Way To Code Multiple Events

Jul 19, 2010

I am really new at this and need to find out how to code multiple events so that I don't have to type the same thing out many times as you can see I have done below. I am sure there is a way to do it but I am lost. It is for a Mastermind game and I have created 8 buttons from which you can drag the text number on the button into a text box. there are 20 text boxes. 5 x rows of 4 textboxes.I have started to try to do it for button 1 but I am confused. I have tried to copy from other people's code but it is just confusing me more. Can someone please put me on the right track. [code]...

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Call Sendinput In .net For Multiple Mouse Down Events For Multiple Emulated Mice?

Sep 13, 2011

Iam wanting touse sendinput in a dos or background type app (can be a regular app thats hidden) that emulates mouse clicks and sends mouse moves to another multimouse application. an project that im working on for my school i work at and i need to send the input to it. The overview of the project is i need to have this code be in a service that runs in the background that when a person does a gesture with my kinect code then it clicks the left mouse or sythesis it with sendinput (need mouse up and down sent for this to work). The end programs that receive input are: a program written in the multipoint sdk and mouse mischief. I though about using the default usb mouse driver as an emulated mouse driver to handle the part about creating a usb mouse device that works
since most newer computers are using usb.

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.net - FileSystemWatcher Multiple Change Events?

Jan 16, 2009

I have the following code:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Blah
Public Sub New()


When I run it and save changes to a file on my C drive, the code works great, except it executes the watcher_Changed() method four times. The changeType is "4" every time.

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Events - How To Handle Multiple Textboxes

Aug 9, 2010

I have multiple textboxes which I want them to perform the same thing upon clicking them. By default I can use the handles textbox1.click for 1 single textbox but I am not sure how to do handle multiples of them. Of course I can write a handler for every single textbox but I have about 50.

Sub TextBox1_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Click
If Button9.Text = "Make Changes" Then
If TextBox2.Text <> "" Then
[Code] .....

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Forms :: Multiple Key Events At Same Time?

May 6, 2010

How can i code my application so that it can handle two sets of key events at the same time? For example, if I was making a game where one player used the WASD, and the other the arrow keys for moving, how can i make it so that both can move at the same time? The code I used only allows one to move at a time.. (key press event, If e.KeyData = Windows.Forms.Keys.down then.... etc)

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How To Raise Events In Between Multiple Forms

Oct 27, 2009

I have form 1 which will raise an event for form2 after doing some calculations. I know how to raise an event in form2 and then write the sub in form1 but i cannot do the reverse... how can I do this in reverse??? I cannot raise the event sub in form2 is not responding.

Public Class Form1
Event test()
RaiseEvent test()
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Multiple Mouse Events?

May 10, 2009

How would i go about detecting While the user is moving the mouse and also holding down the left mouse button. like they were drawing something with a pencil in paint.

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VS 2010 Handling Multiple Events At Once?

Nov 23, 2011

I took a VB class a couple semesters ago and I did really well. Unfortunately, it seems as though we only covered the very basics within the class, as I feel rather clueless right now.

Here's my issue. I'm trying to write a program that will encode notes (like music notes, A-G#) which are entered by the user, into digits, 0-9. Now I have the system laid out, in that 1-8 will represent A-A, while a 0 or 9 preceding a digit will represent a flat or sharp respectively.

Now my question is actually rather basic, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do this. The user will enter the note sequence by clicking on buttons (12 of them). What I'd like to do is create one sub that will handle all possible button clicks. I suppose it's possible that I could have separate subs for each and every button; but it just seems more efficient and cleaner to have one sub that manages them all.

The part I have completed and working properly will display a message (the same message) in a messagebox each time any of the buttons are clicked. So I have the "Handles" part working for all 12 buttons. But what I'd like to do is write code, perhaps "If" statements such that If "btnA" is clicked, then say "You clicked Button A," and If "btnASharp" is clicked, then "You clicked Button A Sharp," and so on. Is it possible to do this somehow by recognizing which event was actually triggered?

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.net - Get Event Type In A Sub Handling Multiple Events?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating a program using Visual Basic 2010 Express.

I want to make a Sub handling both MouseHover and MouseLeave events. Is this possible? And if possible, how do I differ between MouseHover event and MouseLeave event?

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EditingControlShowing Events Firing Multiple Times?

Feb 24, 2009

I have a DGV in VB.Net 2008 connected to an Access DB table. The DGV is not Read Only, but is full of read-only columns except for one, which contains a combo box. The combo box allows the user to select an outcome for that particular row, and then the program copies in a pre calculated value into the "Profit" column depending upon the item selected in the combobox. Then the user hits the Save button and the DB updates (currently via SQL methods in the XSD).

Easy enough so far.

Here is the code.

Private Sub DGUserBets_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGUserBets.EditingControlShowing


The problem I have is that it would seem that if a user selects the desired outcome from the combobox but does NOT hit Enter, and simply mouses on to a different combobox to again select the outcome for a different row, the first eventhandler is not disconnected and thus the events fire multiple times. This then causes various default MsgBox errors and brings up problems when the user tries to commit all changes to the DB/exit program etc etc.

