VS 2010 .net 4.0 Framework Deployed With App?

Oct 30, 2010

Ok a simple question, I should know the answer but I am embarrased to ask. How do I get the .Net 4.0 framework deployed with my application when I publish it.Instead of having to download it on other pc's. Im sure its just a tick box in the preferences/settings somewhere.

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VS 2010 Upgrading To 2010 IDE But Target To Framework 3.5

Apr 14, 2010

I've developed an application using VB 2008 Express and there are some customers using it,of course they have framework 3.5 installed.Can I upgrade to VB 2010 but keep target of my project to framework 3.5 (there is a option on Compile tab to chose target framework version),is it a good idea or not ?

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Bcp Does Not Work In Deployed Application

Aug 21, 2009

I am calling a stored procedure that calls a bcp command from a visual basic 2005 application to export data to excel. When I publish the app on my machine the procedure works fine. However when I attempt to install on another users machine when I push the button to call the event ..the export does not happen. I am trying to install from a network and the other modules work fine.

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Can't Run Published / Deployed Program

Jun 8, 2010

I've been using a piece of code I found that reads in joystick movement into my VB application using DirectInput. Building an executable works great, the program operates as should be, however when I publish my program for final deployment[code]...

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Using Switches In A Deployed Application?

Nov 30, 2010

This may be a dumb question, but I am stumped. I wrote a simple desktop application in vb.net (vs2005) and published it via the "deploy" method. After I deployed the app and ran the deployment exe - the application runs fine. However, I have recently added some command line switches so I can run the app via a scheduled job. But I cannot find the "exe" file in order to run the application from the command line. Am I missing something or did I deploy/publish the application wrong?

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Use Net Framework 2.0 On 2010?

Feb 9, 2011

How to use.net framework 2.0 on vs 2010

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.net - Debugging ClickOnce Deployed Application

Nov 9, 2010

I am new to ClickOnce deployment and at first glance it seems a great way to maintain .Net applications updated with ease. I am developing a simple application that stores information on a mdb database and over some XML files. I understood how to use the "data" folder with ClickOnce and I am developing the part of my application that should migrate the data from older versions after a ClickOnce update. Now I need to debug that part of my code that only runs when the application is in "networkDeployed" mode. So actually I'm doing the following really slow process to test a new deployed version:

publishing the application on a provisional website (I can choose between a faster locale iis site or a real online one) installing the application from the deploying website (the first time) or running the old installed application so it automatically catch new updates and gets updated... running the application

So basically I have two problems here:

the whole process is much too slow :/ I'm running the app as every other app directly from the OS, so I can't access to the debugger...

I am pretty sure that there are better way to test ClickOnce deployed applications...

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Add Crystal Reports To Deployed Application?

Sep 27, 2010

I want to know how i can add reports either crystal or microsoft to a folder called reports in my application and then for them to be displayed in my menu tool bar under reports and then for them to run once clicked. I know it can be done its just how it is done.

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Can't Find Access DB When Deployed With ClickOnce

Jan 22, 2011

I have built a simple app that searches an Access DB. When I build it, I can run it without error. When I try to use ClickOnce to deploy the app, it says it cannot find the Access DB. I am pretty new VB.NET, working with a DB and ClickOnce, so any thoughts or assistance.

I have the the "build action" set to "content" and "copy to output directory" set to "copy always". In the Publish > App Files I have the db set to "include" and "required". Worse than a newbie, the business guy who wants to code...

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Copying Deployed Data Files?

Jun 23, 2011

I have three data files that I include with my project. They are all set to Build Action Content and Copy to Output Copy Always. I have a preferences form that allows the user to copy these files to a folder of their choosing. It works fine in the IDE. However, when deployed one file will copy but the next returns an error the the file cannot be found. In the following code block a deployed application will copy ABW11Data.sdf but cannot find 100610_40.dtb or 2118@005.dtb. They are in the deployment files and I can search and find them in the clickonce installation although they are not in the same place as the ABW11data.sdf.

