VS 2010 Synchronizing Two Listview?

Jan 2, 2012

To synchronize a listbox with a listview use the following:

Listview1.Items(Listbox1.SelectedIndex).Selected = True


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Synchronizing Word 2010 With VB 2010 Application

Dec 24, 2011

I had my laptop stolen and had to download a trial version of microsoft word 2010. the file extension says it is WordApplication.odt. I am using Visual Basic 2010 and had the application converted from a visual basic 2008. The Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word .Net Reference file, but I thing the trial version of Microsoft Word has a different file extension.

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Modifying Access DB And Synchronizing With VB2008?

Oct 29, 2009

I have built an app in VB2008 that uses an Access database (accdb).I need to add some fields to some tables.

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Synchronizing Two Queens Image Contoll

Jan 23, 2012

I wish to display two images (of minerals as seen under microscope in different light conditions).I want to use Queens_Image Control to display the images because this control allows smooth panning and zooming of the image.I want to know is there a way I can link one Queens_Image Control with another Queens_Image control on the same form in such a way that when the image in one of the Queens_Image Control is zoomed and/or panned, the image in the other Queens_image Control should be zoomed /panned identically.

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VS 2008 'Synchronizing' File Contents?

May 8, 2009

I am writing a text editor application which uses an advanced third party text editor. This editor allows the user to set Bookmarks and use Outlining, just like the editor in Visual Studio. The output of my application is a ".script" file, which is basically just a text file. This file is read later by a game, and I can therefore not change anything to the layout of the file. It must be a simple text file.

When the user saves any document, I would like my application to also store the Bookmarks in that document, and the state of any Outlining ranges (collapsed or expanded). The editor allows me to do this by using a special Save feature, which saves the contents of the editor (the text), along with its properties, bookmarks, outline ranges, etc to an XML file. I can also load this XML file back. Now there is one obvious problem: my application should still output its documents as ".script" files, which are just normal text files as said above. Therefore, I cannot use the XML files that also hold the properties/bookmarks etc directly, since the game cannot read those!

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Synchronizing Remote MS Access Databases Using VS2010

Nov 6, 2010

I have an existing VB6 application which permits two or more users to work with local relicated MS Access databases. At start-up and shut down the local database synchronize with the master database (if the network permits dialogue) using

mDb1.Synchronize etc.

I am trying to port the application over to VS2010 and I cannot find anything equivalent to permit occasional synchronizing of various replicated MS Access databases with the master database (again, if the network permits contact between the two machines). Has anyone found a way of doing this for Access databases (not SQL Server databases)?

Works fine in VB6 but VS2010 has me beaten at the moment.

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Synchronizing - (using A Background Worker) Checking All Of The Files & Subfolders

Jul 17, 2009

Unless someone knows of a way to do this already in windows, what's the best method for (using a background worker) checking all of the files & subfolders in a folder against another folder in an external usb hdd?

I'd like it to copy only the files that's changed since the last backup, and it'd be nice if I could right-click on a folder (which i can easily google this one, it's a common thing) and select my program and it'd pop up a window to get the destination (since the source is known from the windows context menu) and only copy (overwriting the existing files/folders) that've changed since the last backup.

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Synchronizing Phone With Pc Through An Application To Save / Restore Data

Dec 28, 2011

I have developed an application on my phone to manage my money. I would like to create an application on my pc to get the local database from my winphone to be able to display informations... and have a backup. I would also like to be able to restore my data back to my winphone if there is a crash.

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VS 2010 Listview Add And Select - Populate A Listview And Leave Selected Records That Are True

Apr 19, 2012

I want to populate a listview and leave selected records that are true

I have a DB record which is ID int, desc varchar, selected boolean.

I have tried the code below

LVProducts is a Listview and DS is a dataset


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VS 2010 - Generating ID To ListView Per Row

Sep 8, 2011

I want is to generate an ID to my listview per row it is possible? For example I have 10 records in listview and I want to add an ID per row in randomly. Here's my sample picture... but it's wrong...coz' at the column 3 it's a repeating ID...

