Wazy To Disable Auto-Updating Code

Feb 26, 2012

I wonder if it's possible to prevent Visual Studio (2010) from automatically updating code when I change control names? [code]...

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Any Way To Disable Auto-Indenting?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm a VB.Net newbie and have a question about how to disable this annoying auto-indenting in VB.Net Express 2008:
If PostData.Length > 0 Then
Dim Response As HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
Can the IDE be told to ignore this type of line and leave it as is so I can have "'GET" aligned with the Else block?

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IDE :: How To Disable Auto-save

Dec 28, 2009

when i choose this option (dont save any changes)in VB 2008 a msg error appear when press run or F5 and the msg is : Form1.vb cannt be modified at this time ?

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Disable Ultrawingrid Automatically Updating When Datasource Changes?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a wingrid that is bound to a datatable. I create a new asynchronous thread and from that thread make a remote server call passing the datatable. When the server call is completed the wingrid automatically refreshes to show any changes. However, since this is not being done on the main UI thread of the program, we will often get an error where the control goes whilte and a big red X appears in it.

Is there a flag to set the wingrid to not automatically upate when the datasource changes? I would like to turn it off before the remote server call and turn it on again after I am back on the main thread.

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Disable Auto-refresh Of Web References?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a web reference listed on my windows form and I have it listed on my form.VB page "Imports ......" with my intellisense turned on. Everytime I start to type something my visual studio would stop working as I am guessing it is trying to refresh the list with all the commands from the web service I added which takes a couple of minutes. How do I set it so that it will not refresh the web reference? I want to be able to do it manually only, I want my intellisense to stay as it has all the commands I needed in there.

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Disable DatagridView Auto Row Addition

Apr 27, 2012

I am using DataGirdView in my project.I have some queries listed below.

1. I want to add Rowheader' name like

Column 1||Column2

2. I want to fix the number of Row like just 2 Rows . And if I edit in datagrid or press enter after editing ,the automatic addition of the next row must be blocked.

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Disable Radiobutton Auto-select?

May 14, 2009

I need to avoid that any of a set of radiobutton autoselects at form load. Is possible?

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VS 2008 Disable That Listbox Scrolls Up When Updating Datatable?

Jun 14, 2009

But I've got a problem now, and I haven't been able to find any answer. Here is the code I'm executing:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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Disable Auto Mount Using Mountvol On Windows XP?

Nov 4, 2009

How you execute the disable function of automount through mountvol in windows XP? The mountvol for XP is different from windows 7 where win7 has the mountvol /n. how to do that?

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Auto-Updating VB 2008 Application

Jun 12, 2010

i was playing around with the visual basic 2008's project settings. I have 2 goals in mind


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Creating An Auto-Updating Application?

Jan 4, 2006

I have read through the following page: [URL]

Now I have my application and an installer project, which can install my application. how to make my application auto-update (from my web server) like a smart client. I've looked into ClickOnce, but it does not appear to be suitable as I cannot do any custom installation steps. My application needs to create folders and copy other files from the CD to the hard drive, which I don't believe ClickOnce supports. On the other hand, the Windows Installer does not natively support any sort of auto-updating. So what do I do?

I have read that it is possible to combine both technologies, but all my research into this has turned up nothing of use.

I've looked into the Updater Application Block (Version 2.0), but I'm not sure if this is what I'm looking for? I'm using Visual Basic 2005 and I'm not sure if the Updater Application Block supports .NET v2.0. In fact, when I tried to install the Enterprise Library, it said I need .NET v1.1??? Even if this is a possible path, I'm really quite lost when reading through the documentation as nothing seems to point towards practical examples, especially in Visual Basic.

I've also had a look at the System.Deployment.ApplicationDeployment class, but it seems as though this only works with ClickOnce applications. However, since I can't seems to use ClickOnce in my situation, this does not seem like a viable option. Is it possible to use System.Deployment.ApplicationDeployment outside of a ClickOnce application?

