VS 2010 DataGridView Selection Reference?

Apr 12, 2011

I am currently working on a net scanner project. I have a class called node. I then create a List(Of node) to create the list of nodes I am going to be scanning.

I have a separate thread that scans the nodes using a simple Do Loop.

I then add the nodes to a DataGridView control:


This seems time consuming if there are a lot of nodes in the list. I figure there has to be a better way to do this, or maybe another data structure I should be using?

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VS 2010 - Reference DataGridView From Another Form?

Aug 29, 2011

I wrote a routine using a DatagridView that I dragged/dropped from the toolbar--populate it with data and it works great! Now, I need to reference the datagridview from another form. So, I (hopefully, naively, after the fact) declare a Public dgv in a module with the same name as the dgv in the form I'm trying to reference--in the form itself, dgv.rows.count = some number, but when I reference it outside the form I get errors. Obviously my public declaration is not working as hoped--the dgv was working within its form without the declaration so SOMEWHERE it is declared and is not public, but since I dragged/dropped it (i.e. did not instantiate in code).

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VS 2010 DataGridView - Null Reference On Setting Column Width?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a databound DataGridView, and I'd like to keep one column in front, with a slightly smaller width than the default. The grid's AutoSizeColumnsMode property is set to Fill so that the columns fill out the entire grid. This makes the first column equally large as all others, which is why I need to set its width manually. The smaller column is the first one with the checkboxes. I have two grids that I need to do this with, and for some reason it works just fine with the first grid, but gives a null reference error on the second grid...

Here's the code for the first grid (working fine):
Public Sub UpdateTodoGrid()
' Load todo items
todoGrid.DataSource = _TodoManager.LoadAll()
' Set backcolor
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In todoGrid.Rows
[Code] .....

As you can see, the code is exactly the same (except for not setting the BackColor of each row and not using the ReadOnly property*). When I run this code, it gives me a null reference error ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.") on the line where I set the column's Width. Obviously 'col' is not Nothing (otherwise it would have errored before that line), and there's nothing else there that could be Nothing... I assume that something happens internally in the grid when you set the width of a column, and that there is a null reference there, but obviously I have no control over that.

The grid's are absolutely the same, as the second grid is just a 'copy' (meaning I copy/pasted it in the designer) of the first. So all their properties are equal. I thought maybe the ReadOnly properties were the problem, but I tried putting them in in the same way and the issue did not go away... The first grid is not ReadOnly (because the checkboxes need to be editable), but all rows except the first are, while the second grid is completely ReadOnly.

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IDE :: Highlighted Reference On Selection Only

Jun 18, 2010

While debugging my code flashes like paparazzi finding an up-skirt shot opportunity with the latest starlet. Every line step moves the caret to the new line, which in turn is now on a variable, keyword, etc... which causes the highlighted references to light up all over the interface.I don't want to turn off the highlighted referencing entirely, but in many editors, I actually need to select the text to get it do the highlighted referencing, and I would love to be able to do that in VS 2010.Am I missing an option somewhere that would let me use Highlighted References only when I select some text, not just the text caret is on a word?

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ComboBox Value Selection - Using Specified Table As Reference?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a vb application sitting on an sql server with 4 different tables. I want a scenario where when I select any table from the combobox, every query I will run should use that table as a reference.

E.g. ComboBox values(tables)=A,B,C,D

If A is selected then
SQLQuery="Select * from A "

If B is selected then
SQLQuery="Select * from B " etc

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Reference To Any Code Classes For Enabling Selection Of Folder Via A Dialog Window

Mar 30, 2006

I could use a reference to any code classes for enabling the selection of a folder via a dialog window.

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Multiple Rows Selection From One Datagridview To Transfer To Another Datagridview?

Jul 10, 2010

In VB.NET 2008 I've two forms 1 & 2 containing two datagridviews connected to two data source 'ACCESS 2007 tables' Now I want to select multiple rows from one datagridview (form1) & transferring these to another empty datagridview (form2) with a button_click.

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VS 2010 : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Mar 4, 2011

I am getting this error for Login.Show() here:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem
Public Class Update
Public Sub CheckUpdate()


I am also getting this is every other form when using the Login form, along with Login.Close(), and Login.Hide(). I haven't tested any other ones.

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Add Value Or Text To Selection In Datagridview?

Oct 29, 2010

based on a selection of name and time i want to add a value or text in datagridview,but it doesn't return a value... this my code

Sub Btnplanner_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,[code]......

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DataGridView Cell Selection?

