VS 2010 Loading Script Not Formatting Charts

Apr 15, 2011

For some reason, I can get the first chart to become formatted using the code below, but the other 4 won't format properly. I had a similar problem with the DataGridView's, but I moved all of the with statements before I adjusted the Charts and they now work. I can see no reason why this would cause only one chart to be formatted and the rest to stay blank. The code was copied and renamed in the With statement for the appropriate Name of the charts.


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Conditional Formatting For Excel Charts?

Mar 4, 2009

Is there a way to conditionally format an Excel Chart? For example I have a bar graph. Currently I have the bars a purple color. I would like to turn a certain bar red if it meets certain criteria. Is there anyway to do this?

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Formatting VB Forms Before Loading?

Mar 24, 2011

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form's background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form's background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module, with generic collections of all the picture boxes on the form. Am I able to do this before the form loads?

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Formatting Visual Basic Forms Before Loading?

Jun 2, 2010

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form’s background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form’s background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module,

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CPU Graphics Charts Addon Vb 2005, 2008 ,2010

Aug 17, 2011

doses microsoft hav graphic charts to add on tools

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Draw Lines On Charts With Mouse Movements In Visual Basic 2010

Apr 13, 2011

I display a Chart with several graphic lines on it. What I want to do is draw a line (using the mouse) overtop or below the chart such that it can be seen on the chart. The mouse line draw code is below. What is required is either make
the line always be on top or make the chart transparent. I don't know how to do either and I don't know if it is possible in Visual Basic 2010 as it was in VB2.

Private Sub frmComDashBrdGraph_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then


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VS 2010 : Formatting A USB Drive?

May 26, 2010

formatting a USB Drive?

Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO

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VS 2010 RichTextBox Formatting?

Apr 9, 2011

I've developed a MySQL chat app that I have in my program. It works perfectly, however all of the text is the same color. I use a silver-on-black scheme. I'd like to do 1 of 2 things, whichever one is.. er.. "more possible". The first option would be simple - alternate each row's back color. So that one row would be silver-on-black, the next row would be black-on-silver, and so on alternating. Each row is separated by a "vbCrLf". The second option would be to merely bold or turn to white the info text. Here's the format of the chat messages: [{time} - {user}] {message}. I would want [{time} - {user}] to be bold and white. Are either of those 2 options possible? Well, I know they're possible

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.net - Formatting Writeline Output In VB 2010?

Mar 14, 2012

I have been searching for a way to format output using writeline/write (streamwriter)using RTF tags and wondering if there is a syntax for this, if it exists. I have not been able to find a resource which clearly explains how to "pretty" up output sent to a file.

The reason why I am asking is because I want to "print" results from my program into a file that, at the very least, would be centered, tabbed and even bolded where possible without requiring the user to go and futz with it. I think I saw that Crystal Reports won't work with VB 2010 Express and, quite frankly, just want to create a file with output.


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VS 2010 - Apply Text Formatting To RTB?

Oct 2, 2010

I was using VB6 and all my text formatting is stored in a database from the way VB6 stores it. How do I apply this formatting to a rich text box in VB 2010?

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VS 2010 Datagridview Cell Formatting?

Jan 21, 2012

When a certain form (containing a datagridview (dgv)) is first loaded, the dgv cell formatting event is triggered by the line

dgv_WorkHistory.DataSource = ds_WorkHistory.Tables(0).DefaultView This successfully adds some background colour to a few cells in the displayed table. After this the next line of code is executed. The problem is that if I then try to load a different table (by choosing one from a listbox), the new table displays OK but without the desired formatting. Why?

Stepping through the code I find first of all that when I click on the listbox the dgv cell formatting event is instantly raised (immediately, even before any code in the listbox click event is executed). Why does clicking on the listbox trigger the cell formatting event?

Then, when execution reaches the line quoted above for the second time (remember it triggered cell formatting the first time round) it doesn't this time trigger it. The next line of code is executed instead. Why has the behaviour changed?

