VS 2010 Untab A Tab In MDI TabControl?

Mar 12, 2009

I Have a MDI TabControl in my web browser and I want to untab the tab that I drag Up or Down (Left And Right Are for reordering tabs).I don't have any codes and I have no Idea how to go about doing this so please I need a code that can solve my problem or atleast a website link that talks about this proble

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VS 2010 .NET TabControl Getting Focus?

Jan 2, 2012

I have developping a litle aplication that have a listbox named Mes and a TabControl named Tabelas with two Tabs.In Mes I have the months of the year.In Tabelas I have one Tab named Norm (to display data about Normal Work) and one named Extra (to display data about Extraordinary Work).All I want is, if the second tab (Extra) is selected, that the one tab (Norm) will be selected when Mes index became changed by the user.


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VS 2010 TabControl In Realtime?

May 12, 2011

I have hit a brick wall with my latest project.In essence the entire tab control is created on the fly, i have successfully added any number of tabs with the tabpage title being filled correctly. my problem however is when i add the content itself to the correct page, i have no item displayed on any tabs and however i can retrieve the contents and change them with code.

My code takes a pricelist xml file from my works website and my code is supposed to allow this content to be edited and returned to the server with adjusted prices to reflect updates in our costing. All the code works except the part to display the data, and consequently the code to use this data to update the array used for the xml while the program is running is not written.


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VS 2010 Clearing All Listboxes In A Tabcontrol?

Apr 5, 2011

Am just goin on 3 weeks of teaching myself vb2010 and have found a long way to do a simple task. Well it seems it should be a simple task. I have about 12 different listboxes spread over 3 different tabcontrols. There are 3 buttons that load all the listboxes according to which tabcontrol they are in. I found that when populating the listboxes it would not clear before loading the information so it would basically double post, triple post etc. I've figured out one way to do it that I've put in a sub and call the line before the tabcontrols are populated with their listboxes. Here is the sub:


It seems like a longwinded way to do this is their an easier way to have one command clear all listboxes within all tabpages within all tabcontrols on the form??

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VS 2010 Counting TextBox-es In TabControl?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a problem with summing up the number od TextBox-es placed on several TabPages of a TabControl. The next line works fine without TabControl:

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VS 2010 Docking Inside Tabcontrol

Apr 11, 2011

I have a Tabcontrol, and when the program loads it adds a tab. Inside this tab goes a panel (url, back, etc buttons to be added to it) and a webbrowser control.Problem is the panel docks to the top and when you fill the webrowser control the webbrowser goes behind the panel and not under it so the top is cut off.[code]Or anyone know how to remove the tabcontrol from the tabpages so theres a gap in-between to input this panel.

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VS 2010 Tabcontrol Doesn't Work?

Jun 25, 2011

In my VB application I have a tabcontrol, with 3 pages, the first page is for some contact data, the second page wil show the website of your contact and the third page shows the location of you contact (I used the webcontrol). when I switch from page 1 to page 2 or wathever, the text in my textboxes disapears en my first page. It happens most of the times, sometimes it just works but most of the time it freaks out.

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VS 2010 Tree View In TabControl

Aug 22, 2010

How i can do once I click on node1 that change to tab 3 for example

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VS 2010 Webbrowser With TabControl And Want To Search With Enter?

Feb 17, 2012

i watched a tutorial on youtube, how to make a tabbed web-browser in vb 2010 and he didn't use WebBrowser tool he used TabControl.


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Determining Which Tab Is Selected In Windows Forms TabControl (VS 2010)?

Nov 17, 2010

I couldt find an event that I can use to determinate which tab page is selected. I couldt find SelectIndexChanged

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VS 2010 TabControl With DragDrop Not Raising MouseClick Events On Tabs

Aug 29, 2010

I have a custom (inherited) TabControl which adds Drag/Drop functionality to it, so that one can drag the tabs around, either within the same control (to re-order them) or to and from other TabControls. I've noticed some time ago that my TabControl however was not raising its MouseClick and MouseUp events (or actually: it is not calling its OnMouseClick and OnMouseUp methods, which comes down to the same thing). I've been struggling with this problem for a long while and I finally figured out what is happening. I'm no closer to figuring out what to do about it though... The problem seems related to the drag drop functionality. I have this code in the OnMouseDown method (which is raised as usual):


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VS 2010 Control Instance - Loading Forms Into A TabControl Creating A New Tab Page?

Jan 2, 2012

I am loading forms into a TabControl creating a new tab page each time the form is loaded. ** I would like to point out that I am using UC instead of a from**

Now, I can easily have many tabs with the same form loaded. On the form I have a 'Search Button' So my question is, after clicking the search button how can I tell which instance of the form the 'Search Button' was clicked? Hope this makes sense


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VS 2010 DrawItem Event In TabControl Doesn't Cover The Entire Header?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using a TabControl and have overridden the DrawItem event to produce my own background and foreground colors for the header text. It looks good but there's still grey color around each header. I thought maybe the Padding property could be set to (0,0) but that seemed to have no effect.

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VS 2010 PrintForm And TabControl Tab Page : How To Print Tab Page

Jul 20, 2010

I have a tab control in my Main Form which has 2 tab pages, each of which are a different form. I create them as:

Dim UserManagementForm As New UserManagement()
Dim FileManagementForm As New FileManagement()

Then set them up via:

UserManagementForm.TopLevel = False
UserManagementForm.Parent = TabControl1.TabPages(0)
UserManagementForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
UserManagementForm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


I have a PrintForm component on my form and I am trying to send the currently active tab page to the print form and then send it to the appropriate dialog. However, I keep getting the document contains no images. Any ideas how I pass the tab page to the print form component?

