VS 2010 Custom Panel Not Acting As Parent To Contained Controls?

Apr 9, 2012

I created a simple custom controlled Panel for double buffering. When I use the control in my toolbox it works just fine, but when I attempt to add controls inside the panel those controls aren't staying when I move the panel around. My custom panel isn't acting as the controls' parent. I verified this by looking in the designer code.

I tested a standard panel on the same form and it works perfectly normal - as I drag the parent Panel the interior controls move along with it. It is only my custom Panel which doesn't seem to detect when another control is placed within it.

Here is my constructor

Public Class DBPanel
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Public Sub New()


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Adding Custom Controls To A Panel Doesn't Work

Jan 27, 2010

I am fooling around with VB for a while now and it is not the first time I created custom controls to use in an application. The situation: I have a database application (FormView / not GridView). The form is designed the following way: At the left I have a Panel1 with TextBoxes and other controls to view / edit dataset records. At the right I have a Panel2 which contains on default a custom control (a number of PictureBoxes mainly) to view / add / delete pictures associated with the currently viewed data record.

On a ButtonClick at a special button on the ToolStrip, I would like to replace that custom control in Panel2 with another custom control (which contains a search with different search possibilities), so, I basically throw out the PictureControl and load a SearchControl instead. This is the first time where I actually designed the custom controls within the actual project. In past, I always developed the custom controls seperately in a new project and later imported the dll. However, my first attempt just does not work and I don't even know where I should start troubleshooting since I don't get any errors.


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Organize Projects Custom Controls In Toolbar As Well As Data Sources Panel?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a project with 150 (i counted) Items in the "MainProject Components" area of the toolbox panel.These 150 classes are mostly database related objects like table adapters, and datasets that i hardly ever use. I also have about 10 custom classes that i use often.When i need to access the toolbox, I have two issues that i would like to resolve.

1.How do i organize the toolbox to separate my custom controls from the table adapters and datasets?

a.I have created a custom tab within the toolbox.
b.I have dragged and dropped my controls into this new area.
c.All is well until I exit my program and re-open it. Voila they're all back in the MainProject Components" tab.

2.How do I force the IDE to instantiate the toolbox panel as completely collapsed?

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Getting The Order To Contained Controls?

May 10, 2010

Suppose that one has a panel an inside it there are many buttons with Dock=Top. The button would tend to be stacked on top of the panel. How can I get a reference for each button from top to bottom? The button would be created in a random order, so I don't think that using the index of each button in the Controls collection of the Panel would suffix.

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Can't Access Contained Controls At Runtime

Oct 16, 2009

I have created a usercontrol that contains two rectangle shapes to create a unique button effect and a rounded-corner rectangle shape serving as a border to provide a look similar to a group box. It also contains two labels, one for use with a Text property of the control and the other to indicate the status of expansion of the control. The control is designed to collapse itself when the "button" is clicked leaving only the "button" visible. Clicking it again toggles this affect. I've dubbed it an ExpansionBar. It is also designed to be a container control so that I can add controls to it and allow these to disappear when the bottom portion collapses. This seems to work great! The problem is that the controls contained in this usercontrol cannot be accessed during runtime. In other words, I can add a checkbox to it and it will disappear correctly when the control collapses, but I can't select the checkbox to check it... same thing with any other controls, you can see, but can't touch.

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Asp.net - Controls (buttons) Be Set In A ModalPopup Extender Panel That Do Not Close The Panel?

Apr 21, 2009

When a user is editing a given piece of data, they're allowed to add messages/comments. These are stored as child records in a SQL database. Clicking on the Add Message button brings up a panel (pnlMessage) courtesy of the AJAX ModalPopup Extender. This takes some input and, when the "Send Message" button in the panel is clicked (I learned the hard way to NOT make that the 'OkButton' property), the message is stored in the database and an email is sent to the intended recipients. No problem there.

