WMI SWbemRefresher - Strange Results / Objects In It Get Corrupt?

Jan 14, 2011

I am working on which is displaying "Live" CPU stats for a remote Server.I am creating a SWbemRefresher and everything works great, for about 2 minutes. Then I start getting "Odd" results, almost like the objects in it get corrupt.Let me explain. So I create my Refresher like this and iterate through each item in the collection, writing the results to a database:[code]....

The above works fine but after I while I start seeing strange results.So I may see things like 5 processes with the same ProcessID (which is impossible, or so I beleive?).Processes with apparently the same CPU usage which I know is incorrect.I also see processes with the incorrect ProcessID, so for example I may see ProcessID 123 and Process name CALC and then all of a sudden I will get ProcessID 123 process name winlogon, so the results are out of sync with each other.Attached is an example screenshot of what I mean which only shows two processes, but it does seem the longer I run the code (so say for 5 minutes) the more processes appear like the screenshot.

My thoughts are - the objRefresher.Refresh() does not finishfinishes half way through the loop, resulting in "skewed" results. I dont konw how I can wait or check to see if the Refresh has finished?I have tried everything I can think of and it doesnt make sense to me. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will spot an obvious mistake .The target server is a Windows 2003 x86 SP1 box, the code is running on a Windows 7 x64 box.

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C# - DotNet DateTime.ToString Strange Results

Dec 15, 2009

Why does: DateTime.Now.ToString("M") not return the month number? Instead it returns the full month name with the day on it. Apparently, this is because "M" is also a standard code for the MonthDayPattern. I don't want this...I want to get the month number using "M". Is there a way to turn this off?

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Split A String With <CR><LF> In It Produces Strange Results?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a string with 3 rows. Each row is ended with <CR><LF>. I have verified this by writing the string to file and open it in notepad++The problem I am having is that I want to split this string into an array. When I split on vbCrLf I get 6 lines with this code:

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Adding Up Variables Declared As Double Gives Strange Results

Sep 4, 2011

I have declared 2 variables as Double in my VB Code. Example:[code]Somerwhere down the code, after some internal calculations, the variables A1 and B1 have attained new values. Example:[code]Do I need to do a conversion of some sort in my program codes ??

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SWbemRefresher - Memory Leak?

Nov 1, 2011

I am having a problem with a Windows Service I have written, if I enable a certain option I am seeing what I think is a memory leak. I've looked at trying to debug this using crash dumps (the app doesn't crash BTW, I create them using process explorer), .NET Memory Profiler and WinDbg but I am not getting far down to my lack of expertise with these products.

The piece of code causing the problem is below, if I comment the call to this code out, memory usage is fine. What I am seeing is the private bytes for the process going up and up and up. This code is called regulairly and after 24 hours the private bytes for the process are huge (say 2GB) wheras if I comment the call to this code out the private bytes remain at around 160MB, fluctuating up and down as expected.I am not entirely sure if I am disposing of everything correctly (I think I am) and I just cant find whats causing the problem.

Here is the code:

Dim intProcessIDPre, intProcessorUsage As Integer
Dim strProcessName, strUserName As String
Dim intPrivateBytes As Double


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.net - Viewstate Becomes Corrupt Intermittently?

Apr 13, 2011

I have had a user of my VB.net web app complain he keeps getting an intermittent error message, causing him to crash out of the system.

Stack Trace:
[FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.]
System.Convert.FromBase64String(Strings) +0
System.web. UI. LosFormatter.Deserialize(String input) +25


It appears from the error message that the viewstate keeps becoming corrupt (see screen-dump below), but I don't understand why. He claims it happens every 2-3 minutes, but I've used the system a lot and have never experienced it.I should mention too that he is using the web-app in a very "non-standard" way. To achieve optimum speed he's actually using remote desktop, to connect to our server directly, and running it as localhost. ("Madness!"- yes, I know. I didn't make the decision.) That may not be relevant of course.

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Check If A File Is Corrupt?

Aug 15, 2011

I am working on hex values of a file.Now to test it i delete single byte and then try to write the file using the remaining bytes.Well the file gets corrupted but still the file is constructed.

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VS 2008 Mem Corrupt Error In Win XP?

Oct 21, 2009

I keep getting the following error in XP only (not Vista or Windows 7) Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt The interesting thing is that the error is on a line that basically just creates a bitmap:

Dim B as New Bitmap(400, 300)

This is in a timer and doesn't always happen the same time - eg sometimes it happens in 2 seconds sometimes it gets to 10 seconds - the interval is 50ms?

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Transfer From One FTP To Another - Destination File Corrupt

Mar 17, 2011

I'm transferring from one FTP (a Dev site) to another FTP (a Test site). Spare me the thoughts of changing this process. In any case, here's my method:

Public Function TransferFile(originalFile As String, destinationFile As String) As String
'FileStream for holding the file
Dim uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(destinationFile)
uploadRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
[Code] .....

This works perfectly for ASPX files and their .vb code behinds. When we try to transfer .DLL files, they show up on the server as 0 bytes, and sometimes actually transfer. The problem is that, despite being the same size as the original, they act as if they are corrupt.

