VS 2010 Check If GridView Contains A Value?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a DataGridView that contains a few columns of data. Is there a way to check a column for a value before i add a new row, just to make sure i dont put dupes in it?

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Assigning Gridview Check Box To A Variable?

Aug 7, 2011

This line of code references a checkbox in a Gridview, how can I assign the value of the check box 1 or -1, I think it is for checked or unchecked, to a variable so that I can run an if statement against it, and change it to True or False?

dt.Rows(row.DataItemIndex)("DisplayString") = (CType((row.Cells(3).Controls(0)), CheckBox)).Checked

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How To Make A Gridview Header Check Box

Oct 10, 2011

Using VB.Net (Windows Application)I am using checkbox in the girdview column, now i want to add a checkbox in the header.If i select the checkbox in the header, all the checkbox in the column should select automatically.

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GridView - Check Each Row And Do Ping To IP Then Write Result

Jul 14, 2009

I have a gridview with two cells cell(0) is a IP-number and cell(1) is a resultTxt. I have X number of rows. I want a solution that check each row and do a ping to the ip and write result to result. I want to do the ping in a new thread and i want to be able to do more then one at the time. So I want a loop that keeps checking the ones that are not online until they goes online. It's the thread-part I have questions about, looping gridview and doing a ping I can manage, but it I don't do it in a thread the interface freezes.

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Syntax Error Null Check Datatable / Gridview Asp.net Vb?

May 21, 2010

I have this code:Dim Result As New DataTable DataAdapter.Fill(Result)

'bind data to visible surname/name grid If Result.Rows.Count = 0 Then NoInputBottom.Text = "No Results. Please widen your search criteria and try again" NoInputTop.Text = "No Results. widen your search criteria and try again" Else
GV.DataSource = Result
End If

I have also tried moving the check to the gridview like so:

If GV.Columns.Count = 0 Then
NoInputBottom.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
NoInputTop.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
End If

When I run the code. the noinput labels do not have value, the null check seems to be failing? Please can you tell me how to display a message if the search returned no reults.

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VS 2010 Basic Timer Animation - Error Check And Colour Scheme VB Express 2010

Mar 26, 2012

this is my very first posting and I must say I am desperate. I have a VB assignment due in 2 days and I am so lost. I have written a code to draw some graphic, just a basic house, tree, sun etc. I have also written a code to magnify said graphics which were all the specifications of my Assignment 1 part A. Now for Part B I am being asked to extend my program so that: A - My graphic can be drawn using different colour schemes designed by me but chosen by the user B - My graphic or an appropriate part of it can be animated around the picture box if the user chooses to do so. C - Error checking is included.


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VS 2010 : Backgroundworker To Populate Gridview?

Feb 16, 2010

I'd like to have a backgroundworker process data that will eventually populate a gridview in my windows form. I need to use a backgroundworker because the process takes a little while, normally causing the program to slow/freeze until it's opening and streaming connections.. So, I'm using a background worker to perform these methods.How can I take the data from the background worker (on a separate thread than the UI) and use it to populate controls in the UI?

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VS 2010 Getting Data From DataBound GridView?

Jan 30, 2012

I have a DataTable that is bound to my GridView via a method a created. The function returns a new DataTable each time, so I don't have direct access to the data that is in the DataTable.

I'm trying to update my database with the data from the DGV, but anytime I try accessing the columns or rows, I get an error saying the column/row index isn't correct.

I'm using the RowValidatedEvent and if use the following code in a dummy project while manually adding the columns, the result is predictable.


MessageBox.Show(dgv.Item(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex).Value.ToString)

But when I do the same with my bound DGV, I get the exception mentioned above. This leads me to believe that I need to access the DataTable directly, but I can't because I get it from a method.

So is there a way to access the grid view's bound data? I've been playing around with various properties, but have come up short so far.

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VS 2010 GridView - Updatable CheckBox?

Jun 24, 2010

I am putting together a very simple GridView, one of the columns is a CheckBox.I would like the checkbox to update the SQL table as it is checked, the field in my database is a bit field.Currently i have the following:

<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("Purchased") %>' AutoPostBack="true" />

This allows the Checkbox to be checked and unchecked however it does not update my SQL Database. I have tried a couple of things but can't seem to get this to work. I am assuming i'd need to write a custom bit of VB around the 'OnCheckedChanged', i do not want an edit button on the page!

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VS 2010 Updating Gridview Row With A Button?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm working on a project where users search for an item with it's unique number, which retrieves the data from a stored procedure, ordered by date in different rows.That works ok. After that, i have to select a row to update it's status, like from "open" to "close"( I'm using a command Select button to select the rows), but the problem occurs when i click the "Update" button,

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Master Pages/edenorte.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="SubirCierre.aspx.vb" Inherits="Edenorte_Operations_SubirCierre" title="Untitled Page" %>


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Manipulation 2010 - Transfer The Value Of Textbox To A Gridview

Jan 20, 2012

how can I transfer the value of textbox to a gridview or when I select a value of a gridview it will be transfer to another gridview.

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VS 2010 GridView - Searching Records By Month Name

Mar 4, 2011

I need to search a keyword put in a text box. In my case, I want to search records by the month name. I would want a command button that displays results according to the keyword typed in a text box. Now I tried two methods, one with a text box, one with a query. Both Do search, but the fields return empty.

Heres the code for my form where the datagrid is:
Public Class Form6
Private Sub Pay_CalculatorBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Pay_CalculatorBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
[Code] .....

