VS2008: Nested Custom Components In Design Time?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a custom component, that contains a list of another components.If I add a child component to the list, it shows up on the same level as the parent component in the document outline window.How can I make it a subitem of the parent component? (similarly to e.g. TabPages that are subitems of a TabControl)

Here is my code:
Public Class SomeComponent
Inherits Component


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VS 2008 Hide Components At Design Time

Nov 25, 2010

OK maybe this is completely silly question that everyone knows the answer to but me! Is it possible to hide a component while in design view? e.g. I'm working with multiple components that overlap and would just like to be able to view/work on one at a time. Have I completely missed something or is this not possible?

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Add A Design-time Attribute To A Custom Control?

Jul 29, 2009

setting the default value for an integer attribute of a custom control seems to have stopped working. The following code adds the Maximum attribute to the design-time properties table, but the default value pops up as 0, not 99:

<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(True)> _
<System.ComponentModel.Category("Behavior")> _
<System.ComponentModel.Description("highest value possible")> _


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Design-Time Support For Custom Controls?

Apr 17, 2011

Now as the title says, I'm looking for guidance on some design-time support for the many custom controls I'm working on at the moment.At the moment I'm 3 months in on a Business and Inventory management system for my mothers business. It contains many, many custom controls I had to build from scratch because the ones provided just didn't cut it for what I needed. Now one in particular is a tab page control. Just as the provided TabControl Visual Studios supply's us. It has a lot of design time control. Such as clicking the tabs and adding controls to the panels being brought to front by the corresponding tab being clicked. I had a friend of mine try to show me what I had to do, but the way I had already built my control would have made it difficult - His words, so he never officially showed me anything. If it is true what he said then I can skip that, no problem. But adding the controls to the panels during design time I must have, but cannot seem to find anything through Google searches, text books or even kids majoring in software engineering.

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VS 2008 Custom Treenode At Design Time

Dec 22, 2010

I'm currently working on a treeview but want to add custom nodes at design time, is this possible?Also the treeview is part of a control, so i have created a control designer and added a custom design time form to add my custom nodes, but can't seem to get the nodes into the treeview in design time, and serialize into the form automatically?All my custom tree node is is an extra integer at the minute, but more properties will be added later if I can get this working.

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.net - How To Show A Form's Custom Property At Design Time

Oct 22, 2010

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown:

<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles
Return mDataEntryRole
End Get


When I view the designer for my form, DataEntryRole doesn't appear in the property box. I assume that it should appear if I were to create another form that inherited from this base form, but that's not what I want. I want this property to show up in my current form.

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Implementing A Custom Control With A Typed Collection For Use At Design Time

Oct 14, 2010

I am having a problem with the Visual Basic property collection editor .

I have created a Custom Type

Public Class Field
Private Item As Integer
Private Name As String = "FieldName"


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User Control Components In Toolbox, VS2008

Feb 21, 2010

I am building an application in VS2008 (VB.NET) that contains several user controls. When I was developing under VS2005, all the components in my application would load into the toolbox so I could access them during design.

Since upgrading to VS2008, however, those application-based components do not load, and I cannot access the user controls I have built.

1. Exit Visual Studio

2. Navigate to %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0

3. Delete the TBD files found there (these are hidden by default)

4. Re-start Visual Studio and open your WPF application - the toolbox will now be reinitialized

and that worked for one session, but it did not get preserved -- when I shut down and came back into VB.NET, the application-based controls no longer loaded.

Is there some setting in VS2008 that I am missing? Or is there another step to getting the app-based controls to reappear each time I load the development files?

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VS 2008 ExtendedDateTimePicker (QSS Components) - Crashes VS2008

Jan 28, 2010

I have an ExtendedDateTimePicker control on my form. When I attempt to change the "ShowCheckBox" property to true, VS2008 stops responding and eventually exits the application; losing any unsaved changes.

I then tried to changed the property in code and the same result.

I want the control's value to be blank when it initializes.

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Add Property For Custom Control In VS2008

Jul 2, 2009

I am developing a custom control with VB9, and I want to add a Property Name TextFileName this property need to use OpenFileDialog, which type I can use when I define this property?

for example another property I use is EnterFocusColor and its type is System.Drawing.Color so when the user select the property it opens the ColorSelectionDialog Hany M. El Tarhony

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Custom Paging In Child(Inner) Nested Repeaters?

