VS 2010 Text Not Showing In Control Tab?

Mar 2, 2011

I created a form using the TabControl and was playing around with the layout. I want to have the Tab and Tabs body to be transparent whether on that tab or not.

Now I changed the DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed which gives me the look I want but unfortunately now the text disappears.

I have changed the fonts and colors of the text but when set to OwnerDrawFixed the tabs are all blank even though I have text written in the properties.

1. Is there a way to change the default white background for the focused tab without setting the drawmode to OwnerDrawFixed

2. when it is set why is my text not showing?

Here is a visual of what I mean:

I am using a windows 7 system.

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RTB Control On A Form Showing Rich Text?

Aug 17, 2009

i have a RTB control on a form showing rich text

At the top of the RTB i have a toolstrip with bold, italic, and underline buttons - these work just fine. However i need to add some color buttons, i dont need a color picker since i only need 3 colors - Black, Blue, Red. So i added some buttons for these, however i cant get the buttons to work... my syntax is wrong. I also dont want the color buttons to remove any other formatting from text (like bold, underline, etc) - i achieved this for the other buttons like so:

Private Sub BoldButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BoldButton.Click
NotesBox.SelectionFont = New Font(NotesBox.SelectionFont,


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Selected Text Not Showing For Dropdownlist Control (Windows App)?

May 6, 2010

I have a autocomplete dropdownlist(ddl) in my app. When ever I click on the ddl and start typing to find the item I am looking for in the ddl. The ddl is expanded to show all the orders when typing. After I press the enter key to go out and get the order information for that order the Order number in the ddl is missing but here is the weird part. When I don't have the ddl expanded but still have focus on the ddl. When I find the order I need and press enter. The order number is showing in the ddl as the selected one after it has loaded up the order information.

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Why Does The Text Property Overridden In User Control Is Not Showing At Design Time

May 20, 2010

I have a usercontrol which overrides the property Text. But this property is not shown at design time.If I rename it to caption or value it is shown in properties at design time but Text is not shown.

public Class SomeControl
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Public Overrides Property Text() As String


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VS 2010 DGV Not Showing Text In Cell

Jan 5, 2011

I've got an unbound DGV with several columns that I am programmatically adding rows to. All working fine, apart from when I try to set a really long string in one of the cells, then that cell just appears blank. The string IS in the cell because if I select the cell and do this:


then the string gets copied to the clipboard and I can paste it into Notepad or whatever without a problem. So it is just purely a display issue... but it doesn't seem to make any difference if I resize the cell (horizontally or vertically) and I can't understand why it is doing this.


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Extended Control Not Showing

Mar 17, 2010

I made a simple extension of the PictureBox control. In retrospect, this might not have been the best starting point, but that's currently irrelevant. This is the first time I have tried extending a picturebox control. The point of the exercise was to attempt something odd, but I haven't even gotten that far. The control shows up in the common controls panel, and I can drag it onto the form, but it doesn't get added.

What am I doing wrong? There is very little code behind the new control at the moment, as I am just trying to test a concept, and what code there is doesn't actually get run because the control is never created, so NO code gets run.

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Tab Control - Selected Row Showing At Bottom

May 29, 2012

I have 8 tabs in Tab Control. I set 1,2,3,4 in first row and 5 to 8 in second row but my problem is that when I select tab 1 to 4. Then row is switched and its shows at bottom. Always selected tab row shows bottom I need to fixed it. When I select any tab, tab order remains same. I am using vb.net 3.5.

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VS 2010 - Get Specific Text From Class [Webbrowser Control]?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a code in website:

<h1 class="mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi">

How to get this "Blabla" to my application?Dim rx As New Regex("(?<=<h1 class=""" & Regex.Escape("mf_dI mf_Hblack mf_vmi") & """>).+?(<=</h1>") MsgBox("Name: " & rx.Match(WebBrowser1.DocumentText).Value)
but it don't works.

And. How to get picture from website to picturebox if this picture is in the table like <table style="background:url('/blabla.png') no-repeat"> ??

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VS 2010 - Written A Text Editor Custom Control

Jun 14, 2012

written a text editor custom control in vb.net

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Microsoft .Net Chart Control Not Showing Markers?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using the Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and am having a spot of trouble getting Data Markers to show on the image.I'm generating the chart at run-time, so can't just use the designer.

