VS 2010 - Handling Result Of Inner Join Query

Mar 25, 2011

I am using an Access database to store (filepaths to) pictures as well as comments people can leave on them. One picture can have multiple comments, so the tables look like this:
_____________ _____________
|Photos | |Comments |
|------------| |-------------|
|Id (PK) | |Id (PK) |
|PhotoPath | |PhotoId (FK) |
|Description | |Comment |
|____________| |_____________|

What I need to do now is retrieve a list of all Photos along with their Comments. So I have a class Photo with a collection of Comments:
Public Class Photo
Public Property Id As Integer
Public Property PhotoPath As String
Public Property Description As String
Public Property Comments As List(Of Comment) End Class Public Class Comment
Public Property Id As Integer
Public Property PhotoId As Integer
Public Property Comment As String
End Class

I can retrieve the records using an INNER JOIN query (right?), as such;
SELECT Photos.*, Comments.*
FROM (Photos INNER JOIN Comments ON Photos.Id = Comments.PhotoId)

From the result of that, for each row in the result I can create a new Photo instance, set its properties and put it in a List(Of Photo) for further processing (displaying). However, how do I handle the Comments? With this query I would get a lot of duplicate Photos. I'd get a row for each comment, but most of these rows will represent the same photos... How do I handle this the best way? I have used inner join queries before, but only for a one-to-one relationship so I never had this problem before. Now when I finally need a one-to-many relationship I realize I've no idea how to handle this appropriately...

There must be some standard way of handling this? When I previously handled cases like this I didn't use an inner join, I just retrieved all Photos first, then iterate through them and run another query to retrieve the Comments that belong to that Photo (SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE PhotoId = ?). That works fine, but when the tables are getting larger it is getting noticeably slower. So I want to do it in a single query, I definitely want to avoid running hundreds of queries if I can.

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Join LINQ Query Result And Arraylist In VB

Dec 5, 2009

I have a set off LINQ queries filtering original datatable (loaded from Excel file) according to user selections in Comboboxes. Then the result is joined with Arraylist to further filter the set. Arraylist is a simple string list from 1 to 5. [Code]

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Handling NULL Result From Query

Dec 22, 2009

I have a sql query which is returning null value below is the section the iID is null.Once debugger reaches this it goes to exception as its result is NULL. How to control debugger from going to the exception.


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VS 2010 Put The Result Of A SQL Query Into A Text Box?

Apr 28, 2011

I have the following code which returns a single row and column of an MS Access database. My goal is to put it into the Text property of a textbox. Can please someone explain me how to do it?

Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT NOME From FORN_NIB Where NUMERO = ?", cn)
Dim P2 As New OleDbParameter
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("P2", ComboBox1.Text)
Dim Reader1 As OleDbDataReader = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
Dim dt1 As New DataTable

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VS 2010 Bind Linq Query Result To Datagridview

May 9, 2012

I want to create a LINQ to entities query getting data(join) out of two tables and bind the result as datasource to a datagridview.

Unfortunately I seem to stumble upon a syntax issue.

Table 1 : dcpricing.tblpricing
Table 2 : dcpropertydetail.tblpropertydetail
Grid: grdpricing


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.net - LINQ - IEnumerable.Join On Anonymous Result Set?

May 28, 2010

I've long since built a way around this, but it still keeps bugging me... it doesnt help that my grasp of dynamic LINQ queries is still shakey.

For the example:

Parent has fields (ParentKey, ParentField)
Child has fields (ChildKey, ParentKey, ChildField)
Pet has fields (PetKey, ChildKey, PetField)


The above Join call doesnt work. I sort of understand why it doesnt work, but hopefully it'll show you how I tried to accomplish this task.

After all this was done I would have appended a Select to finish the job.

I tried it with the PredicateBuilder with little success. I might not know how to use it right but it felt like it wasnt gonna handle the joining.

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Results From Query - Populate Textbox Controls With Query Result?

Mar 11, 2010

how to take a query that returns a single row of data and load that data into textbox controls.I know about ExecuteScalar but it is only good for a single column of data from the query.