If My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "ABW11Data.sdf", TextBoxFolder.Text, True)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "100610_40.dtb", .SelectedPath + "100610_40.dtb", True)


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LicenseException For AxMSFlexGrid In Deployed Application

Jun 24, 2009

I have migrated a VB6 application to .Net which uses the MSFlexGrid in a total of 7 different places on 3 forms.When the compiled application is installed on a non-development PC, one of the forms throws a LicenseException when trying to create the instance of the MSFlexGrid control.The other two forms successfully create and use the MSFlexGrid instances that they contain.The problem doesn't occur when the application is run on a development PC.[code]I have looked at the designer.vb code for the forms, comparing the instances which work with the one that doesn't.In both cases, (working and failed) the same calls are made to the control wrapper (i.e. a new instance is created, BeginInit() is called, attributes are set, it is added to the containing control, and EndInit() is called, where the exception is raised.To reiterate, this is not the 'usual' problem of a missing developer license.The exception is not occuring during development, it is occurring in the application installed in the production setting.

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VS 2010 Messed Up .Net Framework

Mar 7, 2011

I was messing with my program as I was having trouble getting it installed on machines without VB Express installed already. I adjusted the .Net requirement to 3.5 as I figured more people would meet that requirement without additional installs and now I get this error on my program when trying to change settings.Any idea how to get this set back up correctly.I'm on a Windows 7-64bit machine, using VB Basic 2010 Express.[code]

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Deployed MSAccess Database Not Updated Through Application?

May 26, 2009

I've created a VB.NET Windows Form application which pulls info from an MSAccess database via datasets and tableadapter. When the user makes a change to the data, I use the Update method of the tableadapter to send the changes back to the database. This all works fine in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE, but once the build is done and the application is installed, I run into problems. The application keeps the original data and will not read or write to the database, although any changes I make through the application are mysteriously saved somewhere. If I make changes directly to the database using MS Access - which I need to be able to do - those changes don't show up in the data pulled into the application.

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Deployment - EXE Built By VS2005 Be Deployed As A Standalone EXE?

Jun 15, 2010

VB.NET: Can the .EXE built by VS2005 be deployed as a standalone EXE?When I change the mode in VS2005 to "Release" and build the solution, the binRelease directory then contains the solution .EXE file, but also a .pdb, vshost.exe and .xml file. What are these extra files and are they necessary?

I copied the .exe file to another machine and it executed properly, but there was a significant delay when it first executed - thereafter it was like any other program. What is the reason for this, Is it because the other 3 files in the Release folder are not there with it?

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Desktop Shortcut For Click Once Deployed Application?

Aug 12, 2009

I would like to create a desktop shortcut for my clickonce deployed application.The IDE is VS2005 and there is no need for upgrading to 2008 yet.

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IDE :: Resource File Not Being Deployed With ClickOnce Installation?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a file in the Resources folder for one of my libraries, which is set to "Content" and "Copy Always".In debugging, the file is there, and the program works.

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IDE :: Upgrading App Deployed As A Remote App On Server 2008

May 20, 2010

I have a vb.net app that is installed on server 2008 and registered as a remote app with approximately 70 users accessing it. There is an issue that when I put a new version of the app on the server, every user must remote desktop in and run setup.exe before the app will update to the newest version. If they try to run it without doing this step first, the app just runs the previously installed version under their login.

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Launching Deployed App Error: Stopped Working

Apr 5, 2010

I deployed a VB.Net app and ran it and I get 'AppName has stopped working" "Windows is checking for a solution to the problem" along with a Cancel button under Windows 7. Under XP I am only getting the option to Send the error report to Microsoft or not. There is no apparent way to hook into a debugger. I am not getting any exception data. I have put msgboxes at the very start of my code and they are not hit so it is failing before any of my code is even executing. I have checked all dependencies that I can think of. I developed the app on VS2008 Windows 7 and deploying to Windows 7 and WinXP. I need some advice - how do I debug this?

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VS 2008 Change The Location Where The Project Is Going To Be Deployed?

Feb 18, 2011

Using the clickonce deployment, how can I change the location where the project is going to be deployed? I want it to be deployed to program files!

