VS 2010 Copying Listview To Clipboard?

Jun 6, 2011

I googled some code that takes listview contents and puts it into the clipboard, but it doesn't work, when I paste the contents into Excel it looks weird!Here's the code that copies listview contents to clipboard:

Public Sub CopyListViewToClipboard(ByVal lv As ListView)
Dim buffer As New StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To lv.Items.Count - 1


The code makes sense to me when I'm trying to see what it's doing but why in the world when I paste the contents into Excel it looks like this:I don't understand...everything is fine when I'm adding new items to the listview and all, but when I click "copy" and then paste it into ms excel this is it how it looks like...

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Visual Studio 2010 - Copy Listview.SelectedItems To Clipboard?

Nov 9, 2011

I want to used ContextMenuStrip Right click to Get Listview.selectedItem 's text and Copy to clipboard

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Copying A File To The Clipboard

Feb 11, 2012

I have a DataGridView which lists the paths of a group of files, pptx, xlxs, etc. From a context menu they can copy the name of the file onto the clipboard, or delete the file or rename the file, but I would like to be able to actually attach the file itself to the clipboard so it could be pasted as an attachment to an email or something like that. How do I get the file itself onto the clipboard when I only have the path to it?

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Forms :: Copying Data To Clipboard?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm trying to program that specific data will be copied to the clipboard so the user can paste it in, for example, Excel or Word. I already know that the following code can do this:Clipboard.setdataobject( " some text " )But that's where my problem just starts. It seems I can only copy the data to Excel and Word etc. as long as my application is running. As soon as I quit it, the clipboard is empty.

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Using Copy Clipboard For Copying Files?

Aug 15, 2011

i need to use copy clipboard for copying files for example i ll copy some file then i need to save this somewhere in my program how can i do that? i searched little but i just can find copying strings. :S I need more than that :)

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Selectively Clear Clipboard/prevent Copying?

Dec 27, 2011

Is there a cleaner way of dealing with clearing the clipboard than just 'clearing' it [clipboard.clear()]. I want to prevent file copying while these files are unencrypted, but if you clear the clipboard between rightclick-copy and rightclick-paste, it crashesexplorer.Is there a way to root out specific files (by name or type) from the clipboard or deal with the crash from WinExplorer?

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Copying Multiple Selected Rows In A Listview And Putting It To Another Listview?

Feb 22, 2012

I have two listview in a separate form, basically what i want to do is whenever I select a row in my first listview the items in that selected row will be copied in my second listview which is empty.

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VS 2010 : Remove The "ListViewItem: {" When Copying From Listview?

Mar 31, 2012

How can I remove the "ListViewItem: {" when copying from listview?I am copying them to a listbox from a listview and when I do this is what it looks like

ListViewItem: {myitem}
ListViewItem: {myitem}
ListViewItem: {myitem}
ListViewItem: {myitem}

want it to just be


I thought that this would work but it doesn't for some reason

For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
ListBox1.Items(i) = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(ListBox1.Items(i), "ListViewItem: {", "")

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Copy To The Clipboard Using CNTRL/C On A Menustrip - Copying Text From One Control To Another Control On A MDI Child Form?

Aug 19, 2009

I am still messing around with Cntrl/Copy and Paste from a menustrip. Paste is working fine. The copy is working to a certain extent. It will copy the complete text field from one control to another. how do I determine what is the selected text only. My code below:

Private Sub CopyToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CopyToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim activeChild As Form = Me.ActiveMdiChild ' Determine the active child form.
Dim activeControl As Control = activeChild.ActiveControl


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Use Clipboard Copy Listview Data To A Word Document Table?

Aug 9, 2010

I have some data in listview, How to use the clipboard copy this data to a word document table in vb.net?

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VS 2008 Remove Blank Lines When Copy To Clipboard From Listview ?

Oct 12, 2011

i have a listview box that lists working/bad proxys.

It all works but just found a bug with copying selected items from the listview.

Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each item In ListView1.SelectedItems


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Copying ListView Items To ListBox

Apr 5, 2011

I tried this code and it didn't work at all.
For Each i In ListView1.Items

When I use that code, it comes out as
ListViewItem: {Johnny}
I only manage to get ListBox to ListView but can't get ListView to ListBox.

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Forms :: Use The Clipboard To Take Information From A Rich Text Box And Send It To The Clipboard

Oct 7, 2010

I'd like to ask if anyone knows how to properly use the clipboard to take information from a rich text box and send it to the clipboard. You see, if I try the following, which is pulling text from a rich text box, named RichTextBox2:


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C# - Retrieve A DataGridView From The Clipboard (It Ends Up Being Null In Clipboard)?

Jul 21, 2010

I am unable to read a pasted datagridviewrow object from the clipboard. All I want to do is, when a user has the entire row selected and copied, I would paste that row into the clipboard as a DataObject. That works just fine but when I attempt to read that DataObject (after the user clicks Paste) the DataGridViewRow that's saved in the clipboard always has a value of Nothing. Here's the code I'm using for Copy and Paste.


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VS 2010 Clipboard Picture Display

Nov 18, 2011

I have two picture boxes and a timer In the timer, I have this


I have already got the code so I know when the picture has been changed so I don't need to do anything with that (I am pretty sure) but the big problem is that when PictureBox1 already has an Image, the next Image in the clipboard that is copied replaces PictureBox1's Image instead of going to PictureBox2. Will anyone be able to solve this?

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VS 2010 Copy/paste To Clipboard?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to copy/paste a structure to the clipboard the copy appears to work but the paste errors with "COMException crossed a native/managed boundary ErrorCode = -2147467259". The error occurs on the highlighted code line below. Is it possible to put a structure on the clipboard? If so how?


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VS 2010 Getting Filename From Image On Clipboard

Apr 1, 2011

I can get an image from the clipboad that has been copied from the web with the following


How can I get the filename of the original image? I don't want to save the bitmap with that name, just display it in a textbox.

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C# - Clipboard.ContainsData And Clipboard.GetData?

Dec 15, 2011

I try to paste some copied objects using Clipboard class.

<Serializable()> Public Class DogsZoo
Public Property Dogs As List(Of Dog)
Public Property Workers As List(Of Worker)


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VS 2010 - Copy Listbox Items To Clipboard?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a listbox control on my form that has SelectionMode as MultiSimple so I can select more than one item with my mouse. I added a contextMenuStrip to my form and added it to my listbox. I'd like the user to be able to select a few items in the listbox and when they right click > Copy it would copy the contents of the selected items to the Clipboard.


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VS 2005 - Copying The Internet Cache Folder But Getting Copying Error?

Apr 22, 2009

I have a copying error with my program. I am trying to copy the internet cache folder, and the error states that some files cannont be copied (read only maybe?) How can i make it copy, or just skip the uncopyable files?

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Internet Cache), "d:My Documents")

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VS 2010 Copying Arrays?

Feb 21, 2012

I have an array of the following structure:

<Serializable()> Public Structure Piece
Dim id As Integer
Dim pos As Point


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Copying Information From A Website Into VB 2010?

Jul 16, 2011

on my form i have a button and five textboxes... when i click the button it takes me to a website. on this website is a list of five items. i want to take these five items and place them in the 5 textboxes. up to now what i have been doing is highlighting the first item in the list on the website, right clicking and using the copy feature, then going back to the vb form and pasting the first item in textbox1... then go back to the website and highlight item two... return to the form and paste in textbox2.. then the same procedure for the next three items

is there a way to highlight all five items from the website, right click, select copy and then paste the information into the 5 textboxes on the form... one in each of the textboxes provided without doing it one at a time

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VS 2010 : Copying Contents But Not Whole Folder?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to show a list of folders then copy only the selected folders.It displays the folders correctly but copies only the contents not the folder itself, how can I correct this?

Display files

Private Sub ListDirs()
SrcFolder = (("\" & (OldPCTxtBx.Text) & "" & "C$"))
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(SrcFolder)
For Each subFolders As IO.DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories


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VS 2010 Copying Db Fields To Variables?

