Vista Security Error And Does Not Run The Batch File

Jun 18, 2009

I have created a very basic program in VB that will run a batch file that writes a reg file to the registry (see code below). In XP it works fine with no problems. However, with vista it comes up with a security error and does not run the batch file. The error it says is:


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Security Error When Running Remote App (VISTA)

Mar 25, 2009

I have an VB.NET 2005 application installed on my Windows 2003 Server.I try to access that application for other computer on my network. Read below:I get this error when running a remote VB.NET application.

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

I had the error on my computer running Windows XP. I am use to that, so I went in the FrameWork .NET 2.0 and set the security to FullTrust and the error disapeared. Now I have the same error on my computer that is running Windows Vista and when I go do the same security changes to FullTrust, it does not work. I still have the error showing.Is there some other configuration to do on a Vista machine to be able to run a remote VB.NET application ?

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Batch File Processing Resulting In Error ?

Feb 27, 2009

I was working on an app that calls a batch file to do some simple tasks and found out this machine has some issues when trying to run them. really weird! so i did some testing and here are my resultsthis is a little strange to me and i can't think of why this is happening... let's say i have a simple bat file called test.bat these are the contents

@echo off
echo testing...

When i go to run this bat, this is the output: C:>â– @ 'â– @' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It seems every bat i make on this machine is being preempted by the block character which renders bat files useless...

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Error Log File Location Not Working On Vista With UAC?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a program that writes unhandled exception detail to a log file stored in the same directory as the program itself. I am wondering how I can have keep the file in the same location, and not have to worry about a file write access. With Vistas User Access Control enabled, the file is not accessible unless the program is run as an administrator, which I don't need it to be for anything else. The file does not exist all of the time, it only exists after an error occurs. Users are encouraged to email the file to me and then delete the file. Thus the file should only exist if their is a error that the user has not emailed. I really want to keep it in the same directory as the program itself, or within a subdirectory of the programs directory, since the portable version is exactly the same program executable and I would like to keep it that way. I am not sure how to go about setting the file security, set it when I create the file if the file doesn't exist, prompting for Administrator privileges to create it with the security. I was also thinking that I could just set the entire folder containing the program executable when it is installed, and then it would be able to create the file without having to have administrator privileges.

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Error #-2147012721: A Security Error Ocurred Source: Msxml3.dll Windows Server 2008

Jul 13, 2010

the next issue, that is only shown when the server is a Windows server 2008 machine , this is the information that I've found


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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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EventLog Security Error?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm working with in Visual Studio 2010, I have a method which writes entries in eventlog, this work fine in Windows XP but did not in Windows 7, here it throws a security exception.I allready know that this problem is because the user who exectues this assembly does not have permissions to write the registry, so my question is if does not exist some way to give permissions on the fly, something like declarative permissions or something
like that....this is my code:

Public Shared Sub Loguear(ByVal xsSource As String, ByVal xsMessage As String, ByVal xeEventType As EventLogEntryType, _
ByVal xsLogName As String)[code].....

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.net - Encrypt Web.config Error No Mapping Between Account Name And Security IDs Was Done

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to encryp web.confif using RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider.Everything works fine on my machine which is Windows XP. I know I am supposed to use "ASPNET" in following command for XP. My test server is WIndows server 2007 and following command gives me an error. "No mapping between account name and security IDs was done." I know ASPNET is not the default application pool on the server. What command should I use on the server?

aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "ASPNET"

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Calling A Java Class File From VB Via A Batch File?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a VB program that writes a batch file to allow me to run a line of the following format:java <my class file> [options]I then run the batch file using the Shell() routine in VB.When I do this it says it cannot find <my class file>. However if I run the same batch file from a dos prompt it works.why it works in a dos prompt but not in the Shell function?

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File I/O And Registry :: How To Batch File Input/out To Same Textbox

Feb 28, 2009

i am creating an app that when a button is pressed a batch file is executed and hidden from view.I have managed to get the output of the batch file to be displayed in a text box.

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Read A Xml File From The Command Prompt Batch File

Apr 29, 2010

i need to read a xml file from the command prompt batch file.