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VS 2010 Formatting Parts Of A Richtextbox?

Jun 7, 2011

I have some text displayed in a richtextbox from an xml. This is how is shows upHaste <i>(As soon as it comes under your control.)</i>At the beginning of the end step<i>The storms of the wastelands form quickly and hit hard. Few have anything to do with rain.</i>

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VS 2010 .NET Excel Chart Cell Formatting?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a program that creates a excel spreadsheet and a chart on each tab from extracted data in various .txt files. Before the chart is created, two of the excel columns will end up with data like this: on column 9 and 10. I also use data (time, looks like 09:15) in column 11 that shows the time at the bottom of the chart. There are just too many digits in the output and the readability looks bad so I can also convert.

Input Output


The chart will display those values just fine but, normally the conversion in code that I do during the placement of that data (so it reads a bit better) looks like this:

'Convert bit to Kbit
If InRate.Length < 7 Then
InRate = CDbl(InRate) / 1000 & " Kbit"


how to make the chart work with just numbers and ignore the MB or Kbit at the end?

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VS 2010 : DGV Formatting Lost On Form Load?

Feb 23, 2011

I have set up a form that will act as my parent (this hasnt been set up as an MDI).On this form I have a Panel that I will be loading forms into. I have a form that contains a DGV. On the load of the parent form, I then load this "child" form into the Panel. In the onLoad event of the "child" I go off to the database and populate my DGV. Then I run through the rows in the DGV and add in a logo image in the first column and change some cell colors based on values in those cells.

This all works great, however, when the child form finishes loading all the changes are lost. eg The logo images go back to the red cross and the cell coloring is gone.If I call Me.Refresh() in the child window as the last line in its Form_load event I can see the logo and cell colors update to what I want, but as soon as it has updated, its like it immediately refreshes again and all the changes are gone.

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VS 2010 A Data Entry Formatting Challenge

Dec 12, 2011

I'm updating a program that was written in an older version of VB (by someone else) and I can't figure out to how replicate this data entry line in my Form.

Each textbox can be changed and there is a nice scroll bar at the bottom to move left and right as you enter each datapoint.

I tried using multiple tabs within a Panel and setting the Appearance to FlatButtons, but the text area under each tab gets covered when you select another tab.

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VS 2010 Formatting A String: Truncating Or Padding

Dec 29, 2010

I need to take a string of any length & make it exactly 5 characters long by either truncating it or padding it or neither. So "abcdefgh" becomes "abcde", "abcde" stays "abcde" & "abc" becomes "abc " (2 spaces at the end).

I currently use this line of

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(myString, 5).PadRight(5, " "c)
it works, but it seems very hackish.

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VS 2010 Formatting Removable Drives Using VB Code?

Jan 19, 2010

loping application to make bootable USB drive, for that i wants to format usb drive.but I couldn't find any way for the same.I got solution that suggests use of SHformatdrive(), but how can i include that function.I am using VB 2010 (VS2010). Is there any different way

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VS 2010 String Formatting By Culture Info?

Jul 5, 2010

I have:

1 ComboBox(cboCultureInfoNumeric) with the required CultureInfo.
1 Textbox(txtNumeric)
1 Label(Label1)

When the user change the Culture info the decimal point or comma change in the textbox(txtNumeric) nicely.What i try is to change also the text in Label1 by the culture info.If the user change the CultureInfo to German the Label1.text = �German�If the user change the CultureInfo to Spanish the Label1.text = �Spanish� And so on�

What I have do is :

1 - Set the Form1 Localizable property to true.

2 - Set the form's Language property to "German (Germany)".

3 - Set the Label1 Text property to "German".

VB make the file -> MainForm.de-DE.resx with name: Label.Text and value: German

4 - Set the form's Language property to "Spanish (Spain)".

5 - Set the Label1 Text property to " Spanish ".

VB make the file -> resx

6 - Set the form's Language property to "French (France)".