I want to display summaries of data entered, by criteria, like by department, by month, by year etc. How do I do that one? I have vb 2010 express.

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VS 2010 Switching Between GridView And Details View?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a Table. In Form1 i have a TableDataGridView.

I like with double click in a Row of TableDataGridView, open a new form (Form2) with details view (of the same table) but textboxes filled by clicked row.

I Know the event

Private Sub Table1DataGridView_CellDoubleClick But i cant find code for that what i need.

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VS 2010 DataTable And GridView / Validate When User Enters Something

Oct 5, 2011

I'm playing with XML, DataGridView control, DataSet and DataTable. [code] the user can edit/add records via DataGridView control. So, when the user enters a string value where it is expected to give an integer value(first column and third column), it would give a big error message. Instead of showing that, I would like to apply custom validations.

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VS 2010 Dynamically Write Data To Unbound Gridview

Jan 25, 2012

In my form I have four text boxes (2 in each row); Textbox_FN1, Textbox_LN1 in row 1 and Textbox_FN2,Textbox_LN2 in row 2. When a button is clicked; I want to pass the row number to the following procedure which needs to read values from two text boxes and write to DatagridView. The code below writes the literal "Textbox_FN1.txt" but I need actual value from the textbox control.


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VS 2010 Insert New Record In Gridview Coming From Textbox?

Mar 28, 2011

how do you insert new record in the datagridview coming from what the user insert in the textbox?

I tried to used the INSERT INTO -- sql query, but it didn't work..

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Refresh Data Gridview Of An Access 2007 Database Using VB 2010?

Feb 15, 2012

How to refresh data gridview of an Access 2007 database using Visual Basic 2010?

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Asp.net - Show Pop Up Menu From Database In Gridview On Each Gridview Row Items?

Dec 6, 2010

How to show pop up menu from database in gridview on each gridview row items ?Example of this is : http:[url].....Move your cursor to Departure time and arrival time...a want this type of popup in gridview items....which fetch entries from database..

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Manipulate A Gridview In Asp.net When Columns In Gridview Are Generated During Runtime

Sep 24, 2009

In my application,i have a gridview in which columns are created at runtime.Actually these columns are created when i am entering data in a database table.[code]where Column1,Column2,column3 may vary during runtime.i need to enter values to these columns during runtime.But i cant bind these columns because these are created during runtime.The first column "Description" will not change.It will remain constant.For each description, there will be values for each column.At last these data will be saved to the database.How to add columns in the gridview during runtime?

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Asp.net - Export Gridview To Excel Without The Gridview Formatting VB

Sep 23, 2011

I am able to export a gridview to excel, my problem is that I cannot figure out how to remove the formatting from coming over from the girdview. Here is the code I am using to export the gridview: Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Reload A Gridview Onclientclick Of Another Gridview's Button?

May 25, 2009

I have a modal popup that contains a gridview. On the click of a button inside of a grid i reload the gridview with the data that depends on the id of the row clicked in the gridview. I would have like to reload the gridview onclientclick but I couldn't find a way to do that. Is it possible to reload a gridview client-side without the user even knowing the page partially loaded?

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VS 2010 : Check If Its The Users First Run Of App?

Jul 5, 2010

how can i tell if its the users first run of the application on there machine?

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VS 2010 App To Check For Updates?

Jun 17, 2010

I have created a backup script which my organization uses to back up a specific set of data weekly, to a server, by clicking and running the app.I am always updating it/ improving it and instead of redistributing to the select employees there has to be a way to code in a "check for updates" type of thing.

I was wondering how to make my created app check with that server to see if i am running the latest version.

How do i incorporate a "version" in my app, or would it just be a naming convention thing? and how do i check for updates? Would a button being selected to check updates be preferable? or is there a way to auto detect it?

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VS 2010 Check For Day And Month?

Jan 9, 2012

I have one question. In code, I want to check if day is no. 20 and if month is 12. I have tried with


but it didn't worked. So can anyone tell me, what code should I use for check day and month?

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VS 2010 Check For Time And Day?

Oct 22, 2011

VS 2010 Check For Time And Day?

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VS 2010 Check If App Has Focus?

Aug 21, 2010

So, I know from the user32 dll, and I set that as focused.

Is there a easy way of determining if the app has focus?

im using send keys, and i dont want it typing the keys and such, if the app doesnt have focus.

Also, if you click off of it, etc... It's more so a pause thing...

The only other way I can think of, is setting it so,

If myapp has focus, then pause the keysends.... then if it loses focus, assume the app i want has focus again.

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VS 2010 Check If File Is In Use

Mar 2, 2011

I'm making a program in which a couple of txt files will be used for reading and writing (streamreader/writer). Incidentally, these txt files might be in use by another program, although never more than 1 or 2 seconds each time.

Suppose, I have the following

Dim Input As New System.IO.StreamReader("c:data.txt")
Data = Input.ReadLine
...more code...


This doesn't work though. When I open c:data.txt in another process and run my VB application, I still get the IOException.

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VS 2010 Check If Primary Key Is Already In Use?

Sep 12, 2010

Here is my problem:

For example, I have 4 existing records
UserNo - UserName - Password
1 - ABC - 1234


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VS 2010 How To Check If A .wav Is Playing

Jan 26, 2011

I need to know how to see if a .wav file is playing.[code]And I need Label1's Text property to be "Done" when c: ecsound.wav is done playing. Anyone?

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VS 2010 Sequence Check?

Jan 12, 2012

i have a file with a serial number in it and i need to check if it is in sequence or not and then print a report stating no errors or if there is errors what line they are on.


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