Jun 25, 2008

Is it possible to multi select cells in a DataGridView over several rows?

Example:10 columns, 2 rows

Say I click and hold in row 1, column 5. If I then go down to row 2 column 5. I want column 5 to 10 in row 1 and 1 to 5 in row 2 to be highlight.

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DatagridView Column Selection

Jun 21, 2010

Am using vb.net 08 and i have a datagridview with 3 columns. The first column has a button as the columntype with the name "UserName". Now, i want if the user clicks only on the UserName which is the first column, but not the entire row, it should display the value of the UserName column only. If other columns are clicked are apart from the UserName, nothing should display. So there will be a for loop that will itera te through all the rows of the datagridview.

So i have something like this:


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DataGridView Column Selection?

Jan 13, 2010

I have been looking all over the place trying to figure out how I can programally select a certain Cell in a row. What I am attempting to do is when doing Rowvalidating, and I find that the user has not filled out a column, I do a msgbox, then want to have the cell have the focus, so user can enter in the data. IE, like the way you can cause a text box to have the focus.

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DataGridView Entire Row Selection?

Jul 13, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to click in one cell, and the entire row be selected.

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DataGridView Row Selection By VB Program?

Jun 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008. My DataGridView could contain a thousand rows in alphabetic order and I want my users to be able to find a row quickly without them having to scan through many rows. I could provide a row of buttons captioned A to Z or I could provide a search field in a textBox but in either case my program would have to find a particular row and focus on that row. Question one: Does DataGridView have a function that searches for a a particular value in a specified column? I have found no alternative to sequentially searching through the list. Question two: Once I have identified the index to a particular row, how can I make that row become the selected row?

There is so much to DataGridView that somebody should write a book specially about DataGridView. I would buy it.

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Datagridview Selection Via Cursors?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a vb net program that shows a datagridview which pulls data from a mySQL database. When the user clicks on a row (I am checking for a 'cellclick' event), a text box is filled with data from a hidden column in the datagridview. This works fine and runs without error, BUT...When I use the cursor keys to move the selection up or down, the row highlight changes, but doesn't update the text box. I realise that this is because I am looking for a 'cellclick' event, but I don't know how to look for cursor keys as well.

Please could someone tell me what event I should be looking for to capture input via both mouse click and cursor. I have changed the program so it updates the second dgv on 'selectionchanged' but this crashes at run time with an InvalidCastException.Alternatively, is it possible to stop the user using the cursor keys?

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First Column In DatagridView, Selection?

May 19, 2010

I can't for the life of me remember what that first(non column) is called.. its where you it has the right pointer or where it has the * for a new row. Anyways... I don't want to see it.. and want to remove or hide it from the datagridview I am working with...

What is that column called? and how can it be removed or hiden?

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VB2008 - DataGridView Row Selection?

May 27, 2009

I have a DGV that has a check box in the first column to indicate marked rows. After the user marks the rows they want then the OK button is pressed and the form closes. I need the row data that they marked to be transferred some sort of temp db (preferably in memory - 30 rows or less) so I can insert the data to a tabbed UserControl. I also would like to retain that row data while they are working so in case they want to open the form with the DGV again that the previous marked rows show up.


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C# - Programmatically Change Selection On DatagridView (.NET)

Feb 22, 2009

I've a problem with DataGridView component when trying to set the value of the CurrentCell. What i'm trying to do is :

I've a DataGridView With values. I want to make a button in my forms and when clicking on it I want to change the selection from the current row to the next. To explain more, by clicking my Button I want to simulate the effect of a mouse click on a DataGridview.

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DataGridView: Getting CurrentRow Number After Row Selection?

Jul 9, 2007

I have an inconsistency in behaviour when I try to get the CurrentRow after a row has been selected.

If I select the first row in a DataGridView object using the mouse, the DataGridView1.SelectionChanged event fires, and DataGridView1.CurrentRow is the newly selected row (Row 0).

If I select the first row via code however ie. DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView.Rows(0).Cells(0) then the DataGridView1.SelectionChanged also fires, but CurrentRow is the old row, not the new row.

In fact CurrentRow doesn't get updated until AFTER the SelectionChanged event has fired if you force the row change in the code, but is updated BEFORE SelectionChanged if you do the row change via the mouse or keyboard.

how to check if its the first row if I've moved to the first row using CurrentCell ?