I'm really quite lost as to how other people produce custom installing applications that have auto-updating features. Virtually every modern piece of software does it, but I cannot seem to find anything on the web that points me in the right direction of how to achieve this with Visual Basic 2005.

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IDE :: Auto Updating Application DLLs In Web

Sep 26, 2009

I'm looking for a way for copying a VS application files via HTTP and TCP? I mean I have published my application and now I am trying to find something like ClickOnce application that copies my updated files from my website to the clients' centers through HTTP and then locally to end users through FTP. I need to a source code or something like that.

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IDE :: VS2010: Enable Or Disable Auto-Implemented Properties?

Nov 10, 2011

I have somehow managed to disable auto-implemented properties in my VS2010 IDE how to turn it back on. Almost every article on the internet loves to explain auto-implemented properties but doesnt give you the crucial option of how to turn it on or off.

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Auto-updating Changes For Params Inside Function Possible?

Feb 24, 2012

I am currently facing an heavy struggle with architecturing my VB.Net app.To simplify, i'm using entries from XAML comboboxs, which all trigger OnChange the same routine which manages which Function(s) to use depending on which combobox triggered.The problem i'm facing is for example i have Function(ByVal A As String, ByVal B As Integer, ByVal C as Double, etc...), and it works if the routine calls explicitly for this function's result. But then if another combobox makes for example the variable B to change, then i have to add another "If sender= Then" check for this combobox and recall expicitly the function above (since B is one of its parameters)..In the end, my routine is loooooong like 24 checks with at least 4x duplicates of same functions..is there a simple way to make a Function autoexecute when one of its parameters change without having to be called explicitly by another routine ? (Like Excel formulas do when one of its references change)

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VS 2010 Auto Updating Windows Service?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a windows desktop application that I'm converting part of it to a windows service application. The win service pulls data out of one database and passes it to a central location via web services. I've got the windows service working, however I'm unsure how to add auto update abilities to it.

The windows service itself is basically an empty shell that fires off the data pulling, which resides in a dll that installs with the service. My original idea was to have the windows service do a version check and if needed download the new dll and overwrite the old one. The problem is the copy can't happen if the service is running (or paused). Herein lies the problem. If I have the service stop itself then of course it's stopped so no more code execution. The other problem would be how to restart it.

I'm trying to create something that is hands/worry free for my clients that way when I change/update the data pulling win service application they don't have to mess with it. I'm up to 300 clients now and I really need a solution that doesn't involve any user interaction.

EDIT: After more digging it's looking like this is a near impossible task. Another option would be to have a second service, one that just looks for updates and that second service can stop the first, update it, then restart it.

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Disable Auto-generated Event When Double Click A Control?

Apr 26, 2012

As mentioned in the subject. I found this default setting in VB 2010 rather annoying. For example:I have created an combox box and i have created an event as below as well

Private Sub cmbBuildingID_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbBuildingID.TextChanged


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Disable Auto-click Continue On All 'Unhandled Exception' Error Messages?

Jun 20, 2012

SoftwareVersion: Visual Basic 2010 Forms and Applications...Application shows unhandled exception error message..How do you disable, or auto-click continue on all "Unhandled Exception" error messages?

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Auto-generate - Updating Function - Hospital System Which Works With A Access Database ?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using vb to make a hospital system which works with a access database. i am having an issue with the updating function to the database, this time round instead of hard codding the connection i used the connection/data source wizard, in microsoft visual studio 2008 and there fore most of the code has been auto generated for me, which includes the insert, delete and update funtions from what i can find and what i have read vb is ment to also auto generate this which it is not. the funny thing is that i can close the program down and reload it (as long as i haven't opened the database) and my changes are still there but if i go and open the database and it hasn't changed. also i can change the database through the use of the Dataset connections in the datasource tab but not int he program the code ive found and believe that is meant to update the database

This is running off a couple of buttons i also have a update query but have know way of accessing it




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Auto-start Code On Open Then Close After Code Is Done Running?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a program that runs some code when i click a button on a form when done running the application ends. I want to automaticaly run the code when the users clicks on the exe. I have put the code that i want to run in the startup forms load event but that doesn't start

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Disable Line Of Code?

