VS 2010 Save Program Settings In C:Users<USERNAME>AppData Etc?

Oct 5, 2011

how do I do this properly:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I would like to store some app data in a 'default system folder', so when I launch the program it will know where to look for it's own settings.As a matter of fact I only need to store there a path to the files used by the program. Users will be able to choose where to put them (simplified installation). The program has to know where to look for them.

Am I creating the folder properly? As you can see I'm referring to C:... The folder structure presented here comes from my laptop running on Windows 7 Ultimate. Maybe the C:... can be somehow defined by some sort of a system 'shortcut'. Following the above example the program would look for those in C:... , but maybe I can use something like ~~ default.app.settings.My Program Name ~~~. How does it work? Have no idea how to call it properly, but I'm sure you will know what I mean.

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Visual Basic 2010 - Use Settings To Save Users Background?

Apr 23, 2012

I am working on an virtual operating system. And I want the user to be able to change background, and at the same time save it! So, the next time he opens the application, the background is saved and changed.

I know that I have do this through project > settings, but I don't know how to program it. I have managed to allow the user to change background, but dont how to save it. Could anyone solve this little problem for me?

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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Save Users Settings To XML?

Apr 17, 2009

I was wondering the best way to save a users settings in my application i.e there name, e-mail address etc and i came across an application that saves them like[code]...

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Optimal Way To Save Settings For Different Users?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm writing a windows application and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. It wouldn't be a difficult program, except that I'd like to support more than one user and with each user I need to have many, many different settings change instead of, say, two or three. I'm wondering if there's a standard ideal way of storing large amounts of settings for different users?

I'll try to describe what I'm trying to do here..At the moment I have an Access database (for easy deployment) with about 60-something tables. 66 tables are named after books, and each have a different number of chapters. Each of those tables contains one row for every chapter plus a CheckState field that contains a 0 or a 1. I also have a simple Users table with a UserName and UserID field, and another AllBooks table with data for every book, like the name and the number of chapters.

When I user is selected, I have a listbox that displays every book (taken from the AllBooks table) and then a checkedlistbox that displays the chapters of the selected book and automatically checks off different boxes depending on the CheckState field.

So but I'm a bit stumped on how to implement different users... instead of tons and tons of different tables should I have a different table for each user that have 60-something columns...? I dont know enough about relational databases to make the right call.

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VS 2010 Save The Treeview Items To Settings (my.settings.history)?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm working with an Treeview and i'm new at it and i have 2 questions.

1. How can i save the treeview items, to settings (my.settings.history)

2. How can i save the treeview items as an TXT or XML file or another exception.

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VS 2010 Creating Settings For Multiple Users?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a form which has a textbox named "textbox1", and a button named "Button 1". Button 1 is meant to be a submission for textbox1 (i.e. when button1 is pressed, the value of textbox1 is saved and remembered). I want the value of textbox1 to be remembered on any computer, but I need it to be update-able too.I tried using settings to do this like so:

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.TextBox1
End Sub


but the problem in doing this is it only works for the current user. When the application is then put on another computer the value is blank.

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Users To Submit Their Username By Typing In Their Username And Pressing The Submit Button

Mar 11, 2010

The program is for users to submit their username by typing in their username and pressing the submit button. The username may be able to display on the Usernamelabel in form1.(I made the button on form2) I have problems coding to make the text to come out in form2.My code comes out as error.

Here is the code in form2.
Public Class Form2

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Save Settings In Program?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to save settings in my program as follows. I have an import button to open files. How can I make it so when I start up my program next time, they are already "imported" as a setting or something? *Note - I have not tryed anything as I do not have the slightest clue how.

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Save Username & Password In The Programe In Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Apr 2, 2011

at the Moment in my code I have the words("C:PrivateWords"). and that is where the Username & Password is Stored/kept, But is there a way to store the Username & Password into the Programe. ect... in a form that only the owner of the programe can see. And what would you use on that form ie: listbox, textBox multiline, TableLayout Panel, that if it is possible to create a Form.

and would the code be something like The Altered code Below the code Below:

Public Class CreateUser
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Save The Settings Of Program So That They Are The Same Every Time Somebody Uses The Program

Apr 14, 2009

I am currently using vb 2008 and want it so when a user registers it will unlock all the extra features and stay that way even after the user quits and restarts the program... I already have everything set exept for the save feature. I don;t know exactly what to do. I just want to save the settings of my program so that they are the same every time somebody uses the program. I heard that you need to go into Project , then properties and then settings... But I don't understand what to do there...

