VS 2010 Finding Text Within WebBrowser?

Feb 2, 2012

I am loading a webpage within WebBrowser1 and trying to check the page for text. I just want it to find whether or not the text on the page says "No jobs are available at this time." and if those words are not found then I am going to have the program alert me. When I run this code..


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VS 2010 Finding WebBrowser On The Selected Tab?

Jul 18, 2010

I need to have the webbrowser on the selected tab dimmed, so like Dim foundbrowser = TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Find("WebBrowser", False)i know thats totally wrong but its just to show you what i kind of need, how do i do this? The only control on the selected tab is a webbrowser if that helps?

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VS 2010 Finding Text In An Image?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a form, that when opened, displays the image from the webcam onto it.

It's a test, to ensure the webcam is working. A prompt appears that asks if the webcam is working. However, some testers are lying and I need to find a method to make sure they can't lie.

My team wants to use a large bar code that the tester has to hold in front of the camera.

So I need to figure out how to either read the bar code, or just read the text in the bar code, which reads, "* C A M *."

It looks like the image below, but much larger.

Does anyone know where I should begin? I was thinking about using GetPixel, but I'm not sure I could or if that would be reliable enough.

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VS 2010 Finding Specific Text From Textfiles

May 27, 2012

I have an assignment due tomorrow, and I thought I had it all figured out but there is one question I don't know how to program. The assignment consists of a form with textboxes in which the user types info about a book (author, title, genre, etc.), which he can save to a textfile by clicking the save button. (At the moment it's not saving it to a textfile but just a 'file', which can be opened with notepad but is of no specific datatype, not sure how I do that, but is less important). There is also a button with which the user can display information from a different, earlier created textfile.[code]

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VS 2010 Finding Text In A Textbox And Copying It To A String Variable?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that can export my schedule into a CSV file to upload on to google calender.I need to extract some text within a textbox control. I'll show you an example.This is the text in the textbox:


Monday, 10 January, 2011
09:45 - 18:00
Phone Work09:45 - 12:15


I need to get just the date and times from this list, and put them in variables. so that I'll end up with:

1) A string with a value as a date, which would be "10 January, 2011" for example: strDate1 would have the value of "10 January, 2011"

2) A start time, for example: strStartTime1 would have the value of 9:45

3) An end time, for example strEndTime1 would have the value of 18:00

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Finding Unnamed Element In WebBrowser Control?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm writing an application that queries a web page for information. I'm using a WebBrowser control to access the page that contains the info I'm looking for because I need the application to log in to the website and navigate to the desired page.

My code:

Dim wb As WebBrowser = New WebBrowser
While wb.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete


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VS 2010 : Get Text From Webbrowser Into Textbox?

May 11, 2012

When I press Button1, I want to get some text from my website that is loaded in Webbrowser1, in a textbox. The text is: "Have a nice day". It doesn't have any nametag in it, just in a <p></p> tag. How can I do this without using the name= stuff?

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VS 2010 Get Text From Webbrowser To Textbox?

Feb 8, 2011

A can't get a text from webbrowser to textbox. I check all topic's about this but any one code no work :/

My code from webbrowser.

<span class="given-name">Marsha</span>

I wanna get this "Marsha"

I have a code, but no work :/

Dim name As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span")
For Each elem As HtmlElement In name


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VS 2010 Getting Text In Website Using WebBrowser?

Nov 28, 2010

Alrite, I'm making an application that uses 10minute [URL]; I was wondering how i would get the text/value of the email's id using WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("addyForm:addressSelect")?

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VS 2010 Retrieve Text From WebBrowser?

Jan 15, 2011

I want to recieve a little bit of text from the webbrowser by using this:

Dim Result As String = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText

How do I just get one word from all of that? =]

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VS 2010 Text From Webbrowser In Textbox?

Jan 23, 2011

So i making app "Stat Checker" for 1 game (combat arms) but i can't get some elements in textbox1

EDIT: I have button and when someone click it that data loads from webbrowser1 to textbox but i tryed lot of things and can get that text..


