VS 2010 - Written A Text Editor Custom Control

Jun 14, 2012

written a text editor custom control in vb.net

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Changing Text Of Custom Control Based On Text Of Another Custom Control

Jan 11, 2010

I am using custom textboxes and I need to be able to set the Text on txb1 based on the Text of txb2. I have simplied my code to the following:

Public Class customtextbox
Inherits TextBox
Public Event ControlReset()


So, when txb1 looses focus, if its Text is "fried", then it sets off txb2's ProcessAlert function. I had tried to change the value of txb2 Text in ProcessAlert function, but didnt work, so I tried to get it to raise an event instead, which then tries to set the Text property. However I still cant set txb2's Text property. The Text property seems to be set for the duration of the "life" of the Event handler. When I step through the forms controls within the Event handler, the changed Text value is there, but not outside of the Event handler.

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VS 2010 Get Text Written In Textbox?

Apr 26, 2012

I want to get the text written in textbox1 And Then After getting it It should type it In The Label

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Currency Calculator - Rich Text Editor Control?

Mar 1, 2011

Does anyone know of a good rich text editor control? I am looking for something that can take either, plain text, rtf and html. I want to be able to edit the text. It would AWSOME if it can convert rtf to html and html to rtf. I have tried the C1 and that was bad. It does not read rtf and does not convert anything. And it was really slow.

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Asp.net - Insert ASP.NEt3.5 Ajaxtoolkit Editor Control Text To MSSQl2005 Database

Feb 11, 2011

how to insert ASP.NEt3.5 ajaxtoolkit Editor control text to MSSQl2005 database ..

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Windows Forms Text Editor Control That Can Handle MS Word Documents Properly?

Aug 13, 2011

I need to find a Windows forms Text edit which can handle MS Word documents correctly.That is documents with Images, textboxes etc (.doc, .docx).I have tried Devexpress Xtrarichedit and TXText Control but when you load a MS Word Document (.doc, .docx) the document does not appear as it does in MS Word.That is Textboxes overlapping images are misaligned or have no transparent background option, so the white background of the textbox hides part ot the image.Has anybody had experience with 3rd party Document .net editors which mamage MS Word Documents correctly?

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VS 2010 Unicode Function Text Editor

Mar 1, 2010

as encoding text to Unicode in the textbox, I mean an option, such as Notepad.exe?

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UI-Editor For My Custom Direct-x UI?

Oct 9, 2009

I have developed a custom DirectX UI library equipped with everything from buttons to a gridview. I need a screen-layout editor of some sort. It just takes too long to do it by hand, whether through a config file or hard-coding. I could spend a month or two developing a DirectX editing utility, but I don't have a month or two to spend on this. I could possibly justify a week.

Some requirements:

I need to be able to create a new screen I need to place controls such as buttons, textboxes, and containers/windows/etc throughout the screen I need to adjust properties of these controls (Name, Text, Width, Height, Parent Container, etc)

Some of my ideas include:Using VB.NET's form editor... setting up forms and translating the form's control information into game screens.Setting up a web-based editor (seems like this would take more than week... wouldn't it have to be flash based?)Setup a VB.NET win32 editor that allows placement of .NET buttons, containers, etc that correspond to my library's buttons, containers, etc.Is there a best way to handle this?

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Set CommandTarget Of WPF Control As Textbox Which Is Written In Win Form User Control?

Feb 10, 2010

i want to set the CommandTarget property of menu item to the TextControl which is written in win form or just tell me any way which can execute the command lets say cut copy paste on the control which is written in win form user control and added to xaml through WindowsFormsHost

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VS 2005 Specifying Custom Property Editor?

Nov 10, 2010

We have a Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid control that we use to edit application settings. We expose the application settings through a class, giving each setting attributes to control the appearance. An example property definition is shown below:

<DisplayName("Snap Tolerance"), _
Category("Tolerances"), _
Description("The distance (in Points - 1/72"") to be searched for snap points.")> _


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Draw Text On Custom Control?