Sub New()
MainChart = New Chart
MainChart.Size = New Drawing.Size(500, 200)


Which all works lovely, and I get pretty charts.The only problem is that there are no markers on the datapoints.

View 1 Replies

PictureBox With Transparent Image - Showing Control Behind It

Nov 7, 2010

I am working on my game maker and I need to make it so that a picturebox with a transparent image will show the control behind it, like if the control has a image or just a color.

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Showing Clickable Control On Non Owner Window

Mar 16, 2009

I made the awful mistake of using a module instead of a class. Now, I have a control, (who inherit from a web browser), hidden under a modal form. And I need to show his content (and being it clickable) to the user, but it is hidden, and I don't want to mess with the Showmodal of the hinder form. Until I modify my code, so I can do multiple instances of my browser, I need to show that control to the user on a third form. I think that I can temporary change the .parent property of the browser, so a third modal form shows it.

But I fear that I possibly made the browser control hard coded as working in the bottom hidden form, so If I change his parent, I may broke some logic. Is there a way to show the control on a third form, without changing his parent? (and still have it clickable). I know I are asking for trouble. It is only a short term solution until I move all my module into an instantiate able class. (And I remember had being advised to work ever with classes instead of modules. Now I learn the lesson the hard way).

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Showing Command Prompt On Winform Control?

Mar 12, 2009

Showing Command Prompt On Winform Control

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VS 2010 Assign String Value To A Label Control Displayed Text?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm looking to put a few labels on a form but the text that they will display will not be static. Instead they should be dynamic as the values used will be either the value of a specific Environment variable or from a value stored in an array. These values will change depending on which user runs the application. How do I achieve this?

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Create The Control Runtime And In The Memory And Not Showing Anything In The Form?

Jun 8, 2010

I wanna to load a web page and login.I know how to do this with a web browser control but:I wanna to create the control runtime and in the memory and not showing anything in the form.I wanna to load many pages in the memory and extract my information needed without anything to see by user.

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Detect Which Column Is Showing An Editing Control In A Datagridview?

Dec 16, 2009

i have a DataGridView responsible for showing a bit of data and two of my columns allow for user input using comboboxes.The trouble is that one column only needs to show preset values in it's list, but the other needs to both show the presets and allow for the user to enter in their own values.i accomplish this by showing the editing control for the combobox with this bit of code:

Private Sub DGV_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGV.EditingControlShowing


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Reference DataGridView Control Before Showing Its Parent Form?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a datagridview control on a form that I want to make readonly, before showing the form. I can disable it before showing the form with the [code]...

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Textbox Control (Still Showing After Removed From Design View)

Jun 16, 2012

I created a textbox control on a form and I gave some integer value to it from runtime but after sometime i removed it from design and code also.. But when I run program its still showing with that integer value. So what should I do. How should I remove that control?

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Showing Toolbars For Excel File In A Windows Forms Control

Apr 2, 2012

I'm showing an excel file in a WebBrowser control on my form, but it doesn't show any toolbars. The customers wants the ability to make changes in the control and save them, hence the need to show the standard toolbars.

I've tried many different things including:

For Each cb As CommandBar In xlApp.CommandBars
cb.Visible = True


how I can get toolbars to show in the WebBrowser control?

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VS 2008 - Custom Control Not Showing On Form In Design Mode

Jan 31, 2011

I have created a custom Combobox and added it to my toolbox, and it works well. Now I have added a custom ListBox to the same file as the combo box, but it does not show on my designer when I place it. I can however add it at runtime.
<DefaultEvent("SelectedIndexChanged"), _
ToolboxBitmap(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox))> _
Public Class ProjectsComboBox
Inherits ComboBox
''My Customization
[Code] .....
I have tried removing the "DefaultEvent..." and still no dice.

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VS 2010 Control Array - Print For Each Loop The Random Result In One Of The Text Boxes?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm trying to lern VS 2010 from VB 6 and one of the things i'm hawing a problem whid is control array.In vb 6 if you create a text box it's named "Text1" and if you yust copy it and paste it it renames to "Text1(0)" and the new one's name is "Text1(0)" and the code would lock like this


then it would print for each loop the random result in one of the text boxes corresponding to i.

