VS 2010 Declare All Numbers In An Array Without Going Down List One By One

Feb 26, 2011

So I have an assignment dealing with arrays for school but first I will start it off with the simple question as to where I am stuck now. I was wondering what the simplest way is to declare all the numbers in an array without going down the list one by one ( ArrayA(1) = 1, ArrayA(2) = 3 and so on.) I was wondering if the simplest way to do this is just by putting: ArrayA = ArrayA += 1 or what the simplest way to do this is.

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VS 2010 Possible To Declare An Array List "globally"?

Apr 24, 2012

[Using .NET 2.0 framework] would like to declare an array list inside a global module, if possible. Like...

Module GlobalModule
Public MyArray As New ArrayList()


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VS 2010 Declare Byte Array, Hardcoded Content?

Jun 6, 2012

Im trying to query a game server, and have been looking up what to send and so on...This is what they say:Quote:Request formatServer info can be requested by sending the following byte values in a UDP packet to the server.

FF FF FF FF 54 53 6F 75 72 63 65 20 45 6E 67 69 TSource Engi
6E 65 20 51 75 65 72 79 00 ne Query


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Load An Array With 30 Numbers That Print To A List Box?

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to learn about arrays and the for next..loop. This is a noob question but I cant seem to get it to work. I am trying to load an array with 30 numbers that print to a list box.

Dim a(29) As Integer
Dim strVar As String = "{0,-5}{1,5}{2,5){3,5}{4,5}"
Dim x As Integer


For some reason I keep getting errors in the output statement that says "Input string was not in a correct format."

The output should list 1 to 30 in the list box

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 List Of Numbers Included In An Array?

May 18, 2010

I have an array of integers (5 x 5). Is it possible for an index to have a a list of numbers?For example, Row3, Column 4 has 10, 4 52,10 Array (3,4) = 10,4,52,10

View 4 Replies

Find Duplicates Within An Array List Of Random Numbers?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm creating an application that creates a list of 20 ramdomly selected numbers within an array and displaying those numbers in a listbox. I then need to display the duplicate numbers in an adjacent listbox by clicking the find duplicates button. How would I be able to access those 20 numbers in order to find the duplicates?

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VS 2010 Array Of Random Numbers Without Duplicates ?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm new to the forums and VB programming in general, so I only have a very basic understanding of VB commands, but I still have a good grasp on logic and the like. I'm doing this for a school assignment, and I am in a bit of a pickle.I am trying to generate an array of 6 random numbers from 1 to 30, making sure there are no duplicates.I think I'm pretty close to cracking it, but it still doesn't work.Here's what I have at the moment:[code]......

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VS 2010 Basic Prime Numbers Array Program?

Apr 20, 2011

First off, I'm not sure if this is the right forum, please move it if it isn't. I am only just beginning with visual basic and I am trying to write a basic program to calculate the prime numbers from 1 to 100. This is what I have so far:Dim flag As Integer Dim ar(101) As Integer


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VS 2010 Sequence Checker - Check A List Of Numbers To Make Sure They Are Sequencial?

Feb 3, 2011

I Am working on a sequence checker that will check a list of numbers to make sure they are sequencial? however we now have a new job for a 5 in 1 layout so the serial number i split up over 5 collums and mixed with other data. i can import the data into a data table split by ","'s ?


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VS 2008 Declare A List(of T) (or List(of <anonymous Type>))?

Jan 7, 2010

Ok i'm trying to declare a global list of type T (or is it <anonymous type>) i declare it in a module with something like Friend query As New List(of {whatever type i try}) the app takes some xml and parses it into a list but i need this list available to other classes and methods within the app, everything i have tried fails resulting in an error like Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of <anonymous type>)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of {whatever type i try})'.

What would be the correct way to declare a list of this type? is there another way i could do this?

View 8 Replies

Use .next (random Numbers) To Randomly Select Something From A List Of Numbers But It Can't Repeat The Number?

Aug 16, 2009

So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:

dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num = r.next(1,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then

That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.

Example:This is in a label.

Dim number as Integer
number = 0

Then in the button do

Label.number = 0

How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.

View 6 Replies

Program That Will Compare Array Of Grocery List Items Glist And Array Of Coupon Item List

May 27, 2012

I have a program that will compare an array of grocery list items glist and an array of coupon item clist.When I compare the two and if there is a match somewhere in the array I want to have a picturebox visible.When there is no match, I want the picture box not to be visible. [code] The code seems to work great until I come to the else statement.When the code finds a match it displays the picture box and the msgbox without error, but as soon as the message box is cleared, even though i've input it as an ELSE statement, the picturebox goes false again.Does anyone have any idea of how I can "hold" the picturebox to stay visible while the match between the arrays exists?