However, I need to be able to allow the user to add new email addresses (so long as they are registered in our database). I have another ModalPopup / panel combo (pnlSearch) that's tied to a button on the previous panel (pnlMessage).

The user is supposed to be able to add an email or click on a search button to populate a list to choose from.

The pop-up panel (pnlSearch) comes up just fine, but clicking the "Lookup" button (which instigates the search and returns a collection of records that the user is supposed to pick from) closes the panel.

Previously, I ran into the problem of having the Button.Click event never firing when I put the Button into the "OkControlID" property (the CancelControlID works fine since I don't want to do anything). Removing the "OkControlID=Button" line allowed it to work perfectly with the Button.Click event firing as expected.

So now I have the Search panel with a button for "OK" and a button for "Search" - but the panel should stay up and visible after the Search.Click does it's thing. Am I missing some property that basically says "don't close the panel when this button is clicked"? Of course, if I bring up the panel again in the same session, the results from the previous effort are there (the search results).

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Referencing User Controls That Are Contained Within The Same Project?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm fairly new to VB.NET and I'm currently playing around with user controls, figuring out good programming practices. As far as I understand, to create and use a UserControl, I need to create a project with the UserControl in it, then build the project and use that DLL (add it to Toolbox or otherwise).My question is this: Is there a way a have a project (a Form with a bunch of things on it) that contains a UserControl written in a *.vb file inside that same Project? If you do that, the DLL (in my case) never gets produced, possibly because the UserControl is never used and building it is simply omitted. Is it perhaps a bad practice to do that altogether? It simply makes sense to me to keep a UserControl as a part of the Project that uniquely uses it. Is there a reason not to do that?

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VS 2010 Creating Custom Controls?

Aug 23, 2010

I got this whole thing pretty well down (it's actually quite easy), but I've seen custom controls created where you can click that little arrow on the top-right corner and add things or change things about it.

How exactly is this done? I'd Google it (which is why you don't see me post here too often) but I really don't know how to describe it.

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VS 2008 - TabControl (Contained Controls ) PDF Control Within Each Tab Page

Nov 25, 2009

I'm using a TabCotrol in my project , and I want to load as many tabs pages as I need with a PDF control within each tab page so I used this code :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim NewAdobePage As New AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF
Dim tb As New TabPage


And now I want to use OpenFileDialog control to load PDF files into any of the already opened AxAcroPDF controls , How ?

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VS 2010 Custom Controls Not Showing Up In Toolbox

Sep 12, 2011

I have a solution with about 5 projects, the main (startup) project is a windows forms project while the others are control libraries that contain some custom controls. The main winforms project however also contains some custom controls.

Recently, the controls in the main winforms project have stopped appearing in my toolbox. The controls from the other control library projects appear just fine, but none of the controls in my main project will show...

Some of the projects are VB, some are C#.

I have tried everything I know to fix it:Delete bin/debug folders and restart
Build, build, build, build, and build Target the same .NET Framework version and CPU platform in all projects Build again Nothing works...

All projects target .NET Framework 4.0 and compile for the x86 platform (since I am using Access db). All projects build successfully, no errors. I can run the solution just fine. I can even declare and add the controls in code and they work just fine. They just don't show up in the toolbox so I can't drag them to my form and I have to dig into the designer code everytime, which is really annoying!

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Containers - Why All Contained Controls Within A Groupbox Do NOT Respond To Enabling / Disabling

Feb 10, 2011

I'm working on a winform which contains several controls like textboxes, radio buttons, datagridviews... All of these controls have been added to a main group box called gbDataEntry. My problem is when the user is seeing the form, I set gbDataEntry.Enabled = False but I want to enable some controls like DataGridviews so the user can scroll them. After disabling gbDataGridview I set DataGridView1.Enabled = True but it seems that the datagridview does not respond to this line. Why?

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Expose Methods And Properties Of User Controls Contained In A Collection?