Dec 23, 2009

I have made a custom control and the only change to the interface is that its a different color. Whenever the user moves their mouse over the control some white text fades in in the middle of the user control. Then after a few seconds the text fades out. The text is actually the location of the cursor but I have that figured out.

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Auto-suggestion Text Box Custom Control?

Nov 30, 2011

I want to create an custom control just like an Autosuggest control for my windows application. When I type, it should show a grid for the suggestion have the typed value.for an example if I want to search a student "ashish". As soon as I type A in textbox, it should show its First Name, Last name, Address, its image and some other info into a grid or grid like format beneath that control. All those info will come from Database.

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Create A Custom Currency Control Text Box?

Sep 10, 2006

I was trying to create a custom currency control text box, but I am getting an error that I don't understand.I am getting the following error message when I use it with databinding:"Object of type 'System.EventHandler' cannot be converted to type


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Custom GroupBox - Drawing Text On Control?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a Custom Groupbox that overrides the OnPaint event to do some custom drawing, backgrounds, etc. The problem I have is that when I use it in an application and want to draw text on the control, it gets drawn first, then immediately afterwards the OnPaint from the control gets called and draws on top of the text. Is there any way to get the text drawn after the control's OnPaint?

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Text Property In Custom Control Loses Value?

May 25, 2011

I am making a custom button control and am having some difficulty with my Text property. Anything I type in only stays while the form designer window is open. When I close the form designer and reopen it, my Text property resets to "". Also if I run the program, it loses the value entered at design time.

I also have an Image property for my control which is working just fine.

Here's some of my code:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Creating A Custom Control...Cannot Create A 'text' Property?

Mar 23, 2010

I did some googling and found this forum post, and here is what I needed to do:

Imports System.ComponentModel
<EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(True), Bindable(True), _
DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> _


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Globalization - Globalize Custom Control Text In Code Behind

Jun 12, 2012

I have a web application which uses the globalization values being passed from sql server 2005 using a ResourceProviderFactory. I can globalize the labels in UI using <%$ Resources: "Resourcekey" %> however, i wish to know how i can globalize the dynamic/custom controls available in the code behind of my vb.aspx page?

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Multi-line Text As A Custom Control Property?

May 10, 2010

When I put a label on a form, the Text property in the designer can be expanded to a multi-line edit box. (This is in VS2005.)

Is there a way to get that type of edit box on a custom String property of a usercontrol?

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VS 2010 Custom Control (Class) To Toolbox?

Jan 22, 2011

custom control, by inheriting the Label class like this

<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(CButton), "img_20_16px.png")> _
Public Class CButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Label


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VS 2010 Custom Control KeyPress Event

Jun 20, 2011

I was asked to create an application that has a custom control that acts as a button. I managed to do almost all the requirements except the one for the KeyPress event. The customer wants to click the "Alt + C (for example)" to trigger the button click event in this case for a Cancel button. I did the code and it works fine ONLY when that custom control has the focus on it. But when it loses it, it doesn't. I don't know how to make the form accepts that KeyPress and sends to the custom control. I tried to set the form's KeyPreview property of the form to Ture but it didn't work too.

By the way, I know that it would work by writing the code in the KeyPress of the form but that's not the requirement because the user control will be used as a standalone component for many projects.

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VS 2010 OnPaint Not Fired In Custom Control

Nov 3, 2011

I'm developing custom .net themes, and this relies on GDI+ -- I've been able to do this mainly with a ThemeBase released on another website. Now, however, whilst inheriting another control, I am Unable to inherit the ThemeBase which means I have to design the control a little differently -- which relies on me being able to manipulate the 'OnPaint' event of the control's design.The control's 'OnPaint' event is never fired, and I don't know why. Here's the entire textbox code.[code]

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VS 2008 - Create A Custom Control That Has A Cursor Like A Regular Text Box

Nov 19, 2009

I want to create a custom control that has a cursor like a regular text box, I tried using a line and a timer that makes the line 'Blink', but that wasn't too reliable because I had to change the location and background in the timer... I guess I could do it, but I wanted to ask my question here.

Basically what I am doing is creating a custom control to allow inputs as in fractions, sub/superscripts, etc.... The TextBox Control doesn't support text in that many locations.