How do i do this in VS 2010?

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Text Box Not Showing Total?

Mar 14, 2011

In my program I want to add some values together with a running total, and then show that total in a text box. When I try to run it, though, it just shows zero.Here's the code I'm using

TotalPrice = TotalPrice + Price
TxtLuggage.Text = TotalPrice

this chunk was a part of a For next loop.

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Text Box Showing What Is Behind The Form

Oct 16, 2010

Something annoying suddenly happened with a text box in a self made program in Visual basic 2008. Whenever I try to run the program, this text box shows what is behind the program itself. (For example my desktop background)
Not only that, if I click on it with the mouse, the window which is behind my application will pop up in front.

I tried to replace it with a new text box and a new name, in case I'd been messing around with some wrong properties, but the problem still remained.

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Text Showing Up At Top Of A Form?

Nov 15, 2009

I don't know why but text that should display in a text box, ALSO appears at the top of the form, where the title would be. Here are pictures of what I mean. The first picture is before the button to display the text is clicked. The title at the top is "Surrogates (20009)". The second picture is after the button is clicked and as you can see the text shows up in both the textbox and at the top.

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Javascript - Showing Loading Images Before Displaying Any Control On Button Click Event?

Nov 8, 2010

Display ajax loading image before loading anycontrol .... means if i wanna show textbox on button click after showing loading images using ajax toolkit or ajax extension in vb.net ?

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C# - Showing Special Text On Website

Sep 24, 2011

Assume that there is a web site which includes 3 different pages. I want to show a text one of the pages randomly, with is formatted with css.

For instance the pages are below:

* When John enters to the site, the text will appear on hi-sun.aspx,
* When Elmander enters to the site, the text will appear on hello-world.aspx

And when one enters the page which includes a special text, even if come again, it shouldn't appear.

Psedue Code:
if(Session["first"] == "1"){
//show the text in a random page }
else {
//text.visible = false

In the if block how can I supply the text in a random page. (it shouldn't appear in every page, should appear only one page).

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Form Textbox Not Showing Text

Feb 7, 2010

I have a form used to display records read from a dB. The record fields are displayed in textboxes to allow editing. When the form loads, it reads all records from the table and loads the first record to the form - very straighforward. I set the Textbox.Readonly = True after loading the data. I have an "Edit" button that sets the value back to false so that editing can occur.

All fields display correctly apart from the first field textbox where there appears to be no text displayed. If I press the "Edit" button and set the cursor into the textbox and use the arrow key to move left, the text is there. In other words, the text is loaded to the textbox but somehow it is hidden. Now if I move to the next record the field information displays correctly. The problem only occurs when the form is first loaded and the first record is displayed.

Now for the strange part. If I delete that (first) textbox from the form and then re-create it, the weird behavior moves to the next textbox control and the first textbox behaves correctly. I have checked all the properties for the textboxes and made sure they are all the same. I have had this problem before and found the only way to overcome it was to regenerate the entire form again. Does anyone have any clues on what is going astray?

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Preventing Specified Text From Showing Up In Textbox?

Apr 15, 2010

Ok I am trying to make it so that if words are found within the 'Textbox1.text' they will be delete or remove or completely not allowed to even be entered into the text box. I have found a code on these forums from a previous post which has worked for me

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Treeview Text Not Showing Correct?

Feb 8, 2012

just ran into an odd problum with treeview node text I add a top node and I wanted it's text in bold. The bold works fine but half the text is missing

Here an example

Dim sFont As New Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
Tv1.Nodes.Add("TOP", "0123456789", 0, 0)

The code above for me only shows 012345678 and not showing the 9 any ideas if I use regular style it works fine only happens when I apply the bold style.

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VB 2010 : DataGridView Not Showing

Nov 15, 2011

Unable to display data in datagridview : vb 2010 express + mysql server 5 + odbc connector

1. I am able to connect database successfully. I am using arraylist to set data.& also i m

getting till it set to dataview (Object name )

2. Till now i am not added any column name in datagridview property setting .

[add/remove column]'[code...]

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