Mar 9, 2009

at some points, I need to call the same method on those controls (ex. user presses the clear button on the big control, I want to call the clear f(x) on each of the controls)I thought to toss the controls in a collection, and then be able to handle them something like this:
nextturns out, and I should have realized, methods and properties of controls are not exposed when treated this way. The only thing that can be seen is the stuff that the base class (control, I guess) has.

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VS 2010 : Split Acting Different With Word Document Text?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm having some difficulties chopping up a word document. I think the problem may be that it's 900+ pages, but I'm not completely sure.The separate documents within the document file are separated by x of 100 documents. I'm trying to split at the "of 100 documents", however when I try to split the string that I put this word document's contents into, it will only split with the first letter I give. So, when I try to split it by "of 100 documents", it will only split by "o".

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Not MDI Parent But Need A Child In A Panel

Jan 23, 2010

I have a regular form that I have a SplitContainer on and I would like to launch an external program (not mine) in Panel2, maximize it to fill the whole panel, and hide it's toolbar if possible. The program I am launching is a monitoring program of network activity. To be even more detailed, it is a puTTy window that opens a telnet connection to a server. I need to launch this putty window in Panel2, and then maximize it so that it cannot be resized/dragged.


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Embed A Panel Or Picturebox Containing Controls Or Images Within An Outer Panel Or Picturebox?

Mar 1, 2012

In VB6 I could embed a panel or picturebox containing controls or images within an outer panel or picturebox. If I moved the outer control then the embedded panel would move with the outer panel and stay in the same relative position, which is what I require. This doesn't seem to happen in VB.NET, the internal panel stays fixed in its location, even if I have pasted this panel within the outer container. Is there are trick to this or do I have to code to get the internal panel to move with the outer one? How does an internal container remain embedded within an outer one?

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Visual Basic (Coding) - Child Form To Open Within A Panel On Its Parent?

Mar 2, 2012

I have created a (kind of) 'Desktop' Form for the main basis of my program. Basically it is made up of 3 panel controls.

1. Holds all buttons which load the different forms (Like the windows start menu when expanded). name: StartMenuPanel

2. Holds Information on log in deatails. name: LogCheckPanel (very thin panel at top of screen)

3. Main panel which takes up the majority of the screen (where I want the forms to load). name: MainPanel

My aim is: When a button is clicked from the 'StartMenuPanel' the form will load with-in the 'MainPanel'.

I tried changing the start position to 'centre parent', but the panels are in the way so some of the childform is overlayed by the panels.


When I run this I get the following error: 'Top-level control cannot be added to a control'.

I hope I've explained this well enough.

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Make A Group Box's Text Bold But Not The Text Of Controls Contained In It?

Feb 17, 2012

I went and created a tab containing a good amount of controls, most of which are contained within what I'll just call the top-level group box. Now I decide I'd like the text of the top-level group box to be bold, but nothing else. When I set the top-level group box's font to bold, however, all of the controls contained within it become bolded as well, which is what I don't want. I can set each individual control's bold property to false, but it seems like there should be an easier way to do this.

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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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VS 2010 - Display All Icons Contained In EXE?

Aug 24, 2010

In my program, the user can select a icon for a shortcut generator. I googled "Extract icons from exe", and could only find nonworking answers to extract a single icon from an exe. I want a user to be able to select a program path and have a imagelistbox, flowlayoutpanel, or listview fill up with previews of all the icons. I want it to be similar to when you try to manual change a shortcut icon (you know that box with the exe path and the list of icons?). Is there any possible way to do this?

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Custom Background Form - MDI Parent?

Jan 7, 2012

I used a custom form in visual studio. I had set the parent form for mdicontainer as true. When I try to load the childform and the code is form2.show then my design for a custom form image is working but when I add the code:
form2.show form2.mdiparent = mdiparent it won't.

I had set the transparency as = red
backgroundcolor = red
formstyle = none
backgroundimagestyle = none

Everything works fine using a .gif image custom form image but when I put a code "mdiparent" it won't. It is important to put "form2.mdiparent=mdiparent" so that when I clicked the background image which is the "form1" or the parent form the form2 will not go to the back page of form1. It is possible to disable the click event of form1 so that when I clicked it the form2 will not go to its back.