7 - Set the Label1 Text property to "French".

VB make the file -> resx

8 - �The TextBox with the numeric value�s change when the user change the CulureInfo but not the Label1, why?It work perfect when I put �Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("fr-FR")in the MainForm.designer.vb before InitializeComponent function and in the New function.But I want to use the ComboBox�

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Converting C++ Printf Formatting To / From String Formatting

Sep 30, 2010

I have some VB .NET software that interfaces to a load of old (but sound) COM objects. The VB provides a GUI for the COM objects, part of which consists of setting various options on the COM objects - several of which relate to string formatting.I have a simple pair of VB .NET functions that convert basic %f, %d, %g formats to/from .NET equivalents using a large select case covering specific common strings, but they don't cover all formats.[code]Before I start diving in and making it more versatile with some parsing, does anyone know of a class (eg VB or C# .NET) that provides a decent ready-made implementation? Or perhaps some regexp wizadry could be used?

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VS 2010 Formatting A DataGridView Column To Show Seconds?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm filling a DGV by setting it's datasource property to a datatable, but for a DateTime columns it doesn't show seconds.

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VS 2010 Formatting Dates And Times In Update Statement?

Nov 27, 2011

I have now started posting to a MySQL database created by someone else. I have no ability to change the table structure.Two questions:

1) There is a date field and a time field that loosely tracks the last edit date and time. Both are fields set up as DateTime in the database. The date field always has the proper date but the date and time portion shows as

2011-11-27 00:00:00

However, the time field shows as

1899-12-30 23:16:58.

When I am updating with the following code

strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditDate", Date.Now)
strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditTime", TimeOfDay)
The date field displays
2011-11-27 23:40:26
and the time field displays
0001-01-01 23:40:26

I'm not sure how to format the date field without time and the time field with Dec 30 1899.Question 2) I will be adding some tables and will be wanting to track date and time of first entry as well as date and time of last edit. (this may have been better posted in the Database forum, if so, sorry)

For those of you who have done this before, would you mind sharing best practises? I am wondering why would you use two fields, one for date and one for time, when the field is a date/time field to begin with. I've seen this before in another database as well. I'm just trying to work out the logic here.

View 7 Replies

VB 2010 - Thumb Drive - Formatting, Partitioning, And Copying The Image

Oct 24, 2010

I have to create a program to manage a large number of USB Thumbdrives. In short, the drives will contain corporate images used by technicians to prep machines in the field. I do not have to create the images as they are already provided. Since I have to create 50 plus of these at one time, I am looking at writing a program to automate the process. As it stands now, formatting, partitioning, and copying the image to each key individually is, as you can understand, not efficient time wise. I have already purchased two industrial quality 7 port powered hubs.

The plan is to be able to: Fill all 14 slots in the hubs with USB ThumbdrivesUse the program to select the drives to prepareHave the program format and partition the drives (bootable)Copy the contents of the image folder provided to the USB keys. The idea is to do the above by filling all the slots and hitting one button, then walking away to do other work. When done, the drives would be ejected, and the next set of 14 installed.

I have already created the User Interface. It consists of: 5 buttons (Scan For Drives, Format Drives, Build Drives, Build And Format Drives, Exit).One "Select Source" entry field to select the source of the Image Files.One Checked Entry List. This is where all available drives will be listed, and the one's desired to be checked.

Now, it has been 20 years since I did any coding, and all of that was done in languages that are pretty much dead today (Turbo Pascal, Clarion Professional Developer and R:Base), so to say I'm behind the curve is an understatement. While I was never a real fan of Basic, I have some experience with it. But today's VB.Net ain't your daddy's basic, and there's no way I have time to learn C or C++. I have the Express version of Visual Studio 2010, which should be fine for this project.