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Run Batch File Using UNC?

Jun 21, 2011

I have been looking all day trying to find a way to do this. I need to run a Batch file which is held on a server, the file path begins with a IP Address which DOS doesn't like. So i found the pushd command which assigns a temp drive letter from which you can run the Batch File.If i was simply running a normal program or file i would use:

Dim proc As Process
proc = Process.Start("c:\BatchFile.bat")


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IDE :: Open A Program Written VS 2008 In VB2010 And Get Security Error

Sep 6, 2009

After upgrading code to VS2010, the error "MSB3134: The permission set requested by the application exceeded the permissions allowed by the Internet or Intranet zones. Select Full Trust or to continue using partial trust, define your custom permission set in the Security Page of the Project Designer. Bentley Software Loader". The same code ran fine in VS 2008

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Hide Windows 7 Open File Security When Running Certain EXE File?

Jan 24, 2012

I am trying to build a simple AutoUpdate application using VB.NET. It was quite simple. That is, I put the newest ZIP file in my hosting site, and then download it using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync. After it get downloaded, I extract it using [URL]

But each time I run the unzip.exe using Process.start, Windows 7 always show Open File Security.

Is it possible for VB.NET to bypass such security restriction?

Btw, this is my code of using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync, in case any one google about it and landed on this page :

Public Class AutoUpdate
Dim installationFolder As String = "C:Program Filesxyzabc"
Dim updateFileNameTarget As String
Private Sub btnStartUpdte_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStartUpdte.Click


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Batch File Converter (PNG To BMP)

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to create a program that renames files to 1 - (however many files are in the folder) and also convert .pngs to .bmps.

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Dim files As String()
files = IO.Directory.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text)
Dim filepath_new As String
filepath_new = TextBox1.Text
For Each filepath As String In files
[Code] .....

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Convert Batch File To Exe Using VB

Nov 9, 2009

how to convert batch file to exe using [Code] after i read the batch file but how can i save it as exe.

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Convert Old Batch File To VB?

Sep 2, 2009

I have an old batch file i use that I would like to convert to,

The Batch file use a .reg entry to set the cleanmgr options. abnd then calls the sagerun command to run those options

I pretty sure I know how to create the registry entries what I am not sure to do is how to call the cleanmgr with the switches /dc /sagerun:200 then display a box saying it is complete and deleting the prefetch folder of anything older then 'n' days . [code]...

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Get VB 2008 To Run A Batch File?

Oct 24, 2010

I need Visual Basic to run a batch file I have placed a batch file inside my startup application directory Inside the batch file I have WUinstall /install /reboot "When I double click the batch file it works perfect" Visual Basic 2008 Command Button I Have

Dim p As Process
'instance a new process
p = New Process


When I click this command button all I get is CMD window just flashes. When I hold down the enter key I can faintly read something about it is not an internal command.

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Reading A Batch File?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a batch file that loads into a form containing 20 IT related incidents. I have managed to upload the batch file into a form. However I have an algorithm that reads an incident and manages to classify into its topic: See Below the data imported form the file:

1) Need to install jet direct to printers and connect users
2) Remove ms project software from PC 04384 and re install on 07882
3) install needed for 2 vectra software for Finance department PC assest 9875 and 8711
4) Supply PC 500 SITA Rest Area phone 2268 Asset and S/N
5) Add printer Epson label printer in ISD2
6) Remove Jetdirect and network printer via port PPSS PC add printer
7) Credentials for user UK15428 not logging onto the network
8) Install CD RW and unsupported software for UKX3395
9) Need Entire software installing on asset 5530, and access to password for use.
10) phone handset not functioning for UK10529, new phone required.
11) install card reader and software following PC move
12) New user group UKG0345 no mail just printers on PC00856 and PC02427
13) Update outlook remove project from PC D0186 in Prod Control per Tony Campbell install on Alisons PC in NDS
14) Unable to log onto the network, profile will need recreating
15) Remove spent toner cartridge
16) The printer doesnt appear to be printing, it looks like there could be a paper jam of some sort
17) Set up laptop and use local admin password to gain access to backup files
18) Remove image grabber card from PC and install on PC in paint shop have explained to user they will have to contact optivision

19) Cannot get onto network as I have forgotten my password, can you reset for UK15617
20) User cannot access voicemails, need mac address to edit on TOIP software

For example number 1) would be classified as a printer problem. I want the algorithm to be able to read each number, not the whole lot and classify the whole block of text, I want it to classify each incident individually, so there are 20 incidents to be classified.

