VS 2010 Using Random With Timer?

May 20, 2012

I want to execute a code between 30 seconds and 5 minutes. Anyone knows how to do this?

Timer_Tick(...)handles ....
dim rnd as new random
for i as integer = 3000 to 30000

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VS 2010 Start A Random Timer After A Condition Is Met?

Mar 7, 2012

I want to do smth like instead of typing


I can type


where A is a random integer declared before.

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Draw A Random Triangle In A Timer?

Sep 26, 2009

i'm trying to draw a random triangle in a timer, + draw an arc + the angle in degrees in each angle. i can't get drawarc working.

heres my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Enable A Timer That Has A RANDOM Interval?

Apr 15, 2009

When a button is clicked on my forum i need it to enable a timer that has a RANDOM inverval. how to do it or give an example. (im trying to create an autotyper that types a given phrase at random times)

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Stop Timer At A Random Time?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm working on a reaction time program where I'll be testing... well, reaction time of a user. For this program I'll need a timer to stop at a random time interval, say somewhere between 3 and 10 seconds. Anyone know of a technique to do this. I've done some research and it seems there are a bunch of different ways of generating a random number just not sure how to assign that number to a timer.

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VS 2010 Incorporate The Timer So Once A Page Loads The Timer Activates?

Jul 4, 2011

How can I incorporate the timer so once a page loads the timer activates, waits a few seconds then I tell my program what to do next.I tried this code but it didnt work:

Timer1.Interval = 5000
Timer1.Enabled = True


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Bug In VB 2010 RC - Class Random - Always Produces The Same Random Numbers In The Same Sequence

Apr 4, 2010

The class Random is out right defective. It always produces the same random numbers in the same sequence. Things I have tried so far is every kind of seed you can think of as well as Randomize. The result is that I always get the same random numbers in exactly the same sequence.

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VS 2010 Draw Rectangle (random Times, Random Location)?

Nov 26, 2011

I am practicing using the drawing commands, and have gotten a grass background and black happy face that moves around the background.It's a 10x10 grid of 50 pixels.I want (at the moment, when i press enter) it to generate a random number of trees (15 ~ 25) at random locations on the background. The program doesn't freak out about anything, and the variables seem to be right (using stop commands) but it's not drawing anything. Here is the code for the "GenerateTrees" command I have for when I press enter.

Private Sub GenerateTrees()
NumberOfTrees = Int(Rnd() * 10) + 15
For i = 0 To NumberOfTrees - 1


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VS 2010 - Image Viewer - Random Number Is Not That Random At All

Apr 19, 2012

I've made an image viewer which opens a random image from a specified folder, but the random number is not that random at all... I've already used Randomize(), but without result.

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Read A Saved Wordlist File And Using A Timer Insert Words From The Word List At Random Timed Intervals?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a form that will read my wordlist. txt (one word or phrase per line) then using a timer, insert one word randomly selected from the list, and display it in textbox1 where it will remain until another timer changes the word. The word in the textbox will display for a random time 1min to 7 min, then the textbox displays another word randomly selected from the word list.

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VS 2010 Basic Timer Animation - Error Check And Colour Scheme VB Express 2010

Mar 26, 2012

this is my very first posting and I must say I am desperate. I have a VB assignment due in 2 days and I am so lost. I have written a code to draw some graphic, just a basic house, tree, sun etc. I have also written a code to magnify said graphics which were all the specifications of my Assignment 1 part A. Now for Part B I am being asked to extend my program so that: A - My graphic can be drawn using different colour schemes designed by me but chosen by the user B - My graphic or an appropriate part of it can be animated around the picture box if the user chooses to do so. C - Error checking is included.


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Clock/Timer In VB 2010?

Dec 29, 2010

I require the Login button on the User app to be enabled at a certain time during the day, and the Admin will specify the time. How do I go about achieving this? I have a database as wellDo I save the time in the Database that the Admin enters, and then retrieve the time from the database when the User app is running and compare the clock time on the User app to the time from the database (I will retrieve the time when the User app starts)

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VS 2010 - How To Stop Sub With Timer

Aug 31, 2011

I have a sub routine that connects to a database. If the database is unavailable it takes about 45 seconds to timeout, even though I used connect timeout=10 in the connection string.

So I figured I would try using a timer. This is how I have it
Private Sub SQLConn()
Private Sub Timer2_Tick
(this is where I need to put a command to stop the sub SQLConn)

I have the timer set at 10 seconds. Unless there is a better way to do this what command can I use to stop the connection or the sub?

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VS 2010 Timer Won't Start

Jan 11, 2012

I built a game, that's a basic soccer game. You stop a trackbar, and if it's in the middle then it makes a goal, if not the you lose. I want to up the ante and build my version of brick breaker. I have a bonus timer where if you finish the level within the time frame then you get bonus. When my menustrip is visible then the game pauses. Here's what I got so far:


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VS 2010 Random From One Listbox To Another

Jun 12, 2011

I have two listboxes and one text box. lbxData is already populated with strings (ex; car, boat, motorcycle) I have a text box (tbxRandom) for user input to choose the number of random strings they want generated and placed in the other listbox (lbxRandom) when clicking btnRandom. Here is what I have but keep getting an error. mylist.addrange(str) "value cannot be null. parameter name: collection

Dim Str As String
'Declare a List
Dim myList As New List(Of String)


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VS 2010 Random Item?