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Asp.net LINQ Join Query

Sep 28, 2011

I have this query that I tried to join 2 tables together, one which holds the product name, and product numbers, and take a product number, and go to the other where to find a Art_no which is like the product number.[code]

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Error With SQL Query For Max From Inner Join

Jun 6, 2011

I dont have a huge wealth of experince with SQL statements and im struggling;


I would like to list all of the job titles(for which there could be multiples as different employees can have the same job title) in the employee table and find the maximum amount of hours for that job title as the hours could be different for different empoyees.


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.net - Entity Framework Query With More Than One Join VB?

May 10, 2012

I'm trying to use the Entity Framework to create a complex query and get stuck in the joins. After browsing some of the documentations, I cannot seem to find the correct solution, so maybe someone here can help.

I have a data structure where a family has several family members, each of which can have more than one entry in the income table (on different registration dates) and can have more than one entry in the healthconditions table.


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Updating A Join Query In Datagrid?

Oct 1, 2003

I have a datagrid which is getting populated by two tables. I want to know how do i perform an update on these tables once the user tries to save any edited data. I am doing the following which i found in one of the articles online: [Code]

If objDataset.HasChanges()
Then Dim data_adapter As OleDbDataAdapter Dim command_builder As OleDbCommandBuilder fillSql = "Select [Price Info].[Product Quick Find ID] As


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Asp.net - SQL Query Conversion To LINQ Left Outer Join?

Jul 4, 2009

I've looked all around and spent way to long trying to convert this SQL statement into a Linq statement in VB. I'm sure it would be a good example for others out there - the statement is trying to pull products that have a many-to-many relationship with product categories, and the categories have a hierarchy of parents/children.

Here is the query I am trying to convert:

SELECT P.ProductID, P.ProductName, P.ProductSlug, P.PartNumber
FROM Products AS P
INNER JOIN Products_Categories AS PC ON PC.ProductID = P.ProductID


I can get up to the point where I am trying to say "WHERE ... (P_Cats.Parent = 9)" but can't figure that part out.

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C# :: Aggregate Or Join Strings In Linq To Sql Query (SQL Server)?

Aug 6, 2010

Given a table like

ID | Name | City
1 | X | Y
2 | Z | Y


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Equivalent To JOIN Query With Dataset Multiple Tables?

Dec 21, 2011

How to Query multiple tables in a dataset to form single consolidated table without using any external database. I know this can be done using 'JOIN' in SQl.

Now my condition is I have multiple tables filled with data in a dataset and each table is interrelated with a common 'column'. For example ,

Table 1


Here I mentioned only two tables but in my case there are many tables. I need a generic answer for this dynamic query .

View 8 Replies

LINQ Join Query On Datatable And Arraylist Error?

Dec 6, 2009

I have a set of LINQ queries filtering original datatable (loaded from Excel file) based on user selections in Comboboxes. Then the result is joined with Arraylist to further filter the set. Arraylist is a simple list of strings.


If (Samples.Item(0) Is Nothing) = False And Samples.Item(0) <> "All samples" Then
queryResults = From records In queryResults Join samp In Samples _
On records("SAMPNUM") Equals samp _


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LINQ Query - Join Tables On Nullable Columns

Apr 17, 2011

How to JOIN tables on nullable columns? I have following LINQ-query, RMA.fiCharge can be NULL:
Dim query = From charge In Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge _
Join rma In Services.dsRMA.RMA _
On charge.idCharge Equals rma.fiCharge _
Where rma.IMEI = imei
Select charge.idCharge

I get a "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid" in query.ToArray():
Dim filter = _
String.Format(Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge.idChargeColumn.ColumnName & " IN({0})", String.Join(",", query.ToArray))
So I could append a WHERE RMA.fiCharge IS NOT NULL in the query. But how to do that in LINQ or is there another option?

The problem was that the DataSet does not support Nullable-Types but generates an InvalidCastException if you query any NULL-Values on an integer-column. The modified LINQ-query from dahlbyk works with little modification. The DataSet generates a boolean-property for every column with AllowDbNull=True, in this case IsfiChargeNull.

Dim query = From charge In Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge _
Join rma In (From rma In Services.dsRMA.RMA _
Where Not rma.IsfiChargeNull
Select rma)
On charge.idCharge Equals rma.fiCharge _
Where rma.IMEI = imei
Select charge.idCharge

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Multi - Table Join Query In ASP.NET To SQL Server Via LINQ?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm working on an ASP.NET 4.0 site, which I inherited ownership of. It has a number of existing LINQ datasources pointing to individual tables. For example, to the Patient Encounter Summary table in SQL Server. The problem is in displaying the data there. It's a normalized database, so that table contains (for example) the provider ID, rather than the provider name.

