VS 2010 Writing A Forecolor Value To A String?

Nov 29, 2011

I've set the colour of a label using the ColorDialog and I want to read the chosen colour value into a string, using the following

label1.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color

For example, I have chosen, say, blue as the colour.. How would I read this value into a string, or the hex code for this colour?

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VS 2010 : Set The Last Position Of String When Writing To Text File?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm outputting a number of variables to a text file and each field needs to be in a specific place.For example:I have a string that is varying in length, but will never be more than 5 characters. The string has to end on the 8th character of the line. Is there a way to write the string to ensure that the string ends at a specific place on the line, regardless of the length?

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VS 2010 Reading/writing 2d String Array From/to File

Sep 7, 2011

I can write a 1-d string array to file with:

Dim test() As String = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
File.WriteAllLines("C:MyFile.txt", test)

but can't see how to write a 2-d array to file.

I've tried this:

Dim test(,) As String = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {34, 22, 12, 33, 55}}
Dim myfile = File.CreateText("C:MyFile.txt")
Dim row, col As Integer


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VS 2010 Writing A String Back To A Datagridview Cell?

Nov 8, 2010

I've made a function to convert a number and fraction string eg. "22 7/8" to decimal. I've no problem pulling the data from the current row cell to pass through the function. Checked it via a temp textbox i put on the form. What i actuall want to do is pass it back to another cell on the current row. Tried a few things but having no luck. Here's the code of what works. The name of the cell i'm trying to pass the result back to is called "BaseDec".

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim fact As String


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Change The Forecolor Of String Array?

Jan 11, 2012

how can i change the forecolor of may variable str2 and str1 if they are not equal. my idea hear is have a Typing master like to check the error.str2 change the forecolor to bluestr1 have a underline like a red line wrong spelling.

this is my code

Dim Str1 As Array
Dim str2 As Array
Dim x As Integer


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VS 2010 Change Forecolor Of Single Cell In Datagrid View?

May 19, 2011

im taking the difference between two numbers and placing it into a cell in the datagridview...

i want to change the forecolor of that specific cell to either green or red, depending whether the number is positive or negative...

i cant figure this out, and i have searched on the web...not really seeing anything that makes sense...

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Writing String Value To Com1?

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying the following code using vb.net and have managed to capture the running application values via portmon... look likes below and connects with success:

QUESTION: What is the HyperTerminal Equivalent string value for this Keystroke Sequence: Ctrl-A Shift-V Ctrl-B 02 1234512345 Ctrl-C Ctrl-M The above works great using a windows HyperTerminal window and writes data to the device.


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String Encoding And File Writing

Oct 16, 2011

I have a long UTF8 encoded text string. The actual values stored in the string are hexadecimal. I want to convert the encoding and save to a binary file.

Is there a simple encoding.convert or other method to do this with?

Basically the output is twice as large as it needs to be right now. The long way of doing it would be a routine to go through the string two characters at a time and convert to byte array and then .writeallbytes I guess. It seems there must be a simpler way of converting this?

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Writing A String Variable To Database?

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to write the value of 3 variables (Username, Email, Password) to an SQLite Database. I can write text to the database but not a variable. How would I do this?

My Code:

SQCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO login_data (username, password, email) VALUES (Username, Password, Email)"

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Overwriting The String While Writing On Text File?

Jan 15, 2012

I have written a program which reads the text from the text file cleans it for some specific letters or phrases and then saves it in another text file. I am having a problem in rewriting the processed or cleaned data (after it has removed some phrases and characters)onto writing the file.

I have successfully written the text on the file except one problem. In each loop when each string is cleaned and is written on the text file, it overwrites the previous string. What I want is that it should write in the next line or in the same line.

My code is given below:
Private Sub btnopen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnopen.Click
FileOpen.Title = "Please select the file"


how can I write the text in the new line and avoid overwriting of text in my text file.

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Writing A String To LPT1, The Parallel Port?