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Save Data To Program Using My.Settings

May 17, 2012

To save data to your program using My.Settings. To do this go to your program's properties and to Settings. Create your variables there and to access them, here's an example:


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Save Personal Settings Program?

Jun 10, 2011

I coded a small application in VB Express 2010 and I wish any one could provide for me some code on how to save personal settings from an options form so that the end user don't have to keep making their personal choices every time that start my application that I created.

Personally I don't have a clue on how to accomplish this feature with in VB Express 2010.

I used check boxes and radio buttons in the options section on a form for the end users choices.

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Save Settings During Program Usage

Oct 27, 2010

I have created a bunch of user settings using my.settings.*** and only save these upon form_closing for the time being.I wanted to save the settings every 30 or so seconds, so I created a timer with 30 second tick intervals. Inside the tick event of that timer I included the code that I had in the form_closing event.While it works to save the settings, it also 'freezes' or 'skips' the main program for about a second or 2 while it's saving. The code to save settings includes looping through at least 2 arrays and adding them to the settings specialcollection object one item at a time.Is there a better way to accomplish this, without 'locking' up the main form for a second or so? Is it feasible to loop through all the settings in a different thread (can you access settings cross-thread)?

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VS 2010 - Wide Search -program Allows Users To Insert Documents Along With A Bunch Of Their Attributes Into The Program

Apr 14, 2011

The program allows users to insert Documents along with a bunch of their attributes into the program. The documents are stored in a relational database. One of the required functionalities is allowing the user to look for such documents. The User normally search directly for the obvious attributes of the document, like a unique ID, or it's Title. The problem is that from the search parameters is not allways known which ones will the user fill. For example the user inserts the name and version of the deocument, another time the user enters part of the Title and the person that delivered the document, or might just enter the document number and nothing else. Some of the data might even be incomplete, like title, name of the person who created the document and so on. The idea from the person who designed the system (I'm only reimplementing it) was to allow easier searches for the user, and allowing the user to search for more parameters tod with the idea that "the more parameters, the more specific results", since the results are always group of documents instead of single documents.

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VS 2010 Cannot Save To My.settings

Dec 28, 2011

I've read through multiple tutorials, set up my settings, and have entered said code but the program still will not retrieve what supposedly saved.

Public Class Form2
Public ReadOnly Property MarkUp() As Integer


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VS 2010 Save My.Settings Value?

Sep 30, 2010

I have 2 settings in my application, username and password.

When a user types in a username and password in my text fields i wanted it to save these values to the application settings that i set.

Now it does this fine while the application is up. If i close the app, and reopen it, the application settings are removed, and back to default.

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Detoxify Save Settings Vb 2010?

May 22, 2012

I created a program with vb 2010,I create many variables in Settings Program for Save user Changes, It worked well, Saved and worked and I didn't add anything to this program, I could load Saved, but today I save Other Changes for test again it doesn't work and Clean other Changes to bass definition I did, I don't know why?

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How To Detoxify With Save Settings 2010

May 19, 2012

I have Problem with my.settings I saved my Data and it Saved well and I could load it but now when I Run my system, my settings I saved it can't load my saved or Save other Options I don't know why?[code]

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VS 2010 - How To Save All Settings Onto File

Sep 25, 2010

How do you save all the settings in a simple code; lets say you have a text box, a checkbox, and a listbox.
In the text box, it lets say you wrote hi
checkbox, you checked it off
listbox, you selected lets say HI from it.

How do you save the settings onto a file? Lets say a .cfg or whatever thats called file. Its like automatic, so that the cgf says lets say says:
Any way to do this stuff? I've seen some people do it, but they wont tell me how. I dont want to add all this code just to make a file that saves it & reads from it. I know the streamwriter and streamreader, but its a bit complicated.