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VS 2010 Word Wrapping - Formatting Lines Of Text In ListBox

Jan 26, 2012

I have some lines of text in a listbox that I need to format. The text originally looks like this (on one line):
GND,CAL1.2 CAL1.3 CAL1.4 CAL1.5 CAL1.6 CAL1.7 CAL1.8 CAL1.9 CAL1.10 CAL2.2 CAL2.3 CAL2.4 CAL2.5 CAL2.6 CAL2.7 CAL2.8 CAL2.9 CAL2.10 CAL3.2 CAL3.3 CAL3.4 CAL3.5 CAL3.6 CAL3.7 CAL3.8 CAL3.9 CAL3.10 CAL4.2 CAL4.3 CAL4.4 CAL4.5 CAL4.6 CAL4.7 CAL4.8 CAL4.9 CAL4.10 CMS1L.2 CMS1L.3 CMS1L.4 CMS1L.5 CMS1L.6 CMS1L.7 CMS1L.8 CMS1L.9 CMS1L.10 CMS1U.2 CMS1U.3 CMS1U.4 CMS1U.5 CMS1U.6 CMS1U.7 CMS1U.8 CMS1U.9 CMS1U.10 CMS2L.2 CMS2L.3 CMS2L.4 CMS2L.5 CMS2L.6 CMS2L.7 CMS2L.8 CMS2L.9 CMS2L.10 CMS2U.2 CMS2U.3 CMS2U.4 CMS2U.5 CMS2U.6 CMS2U.7 CMS2U.8 CMS2U.9

I need to format it (if it's more than 13 names), then add it to another list looking like this:
NET 'GND' R1-2 R2-2 R3-2 R4-2 R5-2 R6-2 R7-2 R8-2 L1-2 L1-3 L1-4 L1-5 L1-6 L1-7
NET 'GND' L1-8 L1-9 L1-10 L3-2 L3-3 L3-4 L3-5 L3-6 L3-7 L3-8 L3-9 L3-10 L4-2
NET 'GND' L4-3 L4-4 L4-5 L4-6 L4-7 L4-8 L4-9 L4-10 L7-2 L7-3 L7-4 L7-5 L7-6
NET 'GND' L7-7 L7-8 L7-9 L7-10 L2-2 L2-3 L2-4 L2-5 L2-6 L2-7 L2-8 L2-9 L2-10
NET 'GND' L6-2 L6-3 L6-4 L6-5 L6-6 L6-7 L6-8 L6-9 L6-10 L5-2 L5-3 L5-4 L5-5 .....
[Code] .....

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How To Add Charts

Apr 1, 2010

How can we add charts in VB.Net?

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VS 2010 Loading A File?

Apr 9, 2012

Alright, i have this so far:Public Class Form1

Private Sub GhostButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GhostButton1.Click
End Sub
Private Sub GhostButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GhostButton2.Click


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Charts VB2008EE

Jun 29, 2010

setting up a Bar chart and a Pie chart... The Barchart repsent how many people have that and the piechart is how much of what that person has bought.. i need to be able to change that?

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How To Create Org Charts In .net

Mar 30, 2009

How to create org charts in vb.net?

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Wrkin With MS CHarts?

Apr 15, 2012

currently i m workin on Ms CHarts wid VB.NET nd create a chart sucessfully bt nw i wnt to click on that particular bar of that chart nd want to get that particular axis label of that bar ..

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Loading CSV File Into 2D Array Using VB 2010?

Apr 17, 2012

I am a beginner learning Visual Basic and am creating a simple quiz.I need my program to load the quiz questions and answers from a CSV file that I have created and saved in the resources folder.

I need some code to load the CSV file into VB and then populate a 2D array with the values from the table.

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Loading Multiple Instances Of One .dll In .Net 2010?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm working on a program that uses a COM Object exposed by a .dll. The .dll has a known bug, though, where it acts very erratically when more than one instance of the object is created under one .dll, resulting in crashes or corrupted data a large part of the time. I'm curious if there is some way I can load another instance of the .dll itself, then create another instance of the object without having to need a new process for every instance.

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