Apr 5, 2011

I have been using VB a fair bit in the past developing a Access Database, recently I wanted to give my front end interface a bit more power so I have started learning VS 2010.

Anyways, I am still using Access for my databases and i am having a bit of trouble working with the data in VS 2010, what i would like is the following:

A way to form a string or integer from a SQL query (from a single field or multiple on that row) assuming the query will always return one row.

Then a way to write string or integer variables back in to db fields.


Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|ItemRegisterDB.mdb")
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand With {.Connection = cn, .CommandText = "select * from tblItemregister where ItemID = 1"}


Example = ??? 'What would i need here to copy fields from that row to string?

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VS 2010 Copying A File To Many Remote Computers

Jul 20, 2011

I have to periodically (2-3x/wk) copy a file or two to approximately 70 remote computers. I have full control of the remote computers and they all follow the same directory structure and security permissions. I have asked in the General PC forum to see


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VS 2010 Copying/Removing/Replacing Files?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a file that is constantly altered, and if an error happends, I want to have a backup. I was wondering if there's a way to make a script that will copy all the files in the selected folder, and post/overwrite them every 20 minutes in a back-up folder or something, and I say overwrite so it doesnt take up 298347234 gigs of data.

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VS 2010 Reliably Know When Large File Is Done Copying?

Jul 5, 2011

Is there anyway to reliably know when a large file has completely finished copying to a particular folder? For example, Computer1 copies a large file to Server1Share1. On Server1Share1, I want to do something AFTER the file is done copying, without Computer1 intervention.


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VS 2010 Listview Add And Select - Populate A Listview And Leave Selected Records That Are True

Apr 19, 2012

I want to populate a listview and leave selected records that are true

I have a DB record which is ID int, desc varchar, selected boolean.

I have tried the code below

LVProducts is a Listview and DS is a dataset


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VB 2010 - Thumb Drive - Formatting, Partitioning, And Copying The Image

Oct 24, 2010

I have to create a program to manage a large number of USB Thumbdrives. In short, the drives will contain corporate images used by technicians to prep machines in the field. I do not have to create the images as they are already provided. Since I have to create 50 plus of these at one time, I am looking at writing a program to automate the process. As it stands now, formatting, partitioning, and copying the image to each key individually is, as you can understand, not efficient time wise. I have already purchased two industrial quality 7 port powered hubs.

The plan is to be able to: Fill all 14 slots in the hubs with USB ThumbdrivesUse the program to select the drives to prepareHave the program format and partition the drives (bootable)Copy the contents of the image folder provided to the USB keys. The idea is to do the above by filling all the slots and hitting one button, then walking away to do other work. When done, the drives would be ejected, and the next set of 14 installed.

I have already created the User Interface. It consists of: 5 buttons (Scan For Drives, Format Drives, Build Drives, Build And Format Drives, Exit).One "Select Source" entry field to select the source of the Image Files.One Checked Entry List. This is where all available drives will be listed, and the one's desired to be checked.

Now, it has been 20 years since I did any coding, and all of that was done in languages that are pretty much dead today (Turbo Pascal, Clarion Professional Developer and R:Base), so to say I'm behind the curve is an understatement. While I was never a real fan of Basic, I have some experience with it. But today's VB.Net ain't your daddy's basic, and there's no way I have time to learn C or C++. I have the Express version of Visual Studio 2010, which should be fine for this project.

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VS 2010 Finding Text In A Textbox And Copying It To A String Variable?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that can export my schedule into a CSV file to upload on to google calender.I need to extract some text within a textbox control. I'll show you an example.This is the text in the textbox:


Monday, 10 January, 2011
09:45 - 18:00
Phone Work09:45 - 12:15


I need to get just the date and times from this list, and put them in variables. so that I'll end up with:

1) A string with a value as a date, which would be "10 January, 2011" for example: strDate1 would have the value of "10 January, 2011"

2) A start time, for example: strStartTime1 would have the value of 9:45

3) An end time, for example strEndTime1 would have the value of 18:00

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