Mar 26, 2012


i wanna make it so i disable or maybe comment out line of codes 4 5 6 in the code but also make them work again ...decomment them.set Site values in FTPWebRequest in

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Updating Very Old Code?

Jan 19, 2011

I need to bring an old program back to the land of the living. This is a GUI software package that interfaces to a hardware device. The program was written in VB, but I don't know which version. It was written around 1994. I need to update it to VB.NET 2008. I would normally just observe how it works and rewrite it, but in this case, there are special codes that are passed to and from the device it is communicating with, along with specific formats of data. All of this would be very difficult to decode using a scope or by capturing bytes. I believe I'd have much better luck looking at the source code. I have the source code, or so it is labeled. I have a number of files ending in .frm, .bas, .vbw and .mak. I've tried opening these in VB.NET, but all I get are numbers. MS Word just shows a few symbols. Are these source code extensions from early VB?

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Disable An Asp.net Dropdown List From The Code Behind?

Dec 23, 2011

Is there a way to disable an asp.net dropdown list from the vb code behind?

<select id="reassign_reason" name="reassign_reason">

This is the name of my drop down list and I tried this in the code behind in vb.net

reassign_reason.disabled = True

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VS 2008 - Updating Code Using Sql?

Mar 23, 2011

Having a problem with my update code for a button to update the password :


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Disable Date-Time Windows From Code ?

Dec 22, 2009

How do i disable date - time properties in Windows 2000 or XP from vb.net code?

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Code For Updating A Access Database?

Apr 21, 2012

i am trying to update the info in my access database and i keep getting a syntax error. This is my first database program and i found a site online that showed my how to do it but when i get to the update it keeps giving me the syntax error.

Private Sub CreateBT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateBT.Click
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String


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Updating Screen While Running Code

Sep 16, 2008

I have notice that when a module is running the screen does not update properly.For example if I change a label to read "Please Wait..." The second half of the label does not display until the program is idle.Can I get the screen to update while its running.

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Disable Multiple Items From DropDownList. Someone Need To Check Code?

May 15, 2011

I would like to disable a specific items from DropDownList. I have below code but it does not working. So, need someone to told me what I'm doing wrong. DropDownList have 5 items.And, I'm getting error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 <> 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub

But, if I add a different value for X, then it disable 1st and 2nd item. Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 or 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub My goal is if I would have a 365 items in DropwDownList to disable items for example between 120 and 150.

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IDE :: How To Disable Debugger Stepping Into DLL Control Source Code

Apr 6, 2011

I have created a DLL that contains basic functions used in my projects. With the DLL I:Compiled it as a Release Moved the .dll file to another folder Deleted the .pdb files in the binRelease folder When I add the reference of this DLL to my projects and I debug my code, I step through line-by-line and when it comes to a function from my DLL, it actually opens up the source files of my DLL and debugs line-by-line in the DLL source code.

This is REALLY annoying for my purposes and I have tried many things now to disable the debugger stepping into my DLL code. I did a text search in the DLL file and found it stores the path of the project folder.

So far the only thing that's worked is moving/renaming the folder where the DLL project source files are. But everytime I re-build the DLL, once again I would have to move/rename the folder again as it's updated the location of the source.

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Set An Auto-generated Code That Can Be Only Used Once?

Jan 30, 2011

I already made a code on vb.net to generate random numbers with letters using HEXA + date time. Now, all i want to know is how to set it to single use? Once they got it, they can no longer use it back. They have to request for new one..

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IDE :: 2005 Application/Form Code Not Updating

Oct 15, 2007

I have a VS 2005 VB.NET Windows forms application that is exhibiting very strange behavior. I can add controls to any of my forms and see them at design time, however when I run the application, it resorts to "old" copies of the forms without the new modifications. Also, the application does not seem to be firiing the correct events - when I put a break on the Form_Load event of my main form - it never fires the event when the application runs. If I change the project settings to start with a new form - it does not recognize the change. Something strange is going on and I am quite frsutrated trying to figure it out.

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