Strange ConFig Error?

Mar 8, 2011

this one has me stumped - problem is bolded

Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'Login1_Authenticate' is not a member of 'ASP.login_aspx'
<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">


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PSP Sync Program Strange Error?

Jul 26, 2008

Its a Program i created to Sync PSP with my PC (like psp manager)you browse through titles (images) add/remove/sync options plus aconnectivity test but when i start the "Sync.exe" VB Studio 2008 saysthat theres a problem with this code:

Dim Bypass
Dim Value As Short
Bypass = FreeFile()


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VS 2008 Simple Threading But Strange Error

Dec 21, 2011

i have tryed using multithreading with my program with no luck/I just get a strange error thrown at me no matter what i try [code] Then i get this error:An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: ActiveX control '6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment.

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VS 2008 Strange File Not Found Error?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a program that looks for a file named 'license.dat' upon startup. The program first checks the directory it's in, and if the license file isn't there, it prompts the user to select the license file with a file browser dialog. I have tested this code and confirmed it working in a number of different OS environments.Recently, I received reports from two users (one in Germany and one in Italy) that the program can't find the license on their computers, even though it is present in the program's directory and they manually selected it with the file browser dialog. The only commonality I'm seeing here is a lack of English OS, but beyond that I'm stumped.This is the code I'm using:

If System.IO.File.Exists(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "license.dat") = False Then
File dialog code goes here


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Strange Error Appending Fields To Recordset In VS2010 After Converting To .NET 4?

Nov 25, 2009

I have some code from this site CodeProjectLink to convert a datatable to a recordset. This code had been working fine until I changed to .NET 4 (was previously 2), now when I call the following line:

Dim result As New ADODB.Recordset()
result.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
Dim resultFields As ADODB.Fields = result.Fields


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Resolve The Config Error Which States A Machine To Application Error?

Mar 10, 2010

I imported a website made in visual studio express 2008 to visual studio express 2010. When I run the home page I get the following error:"It is an error to use a section registered asallowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."

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VS 2008 Strange Error Due To "An Attempt To Free An RCW That Is In Use"?

Mar 7, 2011

Have you ever heard about that error ? It happened to me when I used code to Close an open form . But this very strange . Not only I have used this simple code (Me.Close) in numerous forms but it also happens in a weird way . You see , I have a form with a button on it . The code in the button's Click event sais Me.Close . Also , this button is set to be the Cancel button of the form . Now , when the user closes the form either by pressing the X button or by pressing the above button , nothing happens . However , and this is very weird , when the user presses the Esc key on the keyboard , the program crashes with this error message :


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App.config Error?

Aug 5, 2009

I am getting the following error when i try to run my application on some other machine along with the related dlls and other files**********************************************************See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: The 'add' start tag on


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Error After Encryptingweb.config

Apr 25, 2009

I encrypted the AppSettings part of my web.config, tested it on my machine and it worked, but when I uploaded to use it online it gave me an error[code]...

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Error Conerned With Web.config?

Apr 21, 2009

Following is the error coming while executing.Server Error in '/' Application.Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details Parser Error Message: Itis an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Source Error:
Line 22: <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>
Line 23:


View 3 Replies - Config Error : This Configuration Section Cannot Be Used At This Path....?

May 15, 2011

I got an ASP.NET app from someone who used to run it on his IIS on Windows XP (I don't know which IIS version he has).When I tried to deploy it on my IIS (v7.5 - Windows 7) - I can't open its default.aspx file and I get the following error page:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Error Code 0x80070021

Config Error : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy

allowOverride="false". Config File
Config Source:

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VS 2010 App.config Error With Every Project Make?

Jul 19, 2010

I just found out that I have a bigger problem than i thought.. anyway.. it's with my app.config. It started with my main program that im almost done with but now its acting up and now it's everything.

