VS 2010 No Forms Are Showing Up?

Jun 30, 2011

Well I accidently double clicked both of my forms in a project and then they weren't pinned anymore so I exited them out hoping they'd be pinned aghain, but now when I open the project, no forms show up. Just blank blue wall... How can I get the forms back?

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VS 2010 Hiding/Showing Forms In MDI?

Feb 16, 2012

I am using a MDI parent to house each of the forms in my application. I have a main form and 2 sub forms. The sub forms are opened using the code below. Also, when I am finished entering info into these forms, i am hiding them so that I can reopen them with the same info still entered.

The problem is that when i show the form again, it is blank. Why would this be the case? I am never closing or disposing the form, so shouldn't it just unhide easily?Showing the sub-form(savingsfrm1) and and hiding the main form(riskfrm1)Public savingsfrm1 As Savings

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 - Showing Forms On Multithreaded Application

Apr 17, 2011

I've finally gotten multi-threading working on my application, but now I'm having trouble showing forms when I need to. I currently have three threads in my program: one for updating a textbox, one for transferring files, and one for displaying forms. Here's a snippet of code from my program:


I'm getting the error: Control 'frmXCopy' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I know what this means, but I can't find a way to make the ShowForm Sub run off of the main application thread.

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Forms Not Showing Up

Jan 2, 2010

I have built an application where there is a MDI parent form and other forms which i have not declared as Child forms but have set these forms not to show in Taskbar. While the application is running, if i have any of these forms open and i switch over to any other application other than this and when i come back to it, all these forms hide. I cannot reopen it or see it anymore.. Why is this happening?? how can i sustain these forms as it is even when i leave the application.LuxCoder

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MDI And Showing Forms

Feb 23, 2012

I have added a MDI parent to my application and assigned all new forms to it (i.e. Form1.MDIparent = myMDI). When i hide and then show a form, it loses all of the data previously typed in the textboxes.

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Forms :: Showing A SQL Result

Aug 18, 2010

I have the following code in my project:

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


I'm needing to do is to show in my messagebox.show the date from the sql query that I ran before this. I know that I havent declared a variable in that statement but I'm having a bit of a lapse today and was just wondering how to show that result in my messagebox.show.

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Showing And Hiding Forms

May 4, 2010

When my login screen loads, if the user has not created an account the form will close and a form to create an account will appear. However when I code this both forms stay visible, instead of just the one. Where am I going wrong?[code...]

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Showing And Hiding Forms In VB?

Mar 11, 2009

I've just upgraded from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

1. Show anothor form (ie. Form2)

2. Close Form1.

At present when I use the me.form1 , but both Form1 and Form2 both closes.I would like to press a button or on a timer, to show Form2, while closing Form1.

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Showing Forms From Another Thread?

Jun 20, 2009

my scenario is this: I have two forms and a module. Let's call one of the forms MainForm and the other SecondForm. My module is running on a seperate thread to MainForm. A sub routine is triggered in the module, and I want it to display SecondForm.

I understand that I cannot do this directly because SecondForm needs to be called from the UI thread, which is shared by MainForm. How would I go about doing this? I'm guessing that I would have to use a combination of invocation and calls to MainForm to activate SecondForm.

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Data Not Showing In Window Forms App

Oct 1, 2010

I am just learning vb.net using vs 2008. I have a small forms app which I have conected to a small, single table 2 column database. I enter some numbers into a text box, press a button and the data gets entered into the dbase. However the only data that gets displayed in the data table I have on my form is the existing data.No new data entered is shown until I close down and restart the app. I have tried many times using statements such as [code]...

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Difference Between The Following Methods Of Showing Forms?

Jul 26, 2011

What is the difference between the following two statements (in terms of memory management):

Dim frm as New MyForm()

I am originally a C# developer, how does the second one make sense or even compile for that matter in VB.NET? (Show() is not a Shared/Static method) What is happening in the second case?

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Forms :: Reading .ini And Showing Settings?

