Extended Control Not Showing

Mar 17, 2010

I made a simple extension of the PictureBox control. In retrospect, this might not have been the best starting point, but that's currently irrelevant. This is the first time I have tried extending a picturebox control. The point of the exercise was to attempt something odd, but I haven't even gotten that far. The control shows up in the common controls panel, and I can drag it onto the form, but it doesn't get added.

What am I doing wrong? There is very little code behind the new control at the moment, as I am just trying to test a concept, and what code there is doesn't actually get run because the control is never created, so NO code gets run.

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Build A Combo Box Showing The Extended Colours?

Apr 1, 2010

How can I build a combo box showing the extended colours like image below?

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Extended Webbrowser Control Popup?

Dec 21, 2010

I downloaded the extended webbrowser control created by Matt Kleinwaks (thank you for sharing that).I am using the control to fill out forms on a website. The website uses a popup that contains an html form. The popup form will not close if I click the the html submit button or the close button (it does when using a regular browser). The bigger problem I am having is that when the popup reopens, it contains data in the html boxes that was I have already submited on a previous iteration of the popup. Like it is being cached or something. I am wondering if this has to do with the html buttons not working properly.I basically hit submit on the form, the browse rcontrol hangs up, then I close the form manually. Is there a line of code or something I can add to get it to work right? Like clearing a cookie or disposing of the popup form after I close it?

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Extended Webbrowser Control In Vb 2008 Express Edition

Dec 9, 2010

I am on my way to create my own tabbed advanced webbrowser in vb 2008.I have collected most of the tools for that,but i have the following problem:

The webbrowser control in vb 2008 is an instanse of IE.But i want to build my 'own' webbrowser, with custom contextmenustrip, navigate error messages ,etc

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Tab Control - Selected Row Showing At Bottom

May 29, 2012

I have 8 tabs in Tab Control. I set 1,2,3,4 in first row and 5 to 8 in second row but my problem is that when I select tab 1 to 4. Then row is switched and its shows at bottom. Always selected tab row shows bottom I need to fixed it. When I select any tab, tab order remains same. I am using vb.net 3.5.

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VS 2010 Text Not Showing In Control Tab?

Mar 2, 2011

I created a form using the TabControl and was playing around with the layout. I want to have the Tab and Tabs body to be transparent whether on that tab or not.

Now I changed the DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed which gives me the look I want but unfortunately now the text disappears.

I have changed the fonts and colors of the text but when set to OwnerDrawFixed the tabs are all blank even though I have text written in the properties.

1. Is there a way to change the default white background for the focused tab without setting the drawmode to OwnerDrawFixed

2. when it is set why is my text not showing?

Here is a visual of what I mean:

I am using a windows 7 system.

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Microsoft .Net Chart Control Not Showing Markers?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using the Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and am having a spot of trouble getting Data Markers to show on the image.I'm generating the chart at run-time, so can't just use the designer.

Sub New()
MainChart = New Chart
MainChart.Size = New Drawing.Size(500, 200)


Which all works lovely, and I get pretty charts.The only problem is that there are no markers on the datapoints.

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PictureBox With Transparent Image - Showing Control Behind It

Nov 7, 2010

I am working on my game maker and I need to make it so that a picturebox with a transparent image will show the control behind it, like if the control has a image or just a color.

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RTB Control On A Form Showing Rich Text?

Aug 17, 2009

i have a RTB control on a form showing rich text

At the top of the RTB i have a toolstrip with bold, italic, and underline buttons - these work just fine. However i need to add some color buttons, i dont need a color picker since i only need 3 colors - Black, Blue, Red. So i added some buttons for these, however i cant get the buttons to work... my syntax is wrong. I also dont want the color buttons to remove any other formatting from text (like bold, underline, etc) - i achieved this for the other buttons like so:

Private Sub BoldButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BoldButton.Click
NotesBox.SelectionFont = New Font(NotesBox.SelectionFont,


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Showing Clickable Control On Non Owner Window

Mar 16, 2009

I made the awful mistake of using a module instead of a class. Now, I have a control, (who inherit from a web browser), hidden under a modal form. And I need to show his content (and being it clickable) to the user, but it is hidden, and I don't want to mess with the Showmodal of the hinder form. Until I modify my code, so I can do multiple instances of my browser, I need to show that control to the user on a third form. I think that I can temporary change the .parent property of the browser, so a third modal form shows it.