<div id="divFound">
<div class="player-info">
<!--<span class="playimg"><img src="/Modules/Community/Profile/Avatar.aspx?NickName=" title='' /></span>-->


can you show me method to get atlast RANKING (unranked) text so i will try to do on other ones

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VS 2010 WebBrowser - Get Text In A Browser

May 24, 2010

I have a WebBrowser set to a URI and I'm trying to get the text in the browser into a string but am not having any succes. How I do the get the text content of the browser into a string? Ultimatly I want to save the XML contents to a file on the Disk.


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VS 2010 - Get Specific Text From Class [Webbrowser Control]?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a code in website:

<h1 class="mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi">

How to get this "Blabla" to my application?Dim rx As New Regex("(?<=<h1 class=""" & Regex.Escape("mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi") & """>).+?(<=</h1>") MsgBox("Name: " & rx.Match(WebBrowser1.DocumentText).Value)
but it don't works.

And. How to get picture from website to picturebox if this picture is in the table like <table style="background:url('/blabla.png') no-repeat"> ??

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VS 2010 - Text In Textbox Disappear After WebBrowser Navigate

Mar 3, 2011

When I Webbrowser1.Navigate with my textbox the text inside of the textbox disappears.

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VS 2010 - Make A Webbrowser / Frame The Page, And Put It On The Webbrowser?

May 6, 2011

I want to make a webbrowser, but only have it show one specific thing and not the whole page. The thing I want it to show and only show is in about the middle. How would I frame the page, and put it on the webbrowser?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Fill Text - Won't Update The Submit Button To Allow To Submit The Form

Feb 17, 2012

I have a webbrowser and on a form I need it to fill text. The problem is, in order for the submit button to activate, you have to atleast type in 1 letter for it to update and make it send. The problem is when I do document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML= "SSSS" it works but it wont update the submit button to allow me to submit the form. What should I do?

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Finding Text In A 'New' Textbox?

Mar 18, 2011

Finding text in a 'New' textbox...

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Finding With Text In ListView

Oct 2, 2010

I have a problem about finding a text in ListView....
no. Name
1 Andy
2 Endy
3 Rudy

If I input "n" then ListView should have
no. Name
1 Andy
2 Endy

Here is my code
Private Sub findButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles findButton.Click
Dim item1 As ListViewItem = findListView.FindItemWithText(textbox1.text)
If (item1 IsNot Nothing) Then
MessageBox.Show("Calling FindItemWithText passing" & textbox1.text & ": " _
& item1.ToString())
MessageBox.Show("Calling FindItemWithText passing" & textbox1.text & ": null")
End If
End Sub
But I don't see the result...

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VS 2008 Finding Text In RichTextBox?

Aug 29, 2009

Is there anyway I could find text in a RichTextBox? I want to put the code in here


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C# - Finding RTF Code Associated With Selected Text In RichTextBox

Mar 7, 2011

I am using winform RichTextBox and I wonder if we can find the corresponding rtf code (or at least whereabouts of it) when selecting text?

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Finding A Match When Searching Text File?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been writing a socket application in which the client sends a user/pass combination which the server compares to a local text file. I'm only hacvin a problem with a small section where I have a do loop which does this comparison:(the string 'fromclient' has been defined earlier, as the information was received from the client)

fromfile As String
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText("C:PASS.txt")
Do While sr.Peek <> -1


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Winforms - Finding Text From The Datagrid View?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a data grid view in one windows form named "GridViewForm". When the user search for the text from the search box from another window form named "FindForm", I want to highlight all the matching result in the data grid view. The search type can be exact or partial.For eg.If the user search for the text "stack", then the words "stack" from [Stack, stack-over, stacks, stack exchange] should be highlighted and first cell that match the query should be selected. When the user press next button then another cell that match the search query should be selected.My code for finding the text is like follow for it search only the exact word.

Dim gridRow As Integer = 0
Dim gridColumn As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In AccountsDataGridView.Rows


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[2008] Finding In A Text File Then Using It As A String?