May 6, 2009

I've been trying to get my head round a problem for days now, I want to read 'File.ini' line by line checking if specific text exists in the file and then display on a windows form weather particular settings are turned on or off.

So far this code works if "TargetText" exists but if it doenst I get an error on the code line: "If line.Contains("TargetText") Then".


It works if "TargetText" existin in a line in the file but if it doesnt exist I get the 'Null Reference Exception. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Any suggestions greatfully recieved!

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Forms :: Showing Both A Start And End Date

Sep 28, 2010

I have the following


and as you can see, I am showing users the next available date open to them is determined with the value dteReturnValue.ToShortDateString .. but what I'd like to do is show the user both the start date and the end date, which will always be +7 days from the field in my database.

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Inherited Forms Not Showing In Designer

Jun 4, 2011

When I create an inherited form, after creation for some reason I cant see the form to edit in designer, I mean I cant drag and drop buttons, labels or any control to it since I just CANT see it, I have included a pic of what I see below where Form1 is the Inherited Form. What Am I doing wrong or what is happening

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Showing Windows Forms From DLLs?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm trying to show a Windows Form from a DLL file - it's added to the application's refrences But I can't call the Windows Form from the DLL, I tried to make a function that shows the form but when I try to call that function in my application it says: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference How can I show the form? I'm tried to use this method: (it's in the DLL's form)

Public Sub Open()
Dim Instance As Windows.Forms.Control = Me
End Sub

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VS 2005 Showing Another Forms Using Showdialog?

Apr 27, 2009

I make a program upon sending emails to my friends using smtp. The problem is that I have confusions why my another form will not show until it is not finished sending all of the messages. I want my next form to show how many percent were finished but the problem is that my form will show only until all the emails are sent on my listbox. I put my code on the load event of the for

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Forms :: DataGridView Display - Hiding And Showing

Mar 31, 2009

I have a form e.g. Form1 , which displays a datagridview.
1) On form load, the datagridview doesn't have any data
2) The user clicks on a button called filter, this opens a form where the user can specify parameters to filter the data by
3) This form calls a setData() in Form1, which fills the dataset with the data

This works fine. If I click on a button called controlPanel it launches another form and hides this. E.g.
dim cp as new ControlPanel()

On the controlpanel I have a button that links to form1. If I click on it. E.g.
dim frm as new Form1()
It redisplays Form1 but without any data in the datagridview.

I think the problem is that since I am creating a new instance for Form1 it comes up with the blank Form1. Is there a way to redisplay Form1 so that it retains the data that was displayed last, without having to retrieve the data from the database.

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Forms :: TextBox Showing 2 Table Fields?

Mar 15, 2010

Have anyone developed a textbox where it is possible to display 2 fields in the textbox. We want to be able to show ID + description in the same textbox. (When user enter the textbox description may go away and the user can enter an ID)

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Forms :: Tooltip In Checkbox Not Showing Properly

May 6, 2009

I added a tooltip control in my form and set a tooltip for a checkbox. The tooltip shows fine until I check the checkbox... If I check the checkbox once and uncheck it, the tooltip never shows up when I hover the mouse over it... How to make the tooltip to show on mousehover no matter the checkbox is clicked or not?

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Forms :: Copy Multiple Files Showing Progress In Progressbar

Dec 5, 2010

So as it says in title i need to copy several files from one folder to another. But i dont need to copy folder with files. i need to copy several files to another folder..

And show progress in progressbar.. is there a way how to do it, cos i found only how to copy 1 file showing progress..

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Showing Toolbars For Excel File In A Windows Forms Control

Apr 2, 2012

I'm showing an excel file in a WebBrowser control on my form, but it doesn't show any toolbars. The customers wants the ability to make changes in the control and save them, hence the need to show the standard toolbars.

I've tried many different things including:

For Each cb As CommandBar In xlApp.CommandBars
cb.Visible = True


how I can get toolbars to show in the WebBrowser control?

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Forms :: Showing The Show Dialog Window On Front When Clicking With Mouse?