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.net - Encrypt Web.config Error No Mapping Between Account Name And Security IDs Was Done

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to encryp web.confif using RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider.Everything works fine on my machine which is Windows XP. I know I am supposed to use "ASPNET" in following command for XP. My test server is WIndows server 2007 and following command gives me an error. "No mapping between account name and security IDs was done." I know ASPNET is not the default application pool on the server. What command should I use on the server?

aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "ASPNET"

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C# - Unable To Find Assembly Error When Using <codeSubDirectories> In Web.config

Jan 7, 2010

I have a web site that uses the both c# and in the app_code section. The different languages are separated into their own folder and correctly configured in the web.config.

<add directoryName="BasicCode"/>
<add directoryName="CSharpCode"/>

This works fine 95% of the time. In production using 2 load balanced servers I sporadically receive an error message along the lines of:

"Unable to find assembly
Version=, Culture=netural,

The site is hosted in IIS7 and I think it has something to do with the name of the dll assigned during dynamic compilation. I do not see this problem in a single server environment. Could this be because when the session is balanced to the second server the dynamic compiled dll name is different?

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Null Exception Error Using Connection String In App.config

Sep 21, 2011

I've moved my Database connection string into my app.config - however its causing a null exception error when i use it



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Wpf - Saving User Config Data To XML And Relative URI Error

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on a program where some application config info is stored in a Userconfig.xml file. I am loading the file as an XMLDataProvider in the XAML via relative URI:

<XmlDataProvider x:Name="UserConfigDataSource" x:Key="UserConfigDataSource" Source="UserConfig.xml" d:IsDataSource="True"/>

I have a number of items throughout bound to elements in the document and an event handler that saves to the XMLDataProvider:

Private Sub SaveConfig(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)
'TODO: Add event handler implementation here
Dim SavePath As String = UserConfigDataSource.Source.LocalPath.ToString


When this executes I get the error "This operation is not supported for a relative URI". Is there a good way to produce an absolute URI (aside from getting the assembly executing location and trimming the executable filename from the end)? I expected this to be a somewhat simple procedure.

View 2 Replies - Web.Config And Analyzers - Get 500 Internal Service Error When Try To View The Site

May 26, 2012

I have a set of ASP.NET membership tables online with my hosting with godaddy. I can run my site locally and connect to the online membership table fine and can create accounts etc.. So basically I got everything hooked to reference everything online.


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Error - Nullreferenceexception Was Unhandled While Pulling Connection String From App.config

Aug 3, 2011

getting connected using an app.config instead of hardcoding since yesterday evening and I either can't find any more info on the net that helps or I'm too new to understand it all. The exception is occurring on the line assigning the connectionstring to 'returnvalue'.

Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1


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Error When Writing Filepath To App.config During Windows Service Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to write a user defined filepath to my app.config file. When i enter c: as the filepath it writes it to my xml file but adds and extra /

Im not too sure why its happening? i have all the correct custom actions set up and my install method is as follows:

View 2 Replies - Getting Configuration Settings From Web.config/app.config Using Class Library

Mar 26, 2009

I have a class library (Named ADI), that needs some configuration settings from the project using it (like connectionstring, filesystem locations etc).

I want to define these settings in my Windows Forms/Web Projects App.Config or Web.Config, like other settings.

Here is part of my app.config for my windows forms application:

<setting name="ADIImageRoot" serializeAs="String">


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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

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Get VB 2002 Conversion To VB2008 To Work -- Config/manifest Error Unclear?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a VB2002 program that works. When I run it in VB2008, it updates, and runs and debugs until I shut down. When I try to start it up again from the updated SLN, or try to run the .exe in the BIN folder, I get the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.

I checked the error logs and it says there is a syntax error in the first line of the vhost.manifest file in the BIN folder. The first line is the xml declaration and it includes the parameter standalone = "yes".

When I put the error message into Google I only get references to Visual C++ compiled programs running on machines without the C++ redistributable dll. That doesn't seem to apply here at all, since I have the VB 2008 express edition installed on this

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App.config Based Windows App - Code Is Giving Error That The File Doesn't Exists?