Because at the moment and I suppose as default the files are going to C:UsersAdminmgrAppDataRoamingMicrosoft......, it is even hard to find them at all

And also how to create a shortcut after it installs ? those are the features I could not find how to do using the clickonce. I know there are setups as well but I have read somewhere that clickonce should be able those two things and I would prefer to use it.

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Allow Only One Instance Of Program To Run (2010 Or .NET Framework 3.5)?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm creating an updater for an IP address, and I need to ensure that only one instance is running on the computer. This is to prevent (or at least make it more difficult for) having multiple tunnels running (it's an updater for an IPv6 tunnel).I've seen various ways of doing it in VB 6.0 and early .NET, but nothing that deals with .NET 3.5 or VIsual Basic 2010.

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Compact Framework (WinCE) Using VS 2010?

Feb 15, 2011

Anyone doing anything with VS2010 and the compact framework ? or do we need to go back to VS2005/VS2008 ?

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VB 2010 Requires Microsoft .NET Framework?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a question to ask you. All of the programs that I made always worked perfectly in my PC. But, whenever I test it on another PC, it requires a thing like... Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4. Which is really annoying, cuz that thing installs in 15 minutes. I mean, can I do something about this? Is this common?

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VS 2010 .net 4 - Application Seems To Require .net Framework 4 To Run?

Nov 1, 2010

My application seems to require .net framework 4 to run. Hence not working on standard XP installations until .net 4 is installed. How do I make it so that it only needs 3.5, or whatever XP uses natively?

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VS 2010 .net Framework 4 Client Profile?

Sep 28, 2011

My app doesn't work on clients PC's who have .NET FRAMEWORK 4 CLIENT PROFILE...when I switch the target framework to .NET FRAMEWORK 4 CLIENT PROFILE in my development environment, I get a ton of errors. Is there a fix for this besides installing the full framework version on the client PC?

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VS 2010 .NET Framework Backwards Compatibility?

Jan 30, 2012

I have made an application with VS2010, meaning it requires .NET framework 4 to run properly.If the program is ran on a machine with .NET framework 3.5, it returns an error stating I should install 4.

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VS 2010 Changing Target Framework?

Dec 14, 2010

I started a project in VB 2008 and the target Framework was obviously not 4, like it forces in VB 2010. The issue is the computers this application is being deployed to have 3.5 as the latest .NET Framework.

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VS 2010 Forcing VB To Use A Specific .net Framework?

Feb 10, 2010

I used to write code at a previous job in lots of languages, VB just one of them. At my new job I am tasked with writing code again. I have picked up VB 2010 express to get started and will move forward from there. The problem that I am facing is that 2010 uses the .net 4.0 framework. This is too new for the add-ins to support.

It follows, my question: Is there a way that VB .net 2010 can be forced to use a specific .net framework? Can I tell it to use the .net 2.0 for instance?

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VS 2010 Framework Binarysearch Stuff?

Jun 7, 2012

Anyone use the framework binarysearch methods?Can they do lower and upper bound searches?

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VS 2010 Run .exe File On Computer Without .NET Framework

Apr 24, 2012

I am having a few dramas with running my completed project on another computer. I created my project using Visual Studio 2010 (Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express).The error messages I get say that the program is unable to access the .NET framework. This is because the .NET framework is not loaded onto the other computer and loading it is not an option.I've done some searching on the internet and I found instructions for going from a dynamic library to a static library and building, rather than publishing the finished product for C++ 2010. So, I assume that I need to do something similar but I haven't been able to apply this to VB 2010 Express.The finished product needs to be self-contained, so that the .exe file has all the libraries and compilation instructions it needs.So, is someone able to tell me how to link up the files I need and re-package my project so that it works on any computer that runs Windows.

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Performance Related Features For Migration From .net 2003 Framework 1.1 To .net 2008 Framework 3.5?

May 21, 2010

I am work on VB.net 2003 Framework 1.1 for last 3.5 years in windows Application.We are currently migrating to VB.net 2008 framework 3.5, but i don't know about the features which related to ADO.net and which is important to performance. I know linq to SQL but our architecture is made in .net 2003 so we should follow this.Any features which is very important to enhance the performance?

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