Jul 12, 2010

Iam using nested repeaters with Dataset (not using Datatable) to retrieve information by passing parameters. So far I have bind the two repeaters clearly and everything is working fine.Here the list of messages created by each user datawise(parameter passed) will be displayed, and there could be more than 50 messages created by each user daily, So now I want to do custom paging for each user.But Iam unable to proceed further, as the next, previous, back, first links are placed inside the child repeaters footer template and i coudn't access these links even by findcontrol method.

No Msg Code
1 abcd Cl-6


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Setting Focus On Nested Custom Controls?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a nested custom control that I need to set focus on. I have it all internally wired up to automatically set the focus when the form loads, but when it comes up on screen, the designated accept button for the parent form is in focus instead. Even when is disassociate the accept button it still does not set correctly. How can I ensure my desired control gets focus.

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IDE :: Component Will Not Render At Design-time, But Works Fine At Run-time?

Jan 30, 2009

using VS2008, targetting framework 3.5I have a rather complex UserConrol which does some of its own rendering.I display this UserControl on a form.Opening that form in the Designer creates an instance of the UserControl in the Designer, which tells me a NullReferenceException is occurring in one of my rendering methods.I have attempted to correct this by making alterations to the UserControl's default constructor, but have not found success.

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.net - Handle Null Nested Objects In RDLC Report That Is Bound To Custom Assembly Object Datasource?

Aug 27, 2009

I have an RDLC report that I am rendering directly to the Response Stream as PDF (rather than using the ReportViewer). In the code that renders the report, it's DataSource is bound to a List(Of ClassA) objects defined in a custom assembly. This seems to work for the most part. My problem is that I can't seem to handle the situation where a nested object is null. For example, given ClassA and ClassB (the nested object) defined as follows:

Public Class ClassA
Public Id As Integer
Public Name As String


the report displays "#Error" if TheNestedObject is null. If TheNestedObject is not null, it correctly displays the Name.

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Design A Custom GUI?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm just wondering how you'd go about designing something like this:

I know its made in Photoshop, but is there a program/addon that the transition into a GUI easier? Or is it all code?

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Create A Program With VS2008 While At Same Time It Will Use Microsoft Framework 4.0?

Sep 19, 2011

It might be funny , but I'll ask anyway : is it allowed to create a program with VS2008 while at the same time it will use the Microsoft framework 4.0 ? I am asking because I use VS2008 while at the same time I have the impression that framework 4.0 is "lighter" than 3.5 .

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C# - Design Pattern For Custom Events In .NET?

Feb 21, 2010

What is the proper design pattern for custom events in .NET (VB or C#).

I am refering to custom events, where in you override the AddHandler, RemoveHander, and RaiseEvent methods.

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Option For User To Design Custom Reports

Dec 10, 2011

How can I give option to user to design there own reports? i.e. They should be able to define
1. Report Title
2. Reports Fields(When they click on Work Order button they should be able to view Work Order Table column and they should be able to select columns then a report should be composed. Then all the Column should be in the form datagrid. Is it possible.

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VS 2008 - Custom Control Not Showing On Form In Design Mode

Jan 31, 2011

I have created a custom Combobox and added it to my toolbox, and it works well. Now I have added a custom ListBox to the same file as the combo box, but it does not show on my designer when I place it. I can however add it at runtime.
<DefaultEvent("SelectedIndexChanged"), _
ToolboxBitmap(GetType(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox))> _
Public Class ProjectsComboBox
Inherits ComboBox
''My Customization
[Code] .....
I have tried removing the "DefaultEvent..." and still no dice.

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Create A Design In Run-time?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm a newbie in visual basic dot net. I tried to create a design in run-time. Here's my simple code.

Dim frmLogin As New Form
Dim lblUserName, lblPassword As New Label
Dim txtUserName, txtPassword As New TextBox


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Design Report At Run Time?

Jan 16, 2010

I work with VB 2008

I need to design my reports by users

please tell my the best way,or the best report type

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How To Test For Design Time

Mar 16, 2010

How do I test for design time? The following code works during RunTime but fails in Design Time?