Mar 25, 2009

My Front end is VB.net 2008.I have a form. In this form, I have a menu control, this menu control has four buttons.On clicking the first three buttons, open the window with Show() event. and the fourth button open the screen with ShowDialog().Now, One by one I am clicking the button , so finally i have now four windows of this application.(Three with Show() and one with ShowDialog())Right?

Now I am minimizing all the windows with the help of Window + D Button.After this, If I use the keyboard(Alt+ Tab) keys. This is opening the showDialog window on top because , Show dialog's TopMost = True.Now I come back to my problem. That's why I cannot use the show/Showdialog overloaded menthod to pass the Me/form-id .Again, I use the keyboard(Alt+ Tab) keys, to minimized all windows. In the taskbar and Startmenu properties ,I have selected the Group Similar Taskbar buttons.This resulted in the heap of my application windows, one on the other.Now i click on one of my application window , and If I click the window other then the Show Dialog opened Window, this is not bringing the show dialog window to topMost.

Note:- There is no parent child window requirement. That's why I can't use the Show/Show Dialog overloaded method to pass the Me/Form-id

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VB 2010 : DataGridView Not Showing

Nov 15, 2011

Unable to display data in datagridview : vb 2010 express + mysql server 5 + odbc connector

1. I am able to connect database successfully. I am using arraylist to set data.& also i m

getting till it set to dataview (Object name )

2. Till now i am not added any column name in datagridview property setting .

[add/remove column]'[code...]

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VS 2010 : Showing Only URL's In Listbox?

Mar 16, 2012

I have the code which gets HTML code and puts it in a richtextbox with seperate lines.I would like the richtextbox to delete each line which doesnt contain a url in it.

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VS 2010 ContextMenuStrip Not Showing?

Mar 18, 2012

VS 2010 ContextMenuStrip not showing?

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VS 2010 Icon Not Showing Up As It Should?

Aug 8, 2009

I made a program and had an icon for it, well i recently when to chaneg the icon, the one that shows up on the desktop and when i did it now shows up as a window instead of what i want it to be, so i chanegd it back to he original icon and it is still the window

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VS 2010 - DataGridView Output Not Showing?

Sep 7, 2011

For a class project I'm supposed to write a program that requests a team as input and displays the players from that team in the first column. The players should be sorted alphabetically by their last name, and if they have the same name they should be sorted by first name accordingly. My program compiles and I'm fairly certain that I've done most of it correctly. The second column should be filled with the batting average of the corresponding player from the left column.

My problems are as follows:

1) I can't get the DGV output to show correctly, it posts the player's name with the batting average of that player in the following downward cell.

2) I'm not sure how to further use the .Split method to separate the first and last name after already separating the name from team/at bats/hits, and can't find any info regarding this topic. Also, I can't figure out how to sort in reverse, I've only seen the Ascending and Descending options so far for sorting.

3) Is the way I've figured the batting average the most efficient/correct way, or is there another better way?


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VS 2010 - Delay When Showing TabPage

Feb 20, 2011

In my program I have a tab control with 4 tab pages. In the second tab page there is a lot of controls (about 50! includes buttons, labels, combo boxes, textboxes, option boxes). When user opens the program and want to navigate to tabpage 2 there is about 2-3 second delay showing tabpage. This problem only occur the first time, after that it just shows the page fine. I am not sure what is causing this lag but the program seems buggy and slow to user.

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VS 2010 - Want 12 Hour Time, With Out Showing AM Or PM?

Nov 6, 2011

vb Label3.Text = Format(Now, "mm:hh")

That is my issue. It's giving me 24 hour time, and I want 12 hour time, with out showing AM or PM.

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VS 2010 : Showing Or Hiding Controls?

May 20, 2010

I have a form that searches a db. Some searches will always result in one row of data, others might return multiple rows. I want to have the data from a single row shown in text boxes and the multiple rows show in a datagridview is it possible to hide/show those depending on the amount of rows.

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