VS 2010 Use Reflection To Interact With Java Game?

Jan 11, 2011

How can I use reflection to interact with Java game?

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Play A Java Game In VB Form?

Sep 22, 2011

Can I play a Java Game in my visual basic form?

I wan't to create a OS and add minecraft to it ...

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VS 2010 Easiest Way To Interact With Applications?

Feb 26, 2011

So I'm creating an application that will notify a person of something when I send a command. I've been thinking of just using a TCP connection to do it but there must be an easier way.

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VS 2010 Chat Server That Can Interact With Mobile Platform

Mar 1, 2011

I've recently created my first serious Windows Service. It is a chat Server that can interact with a mobile Platform.Now If a Exception occurs in OnStart Sub you have no way of knowing there was an exception other than the misleading messagebox.I've Pinpointed the Exception to my fairly Simple log Class that Writes to a log file. Please look if you can see any obvious places where exceptions could occur. [code]

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VS 2010 Game Multi-Client - Program That Enables A Game To Have More Than One Instance Running

Nov 18, 2011

I want to make a program that enables a game to have more than one instance running, where it would otherwise be unable to be done. How should I go about this? A sandbox? Hack?

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VS 2010 In-Game IRC Client For FullScreen DirectX Game

Jun 4, 2010

I've already coded the IRC Client, but what would be the code to make the app overlay in the fullscreen DirectX game ? And i've already tried to the TopMost function.

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VS 2010 Using Functions From Reflection Var?

Dec 13, 2011

how to use a function from an assembly reference.when using:

Dim __asm As System.Reflection.Assembly
__asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("c: estsomedll.dll")

this dll should have a few public methods, lets say it has a helloworld() with no args and a hellowworld2(byval x as string). How to call them?

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VS 2010 .net And Java?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a bit of an issue.I have a ton of functionality written in java and have been asked to investigate how to consume it from a .net application.Can anyone point me in the right direction as I havent a clue.For some reason wcf came to mind but I am pretty certain that wont fit. AAAArrrrgggghhhhh

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VS 2010 Reflection For Properties And SubProperties

Dec 19, 2011

I am able to use these COM objects but i do not want to due to several problems of binary compatibility on 3rd party software upgrades. So my only option was to use reflection since late binding won't work.I have several Interops and each one of them has several Classes, i do own the dlls structure, classes and methods names and definition but i am not able to use these with reflection due to my inexperience in this field.[code]

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VS 2010 How To Focus On A Java Application

Oct 16, 2011

I am making an application that automatically sends text (Basically an autotyper) for a game called "Minecraft". Minecraft is a java application. I need Minecraft to be in focus when button1 is clicked. It will then send the keys.I know how to get it to focus on simple things such as notepad but it is not working for minecraft.

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VS 2010 What Is The Equivalent To Java Properties In VB

Jun 1, 2010

Is there an equivalent to Java Properties in VB. A Properties file in java is a place where you can save propeties for an application. So if an application looks at a file on a server (which could change) you could save to location in a properties file the if the location changes you just change the properties file. You do not have to recompile the program.

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Java Date Checking Then Convert To .NET 2010?

Feb 24, 2011

I have the following Java code that i am trying to dissect to better understand what all it is doing:

try {
String userName = System.getenv("USERNAME");
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss");
OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();


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VS 2010 - Get The Handle Of The Java Applet And Set It To An X And Y Co-ord On Form

Jan 29, 2011

Ok i'm loading a webpage in the WebBrowser Control, but what i need to do is manipulate that webpage. Here is the webpage (you will probably need to take a look so you know what i'm talking about). [URL] Now i'm trying to remove the advert at the top of the webpage OR somehow get the handle of the Java applet and set it to an x and y co-ord on my form.

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VS 2010 Getting The JAVA Version That Is Running On The Computer?

Apr 17, 2010

I am currently working on creating a environment variable editor which will analyze your JAVA version and add/edit your class paths accordingly.I wanted to know how I would go about getting the JAVA version that is running on the computer. So I will basically have a button that is clicked then the java version will be displayed in text box 1.

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VB 2010 Move The Game Peaces (graphics) Over Another Graphics Which Is The Game Board

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to do a game application similar to chess, where i need to move the game peaces(graphics) over another graphics which is the game board. using the mouse. How can I do multiple layers of graphics and control their movement(without using direct x, i know nothing about it)? Note: I have visual basic 2010 express, windows xp home

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VS 2010 Reflection, Create A Class With Dynamically Named Properties?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a very simple audio tag editor. The idea is that the user can select as many audio files as he likes from a ListView, and a PropertyGrid will then display their tags + their values.When multiple files are selected, I want the property grid to display the values of the tags that all files have in common, and display empty values for tags that the files do not have in common.As an example, look at the properties list in your Visual Studio IDE when you select multiple controls (of the same type for this matter). Select a few Button controls, for example, and notice that the properties whose values are the same (often things like Font, ForeColor, etc) are displayed. Also notice that the values for properties that are not the same (Text, Name, etc) are empty.