Jan 23, 2009

In a text file I have users add a folder using the folderbrowserdialog users then push add which appends the text with lets say they selected downloads

downloadspath=C:documents and settingsJamesDesktop

how can I make it so that when they push a button it seraches for downloadsname then after the = is the text to use as a string and do the same with downloadspath

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VS 2010 - Finding Tutorials For The HtmlAgilityPack?

Sep 6, 2010

Im having a hard time finding tutorials for the HtmlAgilityPack, all of them are for c#, so im having to use c# code and convert it to vb.Here is the my code, im still getting errors with the 3rd line:[code].......

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VS 2010 : Finding And Storing A String?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm obtaining data from a StreamReader.My StreamReader is called "reader" and I'm reading the stream with "responseOutput" like this "responseOutput = reader.ReadToEnd()" And in that bunch of text that I receive I want to FIND and EXTRACT a piece of text and then STORE that extraction in a variable of String type.Here is part of the code I'm referring to:

Dim response = request.GetResponse
Dim responseOutput As String
Dim reader As StreamReader
reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
responseOutput = reader.ReadToEnd()

And here is the text or data that I'm receiving (what I'm about to show you is the result of a "MessageBox.Show(responseOutput)":

<TweetPhotoResponse xmlns="http://tweetphotoapi.com" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><Large>http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c54092/x2_7e143b</Large><MediaId>7e143b</MediaId><MediaUrl>http://tweetphoto.com/8262715</MediaUrl><Medium>http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c54102/x2_7e143b</Medium><Original>http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c61132/x2_7e143b</Original><PhotoId>8262715</PhotoId><SessionKeyResponse/><Status>OK</Status><Thumbnail>http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c54112/x2_7e143b</Thumbnail><UserId>2268670</UserId></TweetPhotoResponse>

And all I want to do, is to extract a specific part of that text, which is the "PhotoId" value (I highlighted it in red), in this case the value is "8262715", and then store it in a variable (I know how to do that I just need the value).The text or data I'm receiving changes only the PhotoId everytime it's requested.

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VS 2010 Finding A Line Of String?

Sep 18, 2010

I loaded a text file to a text box, and I want the program to find a certain line containing only the strings I specify. But the text file will likely contain many of them, so I want it to pause scanning at the first line I'm looking for until I tell it to continue, then the second line, and so on. So the questions are:

1. What's the method for finding the exact line I want in a text file?

2. How do you start, pause, and resume scanning a text file line by line?

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VS 2010 Finding An Image's Coordinates

Dec 5, 2011

I have 2 images. One image is a large image and the second one is a small one. The small image has a copy of itself within the large image. I am wanting to find the coordinates of where the second image is located within the large image, a 'find feature' in other words. e.g, I might have an image with the word "Test" in it. And I want to find the coordinates of the letter 'e'...

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VS 2010 Finding Built-In Classes?

Feb 24, 2011

What are the best ways you guys recommend to search the MSDN Code Library. I know there have been several instances in searching for ways to do something, doing a long workaround, and finding out later that there was a built in class that handled the problem that I was working on much simpler.

So what are some of the ways you guys use to find tools, classes, etc. when coding. Or are you just that awesome already.This is kindve just a general tips and tricks question. Sorry if Im in the wrong forum mods.

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VS 2010 Finding Darkest Pixel?

Aug 16, 2010

I am downloading a JPEG image from a site and then I need to find the darkest pixel of that image. It also needs to be very fast since speed DOES count here, majorly. (probably has to use an API)

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VS 2010 Finding OLD Basic Function In .net?

Jul 16, 2011

in the old days i could so something like

10 A$="ReallyLongStringInSmallSpace": B$="tiny"



it would automatically truncate large strings to fit in a small assigned space, and it would use empty spaces for strings too short. it made it VERY easy to print fixed front text tables in aligned columns by automatically truncating long lines and expanding using spaces (chr 32) where needed.i've already looked at .Format but it seems just for dates, times, currencies, and various byte/hex formats.

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