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VS 2010 Best Way To Locally Save Settings?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm looking for the best way to locally save settings to an application.I want the settings to "attach" themselves to the executable of the application so that I can send the application to another PC and still have the settings.The purpose of this is for a server that is going to issue an executable to anyone who requests it, the server sends an executable with the callback settings hardcoded into the application (for example IP, port and other settings) so that the application can connect to the server.I can't hardcode the settings in the source code because the application is going to be issued by different servers which of course, will need a different connection setting.I also don't want the settings to be stored on a file or any other "external" resource since then, the settings could be changed which could open security holes to exploit the application.So what I want to do: I want an executable to have some settings attached which will be set by another application. How can I set the settings of one application with another? And how can I efficiently save the settings internally on an application and then copy the file to another PC while still having the settings?

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Change The Default Appdata Program Folder?

Jan 16, 2010

Is there anyway to change the default appdata program folder?

i have a class to serialize my settings, and i just want to save them to:


but when i use the filesystem.specialdirectories.currentuserappdata(something like that) it give me appdata/roaming/[company]/[programName]/[Version]/

i don't want any of that extra stuff, especially since new versions won't be able to access the old settings.

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VS 2010 Save/Restore Trackbar Value From Settings?

Mar 8, 2012

Im having some trouble saving and restoring a TrackBars value to my settings.First of all, this trackbar is controlling a WMP components volume.. That works fine, no problems here, i can control the volume with no problems with this

Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll Volume.Text = TrackBar1.Value Form1.RadioPlayer.settings.volume = TrackBar1.Value
End Sub

What i want to be able to is for the application to save the value the Trackbar has been set to, when the application closes and the restore that value when it is launched again. And for this i use Application Settings.


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Force Users To Enter A Username And Password?

Dec 9, 2010

When I originally set up my project I 'hard-coded' my username and password in so that I could access a remote DB2 database. Now that I need to publish it to other users they need to be prompted for their own usernames and passwords. I've gone to "My Project/Settings" and deleted the items from the string - but when I run I get the following message on the statement:

ERROR [08001] [IBM] SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" ("PASSWORD MISSING"). SQLSTATE=08001

The settings are as follows (before I delete the userid and password):

Type:(Connection string)
Value:Database=DB1;Server=99.999.999.99:446;userid=myuser;password=mypassword;Persist Security Info=True;

The question is what do I have to do to make it forget my userid and password - and always prompt the user for both when running up?

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Log Domain / Username Of Users When They Are Logging In From Network

May 12, 2011

The code can be accesses through: WatchFolder.zip..I would like to log the domain/username of the users when they are logging in from the network i.e. filesharing..I am currently using Environment.UserName and Environment.DomainName but this is not able to log if the files are access via filesharing..The Environment.UserName and Environment.DomainName are only useful if the user have logged in the machine (explorer/rdesktop)

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Verify If The Users (Username + Passowrd) Is Correct?

Jun 26, 2010

Ive googled and found only "GetElementById" which is not what im looking for. Also this is for logging in to a site through a vb .net form only.

I just want it to verify if the users (Username + Passowrd) is correct and telling me some how if its correct or not.

Ive got permission from the respected owner here how the link to connect looks like [URL]

Also i have to do this through "http get request" + "Winsocks" i think.

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VS 2010 - Easiest Way To Save Settings To Config File?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a really simple way to save the app.config file to a location then load it again? I'm making a multiclient app. I was planning on having each user have a folder, and in that folder would be their personalized app.config file that would load when they log in. I don't really know any XML.

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VS 2010 - How To Save High Score In Application Settings

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on a simple game and wanted to save the high score in application settings. Research upon failure has shown that user is read/write but the program doesn't store it between runs.

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VS 2010 - How To Save User Settings For Game In DataGridView

Dec 19, 2011

How do you save settings for a DataGridView? I'm making a game, and I want the user to be able to save their settings in a datagridview, and have it opened when he/she looks at the records form again.

I know this is what you do with a textbox, lets say:
My.Settings.Username = TextBox1.Text
But how would do that with a DataGrid View?

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VS 2010 Program Will Need To Store Some Settings For When The Program Gets Closed Then Opened Again?

Jan 28, 2009

My program will need to store some settings for when the program gets closed then opened again. I would then like to reload the settings?

- Flat file
- Database
- Registry
- Other

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