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[2005] Custom Scroll Bar For MDI Parent?

Oct 15, 2008

i have a MDI Parent. As you know a MDI parent can have scroll bars. I want to make customized scroll bars. Meaning instead of windows default scroll bars i want just to images / buttons (arrows (up/down)) that when clicked will scroll up and down, and then others for left and right...

How do i do this? I dont want windows default scroll bars to appear.. i know can disable them but then is there a property / method to scroll in a direction, let my code do the work.... i would also then want it so as you scroll my custom scroll buttons wont go away, as you scroll they should stay in the same spot.. i think i can do that by a panel and docking, so that isnt important.

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VS 2010 TreeView For Specified Folder And Its Contained Files

Feb 25, 2012

I would like to ask how can I code a TreeView if a user specify the Path of directory.


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Fix Controls In Panel?

Jan 22, 2012

i have a panel in which i have some controls like label dgv and textbox and picturebox in my application in certain situation the panel re-sizes and and all the control lose there default location which is then be used is their any when panel get bigger or smaller the controls stays where they are...

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Panel.Controls.Add() Only Happens Once?

Sep 23, 2009

I am trying to dynamically add checkboxes to a panel depending on if a file exists. My code is:

While d1 <= d2
If File.Exists("C:\bnb\" & m1 & "-" & d1 & "-" & y1) = False Then
rm1CheckBoxes(rm1I) = New CheckBox()


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Custom Collapsible Panel Will Not Dock

Aug 7, 2009

I have custom collapsible panel control. I put it into a FlowLayoutPanel. he FlowLayoutPanel is docked within my form. The Panel Anchor property is set to Left/Top. The purpose of the anchor is so that if I want to put multiple panels in the FlowLAyout Panel, they will all stay snuggly together when they are expanding and collapsing. The panels work fine.


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How To Fade In And Out Custom Panel Control

Feb 7, 2012

I have created a custom Panel Control as follows:

Namespace CustomPanelControl
Public Class CustomPanel
Inherits Panel
Public Sub New()
[Code] .....

Now I need to use it and make it fade in and out. This is a panel containing typical play, stop, FF, REW controls over a media player. Just like Windows Player or VLC, I want the panel containing the controls to fade out on mouse leave and fade in on mouse enter.

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Minimize Program To Custom Panel?

Mar 6, 2012

I have created a basic OS with VB.net and in that I have a panel docked at the bottom which would be my taskbar. My problem is if i minimize any forms or programs I open they all minimize to the windows taskbar. How can i make them minimize to my panel?

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Resizing Items In Custom Panel

Sep 3, 2011

I've been programming a Fisheye-panel that holds image and make it behave like the icondock in Mac Os X. But now i have a problem. When i add to many item, i want them to shirk, to make room for more, or grow when i remove icons. This is the behavior i get: When i want them to grow, they don't grow at all. When i want them to shrink, they shrink, but leaves lots of empty space (like replacing a photo from a frame with a smaller photo. The image shrink, but not the frame)


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.net - Insert Top Docked Controls Below Previously Top Docked Controls On A Panel

Oct 7, 2011

I use panel.controls.add to add controls to the panel. But... they insert at the very top of it.

I tried the BringToFront and SendToBack methods, but does'nt seem to be working.

what i want, is that they dock at the top of the container, but if there is another docked control there, the new one is displayed below that one...

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Adding Controls To A Panel?

Jan 19, 2009

I am trying to add controls to a Panel in a loop, but for some reason they are being added from the bottom up instead of top down.In a little test program I am running this

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For i As Integer = 1 To 10[code]....

And this is the result I get ... the controls are added starting at the bottom. I need them to start at the top of the panel, with each new control being added under the previous one. If I remove the Dock statement, then the controls just get added on top of each other.

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