Dec 18, 2011

I have a fairly old radio receiver. (Icom R70) A friend and I have built an interface to control it from my computer. The interface is parallel. For me the interface is a black box. (My friend is the electronics specialist) In the description (25 years or more old) the statement to set a frequency and receive mode (like Am, FM etc) on the receiver is:print ".0:087330"

Today I am working in VB.Net and on Windows7 pro. I have already spent several days figuring out how to do this, but can't get it to work.I have found inpout.dll, but that does only allows me to write one byte at the time, and if I break up the above string and send nine individual characters, it does not work.

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C# - Writing String To A File Is Generating Unexpected Content?

Apr 11, 2012

I've two Strings which I'm loading from a SQL Server 2008 database (nvarchar-field)After loading them from the database Visual Studio 2010 displays them as follows in the watch window:

str1 = "Test"
str2 = "Test"

But the comparison with str1 = str2 returns False If I write those strings to a file with UTF8 Encoding the result is as expected:


If I write those strings to a file with ANSI (Default) Encoding the result is NOT as expected:


Converting the strings to bytes:

System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str1) 'Returns ByteArray {63, 84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str2) 'Returns ByteArray {84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str1) 'Returns ByteArray {239, 187, 191, 84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str2) 'Returns ByteArray {84, 101, 115, 116}

Where is the Byte 63 in case of ANSI Encoding OR Bytes 239, 187, 191 in case of UTF8 Encoding for str1 coming from?Well, Bytes 239, 187, 191 are the BOM for UTF8. The question here would more likely be: Why do I get the BOM for str1 but not for str2?(Well, the values are values passed to a webservice which inserts them into the database, the initial values are passed to this webservice by a client I've no control over)

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VS 2008 Finding And Writing To A String In A Text File?

Jul 24, 2009

Well I basically know how to read a text file, replace text then write to one. how to append text after a specified string (ie, insert text at a specified line, removing the text after a string in a line and changing it without altering other lines, etc). Can someone please tell me how I would go about adding a string after a certain string in a text file? For example:

I Have:


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Writing IF Statement To Check For Html Class String?

Dec 30, 2009

I am writing the code as on if statement that if the html class has strings called "<a id=""rowTitle1""(.*?)</a>" then do something. In what property that come after pattern that I could check the string whether if it valid or not??

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DB/Reporting :: Writing Colon - Syntax Error In String In Query Expression

Oct 12, 2008

Here is a code to insert data to DBaccess from textbox. When I write a colon(') in the textbox to add to DB it caused error and show me this Message "Syntax error in string in query expression '''')'

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "Store.mdb ")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
'Add text to DB
[Code] .....

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.net - VB 2010 Console Writing Out?

Oct 19, 2010

I am working with a console application for VB 10.

How can I replace data that I have already written with:


Or how can I write on a specific point: e.g. 100 lines, 100 chars left

In the same way that a program such as wget has a loading bar that does not keep getting replaced every time progress is increased.

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VS 2010 About Writing To A Textfile?

Mar 7, 2011

i want to rewrite a text file with information already added to it but with my current code it just adds it to the end of the file is there a way to rewrite the entire file with new information.

Private Sub writebtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles writebtn.Click
Dim bookfile As StreamWriter
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
bookfile = File.AppendText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)


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Opening And Writing To Files In VB 2010

Jun 24, 2011

Am writing a simple application which can write a to pdf,doc,xls and access files. so far it can write to word.i also want it to be able to navigate a hard disk and open these files using filters. i was using this code to write to the files


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Reading And Writing To Ini Files In VB 2010?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to search for snippet for reading and writing ini files in visual basic .net.

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VS 2010 - Writing For Different Screen Resolutions

Jan 14, 2012

I'm writing a piece of software at the moment which will require a form be full screen at all times. However, I am slightly plagued by the fact that my users will have varying screen resolutions. This makes placing controls etc very difficult. Any good techniques / tips to ensure that control layout looks consistent despite the screen resolution when an application is full screen. I'd like to try to avoid having to programmatically re-size and move controls based on screen res as this is a pain in the royal backside.

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VS 2010 : Creating .txt File Then Writing To It?