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VS 2010 Using Reflection Difference Between Static And Instance Fields And Properties

Jun 6, 2012

I'm trying to obtain the values using the prospective GetValue(s) methods but I don't understand the syntax of the documentation. I'm sending the correct bindings (I believe) to filter the fields, and properties that i'm interested in usually


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VS 2010 Socket Chat Is Not Receiving On Java Server

Aug 17, 2011

I am making a java chat server, and a guy was able to connect to it no problem (however, he logged off for the night before I ran into any problems, so I couldn't see what he did). Here is my code on the VB form:


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Game Programming :: Make A Matching Card Game In VB 2010 - Show Cards For 10 Secs Then Change Cards To (AppPath & "Cards Ed.png")

Apr 19, 2012

I need to make a matching card game in VB 2010. i have generated my cards but now need to show the cards for 10 secs then change the cards to (AppPath & "Cards ed.png"). then when a user clicks on the card the card will flip over.*How would i set a timer to turn all my cards into*(AppPath & "Cards ed.png") after 10 secsbut still have the values from the array and when i click the cards they flip over (from red card to numbered card)

Private Sub Place()
Dim Counter As Integer = 1
For Row As Integer = 1 To Int_Grid_Size


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VS 2010 Receiving Chat From A Java Chat Server?

Aug 20, 2011

So, in another related post, i got the chat to send to a java server, cool.Now, it's a matter of sending it back to VB.on the server side of things, (in java), I am using the following

public static void sendback(String what2send) throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(mySocket.getOutputStream());


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VS 2010 Creating A Lan Game

Mar 22, 2012

i would like to get some ideas on how to connect computers to play a LAN game.. the deadline for this project will be on the 27th of march so.The game that i'll be making is a counter-strike-like 2d game.. is it possible that i can finish this project before its deadline?

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VS 2010 Draw On Game?

May 22, 2011

I would like to write on a game window while I am ingame, Like steam or xfire for some basic functions.Anyway I can do this by calling Graphics.FromHwnd() In rapid succession and then it looks really flickery. The game is using DirectX, is there a way to sort of "Inject" something to be drawn into the paint event ? even if this is not possible with vb.net I can do C# or C++ if I know how.

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VS 2010 VB Game Via Internet?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm planning on a very basic game created in VB.Net WinForms and a web server(shared) which will host PHP and MySQL.I think, I can create this basic game with no problems. But my headache is with the communication part In the db(MySQL db in the web server), there'll be usernames and password listed in a table. When my vb app is opened, it would ask for the username and password. The user enters his username and password. This data is compared with the data in the db. If a match is found, then the game starts and the user can play the game. At the end of game, it will ask for the confirmation to send highscores to the webserver. When confirmed by the user, the highscore will be send to the webserver, which will be then stored in the MySQL db.

The game will be a simple one just like Tic-Tac-Toe or a text based game.What all things do you recommend for the development/communication part of this game ?

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Forms :: Interact With Cmd.exe?

Mar 12, 2010

Have a Windows app that needs to interact with a stand alone program that is accessed using cmd.exe. From Windows app, I can execute cmd.exe but cannot interact with it. Tried SendKeys, but this only sends one key at a time (sometimes more, but inconsistent) with multiple cmd.exe windows opening. Need to be able to send a whole command (string) to only one cmd.exe window.

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Interact With Another Program?

Feb 18, 2009


I am trying to send keys to another program but i dont know how to write the code to do it and would i have to add a path to the other programs .exe?

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Interact With API To Pro/Engineering?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to Interact with VB API to Pro/Engineering.I got some information that we can add Reference Pro/E dll using Add Reference -> COM then we can use it.But I have issuse that how to get current session which is already runing in my machine? how it will find object of Pro/E (like one shape already created)?

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Make An Invaders-like Game With VB 2010?

Jan 10, 2010

i am currently trying to make an invaders-like game with visual basic 2010.I've managed to make one alien (picturebox16) dissapear when the coordinates of the arrow (picturebox1) kinda matches the coordinates of the 16th alien, however, the second alien(above it) doesnt dissapear(picturebox4)?

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VS 2010 Where To Get Started Making A Game

May 23, 2010

Where should i start? any tutorials out there? I only know the basics of VB and how to works.

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Access And Interact With DOM Objects From .net?

Dec 23, 2009

i load a page via WebBrowser.document class, I want to literally "click" elements in the DOM using VB.net programmatically. I dont want to use the classic WebRequest class.how can i do this ?

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Can VB Handle Apps That Interact Well With The Web

Jan 12, 2011

I'm looking to pick up a programming language. I've viewed some source code of both VB and C# and VB looks like something that I can pick up well.My question is can VB handle creating apps that will interact with the web? Things like signing me into accounts, downloading information, things of this sort?

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