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VS 2008 Displaying Text On Custom Control (Inherits ListBox)?

Mar 24, 2010

So, I'm working on a custom LitBox that accepts custom items. needed the item collection to be more than just strings, I needed to be able to store avalue to display in the listbox and an associated value (Property: Text) that holds an index value (Property: Tag) of DataTable I'm working with.I have created the new item (iListBoxItem) and the collection (iListBoxItemCollection) and have modified everything so that I can do normal Collection type methods (Add, InsertAt, RemoveAt, etc) to this collection.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class iListBox


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VS 2010 : Custom Control DLL Reference Greyed Out In Toolbox?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm trying to add a custom panel to my toolbox using a dll file, but when I add it as a reference it only appears as greyed out - and this is only after I click "Show All" in the toolbox.Everything builds fine in the Class Library project I used to create the custom control. Here is the simple

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class pnDoubleBuffered
Inherits Windows.Forms.Panel
Public Sub New()


I build the project, open my main project where I want to use the control. Then I click "Choose All" from the toolbox and add the reference using ".NET Frameworks Components". I find my dll file and click OK. Then nothing is added to the toolbox. I manage to see the control greyed out when I click the "Show All" option.

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VS 2010 Creating A Custom User Control, Don't Know Where To Start?

Oct 26, 2011

I figured it out. Check out the finished control [URL]..I'm trying to make myself a simple 'star rating' control.

It would have the properties:
StarCount (number of stars)
StarValue (number of stars highlighted)

I want to draw the stars using GDI+, have them highlight on mouse over, and change the StarValue when clicked.I have an idea on how to do this from experience with working with forms, but I'm having some difficulties with the Control development part. I couldn't find any tutorials which didn't inherit a control (such as a checkbox or button), and I have no idea how to make my control editable in the designer.

I think what I need to do is create StarCount as a property like this:


I also want to execute my drawing code at design time, so I can see the stars while laying out a form. as a side note to that, I don't know how to change the size of the control at run or design time, nor how to disable the user from changing it at design time.as a side note - I know that there are a few star rate controls already floating around the internet, but I do not like the quality of them (or at least the one's I've seen), they felt very windows 98. I'm trying to make something that will fit well into windows 7 (plus I want to implement custom images, but that can wait until I get it working)

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.NET 2010 Custom Control, Multiline String Property To Be Edited In The Designer?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm writing a custom control and I want to add a "MessageText" property of type String:



The MessageText property is a multiline text, and the user must be able to set the text using the designer. The problem is that the designer doesn't allow to enter a newline directly for a string property.I want the same behaviour as the system TextBox's Text property, where you can click on the down arrow and write lines in the small text-editor that appears:How do I do that?

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VB 2010 : Make A Custom Text Box Using A Picture Box And A Label?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm trying to make a custom text box, using a picture box and a label. Here's what I want a code for: If the user clicks the label, I want it to act as a usual text box does. I want the label to become editable, to have a blinking cursor, and all that kind of stuff.

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Reference Controls/properties In An Ascx Control (asp.net, Written In Vb)?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a user control that I'm adding to a webpage dynamically. The ascx has a couple of controls that I want to have access to at runtime. I can access the ascx itself, but none of the controls on the ascx are available. I have tried adding a simple public variable and also tried adding a public property to the ascx, but I am unable to get access to either of them at design time (compile errors). I added the following to the code-behind of the ascx control:

Public Property areaCode() As String
Return iebEmpPhoneAreacode.Text
End Get


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Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

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VS 2010 Clickable List Of Custom Colours Linked To Text File?

Aug 21, 2011

I would like to create a little list in my Windows Form showing a list of custom colors with their 'friendly names'. Technically it can be anything (ListBox, ListView, Panel etc... whatever).

I simply want it to look something like this:

I would like to store data for this list in a simple TXT file in such form:


#F6A118,My favourite color
#004080,Another color

And of course I would like each element on such list to be clickable, so if I'd click 'My favourite color' it should return the color's HEX value (#F6A118).

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