What do I need to do? Do I need to .EndEdit somewhere appropriate to force the row to save the changes? And where should I call this?

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Event Handles - Handling Multiple Events In A Sub

Dec 3, 2010

I had a question about handling multiple events in a sub, like this:

Private Sub Form1_MouseUpOrDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp, Me.MouseDown

'do something

End Sub

Once the sub is called, is there any way to tell which event called it? (Whether it was a MouseDown or a MouseUp event?) Right now, I am doing a work-around as follows... having each event call the same sub and pass the info in. But it would be nice to not have that overhead.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
ExecuteMouseUpOrDown(EventTypes.MouseDown, sender, e)
End Sub


Don't use ACCESS, EXCEL, or a TEXT FILE as a database. If you want your program to use a "local database", without any of the hassle of setting up a MS SQL or MySQL server, just click this link: >>> SQLite <<<.

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Events - Handling Multiple Textboxes Upon Click

Aug 10, 2010

I have multiple textboxes which I want them to perform the same thing upon clicking them. By default I can use the handles textbox1.click for 1 single textbox as shown below but I am not sure how to do handle multiples of them. Of course I can write a handler for every single textbox but I have about 50 of them. I am sure there must be a more efficient way. [Code]

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Events - SelectedIndexChanged Firing Multiple Times

Apr 25, 2012

I am trying to programmatically add an unspecified amount of new UserControls to a form. One will be added every time an entry is selected in a ComboBox contained within the UserControl. Problem is, the SelectedIndexChanged event fires completely erratically. Sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times, etc., but never just once. No matter how many times I set the combobox's SelectedIndex to -1, it fires at least once with a SelectedIndex of 0. Sometimes the Itemselected event fires multiple times inbetween SelectedIndexChanged events.

InvoiceEntry.vb snippet:
Public Event ItemSelected As EventHandler
Private Sub cboItem_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboItem.SelectedIndexChanged
RaiseEvent ItemSelected(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Forms :: Multiple Click Events For A Button?

Jun 11, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple click events for a button based on the button text? In other words, if I change the button text can i create a new click event based on that text but use the same button?

for example:

button1.text starts as "steel"
button2.text starts as "brass"

If I click button1 then the text would change to:

button2.text="Cold rolled"

If I click button1 again a string would then be added to a textbox and the process would start over again. can I have a different click event or would I need to put an If/Then or Select/Case in the sub to handle this? I have 10 buttons I would need to do this with and each needing at least 3 different choices for each depending on the previous button press.

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Handling Multiple Keypress Events In VB 2008

Oct 21, 2009

I am new to VB but I want to find this out. For example there are two objects in my form and when I press W,A,S,D then Object1 should move Up, Left, Down and Right respectively. Object2 moves when I press the arrow keys. How do I make them move together and also separately depending on whether the key is pressed.

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VB Programmatically Add Multiple Buttons With Unique Events?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a quoting system that can generate several variants of a quote. these quotes are displayed on a screen for sales staff to compare and choose which is the most suitable. Is it possible to programmatically create a button and click event for each quote that is generated?

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DragEnter And DragDrop Events Fire Multiple Times In VB?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a research application that is hosting a webbrowser control and I'm implementing a feature that allows the user to select text from a web page and drag it to various research note fields. The issue I have is the dragenter and dragdrop events continue after the initial drop, inserting the text multiple times. Here's the test case on my box and the result.

Select Text in Browser Drag to Text Box Drop Text What happens is after the drop event is fired and the text inserted to the drop target, when you move the mouse after dropping the text, the drag enter event is fired, followed by the dragdrop event, then another dragenter and dragdrop. So, selected text such as "Selected Text" becomes "Selected TextSelected TextSelected Text".

Note: The dragenter event is properly raised once when the mouse enters the textbox, however the mouse does not have to leave the textbox after the dragdrop event fires. i thought there was something wrong with my application so I created a simple test app, containing a Webbrowser and a multi-line text box. This test app generates the same results and the code is below. This is the first time, I've implemented
drag and drop operations and I followed the guidelines noted in this MSDN article. While I did what the article suggests, I'm thinking I need to note the event was handled somewhere.


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Getting Button Events From Multiple Manually Instantiated Controls

Aug 30, 2011

I have created a simple custom control - we will call it a "panel with buttons". Here is how I instantiate it:


So what I wind up with are multiple instances of my panel. Each of these panels has a button on it called Button1.
My question is - how do I capture this button event in a way that I will know which panel index it came from?

In the custom control there is only the Button1_click event - and when I click on it in any of the multiple panels I manually instantiated the event does occur, but how I can tell which one of my instantiated buttons were clicked...

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Send Multiple Events With One .ics File Using Aspnetemail Class?

Aug 25, 2010

I have to send mutiple events with one .ics file using ASpnetMail Class in vb.net. and i went throgh the ASpnetMail documention but i didn't get any clue..