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VS 2010 : Add Items To Listview?

Sep 23, 2009

I have wrote a code that should write some text in a xml file and add a item for every file in the fileadddialog to the listview. But i can't make it to work, the writing works, both with multi-select and single files. But it only add the Movie to the listview if the file don't exists (read the code to understand).

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
If DialogResult.OK Then


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VS 2010 Add Items To ListView Not By Row?

Oct 24, 2011

The only way I know how to put an item in a list view is to make a new item, which is the first column, then add a sub item for the columns after that and the item is placed in the row.For this Project I am wondering if there is a way to easily add items to individual cells, based on the column and group, not add items in a row at a time.

Something like the following image is what I need to do with code. To get this I manually added the items in the designer. But the logic bases where to put the class on the other classes in that time block (Mon at 8-1030am is one block). However if we have to add them a row at a time it throws off our logic and thought process.

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VS 2010 Getting Items In Listview?

Mar 23, 2012

How can I get items in listview? I know how to get the current item if selected but Im trying to put it in a loop where i need to get my three row items there.

I have 3 columns and I want to get there items and insert it in entry string.

This code is wrong

Dim a As Integer = 0
For a = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count
columname.Text = ListView1.FocusedItem.Text(a)


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VS 2010 Listview Add And Select?

Apr 24, 2010

I know this is going to be an easy question but I cannot figure it out by reading everything I find on google.I want to populate a listview and leave selected records that are true

I have a DB record which is
ID int,
desc varchar,


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VS 2010 Listview Add Range?

Feb 25, 2012

Here is my
Dim ListViewItemArray(-1) As ListViewItem
ReDim Preserve ListViewItemArray(UBound(ListViewItemArray) + 1)


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VS 2010 Listview And Checkbox's

Dec 19, 2011

I have a system which stores fee's paid for a youth teams players.A textfile stores:player name|trainingsessionsattended|amountpaidin..Each line is a new player's entry.I need to make a form that allows the user to input the amount paid by each player at the end of a training session.I did think of doing a single dropdown box and allowing the user to select a user and enter how much he/she paid and entering each players fee's one by one. But this is not practical, considering there are 20 players, this may take a while.I thought of having a listview with every players name and then using this to add the players fee's but am not entirely sure how to go about this.

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VS 2010 ListView ItemActivate?

Mar 2, 2011

When the ListView's ItemActivate event occurs, how can i get the item that was activated? I tried using the 'sender' in the sub but it returns the ListView, rather than the ListViewItem.

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VS 2010 ListView SingleColum?

Jan 12, 2010

the problem is on my listview as soon as it fills up visually it starts on a next line i know in the old vb6 you could do report view, is there somthing simliar to that in .NET?here you can see it moves to another line, all i want is it to stay on a single line for some reason i can't get it to, should be a easy fix or property im over looking.

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VS 2010 Listview With No Extensions?

Jan 28, 2011

I have my listview showing how I would like but I would like to show it without extensions to the files listed. So when a user dbl clicks the icon it opens in it associated program. Once I take away that extension the dbl click fails as it can't find the file.Is there a better way or easier way to show the files without their extensions and have then still be functional?

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VS 2010 Treeview And Listview In One?

Mar 6, 2011

i'm looking for a control that is a listview but also acts like a treeview. What I want is f.e.:

+ Item1 description1 information1
-item1b descriptionb informationb
-item1c descriptionc informationc
+ Item2 description2 information2

By clicking on Item1, item1b and 1c must be hidden or showed...

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VS 2010 - BackgroundWorker And ListView (Improvement)

Jan 7, 2011

Here's my code :
'Clearing the selected items of the listview
'Random selection of farms from the listview
Dim random As New Random()
Dim rand As Integer = random.[Next](0, ListView1.Items.Count)
[Code] .....

I'm running it under a BGW and it works fine but is there anyone who can comment on it and make my code a bit better. I've a background worker and I am running it again and again on the RunWorkerCompleted like this
Private Sub BGW_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BGW.RunWorkerComplete
End Sub
Is it bad coding or is there any alternative to run it?