But I fear that I possibly made the browser control hard coded as working in the bottom hidden form, so If I change his parent, I may broke some logic. Is there a way to show the control on a third form, without changing his parent? (and still have it clickable). I know I are asking for trouble. It is only a short term solution until I move all my module into an instantiate able class. (And I remember had being advised to work ever with classes instead of modules. Now I learn the lesson the hard way).

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Showing Command Prompt On Winform Control?

Mar 12, 2009

Showing Command Prompt On Winform Control

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Create The Control Runtime And In The Memory And Not Showing Anything In The Form?

Jun 8, 2010

I wanna to load a web page and login.I know how to do this with a web browser control but:I wanna to create the control runtime and in the memory and not showing anything in the form.I wanna to load many pages in the memory and extract my information needed without anything to see by user.

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Detect Which Column Is Showing An Editing Control In A Datagridview?

Dec 16, 2009

i have a DataGridView responsible for showing a bit of data and two of my columns allow for user input using comboboxes.The trouble is that one column only needs to show preset values in it's list, but the other needs to both show the presets and allow for the user to enter in their own values.i accomplish this by showing the editing control for the combobox with this bit of code:

Private Sub DGV_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGV.EditingControlShowing


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Reference DataGridView Control Before Showing Its Parent Form?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a datagridview control on a form that I want to make readonly, before showing the form. I can disable it before showing the form with the [code]...

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Selected Text Not Showing For Dropdownlist Control (Windows App)?

May 6, 2010

I have a autocomplete dropdownlist(ddl) in my app. When ever I click on the ddl and start typing to find the item I am looking for in the ddl. The ddl is expanded to show all the orders when typing. After I press the enter key to go out and get the order information for that order the Order number in the ddl is missing but here is the weird part. When I don't have the ddl expanded but still have focus on the ddl. When I find the order I need and press enter. The order number is showing in the ddl as the selected one after it has loaded up the order information.

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Textbox Control (Still Showing After Removed From Design View)

Jun 16, 2012

I created a textbox control on a form and I gave some integer value to it from runtime but after sometime i removed it from design and code also.. But when I run program its still showing with that integer value. So what should I do. How should I remove that control?

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Showing Toolbars For Excel File In A Windows Forms Control

Apr 2, 2012

I'm showing an excel file in a WebBrowser control on my form, but it doesn't show any toolbars. The customers wants the ability to make changes in the control and save them, hence the need to show the standard toolbars.

I've tried many different things including:

For Each cb As CommandBar In xlApp.CommandBars
cb.Visible = True


how I can get toolbars to show in the WebBrowser control?

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VS 2008 - Custom Control Not Showing On Form In Design Mode

Jan 31, 2011

I have created a custom Combobox and added it to my toolbox, and it works well. Now I have added a custom ListBox to the same file as the combo box, but it does not show on my designer when I place it. I can however add it at runtime.
<DefaultEvent("SelectedIndexChanged"), _
ToolboxBitmap(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox))> _
Public Class ProjectsComboBox
Inherits ComboBox
''My Customization
[Code] .....
I have tried removing the "DefaultEvent..." and still no dice.

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Why Does The Text Property Overridden In User Control Is Not Showing At Design Time

May 20, 2010

I have a usercontrol which overrides the property Text. But this property is not shown at design time.If I rename it to caption or value it is shown in properties at design time but Text is not shown.

public Class SomeControl
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Public Overrides Property Text() As String


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Javascript - Showing Loading Images Before Displaying Any Control On Button Click Event?

Nov 8, 2010

Display ajax loading image before loading anycontrol .... means if i wanna show textbox on button click after showing loading images using ajax toolkit or ajax extension in vb.net ?

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Extended Methods To A DLL

Feb 26, 2012

I've seen extended .NET method libraries such as this and this.In VB.NET, since you create your extended methods in a Module, How do I make them into a DLL?? (like in those links above) Its not possible to build and get the DLL from a Module.

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Extended Methods To A DLL?

Feb 27, 2012

I created a couple of extended methods in a VB.NET module. I put them inside a Class, built it and got the DLL. From another program I made a reference to that DLL and imported it using Imports as well.The extended methods appear in IntelliSense and it works but a warning appears in the Error console saying,Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "nK0deExtendedMethods". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. why this error occurs even though I have referenced the DLL?