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VS 2010 Error "Warning1Could Not Resolve This Reference. Could Not Locate The Assembly "Dotnetrix.TabControl"

Jul 14, 2011

"Warning1Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Dotnetrix.TabControl". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors." and i have no idea how to fix it. i need to use the dotnetrix.tabcontrol.dll for what im trying to do, but i can't build the program. i can debug it though. haha i am a complete newbie to visual basic but this seems to be my only problem so far.

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.NET TabControl Web Browser?

Sep 17, 2011

I'm working on a web browser with tabbed browsing, however..When a new tab is created, it creates a web browser in it - but I want a function called when the browser is finished loading. I can't create a private sub inside a function, So I am not sure what I should do.

My Code:

Function addtab()
Dim myTabPage As New TabPage()
Dim theweb As New WebBrowser


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Add A Tabpage To Tabcontrol?

Aug 30, 2009

I get an error when I try to add a tabpage to my tabcontrol.

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Add Icons To Tabcontrol?

May 17, 2009

i would like to add icons/images to my tab control tabs, kind of like a webrowser has the icons in the tabs. i know i need a image list, which i have added. i also added two images, 1.png and 2.png.. the rest, i'm lost.. couldn't find anything decent on the internet..so much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

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BindingNavigator In TabControl?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a tab control with several pages. Within a page I have a panel. When I drag and drop a database to the panel the datagrid view is placed on the panel, but the bindingnavigator is placed outside the tabcontrol. Running the application shows only the bindingnavigator, which seems to have blocked the tabcontrol. If I cut and paste the bindingnavigator to the panel, and running the application shows the page with the bindingnavigator at the top and the datagrid below. However, the bindingnavigator no longer allows me to add and save entries to the database. I made sure all the properties were the same before and after i cut and pasted the binding navigator.As a test, I removed the tabcontrol, dragged and dropped the database to the empty form, and everything worked.

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Controlling The TabControl?

Nov 4, 2009

I was working with TabControl on a form.I wish to restrict the selection of the tabs on the form...For example, The user will start with the 0 index Tab selected by default.As he selects an option from that tab pane n confirms his selection, The next tab gets selected. I could develop a code for this like this tabcontrol1.selectedindex = 1 'Or 2 or 3 according to the need But Now I find that at runtime I can switch back to some other previous tabs or some forward tabs.... Which I do not want. I simply want the tabs to be activate in a flow...

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How Do Put Tabcontrol In Titlebar?

Jul 24, 2009

i am using vb2008 express edition and i was just wondering if it was possible to put the tabs in the titlebar of your form like in google chrome?

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Select A Tab In Tabcontrol Using API?

Feb 15, 2012

Are there anyone know how to select a tab in tabcontrol using API?

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Set Mainpage In Tabcontrol

Feb 10, 2009

I've Got an Tabbed advanced Webbrowser wich i want to release soon..But, I am just running against one problem.I want to create a Button wich popups a little form or messagebox with textfill oppertunity where an user can put the adress of the page he want to start with the first Tab.i know how to work with settings etc.just need to know how to make a button giving a textbox and if you click OK tthe filled in website is your new mainpage.

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Tab Order On The TabControl?

Sep 7, 2007

How do I set it up so that when the user tabs through some controls inside a tab page, when they tab out of the last control on that page, it moves the tabControl to the next page, and focuses the first control in that page?

I do not see any tab order for each page...

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TabControl And RitchTextBox?

Mar 10, 2010

I create a new custom control.I have a code like this

Public Class TabWritingPad
Public Sub AddPad(ByVal vsText As String)
Dim pnl As Windows.Forms.Panel


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Textboxes,Tabcontrol And Log In?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 and Microsoft Access 2003 database. And I use databind.I have some questions here: 1. When the Staff or Admin will log in(Form1) then in the Form2 there should be a name place in the top left of the form like "Welcome ([code]...

2. When i register products the product id should auto increment =how?and the masked textbox in the unit price should be 2 decimal place = how?i did'nt use textbox because masked textbox accepts only numbers and another is the quantity for example 1 bag, 2 sacks should be dropdown(combobox)=how? [code]...

3. And in my Inventory part. i will categorized each products so I'm planning to use tabcontrol(1st Tab(medicine) 2nd Tab(Insecticide) 3rd tab(Search). question is if i will drag the datagridview of the products table it should only show products that are in the catrgory of medicine in the 1st tab=how?

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Won't Add TabPage To TabControl

Aug 31, 2011

I'm trying to add a tabPage to an existing TabControl named TabControl4 I went all over it with the Debugger and everything is fine, but it won't show the TabPage in the TabControl. That's the code, Notice all the information being added to the TabPage is retrieved from a database so don't pay any attention to it, plus the software is in Hebrew so just ignore the Hebrew Strings.


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Add Custom Styles To A Tabcontrol?

Dec 6, 2011

Is there anyway to add custom styles to a tabcontrol? Like the tabs themselves I want to have a different background to the normal one. Just so I can style it to look nice

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Add A TabControl With 4 TabPages To A Tab Page?

Sep 21, 2010

My UI currently addsabPageGraphs to a TabControlMain dynamically. I now need to present 4 different views of the same data. I want to do something like the following code indicatesbut there is no 'Add()' method for TabPages by which I can add 4 Tabs to an existing TabPage.How would I accomplish this so that under a specific dynamically added TabPage, the User can select any of 4 new TabPages with a different graph to view.

if (!this.tabControlMain.Contains(this.tabPageGraphs))


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Adding PictureBox To A TabControl.>>>?

Nov 30, 2010

1) Add a TabControl.

2) You could change it DockStyle to fill the Form.

3) Add TabPages to the TabControl ( as many as you want ).

4) Add whatever controls to the relevant TabPage .

Public Class Form1
'Create a NEW TabControl.>>
Private WithEvents tc As New TabControl


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