It's simple enough to join the Patient Counter Summary to the Providers table (in SQL)... but how does one do that in ASP.NET? I'm not sure of the correct nomenclature, but the 'mid layer' is VB.


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Update DataBase For Dataset Filled By Join Query?

Feb 26, 2012

i have a dataset that filled by this query :

SELECT Invoices.ID, Invoices.invoicenu, Invoices.pdate, InvoiceList.icaption, Invoices.icaptioncode, Invoices.ccode, Invoices.postedbill, Invoices.billnumber, SUM(InvoicesDetaile.price)
AS Tprice


a datagridview is showing dataset data and user check checkedcolumn of datagridview (postedbill filed) and after user mark a few rows , i want update (invoice table) in database .

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Datatables Left Join Linq - Joining 2 Datatables And Have The Joined Datatable As Result

Jun 1, 2012

I'm having a hard time joining 2 datatables and have the joined datatable as result. First datatable (labels) holds data including a printerid. Second datatable (printers) holds printer references (id > unc). I would like to have as endresult (joined) a datatable with all data from the first datatable with the field (unc) of the second datatable. [Code]

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Linq Query Handling Null Values?

Nov 12, 2011

From r In ReceiptLines
r.RECEIPT.RECEIPTDATE >= _reportStartDate
And r.RECEIPT.RECEIPTDATE <= _reportEndDate


I am fetching all departments and their sales, average, count from the ReceiptLine, Receipt, ReceiptDiscount tables. The problem i am facing is, if i remove where discount > 0, I am getting null exception. But if I include that, then I only get sales that has discount. How would I write query that bring all sales less discount (if it has one).

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Showing A Sql Query Result?

Mar 16, 2010

I have the following code in my project:

rivate Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


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C# - Bind Query Result To Datatablde?

Aug 22, 2010

I want to bind the following query result to datatable:

Dim query = From c in db.Customers _
Where c.Status = "Active" _
Select c.CId, c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Email

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Check If Query Result Is Empty

Oct 10, 2011

First time poster and new to ASP programming.I have a functional database to where i am trying to add new functionality.I'm trying to add the idea to check if a returned string is empty, if so get value from a backup table which holds historical information. Here is what i have got for the specific part:


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DB/Reporting :: Query Result In A Listbox?

Oct 28, 2008

I'm trying to run a query and display the result in a listbox. I can do it for a datagridview but not for a listbox .

Private Sub frmNieuweActie_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
strSql = "SELECT Acties.Actieid, Acties.Actie " & _
"FROM(Acties) " & _


I get the correct amount of items in my listbox but it displays "System.Data.DataRowView" as item .

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Display SQL Query Result On VB Form?

Oct 17, 2011

I am facing a problem displaying the result of my "select *" query on the form . Here is my code:


But when I write this code and run my form I am not able to see any records present in my database tables being displayed on my form. I have inserted a DataGridView on my form . What changes should I do to my code ?

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Fill ComboBox With Query Result?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm trying to fill combobox with my SQL query result.[code]...

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Filling Combobox With Query Result?

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to fill a combobox using the results form a query to combine two fields (first and Last name). I cannot seam to get to the query through the table adapter. I can set the binding source and select one of the fields to fill the control but I cannot get to the query's.

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How To Assign A Variable To An Query Result

Apr 24, 2011

How do I assign the query result to a variable.I am using SQLlite. Below is the code for retrieving password from the User Table. I need to compare the given password and the given password.

Dim i As String
Dim p As String
i = txtUserID.Text


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Parse The Result Of Entering A Query?

Feb 27, 2011

I would like to parse the result of entering a query at [URL] the problem is that I cant seem to the post data just right and cant properly open a webrequest to the site.

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Populate Combobox With Result Of Query?

Apr 18, 2010

I have added a query to my form using the sqlDataAdapter object and the wizard.Now I want to show the result of the query in a combox on my form.The combobox is not binded to a data source, but is going to be used for searching a record (but this is for later)

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