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Send Multiple Events With Same Start Time And Duration?

May 30, 2012

When I setup the event using DDay.ical I can successfully send the events to a user's outlook. The problem arises when multiple events are setup at the same time. When this happens all emails are updates to the original task, not new tasks.

I tried adding a name to the event using the .Name property, which results in the event email being an unsupported calendar invite.

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Simulate Multiple Mouse Move And Click Events?

Oct 27, 2011

I wish to simulate multiple mouse move and click events for multiple mouse for emulation of mice in mouse mischief for a kinect project im working on. I want to emulate a mouse for each person on the kinect that is recognized using microsofts kinect sdk and be able to do a left mouse click for each person.

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VS 2008 Controlling Events From Multiple Program Instances?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to my problem, and its probably because I don't know exactly how to ask the right question - can anyone here point me in the right direction?

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Handle Events And Notifications From Multiple Sources To A Main Form In .net?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a vb.net application in which there is a main form. There are around 10 classes each having their own functionalities like tcpactions, fileactions, serialport actions etc. The user interacts with the main form and does certain actions which will invoke the methods in these classes. Now I have a notifications textarea in the mainform and i want to show the current action being performed in those classes and their results in the notifications area.

for example when a user clicks a "Start Process" Button in the form i invoke the method "launchprocess" in a class "ProcessActions". Now this method tries to launch about 7 different process and after launching it sends notification such as "process 1 launched" or if it fails it sends notifications such as "process 1 launch failed".

I currently use event handlers and use them to show notifications but with the amount of events i have to handle it is getting cumbersome and i might have to add even more classes in the future. So is there a better way of handling notifications from other classes.

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Handling Multiple Events From An Activex Component In A .NET Console Application?

Apr 26, 2010

come years ago I bought an activex component to read some basic smartcard data. I created a simple form application and it has worked fine ever since. However, instate of a form application I now want to create a console application for the same purpose (the forms are unrequired and it just takes too long with multiple smartcards).

But I have been working on this for days now and somehow can't seem to get my events working. When I use 1 event, everything works fine, but as soon as I add my second event I get this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040202): E
xception from HRESULT: 0x80040202
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.Advise(Object pUn
kSink, Int32& pdwCookie)


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One Routine To Handle Multiple Events In Arraylist Class Object

Oct 17, 2011

I want to use One routine to handle multiple events & i want to give the list class object to the routine handle clause in vb.net. Is it possible? I have 100 buttons on my web page & i want to handle click event of each button. I have same coding on each button but the only difference is that, which button is calling the event handling routine. So i want to make one sub routine for handling event of all my buttons.

I can solve this by writing each button name in the handles clause like - Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ImgRCP_26.Click, ImgRCP_27.Click,. But it is so lengthy procedure. So that why i want to handle my button in the arraylist. How to do this?

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Code For Dynamic Control Events?

May 3, 2011

I have never dealt with dynamic control events before. I have a variable number of a controls each created at runtime. However I don't know how to code events for each control as they should do different things. I've looked at WithEvents and AddHandler and know I have to use Sender however not sure how to use /where to put eg. MouseEnter 1 panel when there's several.

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Debugging - Handling VB.NET Events In VB6 Code?

May 12, 2009

I have some VB6 code that instantiates a class which handles events that are being raised from a VB.NET component. The VB6 is pretty straightforward:private m_eventHandler as new Collection

public sub InitSomething()
dim handler as EventHandler
set handler = new EventHandler
m_eventHandler.Add handler


My problem is that when I debug the VB6 program, the first time InitSomething gets called, the event will not be handled (the VB6 event handler is never entered). Subsequent calls to InitSomething does work.

Everything works as I would have expected when I run the program outside the debugger. At this point, I'm not even sure if this is something I should be worried about.It may or may not be relevant but the VB.NET was converted from a VB6 using the Visual Studio code conversion tool (and subsequently manually cleaned up).

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Control Keydown Events To Activate Code

May 9, 2012

In my old VB6 programs I use control events like Keydown to activate code. The code is the same for all text controls. However, I am hoping that there is a efficient way of handing this in VB.net. Using VB2010.

Private Sub txtField1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtField1.KeyDown
End Sub
Private Sub txtField2_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtField2.KeyDown

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VS 2008 Piece Of Code Involving Threads And Events ?

Nov 25, 2009

This is a very simple piece of code involving threading and events. I am just refreshing the old grey matter as I find myself off work sick for a period of time.


Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Thread

Module Module1


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[2005] Handling Events With ToolStripMenuItems Created With Code

Jan 24, 2009

I am trying to create a ContextMenuStrip where I add a certain amount of ToolStripMenuItems based on how many columns are in a DataGridView via code. I am wondering, since I am creating all these ToolStripMenuItems in code, how would I handle the "CheckStateChanged" event on all of them separately? Or how can I figure out which one of those ToolStripMenuItems was clicked?

Here's a code example of what I mean:

Private Sub CreateCMS()
Dim CMS As New ContextMenuStrip
Dim TMS_Main As New ToolStripMenuItem


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