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VS 2010 - Editable Listview Control ?

Jun 16, 2011

I need a control that will allow me to do a few things.

The control should be similar to Listview in detail mode, in that it lets me show numerous rows, each row with multiple columns. However, I want it editable in place... that is, the user can (if I let him) click on a column and change what is stored there.

The next thing I need to do is set a graphic in one column, text in another, a playback controller in a third, and a trackbar control in the fourth. Every row will look like that.

The final thing I need to do is be able to control how a row is painted... either the entire line or by putting a graphic image (like a button) in a column when it is not being edited.

Barring all of that, I can put all the controls I need into a single user control, then I need some listview-like control that will allow me to add that control to it.. and have it be operational.

I am writing a windows forms application in Visual Studio 10 on Windows 7.

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VS 2010 - How To Delete ListView Subitems

Apr 27, 2012

I am facing little trouble while deleting the listview subitems. I am also using try and catch method to handle the execption but i am keep on getting it.

The error which I am getting is:
InvalidArgument = Value of '352' is not valid for index
Parameter name: index

Code is given below.
For i = 0 To lstListview.Items.Count - 1
lvi = lstListview.Items.Item(i)
lviSubitem = lvi.SubItems.Item(3).Text
If lviSubitem = "Error" Then
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - How To Remove Duplicates In ListView

Jun 7, 2011

Ok, I found some code online on how to do this, but they only compare the Listview.item.text, and they don't care what is in the entire ListViewItem. Is there any code to remove duplicates in a ListView that checks to see if all the subitems are the same as well and THEN removes the entry? [Code]

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VS 2010 - ListView Delete Item By Name Using VB

Mar 16, 2011

I was just wondering if it was possible to delete an item from a listview just knowing its text name (as in listbox.text) without the need to know the index or have it selected/highlighted? [Code]

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VS 2010 : ArgumentOutOfRangeException While Populating ListView?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm having this

Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM tblHistory" ' ORDER BY moniDate DESC"
'~~~ Create the connection


This is in the Form_Load to populate a ListView control. But I'm getting the following error:

InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'index'.
Parameter name: index

Where am I doing it wrong?

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VS 2010 : Cannot Get ListView Items To Show

Oct 29, 2011

I've used the same method to add items to a listview before but for some reason they're not showing, I even just tried a test:

Dim row As New ListViewItem
row.Text = "test"

in the load and that doesn't show up.Here is what I am trying:

gameDate = HistoryDS.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("gameDate")
For Each row As DataRow In HistoryDS.Tables(0).Rows


I walked through the code having a message box pop up every time an item was added with the count and it goes up as it should, nothing throws an error, and the item has all the correct parameters. I commented out the making a new group and just plain add the items and it still didn't show. I tried the lstView in all the kinds of views (detail, small icon, etc.)

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VS 2010 : Sort Only ONE Column In Listview?

Mar 7, 2011

I want to just sort one column in a listview control. Is this possible or are all the columns tied together?

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VS 2010 Center Listview Icon?

Feb 7, 2011

I have this code that loads a folder structure in a treeview and then loads icons form that folder structure in a listview. In XP it works good, but in win7 the icon in the listview are right aligned. well it appears they are right aligned. See attached. he icons are set to 31x31

Public Function ListFoldersFiles(ByVal path As String, ByVal lvTemp As ListView, ByVal imgLtemp As ImageList) As String()


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VS 2010 Copying Listview To Clipboard?

Jun 6, 2011

I googled some code that takes listview contents and puts it into the clipboard, but it doesn't work, when I paste the contents into Excel it looks weird!Here's the code that copies listview contents to clipboard:

Public Sub CopyListViewToClipboard(ByVal lv As ListView)
Dim buffer As New StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To lv.Items.Count - 1


The code makes sense to me when I'm trying to see what it's doing but why in the world when I paste the contents into Excel it looks like this:I don't understand...everything is fine when I'm adding new items to the listview and all, but when I click "copy" and then paste it into ms excel this is it how it looks like...

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