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VS 2008 Starting Excel By Itself - Corrupt App?

Jul 27, 2010

I�ve had a problem iwht my app for some time now. It�s very slow and above all it takes forever to startup. I�ve been adressing som issues that has to do with the database behind it.Recently I noticed that the app is starting an instance of excel, which seems to be what�s taking it so long in the starting process. The app is using access as db, and the db has some linked excelsheets. The app is also running some code in excel, but it�s starting, and terrminating, separate instances for that.The linked excelsheets are also "live-linked" to another app (third party), fetching real time data via DDE I think.

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Writing Of Files Leaves Corrupt NTFS?

Jul 3, 2007

Basically, we have an application which batch creates a large amount of files (pairs of PNG plus ASCII). The file count can exceed the one million.The first time the application ran the results were quite disappointing. The files get stored in folder structures of maximum 2000 files per folder. The tree depth gets only to two levels (root + packs folders). So the results would be stored in folders like "pack1","pack2"..."packn" each containing no more than 2000 files (1000 pairs in essence).

So getting back to the results, what happened was that although the application reported over 1.4 million files written, the results were that files were missing from the filesystem and others were corrupt (PNG cant be read and ASCII were blank filled with spaces).The speed that the files were written was not anything great (about 7 files per sec) and the total size ranged from 160K to 1.5M (rarely). The PNG images are 2000x2000 in size although I doubt it has anything to do with my problem.

Everything is done in pure .NET (image and ascii generation).The OS that has been tried was Win 2000 Advanced Server, Win 2003 Server plus XP Pro. The hardware ranged from Dual Core Workstation to high spec servers. The irony is that on the XP system the number of corrupt files was quite low where on the other two all hell broke loose. There were event logs written stating Event ID 2021 on the Win 2000 system and Paging faults on XP, which lead me to the next approach.

We wrapped the code to do an Application.DoEvents every second and refresh various statistic UI components. We obviously added Stream.Flush().Plus we added code to check the files (re-read them) once they are written. Even added "WriteThrough" option to avoid the OS cache! The result was stuggering as no errors were report yet the NTFS table again got corrupted!Now we inserted Thread.Sleep(100) after writing and then reading to confirm the file. Obviously this is slowing down the process but hope to have more stable results.

Reading and article about Event ID 2021 we saw it was suggesting to modify registry values, but the IT dep did not wish to accept this as they believe it is an application error.In pseudo code, here is more or less what is done:

<Create Image in memory>
<Open stream to filesystem>


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Program 2008 Form Is Corrupt And Can't Be Loaded By Designer

Mar 4, 2009

I have coded in the older version of VB for years (VB6 and prior) and Recently I just began learning VB 2008. In my current project I made a mistake in a form name frmAuthors and so far I am unable to recover. The problem is that I tried to have the form inherit a class I had created (first mistake). The IDE generated a popup message stating the error and provided the option of changing from inheritance from system.windows.forms to the class I had created. I said yes just to see what would happen (I was bored so I was up for something new) and that's when the form got corrupted.Is there a way to let frmAuthors go back to recognizing itself as a form object and not a member of the object I had created?

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WebBrowser Control Printouts Graphically Corrupt With IE9 Installed

Mar 17, 2011

Having installed the IE9 update a couple of days ago, I'm left in the same boat that I found myself in when I tried the IE9 RC. Namely, documents printed via .Print() from a WebBrowser control in .NET no longer print correctly. What the user sees in screen is vastly different from what comes out of the printer. There will be missing characters and whitespace discrepencies virtually every time.

Here is an example:

The top is what inevitably comes out of the printer when the bottom is what the user sees on screen (outside of the pixelized part of the name & address--that was me).

If I uninstall IE9, the problem goes away.

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FrmAddContract & FrmUpdateContract - VB Designer Code Become Corrupt Or Cause Funky Errors ?

May 18, 2010

I am working with Visual Studio Pro 2008, and trying to build a Visual Basic project for my College Course. The coursework is not my question, it's not difficult just time consuming. My problem appears to be much deeper, and is certainly causing me to take way more time than I should need to debug and completely random occurence. I don't mind posting the source code but it is rather vast, made up of 23 objects, each ranging from 200-700 lines. I am running Windows 7 Pro x64, and since I need Jet4.0 DB Engine or some such I had to set the compiler to target x86 CPUs. I have my suspicions, and as queried in my topic, I was wondering if VB Designer code can become corrupt or cause funky errors?

The layout I have is something like this:








Each steps forward using the ShowDialog method. Initially I thought it was a fluke, but I had frmAddCustomer open and when I closed it (the code simply does me.close, nothing fancy), it jumped all the way back to frmMain, skipping frmCustomer. At first I was baffled, I spent some 45 minutes trying to figure out why. No errors or exceptions, so it didn't seem to be anything wrong really. Since I was building this project in stages I loaded the same form from a previous stage and copied/pasted the new code in. This seemed to fix it, but it happened again after coding for another 30 minutes to an hour. It also isn't limited to that form, I have now experienced the same issue with frmAddContract & frmUpdateContract.