Nov 6, 2011

I've been trying to work this out I'm creating space invaders and I want the invaders to only shoot back if they're visible, and if the invaders which was selected isn't visible, then another invader is to be selected.The problem I'm having is if no invaders in a row is visible, then it gets stuck in a loop of

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 Two Random Numbers

Nov 23, 2010

every time i press the Roll Dice button the turn1roll1, turn1roll2, or turn2roll1, turn2roll2(depending on turn variable) it shows system.random in ASCII Chart i used the label names so no confusion.[code]

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VB 2010 Timer To Database/Tables?

Nov 17, 2010

Is it possible to insert/put a Timer inside the Database?Let say in my Database/Tables i have MemID, Name, Membership Date and Status (Active/Expired).for example MemID [ 1 ] Name [ Juan Paolo ] Membership Date [11-17-10] Status [ Timer ]in Status is it possible to save the time even while the program is close?..or code like if MemID 1 reach 2 Days all of the information of MemID 1 will be clear and Status will become [ EXPIRED ] , while timer is running the Status is Active, and if the Timer Reach 2 Days the Status will become [ EXPIRED ]

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VS 2010 - How To Effectively Use Timer For Animation

Apr 24, 2012

How can I use a timer function to animate a form's width being smoothly expanded and contracted on the click of a button. The resultant effect that I'm looking for is exactly what happens when you run windows native calculator
1.Windows + R key. Run: "Calc"
2. Change the views from View option between "Standard" and "Scientific".
I've tried declaring two subs, using width += ## and width -= ##, but that doesn't output what I want, it just messes up things..

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VS 2010 - Timer Event Is Not Considered

Nov 18, 2011

Why after you pressed the button Button1, this application crashes without considering the event timer1??
Public Class Form1
Public timer_event As Boolean
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
timer_event = False
Timer1.Interval = 3000 '3 sec
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 : First Generate Random Numbers?

Oct 6, 2010

I have code to save records to my mysql database.But first I want to read what is the last number of record and add 1000 on that? What is the proper way to query that first. I want to make the result at unique ID of my clients. Here is my chunks of codes.

Private Sub addClient_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection
With conn


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VS 2010 : Get A Random Number From 2 Numbers

May 8, 2012

i need a simple way to get a random number from 2 numbers. This means that for example if my 2 numbers are 3 and 7, i don't need a random number between 3 and 7 that would be like 3,4,5,6,7 but only a random that is either 3 or 7. Meaning not all the numbers between x and y, but either x or y.

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VS 2010 GetTempFileName() / Random File Name?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm writing a personal ftp upload program just for myself.When i upload a file i want my program to randomize the file name.

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VS 2010 Picking A Random Number Only Once?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to make a number be randomly picked but only picked once when a button is clicked. I've got the simple random number code down already but I can't seem to figure out how to have it picked only once.This is basic random code that I'm using right now.

Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((14 * Rnd()) + 1))

It picks out a number from 1 to 14 and returns it as an integer in "value", and I'm using to set that to open a specific form but I don't want that specific form to open more than once in a session. So if the number three was already picked out then it could never be returned ever again.

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VS 2010 Random AccessViolationException's Since Upgrading?

Mar 2, 2011

We recently upgraded VS 2005 to VS2010 and converted an application seemingly without any problems. But when deployed to the customer they are getting intermittent errors at seemingly random places in the program which force the application to close and AccessViolationExceptions being logged to the Application Event Log.

The customer's site is a multi user environment with the application hosted on a server and users running the app via RDP. We get two errors in the event log:

Application: ContainerDepotSystem.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException


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VS 2010 Random Items From Listbox

Apr 20, 2012

I am wondering how i would go about taking multiple items (randomly) from a listbox and displaying them in a label!Now this listbox wouldn't have to be visible, maybe i can do it without it even being a listbox?I want to have 25 labels and each one recalls a random value from the list (doesnt matter about being unique and the list will contain about 20-30 items)Im just a bit stumped on how to do it as ive done some looking into it but most people are asking for randomized numbers or unique items where as i need randomized items from a list which aren't unique!

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Creating An Auction Countdown Timer In VB 2010?

Jun 5, 2011

im trying to create an auction countdown timer in my form but I'm not sure how to do it. The countdown timer Im interested in would be similar to the ones found in BeezID or Swoopco, where the timer continuously counts down, then when a person makes a bid, the timer goes up by 5-10 seconds and continues the countdown.

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Timer/Clock In Visual Basic 2010?

May 4, 2011

have Visual Studio 2010 Professional and I am coding in Visual Basic. Ihave a form that contains a question and 4 options as the possible answer to the question.I would like to enquire as to how I would go out adding a timer on the form? The timer must basically display the seconds going by as they are thinking about the answer.

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VB 2010 - Add Hours To A Timer For A Microwave Project

Oct 17, 2011

my Vb 2010 midterm project is due a 8am ( > 2 hours). I have coded almost everything I need. Just before I was about to submit this, I noticed in the instructions that hours needs to be included as well. I have been trying to do this for about 2hrs now, and just can't seem to get it right.


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VS 2010 - Event Timer Goes Too Fast ( Not Interval )

Jun 22, 2010

my event in timer goes too fast, i need to slower it. the interval is ok, i cant use sleep because it freeze everything ( webbrowser control ) and it need to stay active not freezing. i tried application. doevents() no result same problem, is there a way to do what i need? its a program that automatically fill a webbrowser form and restart every-time. there no logout button so i need to use setmouseposition and mouse_event but timer do event too fast one after other and if i use sleep everything go wrong.

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