Dec 9, 2011

create a text file then write "0" (zero) to it.It is for a larger project but this is the code that I have been working with:

Public Class Loading
Dim Path As String = "C:NAME.txt"
Private Sub FileCreate()


It all seems to work fine until it tries to write "0" to the .txt file. It comes up with an error saying that the process cannot access the file because another process is using the that it just created! I have checked and the only process using it is the one above.

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VS 2010 IOException When Writing To A Txt File?

Jan 29, 2011

I have some code which writes the variables out to a debugging text file.

Dim LogFileName As String
LogFileName = "log.txt"
objWriter = File.AppendText(DesktopPath & LogFileName)


However when I run the code I get a IOException "C:Users***Desktoplog.txt" is in use by another process. the log is not open in notepad or any other program so what other process is using that file?

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VS 2010 Reading And Writing Files?

Dec 27, 2010

My app has a series of parameters that is to be stored in an external files. Eventhough the "parameter" file could be edited by the end user, I really don't care that much about what the user does to them.

So my two questions are, what is the most effeicent means of reading and writing a file and in what format should the file be in? When I say effeicent I mean, what utilizes the least amount of memory during the process, is fast, and disposable.

Example: XML, Text, something else. StreamReader / StreamWriter or what ever.

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VS 2010 - Writing Different Lines To Text File

Jan 30, 2012

I want to create a little program with textboxes in it, that writes the contents of these textboxes to a file. It also needs to write some predefined lines to the files, even on the same line as where the contents of the textbox is.

Heres an example:
The file should look like this when you open it in notepad:
Send t Text from TextBox {Enter}

First I think I would need to do this:
Dim ioFile As New StreamWriter("scripting.ahk")
If I do the above it works.. But how can I write another line where the "Send t" and "{Enter}" gets written automaticly before and after the contents from the Textbox?

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VS 2010 - Writing Information To Text File

Apr 17, 2011

I am working with the formula for writing information to a text file. I have a program with 4 text box's and 5 radio buttons. I need to the program to write all of the info from the 4 text box's that the user has entered and the radio button that the user has selected.

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VS 2010 : Connecting To A Database And Writing Data?

Oct 9, 2010

How do I connect to a mysql database, and write a new column to a certain table there?

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VS 2010 : Writing Serialized Object To File?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a class like this:

<Serializable()> Public Class GOODownloadFile
Private aID As String
Private aDownloadLink As String


Now when I create an object like this

Dim f As New GOODownloadFile("http:\download.com1.exe", "c:Down", "c:Down")

All the values given are correctly saved in the file 1.txt But when I change the download file info afterwatds, like this:

Dim f As New GOODownloadFile("http:\download.com1.exe", "c:Down", "c:Down")


the new value (123456) is not saved. Hence, only the values provided BEFORE the AddDownload are saved, the rest aren't.
I've check my code 100times, and I'm sure everything is fine. I think it may be because of the send-by-value. When I change the values afterwards, the orginal object isn't used.

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VS 2010 Reading And Writing To Text File?

Dec 3, 2011

Their is a problem whenever I want to write something to a text file. Please see the attatchement to see what happens when I'm debugging. I've put the code for writing to file right at the end of the program.Here is some of the code which shows how the program writes to and reads from the file:

Option Explicit On
'Force all variables to be declared.
Imports System.IO


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VS 2010 Reading/Writing Text Files?

Oct 12, 2011

I have seen a few different ways of Reading/Writing Text files. What i am trying to achieve is a simple debug file in the most efficient way possible. Currently I have....

If System.IO.File.Exists(debugpath) = True Then
Dim Debugwriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(debugpath, True)


1. Do I have to close and reopen the file each time I want to write to it.

2. In vbscript I would simply open the the file at the start of the script and close at the end is the same possible here.

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VS 2010 Text File Reading And Writing?

Jul 18, 2010

I have just recently been using VB 2010 after using VB5. I have noticed a lot of changes. The problem I have is that I wish to open and save text files to and from arrays in the background. I've attached what I would do in VB5. I have searched around, but all the examples I find use a Textbox instead of an array. Can anyone show me how I can do this with VB 2010?

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