Nov 30, 2009

I've one 1.1 based windows app. I recently added the app.config files. In code it works fine. But, when I compile the application, VS 2003 doesn't generate the appname.exe.config.(I read on google) I manually copied the app.config file to the Release folder. But the code is giving error that the file doesn't exists.

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Strange Error: "Source Code Not Available For The Current Path" / "The Visual Specified Is Not An Ancestor Of This Visual" (from IT)?

Jun 1, 2010

The Datagrid is inside a TabItem. The error occurs when, after cleaning and filling the Datagrid with new items, I select the Tabitem with the Datagrid inside. Until I don't try to "see" the Datagrid, there's no problem.Error (translated fm italian): "Source code not available for the current path"In the details I find:Message: "The Visual specified is not an ancestor of this Visual"TargetSite.Name: "TrySimpleTransformToAncestor"StackTrace is very long, if you wont I'll post it.The error occurs always with some specific data, but I can't find anything different in these data from all the other data.These data cause the error (example row):

imgMarcaPath: imgfornam/4.jpg
ArticleNormName: Filtro olio


View 3 Replies - Class Needs Info From Either The Web.config Or App.config

Jul 6, 2011

Our main application has both a and winforms component. There is a class that is used by both sides and needs info from either the web.config or app.config files. The class itself does not know if it's on the client side or on the web server (at this point). We are getting errors when it's attempting read app.config when it's on the web side. Is there a way for the class to tell if it needs to read web.config or app.config?

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IDE :: Error When Changing "app.config" Build Action

Apr 20, 2011

recently i have been working on a desktop project, and i made couple of changes to the project, one of them was changing the build action for the App.config to "Embedded Resource" by mistake! after that i built the application and no compile errors were shown, so i tried to run it but the following run time error showed up:

{"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The URL cannot be empty. Parameter name: url"}

but it did not specify more information about the exact cause or the exact error place. so it will leave you in a miss!

for awhile, i did not know what was the cause of this due to the numerous changes i did, so i started to review my latest changes one by one till i discovered that changing the build action for the App.config file was the reason for this error.

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VB Dll Strange Output In C#

Aug 11, 2011

Module Module1 Public Declare Function GET_CALCULATION_FAN_ALONE Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long Private Declare Function GET_PRODUCTS Lib "ebmpapstfan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long Public Declare Function SET_XML_PATH Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef path As String) As Long


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C# - ASP.NET CSV Excel With Strange Characters

Mar 15, 2010

I'm exporting a table of data to CSV format, e.g.:

"1","some text", "£232.00"
"2","some more text", "£111.00"
"3","other text", "£2.00"

The code to export is fairly simple using an ashx handler:


My issue is when Excel tries to open the exported file the character appears before all £ signs, e.g. £232.00 when the value should be £232.00.

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Serializing XML With Strange Namespaces?

Jul 14, 2011

Question: How does the class for the serialization of this XML content look ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vcc:CreateTextSearchResponse xmlns:vcc="urn:veloconnect:catalog-1.1" xmlns:vct="urn:veloconnect:transaction-1.0">


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SQL Keys Acting A Little Strange?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a bit of a strange problem with MySQL that I've never seen before. Basically, I need to enter the same entry into a table x number of times. The Primary Key is auto increment so there shouldn't be any duplicate value problems. However, it takes the last few columns and seems to clump them all into one value and is using that as a key. The error I'm getting back is:Duplicate entry '80-0--2011-06-16-0-1' for key 'idx_mtind you, there is no field called idx_mt. The primary key field is called just ID. And that 80-0--2011-06-16-0-1 is the last 8 columns or so (which you can see the names of in the cols variable) concatenated, which they obviously shouldn't be doing. Also, the first time the loop runs through, the entry goes through, but the later ones conflict with it. I confirmed that this is the problem by changing one of the last 8 columns to a value based on a loop, and that went through with no problems.

Dim cols As String = ""
Dim msi As System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo = New System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo()


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