This is the Class where I've put my module with the extended method.

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Drawing
Namespace nK0deExtendedMethods


And I'm having another doubt. In the Imports statement, I have to mention the DLL's name along with the Namespace name. Like this,

Imports ExtendedMethods.nK0deExtendedMethods

Normally you only have to import the Namespace's name, right?

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Extended With-keyword In .NET?

Oct 29, 2010

In my current project everyone names variables and methods after what they are and what they do. This is good for quickly understanding the code, but with a lot of long varible names comes some headaches, such as when copying a dataset to an entity/object. So, while you understand the code, the readability still takes a blow.

veryLongVariableName.Id = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Id
veryLongVariablename.Something = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Something

Using VB.NET's With keyword can help.

With veryLongVariableName
.Id = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Id
.Something = datasetVeryLongVariableName.Something
End With

Now, my question, is there any way of using With, or something similar, but for several variables at the same time? Something like:

With veryLongVariableName As a, datasetVeryLongVariableName as b
a.Id = b.Id
a.Something = b.Something
End With

I'm all for descriptive naming conventions, but they do tend to clutter things. Especially in VB!

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Get The Resolution Of The Extended Monitor?

Apr 26, 2010

How can I get the resolution of the extended monitor?

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Print From Extended RichTextBox?

Aug 3, 2010

I need the option to choose margins (PageSetupDialog), preview the document PrintpreviewDialog) and to select the printer (PrintDialog) before actual printing from extended RichTextBox.

I have used extended RTB control from MSDN site Getting WYSIWYG Print... :
Public Class myRichTextBoxEx


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Write Extended ASCII To UDP / IP?

May 12, 2009

I am currently writing a program with Visual Basic 2005 to talk back and forth to an external machine over UDP/IP. I recently had some trouble with it which I got help for today. I need to send the information to the machine using ASCII. I had it figured out so I could send HEX numbers 20 through 7F to the machine. The problem I had and got help for was writing the HEX numbers 0-19 to the machine. The help I recieved said that instead of writing the actual HEX number into the machine, "70" for example, I should write Chr(112). This allowed me to send numbers like HEX 01 by simply writing Chr(1).

My new problem is that I need to write the HEX numbers 90, 91, 96, and 97 to the machine. Every time I try and send these numbers my computer sends out a weird number. For example, I try to send HEX 90 as Chr(144) and it ends up coming up as HEX 3F on the opposite end. After looking up the ASCII table online I found that Chr(144) is an Extended ASCII code.

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Why Is Model Only Showing One Make Of Car / Yet Cars Is Showing Full Lest

Mar 31, 2011

I have a problem with the combox its only displaying the first item in the list its being populated by a webserice call the drop down in question is comboboxmodel now the manufacture one is fine and sets as it should any reason as to why the comboboxmodel would not. [code]

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.net - Serializing An Extended Form Object?

Jun 2, 2010

I've been reading up on this whole subject, but I never came across this specific problem. I already understand that the whole idea of serializing an entire form is a horrible idea and just doesn't work. But, I am encountering a bit of a different problem. I have a class that inherits the "button" form object, that I call DataButton.

Now for my problem. I want to be able to serialize this class, but I don't need any of the information from the actual button class. Is there any way to bypass the fact that I can't set the button form object to Serializable() and notify VB that when serialization is to occur, it should simply skip over that information? Theoretically, if such a procedure were possible, I'd be able to do the entire serialization without a hitch.

I came up with the idea earlier of removing the "inherits" feature from the class, and having simply a button within the class, but that makes my program really difficult to work with as I am constantly changing the location, size, backgroundImage, text, and whatnot. Thus, immediate updates would be much tougher to work with.

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C# - Create An Extended (custom) Property With EWS?

Aug 17, 2010

I have created a little demo application which is able to create a meeting request by using the Exchange WebService (EWS). I would also like to add some custom properties to this item but up to now I have only found examples which use the Exchange Managed API, which I won't use. There must be a way to create these properties by only using EWS... Does anybody know how and can provide a little code example?

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Extended Combobox Adds Items Twice?

Jan 7, 2012

i'm working on an extended combobox control that adds it's items in sub new.

it works but for some reason the form's designer.vb file has an addrange line for the combobox, that results in the items being added twice.

does anyone know how to fix this?

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