I assume it is because there isn't a Me.Parent.Name at design time.
Dim strGetColors As String()
strGetColors = fncGetColors(Me.ParentForm.Name)


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Throwing Exceptions For User ? Or Better To Design Custom Error Message Framework?

Nov 10, 2010

I never got into detailed error processing too much when I played in VBA/VB6 a lot. Mostly then, if you ran into a user error (such as some input of theirs failing a validation test of some kind), you popped a MsgBox() with some error information and the critical (or warning) icon, and safely aborted out of the code

In .NET, my reading basically points to exceptions as the end-all in error handling. It looks to me that if you know a spot of code where a user can screw up, you're supposed to catch it with either try...catch blocks (for things like data conversions), or standard if...the...else constructs for other things, and then throw a new exception if needed.

Isn't throwing an exception essentially a forced crash of a program in a sense (granted, you get the option of continuing)? Or are exceptions geared specifically for things like data conversion errors and other "things that shouldn't happen", and resume use of MsgBox() and friends for minor user screwups?

Consider the case of where you have a TextBox that is only supposed to accept numeric data (or heck, just a specific set of characters). Barring some other trick that lets you restrict that field (let's just assume it's freeform, programatically), it would seem a bit of a waste to throw new exceptions everytime they type in an invalid character, or even if the error checking doesn't happen until they press a submit button (like on a webpage). Popping a MsgBox() seems more sane in that case.

So what's the straight dope on exceptions and throwing new ones on user errors? How about if your program also exposes a programmatic framework? Bad usage of one of the programmatic functions definitely seems like new exception territory to me.

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.net - Design UI Dynamically Or At Compile Time?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to have a bunch of different screens, yet I don't want to have to use 20 different forms (I'm pretty sure that's bad practice anyways), and I don't want to lay down all the controls at once in the designer because then things get messy. I had an idea of running a sub on startup that would dynamically generate all the controls I need with all the right coordinates and settings, and then dump al the ones needed for a specific screen into a Panel. Then I return an ArrayList of panels, and pull out the correct panel to attach to the form when I need that screen. The only problem is that my form will not have any implicit knowledge of its controls, so I'm assuming I wouldn't be able to use the WithEvents / Handles. keywords to declare handlers in the form class (which is what I'd rather do).

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Add Three Columns At Design Time In Gridview?

Oct 27, 2009

I want to bind Grdiview with DB.I have a table Products with three columns.Suppose I add three columns at design time in gridview, If I run my following code First Three columns are blank & next three columns are bind with data.

Suppose I do not add any column in GridView & runs the foll. code,then the output is coming correct.

But i want that I add columns at design time


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Combobox Default Value At Design Time?

May 5, 2010

OK i have a combobox on the form. I have entered 4 values. I have left the TEXT field blank.Is there any way i can set the default SELECTEDINDEX of the combobox in the form design window. I know how to do it using code. If i set the TEXT field to one of the item values will it automatically select the corresponding INDEX

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Create Datasets In Design Time?

Apr 8, 2009

I created the dataset and connection to my SQL database at design time to make it easy to drag and drop bound controls and stuff to my form. My problem is this, when I did this it creates the connection string in design time also, but the connection varies depending on where the software is installed after the development.My question, is there anyway to set up the bound controls on my forms and everything with the typed dataset created in design time on the connection created in design time... then when the application is run, can it change the connection string at run time to get it connecting to and creating the dataset from the the correct sql database?

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Debug Control At Design Time

May 26, 2011

I have a problem. I have created a control, Now whenever I am going to Drug that control on my form then a error popup will appear that says "Failed to create component 'XXXXXXXXX'." System.IO.FileLoadException: A strongly named assembly required. HRESULT: 0x80131044 Is there any facility available in .NET for design time debugging Means If I drug a control on form then I will allow me to debug the control.

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Design Time Changes Not Affecting At Runtime

Jul 26, 2010

In some of the forms ,whenever i change some properties using the Properties Window of some controls or the form they get reflected in the Properties Window but will not get changed at Run Time.

I am facing this in quite many of the forms, hence i am applying the property changes in form load, this is causing performance breach .

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Fixing Warnings During Design Time?

Feb 20, 2009

I have the following errors displayed at bottom of my Visual Studio.However, I do not actually have ANY error when I run the app.

Dim storyboard As Storyboard = Me.FindResource("Show Entry")


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