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IDE :: Unable To Retrieve Application Files. File Corrupt In Deployment?

Apr 15, 2009

i am getting "Unable to retrieive application files. File corrupt in deployment" on clickonece technology

Deployment url :
Server : Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By : ASP.NET


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VS 2008 Corrupt Access Table Causing A Concurrency Violation?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a single user app that I wrote and have been using for more than a year that uses an Access 2003 database. Today, out of the blue, I started getting a DB concurrency violation whenever I tried to update one particular table in the database. After trying to troubleshoot what the problem might be, I just deleted that table and recreated it and the problem went away.

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Show The Final Results Instead Of The Results Real-time

Sep 28, 2010

I have a form that allows users to select file and then it reads the contents, parses the data and then executes a sql insert statement to add it to a database. What I am having issues with is showing real-time results. Currently, I have the import operation take place on the import form within the OnLoad event. The problem with this is it only shows the final results instead of the results real-time. Is there anyway to do this without creating a seperate thread and delegates?

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VB Dll Strange Output In C#

Aug 11, 2011

Module Module1 Public Declare Function GET_CALCULATION_FAN_ALONE Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long Private Declare Function GET_PRODUCTS Lib "ebmpapstfan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long Public Declare Function SET_XML_PATH Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long


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Make Objects From The ToolBox Using Code Instead Of Changing Existing Objects Invisible Then Visible Later?

Dec 5, 2011

make objects from the ToolBox using code instead of changing existing objects invisible then visible later?

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Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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Modifying Objects Inside For Each Loop Sets Properties Of All Objects With Values Of Last One?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a program like this.

Module Module1

Public Class Mstr
Public Property Prop1 As String
Public Property Prop2 As String[code]....

But it is not working as I expect it to. You can see it from.The DtlsB properties of all three DtlsA objects are having values from last iteration.

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Random Objects - Let The User Input Objects To A Richtextbox 1 Object On Each Line?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to let the user input objects to a richtextbox 1 object on each line, and somehow use Random.Next to select pseudorandomly a few objects, the number 'few' inputted in a textbox.

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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C# - ASP.NET CSV Excel With Strange Characters

Mar 15, 2010

I'm exporting a table of data to CSV format, e.g.:

"1","some text", "£232.00"
"2","some more text", "£111.00"
"3","other text", "£2.00"

The code to export is fairly simple using an ashx handler:


My issue is when Excel tries to open the exported file the character appears before all £ signs, e.g. £232.00 when the value should be £232.00.

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Serializing XML With Strange Namespaces?

Jul 14, 2011

Question: How does the class for the serialization of this XML content look ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vcc:CreateTextSearchResponse xmlns:vcc="urn:veloconnect:catalog-1.1" xmlns:vct="urn:veloconnect:transaction-1.0">


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SQL Keys Acting A Little Strange?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a bit of a strange problem with MySQL that I've never seen before. Basically, I need to enter the same entry into a table x number of times. The Primary Key is auto increment so there shouldn't be any duplicate value problems. However, it takes the last few columns and seems to clump them all into one value and is using that as a key. The error I'm getting back is:Duplicate entry '80-0--2011-06-16-0-1' for key 'idx_mtind you, there is no field called idx_mt. The primary key field is called just ID. And that 80-0--2011-06-16-0-1 is the last 8 columns or so (which you can see the names of in the cols variable) concatenated, which they obviously shouldn't be doing. Also, the first time the loop runs through, the entry goes through, but the later ones conflict with it. I confirmed that this is the problem by changing one of the last 8 columns to a value based on a loop, and that went through with no problems.

Dim cols As String = ""
Dim msi As System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo = New System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo()


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Strange COM Behaviour Called From .net?

Oct 13, 2010

i am working on an application which calls the COM component of a partner's application.Ours is .Net, theirs isn't. I don't know much about COM; I know that the component we're calling is late-bound i.e.obj As Object = CreateObject("THIRDPARTY.ThirdPartyObject")We then call a method on this COM object (Option Strict Off in the head of the VB file):obj.AMethod(ByVal Arg1 As Integer, ByVal Arg2 As Integer, ByVal Arg3 as Boolean)I am a bit nonplussed that even though this call works, this overload doesn't exist in the COM interop .dll that is created if I instead add a reference to the COM server using Add Reference. The only available call to this method that it says is available is AMethod().

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Strange ConFig Error?

Mar 8, 2011

this one has me stumped - problem is bolded

Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'Login1_Authenticate' is not a member of 'ASP.login_aspx'
<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">


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Strange Tab Control Cut Paste?

Jan 15, 2010

ok I have a form.. has too much.. so I want to now use tab controlin VB6 I would delete then paste the object into the tab control andI recall it worked ok..with vs08 I cut and paste and looks ok.. but doesnt work..lets say I had button btnInstall when I paste it over its that name.. butwhen I click on it now.. it goes to btninstallButton_Click_1why did it put the _1 on there ? I didnt copy and paste .. I cut..

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