View 18 Replies

VS 2010 - Display The Array In A Checked List Box

Feb 24, 2012

I want to have an array with 2 columns - a list of applications in the first and the command to install them in the 2nd column. I want to display the array in a checked list box and based on selections run the command in the 2nd column I have done single column arrays but never tied them to commands


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VS 2010 - Getting Separate Values From Array List

Jan 3, 2011

I currently have an arraylist holding many separate numbers and I need to loop through the array and change each number, the number will be changed depending on other determined settings but I can't seem to get this to work,

For i = 0 To Me.TextBefore.Length - 1
intTemp = CInt(Me.textarray)
intTemp = intTemp + intUsr
Next i

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Loop Through Array List And Convert To Integer?

Dec 31, 2010

i have data in an array list called txtarray which contains numbers, how can i loop through the array list and convert the values from into a integer variable?

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 Make An Array List Of All 30 Picture Boxes?

Jan 27, 2012

how i can make this code shorter:

Dim reminderday As Integer = 13
Select Case reminderday
Case 1


Maybe i should to somehow make an array list of all 30 Picture boxes?

View 3 Replies

Way To Declare An Array?

Jun 13, 2011

What is the right way to declare an array
Dim lblname As Label() = New Label(get_num_of_children()) {}
Dim mealcheck As Integer() = New Integer(get_num_of_children()) {}


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VS 2005 Displaying A List Inputted Words And List All The Associated Line Numbers?

Aug 1, 2009

I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.

For example,

"This is a random text
file that I
have just made
up this second"


As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.

View 1 Replies

.net - Declare An Array Of Classes And Set Value?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a little syntax declare problem in VB.Net.

Dim proxy As USImportoerServiceTypeClient = DMRUtils.CreateAndConfigureClient()
Dim request As New USDeclare_I()
request.DeclareCollection = New US_ITypeDeclare() {}


This above code do not work, becase the "US_ITypeDeclare() {}" is empty an only contains a new DeclareCollectionStructure

declare a KoeretoejErklaeringStructure to this an set this date value til "DeclareCollectionStructure.DeclareCollectionValidDate" ?

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Declare A 2D Unlimited Array?

Apr 30, 2012

I Declare a 2D Unlimited array.My code:

Dim array As String(,) = New String(,) {}
array(0, 0) = "top left"
MsgBox(array(0, 0))

The problem is the msgbox shows nothing.

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Declare A Large Array?

Sep 1, 2009

Is there a better (more compact or elegant) way of declaring a large array such as this?[code]...

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Declare An Array As A Class?

Jun 21, 2010

I could have an array of players but I cant dim and array as new and my players are all a class I made called gameobject

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How To Declare Array Of Dictionary

Jan 14, 2008

Dim AttributeValuePairs() As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
byt this i mean AttributeValuePairs is a Array of dictionaries


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How To Declare And Use Byte Array

Jun 4, 2011

following code in C#.net...
long filesize=Mystream.Length;
byte [] buffer=new byte[(int)filesize];

How To convert this code in vb.net......or same code in vb.net.

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VS 2008 Declare Array So It Can Be Used Everywhere?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to declare a array that I want to use in the module and in the forms. I like it to be usable all over but I cant get it to work.

I tried this code but when I want to use it in the module it says that it isn't declared.

Public Class Form1
Public ShuffleArray() As String

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Way To Declare And Initialize Array?

Nov 26, 2010

Assuming the array has 216 elements:

Dim Data As Integer() = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,


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How To Declare A Global List Object

Jun 8, 2012

I would like to declare a list above Sub procedure and to be able to add/modify it. I would like to have something like this:


When i run the above example i get an error like: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Declare A Array Within Structure And It Is Not Working

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to declare a array within a structure, and it is not working. [code] So I want each league to have a single name and id and 20 players.Is there a way other than writing out dim player1, player2 etc.

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Declare A Two Dimensional Array Of Integers?

Feb 2, 2011

"declare a two dimensional array of integers named intgrades.it should have 30 rows and 10 columns

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Declare An Array In A Structure (textboxes)

Jan 11, 2012

Can anyone tell me how I would declare an array for data that will come from textboxes? Every example I find seems to be data that comes from an input box, and the array name would just be strInputbox, for example. However, in my case the user will input data into several textboxes (each named txtBox1, txtBox2, txtBox3, etc.) and I'm not sure how to write this.

Thank you.

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