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Filter A DataGridView By Combobox Selection?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a ticketing system that reads a MS 2003 MDB. I can easily fill the DataGrid view with all of the items on the data set How ever I need to be able to have agents filter the rows by login(key)

I have a large list

made this way

csrLogin.Add("james", "TomJim")

I select agents on the menu strip and the combo box populates all the names in that collection (combo box displays TomJim in this instance

I have an SQL query made (I think it is correct)


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Filter Datagridview From Combo Box Selection?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm trying to select a company name from a data bound combo box, then display the relevant record in a data bound datagridview.

I've currently used the Data Sources wizard to set the connection string, create the dataset and dragged the combo box and datagridview onto my form.[code]...

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Populate A Datagridview With A Selection From A Combobox?

Apr 9, 2012

How can i bind a comobox selection to a datagridview without writting code...

i Need to select an item from a combox and based on that item refresh the datagrdiview. I did something like that in Access but i don't know how to make it work in visual studio 2008.

once i select the datagridview itme that i want to edit i'd like to be able to update back to the database. I know i need to write code for this but at least i'll have the data refreshed on the datagridview.

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VS 2008 Default Selection In DatagridView?

Jan 23, 2010

I had created 3 datagridviews dynamically. In each dtatgridview a single cell is selected by default. I want to avoid this default selection how can I do this?In a single form 3 cursors.....Not active but looks very boring.

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Datagridview Combobox Dropdown Selection Change?

Apr 20, 2009

how can I make program using vb 2005 that will dropdown the datagridview combobox and display to the datagridview textbox everytime the combobox selection change or when you choose the data.The mousemove is not perfect because when the dropdown combobox length more than the datagridview, the mousemove will not work even other features of datagridview.

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Filter A Datagridview From A Separate Combobox Selection?

May 19, 2008

I have a datagridview (datagridview1) on my form which onload displays all the records from the bindingsource (bindingsource1) via an sql connection to a table in sql server called "article".

I also have a combobox on the same form which displays the name column from the same "customer" table -

Me.ComboBox1.DataSource = customerTable
Me.ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "custname"
Me.ComboBox1.ValueMember = "custid"

I would like to enable my combobox to filter the datagridview via itsSelectedIndexChanged event . So if custname "xxxone" is selected in the combobox then the datagrid shows only the results for custname "xxxone".

So far I have worked out how to enable the combobox to move to the position in the datagridview depending on which custnameis selected-

Me.myBindingSource.Position = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex

But this method still shows the other titles,it doesnt filter them out, it just points to the selected custname. I cannot find how to filter the datagridview so ONLY the selected custname is shown.

I will be changing the field names, I have used custname and custid just to describe what I am trying to do.

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Forms :: Checkedcombobox Selection From Database To Datagridview

Mar 13, 2011

I use vb2010 to create a simple windows form.I have a checkedcombobox which gets its items from a column (titles) from a .mdb database (this works). When I check an item or multiple items in the combobox, I want to display (multiple columns) the title and for example info in a datagridview.

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How To Enable Toggle Type Selection On DataGridView

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to enable toggle type selection on rows of a datagridview, i'm developing my project in Visual Basic .NET.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With DataGridView1
.Columns.Add("Column1", "Column1")
[Code] .....

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Place Data In DataGridView From ComboBox Selection?

Aug 15, 2010

I have on my form a combobox, a datetimepicker, a button and a unbound datagridview. The datagrigview is fild with data like a yearcalender.So i have in first column all dates of januari, then a blanc column, then the dates of februari, then a blanc column and so on...This is wat the user will do :

select his name from the combobox, select a date from the datetimepicker and press the button.What i would like to happen then is this : Find in the datagridview the same date as the selected one and then place the selected name in the blanc cell next to that date.

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Selecting Data In One DataGridView Based On Selection In Another?

Oct 5, 2009

NB: I'm using Visual Basic.NET?My form has 2 DataGridView controls. One of these is bound to a DataSet, the other isn't visible - at least not until the user selects a uniqueidentifier cell in the 1st grid.When the user makes this selection, the 2nd grid will become visible and display the row from another with the same id as the one selected in the 1st grid.So, basically, I want to dynamically display data in one grid based on user selection in another grid.My code looks like this so far...

Private Sub RulesGrid_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles RulesGrid.CellClick
FlagsGrid.Visible = True


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VS 2008 Cancel Selection Changed In Datagridview?

Aug 25, 2010

Ive got a datagridview, which the user can put in to 'edit' mode by double clicking. If they then make changes but click to another row, I want to msg asking if they are sure they want to discard then changes. If they say No I want to stop the selection change from being made.

Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged
If edit = True Then


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