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Run Batch File In Program?

Feb 1, 2010

How can I run a batch from from within

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Sendkeys To Batch File?

Mar 3, 2012

if I press a button then it send keys to a opened batch file ...

I open batch file with this

Dim proces As String = folder.Text + "process.bat"

I want to send "stop" to process.bat. How I can do this ?


How I can close the process.bat when it is running ? I try with:

Public Sub KillProcess(ByVal processName As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim oWMI


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Starting App From A Batch File?

Aug 5, 2010

I have written a simple folder backup program which, if started with a /s switch (argument), will run "silently" and perform an unattended backup. The obvious way to start the program with the /s switch is from a batch file, which then runs as a Windows Scheduled Task. I would like to create the batch file from the program itself, when it first runs, as it can then write the value of "Application.ExecutablePath" into the batch file follwed by the /s switch.

So, the question is, where best to save the batch file without running into Vista/Windows 7 permission problems? Is the local application data folder suitable?

Bear in mind there are three parts to this: my app needs first to create a batch file somewhere without permission issues, that batch file needs to be accessible to Windows Task Scheduler and then, when the batch file is run, it needs to start an .exe which is most likely in the "program files" folder.

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Calling A Web Service That Requires Credentials: Error: A Security Token Is Required?

Dec 20, 2011

When I try to call a [Java] web service from .NET, I am getting what appears to be a security credentials issue. CWWSS5509E: A security token whose type is [] is required.Is it even picking up the credentials that I am trying to pass? At this point, I just want to make contact with the web service and get access. In my example, ServiceReference1 is a generated Web proxy class.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim myLocateProfileBySourceSystemId As New ServiceReference1.locateProfileBySourceSystemId


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Error - SymmCrypto Is A Wrapper Of System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm Classes

Jul 7, 2010

For my applications I use the following class:

Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
'SymmCrypto is a wrapper of System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm


Most of the time this works as it should, but sometimes it encodes a string and the gives an error on decoding it. The error message is: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

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Include A Batch File Or An .exe File In Setup?

Aug 31, 2010

How can I include a batch file or an .exe file in my setup, that runs after setup is complete?

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Getting Windows Vista Error

Sep 17, 2009

I have an application that works fine on Windows XP. However I have taken the same application and made some modifications to it to run on vista the app loads fine etc.

the problem stems from trying to change a service in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesDiagnostic Service Host

Start = 4 instead of 3 (which is what it is currently set to)

when the program tries to change it I get a dialog box with the information below. How can I makes the changes to the registry without getting these kinds of errors. I tried to get the Framework configuration tool but it talks about XP and Windows 2000 for VB.Net 2005 so I am not sure what to do... I should mention I have only been programming for a month...

Error details:

"Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the reuired permission contact your system administrator or use the Microsoft .NET Framework configuration tool. [code]...

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Vista Compatability Error?

Apr 20, 2009

I am wrote sample code to clear the cell value.



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An Error Occurred Creating The Form : Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Security......?

Sep 4, 2009

we are making our program in other computer it runs, without errors, but then when we transfer the program to another computer it has an error that says

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.The error is: Request for the permission of type
'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

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.net - Launch Code That Would Normally Run From A Batch File?

Jul 14, 2011

It am trying to launch this code that would normally run from a batch file

Batch file code:

"%ProgramFiles%Javajre6injava.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


When I run the code cmd.exe opens but then nothing happens?

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Batch File Input/out To Same Textbox?

Feb 28, 2009

i am creating an app that when a button is pressed a batch file is executed and hidden from view.I have managed to get the output of the batch file to be displayed in a text box.

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