the information.

A read only text box will display the score at the end of the test (String with format correct/total) and the user can't retake the test.Second, a QUESTION form opens after clicking "Begin" on the entry form. The questions are going to be from a "testfile.txt" file.Each question is on multiple lines in the file. The first line consists of the question followed by possible answers followed by the correct answer ( 3 items are separated by "#"). The current question number and the question will be displayed in textboxes.'n'= possible answers; so each of the next 'n' lines provides a possible answer. All possible answers will be displayed in a Listbox.After the user selects an answer, an ''Enter'' button is pressed. This will submit and evaluate the answer. If nothing is selected a textbox should appear and display the error message (APPEARS ONLY IF THERE IS AN ERROR). After pressing ''Enter'', the next question is displayed.When all questions answered, the entry form is displayed again and displays the score.

I know that's a lot of information, but I wanted it to be really clear. Would it be best to cycle/loop the questions with a DoWhile loop? And how would I store the answers while the user goes through the test?

View 7 Replies

Execute Commands In CMD From Progra 2010?

Feb 26, 2012

I am new to VB and am trying to write a program that will open cmd and execute commands when a button is clicked.[code]...

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VS 2010 - Sending Commands To Process?

Jan 25, 2010

Dim movie As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim subtitle As String = TextBox2.Text
Dim box As New Process
box.StartInfo.FileName = "MP4Box.exe"


When i click a button this code is executed. But it wont execute the command "MP4Box.exe -ttxt " + """" + subtitle + """" Why?

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 : Running Dos Console Commands?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm having trouble opening and running DOS commands through VB Express.I'm trying to have VB open a command console and enter path to a batch file. So far I have not been able to get VB to open a console and enter any text.[URL} Here is the code I am using right now (without success)

Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal longPath As String, ByVal shortPath As String, ByVal shortBufferSize As Int32) As Int32
Private Sub des_date_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles des_date.Click


View 11 Replies

VS 2010 Datasets Or Handwriting SQL Commands?

Aug 19, 2011

Im just starting to develop an application using a SQL Database as the main datasource. Now im wondering is it better to use the in-built dataset adapters or write the querys yourself?

If its better to use the pre-generated scripts by using the Datasource UI, How can i use these datasets on a JOIN query?

Example Join
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name1
JOIN table_name2
ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 - Creating Delay In Between Two Commands Of Script

Jun 16, 2011

I am currently in the process of writing a demonstrative program that will generate a string of 9 random numbers in a textbox. Now my basic knowledge of VB 2010 allows me to do this but my goal is to delay the generation of this number sequence until the my progress bar has progressed to the end. How can I insert a delay after my button activates my progress bar/timer without stopping all function and usability of the program all together. The basic wait function seems to lock everything up for the allotted time and then the number instantly generates and the progress bar begins.

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 Data Sources Versus SQL Commands

Apr 19, 2011

I prefer having total control for data access, populating recordsets (now datasets) precisely via a connection string and SQL select (or stored procedure call), etc.Now I wonder whether I really should be using the Data Sources option which just popped up on my radar? From the little I've seen so far, it seems to bind an entire table to a control, whereas most of the time I only need a small number of records from large tables.Before I spend a lot of time investigating, I hope a quick word from you might help me feel happier continuing as I am, or whether I need a kick up the backside towards a Better Way.

View 12 Replies

VS 2010 Sending 'text' Commands To A Console App

Feb 15, 2012

I need to build an forms app that 'posts' or 'sends' text commands to an external console process, called Minecraft Server It is a java-based process, filename 'minecraft_server.jar'. Run by my computer via 'java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui'. The Process ID I assume would change each time it's run. This process can be downloaded here: [URL]

I am guessing that I need to:

1) find the Process ID for it, based on its process details, such as Command Line

2) figure out a way to 'post' these commands, commands such as "stop" into the console window

I cannot have this process launched by my VB project.

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 - Sequence Of Commands To RS232 - How To Sure Command Is Received

Dec 20, 2011

I write in VB2010, the software should work with the external hardware via RS232, the thing is when I send a command to the external hardware I have to wait for a reply from the device that command was received, just after I got the answer I want to continue send another command, I have a long sequence of commands i'm supposed to send, but I need to know for sure that the commands were received before I go on to the next command. I did the following code, but I think the code is not effective, because sometimes I do not get an answer and then the whole sequence commands destroyed. Maybe you can help me optimize the code? [Code]

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VS 2010 : Send RCon Commands To Game Server?

Dec 20, 2010

im trying to send RCon commands to a Call of duty: Black Ops game server.I read a thread from a few years back about sending RCon commands to a CoD 4 server, and all look promising until the application kept crashing when I pressed connect.


all I want is to be able to send a few commands to the server through an application.

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Get SQL Commands (adding, Updating, Deleting) To Work With A VB 2010 Database?

Feb 12, 2012

My project involves making a table database that displays student number, surname, first name, homeroom, and grade avg. Through SQL commands, there must be functions to add, update, delete, search by field, and save records to the database.I have already set the database up just fine and displayed it in a DataGridView. Through the DataGridView, I was able to go to the "Add Query" area, and I successfully made the queries necessary for searching by field. However, when I try to do anything other than a search using the query builder (ie start my SQL command with INSERT INTO or DELETE FROM), I ultimately get the message "Failed to get schema for this query"For example, this SQL code (to add an entry to the database) worked when I was in the Query Builder (and the entry that it made is still in the database), but when I finally tried to confirm it, I got the "Failed to get schema for this query" message.Being unable to add entries to the database this way, I tried to do it with textboxes on a form. Each textbox will have one of the fields, and at the click of a button, they would be put into the table. My code is below. I do not know what is wrong withit. When I run it, my fields do not appear on the DataGridView immediately, but I must run the program again to see it. The time after, the entry is gone. So I am not sure how exactly such entries are to be saved.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 Test For Language Bar?

Aug 26, 2011

how I could test for an English Language bar? I have some German users that need to run with and English Language bar, so I want to test and prompt if not English.

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VS 2010 Simple Test Program

Jan 1, 2012

I would like to develop a very simple question-answer program whereby there is a user form with a label which contains the question, a text box where the user enters the answer and a button that the user clicks to change to the next question. This should be rather simple but I would like to have about 500 questions in the end (will be slowly adding more questions).

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