VS 2010 Sequence Checker - Check A List Of Numbers To Make Sure They Are Sequencial?
Feb 3, 2011
I Am working on a sequence checker that will check a list of numbers to make sure they are sequencial? however we now have a new job for a 5 in 1 layout so the serial number i split up over 5 collums and mixed with other data. i can import the data into a data table split by ","'s ?
i have a file with a serial number in it and i need to check if it is in sequence or not and then print a report stating no errors or if there is errors what line they are on.
I am working on an assignment that will display the forst 10 fibonacci numbers in sequence. However when my results are displayed, the numbers are all stacked on top of each other like this: 011235813213455. I have tried to play with it but i can't seem to get my numbeers to space out or even maybe have a comma "," betweeen each number.[code]
The class Random is out right defective. It always produces the same random numbers in the same sequence. Things I have tried so far is every kind of seed you can think of as well as Randomize. The result is that I always get the same random numbers in exactly the same sequence.
I want to extract numbers from a sequence. Example: if the number is 1890928 i want to extract "1" or "89" or "909". I think it's something with left or center but i don't know how.
Then you have to take that same range and find the product of all odd numbers between said sequence. I figured out how to find the product but only if the lowest number is also an odd number. For example, if I put in the values 1 and 7 the product is 105 which is correct. But if I put in 2 and 5 the product somehow becomes 10, when it should be 15.I have to use the MOD function to distinguish between even and odd numbers, which I know how to do however it's still not working out correctly for some reason and I'm completely stuck. This is the part I'm having trouble with. Go down for full source)
For counter = intX To intB intX = intProduct If intY Mod 2 = 0 Then
I would like to know how to coding in VB 2010 as this problem:The sequence numbers I want as the following:
Date 08 October 2010 --> 10-10-08 The first number is --> 10-10-08-01 The second number is --> 10-10-08-02 and so on Date 12 October 2010 --> 10-10-12 The fourth number is --> 10-10-12-04 The ninth number is --> 10-10-12-09 and so on
I want method which can check if microsoft office word spell checker is present. If version less than 2007 are there I check if ""C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoftSharedProofMSSPELL3.DLL" this dll is present, but for officewe don't find this dllat this location. I'm looking for a method which will check for spell checker of the various version of Offices.
Write a function that will take one integer input parameter, create a sequence of numbers stored in an array from 0 to that number, and the numbers are a summation. For example, given 7
In a project I'm working on, I've assigned each user a unique ID with the following code. [code] However, I want to replace the number at the end (RecordCount) with a randomly generated sequence of 4 numbers (no 2 can be the same).
im trying to decypher their structures and substructures and right now im wondering if anybody knows what exactly sequence and acnowledgment numbers in TCP packet headers are made of?
I'm trying to create a program which will calculate the Fibonacci Sequence which calculates the numbers correctly however, there are a few problems.
1. When using a Do While...Loop the program becomes non responsive.
2. Kind of dealing with the program becoming non responsive; I am unable to stop the process by forcing the sub to Exit.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Operation.Text = "Calculating...." EStop = False
I am a newbie to VB.Net. Before, I did programming in PHP. I made a spell checker in PHP which splitted a big string into single word by spaces, checked if the word is there in the dictionary, if not, it highlighted it and gave some suggestions when a user clicks on it. I want to make the same thing in VB.Net.
i need a code or example of how to make it so that when a user presses ctrl p it will create a picturebox were the cursor is, i have this done, but how do i make it load them back in, and make it so if a panel or picturebox, runs into one of the ones the user created it will say "Smash", but there will most likely be tons of pictureboxes so i really need the help. how do i make a custom image file type that can hold up to 4 images and save and load them back in? how do i make a simple spell checker?
So I have an assignment dealing with arrays for school but first I will start it off with the simple question as to where I am stuck now. I was wondering what the simplest way is to declare all the numbers in an array without going down the list one by one ( ArrayA(1) = 1, ArrayA(2) = 3 and so on.) I was wondering if the simplest way to do this is just by putting: ArrayA = ArrayA += 1 or what the simplest way to do this is.
I've been trying to create a FCS16 (Frame-Check-Sequence) hashing algorithm, but so far the only explanation I've found is this [URL]and I'm having trouble writing the code.
I'm using the following code to check http proxies;
Try Dim proxy As New WebProxy(getIP(addr), getPort(addr)) Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("http://google.com"), HttpWebRequest) request.Timeout = NumericUpDown1.Value * 1000 request.Proxy = proxy 'Proxy to use. Dim response As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse) If request.HaveResponse = True Then
I am not following any tutorials I was trying to do this without help, but I need some now. Am I not using the correct code to do the job?
New to programming completely,on VB 10 Express. I am in the process of creating a keypad which I can punch in numbers 1- 9 to enter a password. I have 9 buttons for the numbers. I've got the keys to print the numbers into the textbox above but when I press a second key it replaces the first number in the text box.
My question is, how do I make the numbers go in sequence, so instead of (Press 1) - 1 - (Press 2) - 2 - (clears 1)
I want it to go like (Press 1) - 1 - (Press 2) - 12 - and so on...
So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:
dim num as integer dim r as new random num = r.next(1,5) if num = 1 then elseif num = 2 then etc.
That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.
Example:This is in a label.
Dim number as Integer number = 0
Then in the button do
Label.number = 0
How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.
I want the program to check the number of items in a list box, then send use that number to form a FOR loop and send each to the serial port individually. It actually sends everything, but the program always crashes after the last one saying that the sdprintcount variable is an invalid number for the index. I don't get it as this happens no matter how many items are in the list, and it always crashes on the last one. It sends it, but then it says the index number is invalid.
********************************* Dim sdmods As Integer Dim sdmodsp As String sdmods = sandwichmodlist.Items.Count
i am trying to convert netspell to VB.Net so instead of using the pop up dialog, i want it to use the richtextbox on the main form. I have nearly finished converting the whole project, but i have encountered a few errors, these are listed bellow.
Error11Property 'InnerHash' is 'ReadOnly'.C:UsersThomas Brentnalldocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsNetSpellVB.NetNetSpellVB.NetDictionaryAffixAffixRuleCollection.vb41113NetSpellVB.Net Error12Property 'InnerHash' is 'ReadOnly'.C:UsersThomas Brentnalldocumentsvisual studio
Im coding a program to grab 3 names and 3 times and display the persons name with the lowest time in the corresponding text box. The program works but only if my values fall within the rules. Im trying to make it so that it displays the correct winner.Quote:
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click 'Calculate who came in first, second and third place
I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.
For example,
"This is a random text file that I have just made up this second"
As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.
Is there a way to make a setup package on VB 2010 that will check prerequisite addons on clients PC?
The setup will check if MS Access 2010 Engine and Crystal Reports Runtime 2010 is installed. If the installer detected its already installed it will just install the application.
If one or both prerequisite is not found the installer will install the addon automatically.
I'm trying to animate a game piece by using a picture box where the x,y location is changed as the image changes (cycles through a walk animation sequence). This all works fine, however it's too damn quick. I've tried slowing it down using a simple: for z=1 to 1000000: next While this works-ish there must be an easier way to slow down code....is there? On a related matter: Why does picturebox animation look so crap compared to combining images in the paint screen section? My picturebox seems to flicker every few frames.