Web Form Is Not Updating?

Jul 28, 2011

I am working on a Windows Forms application in visual basic and one of the features is that it is supposed to access www.usps.com/zip4 and fill in the fields and then display the page in a window with auto-filled fields for the user to edit and submit. Basically I instantiate a WebBrowser, I find each of the fields (two text and a drop-down list) using the webbrowser.Document.GetElementById(id).setAttribute("value", newvalue). I do this for each text field and for the drop down I used setAttribute("value", val) and setAttribute("selectedIndex", index). After I'm done, I attach this webBrowser to a form that I created using form.Controls.Add(webBrowser) and then I call form.showDialog(Me). I have been getting really erroneous behavior. First of all, when this function is called the first time, all the text fields show up ok, but the selection field stays at zero. Neither changing the value nor the selectedIndex changes the actual selection in the drop down list when it's displayed. Then, if I exit this window and have the function called again, all the text is gone and the drop down list appears to be updated with the correct selection; however, it can't be because when I fill in the information and click submit, I get an error saying that I must select a state.

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Updating Parent Form From Dataset After Editing In Child Form?

Aug 24, 2009

I have two forms....Mainform is filled with controls that are databound to a datasource.....then I have a child form that is used to edit data from parent form.......the data that is displayed on the child form uses the Filter() method of the binding source to display data only for the customer selected......

The child form has the standard OK and CANCEL buttons set up as dialog result.......after I edit the content in child form, the changes are displayed on the child form correctly......but when closing the child form and going back to the parent form the changes dont appear there unless I restart the application.....I also tried adding the tableadapter.update/fill method in the 'OK' dialog result event handler and it still doesnt work......

How can I make the changes take effect on the parent form without restarting the application?

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Updating One Form To Another Form From Same Database?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm having a problem with my forms. Basically I have one form that adds,deletes,updates transactions that are made when a registered member makes a request. Doing this then gets saved in the database under a transaction table. I then have another form which then calculates my transactions based on when the member returns the DVD or CD. However, if say for example I wish to delete a transaction record, the form that does the calculation of the fines doesn't update itself.How can I solve this? If im able to create a refresh button on the fines form wou if so how will it work as my form contains 1 combo box , 5 text boxes and 1 date picker(however the date picker is not linked to the database)?

1)This coding here is to do with "Adding,updating, deleting and saving Transaction":
Public Class PDL_Add_Transaction_Form
Dim flag As Integer


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Form Not Updating SQL Table?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a form that is not updating. Just wondering if anyone can see an obvious error.

Private Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveStoreButton.Click


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Form Not Updating When Debugger Is Run

May 31, 2011

We are designing a toolbar to be used in PowerShape that was originally written in VB6. We are beginning the conversion to VB.net and for some reason, when we size the new form that is the actual toolbar, we can see the size change in Design Mode but when we run the debugger it does NOT show the newly sized form. We managed to get the Width to update after clearing the Debug and Release directories but not the Height... And even then it only works once then we have to go back in and clear the directories again in order for the width to update.

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Form View IF On Updating?

Apr 3, 2012

I want to run an if before updating a form view; if yes then..."message" & cancel update queryif no continue update query.i've tried this but i'm getting a "obeject instance not set to null instance......" on the first line of the if? and the item updates regardless

Private Sub FormView2_ItemUpdating(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles FormView2.ItemUpdating
Dim status As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl("ApprovalStatusTextBox")


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Updating A Form From Different Thread?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a VB.NET 2010 app I am writing that does a lot of work on a RS485 bus in 2 seperate threads. These threads are started as soon as the app is opened and run as long the app is open. I would like to have the threads update labels on the main (and only) form every so often based on what's happening on the serial bus. I know it involves invokes and delegates but I haven't found a straight forward answer on how to implement it.

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Updating A Form's Title?

Sep 22, 2010

I update a Form's Title from within the form, but it doesn't update. Any idea how to "Refresh" it so that the update displays?

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Web Form Is Not Updating Tables?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a web application and on page is an update page to update some profile information. Below is the code I am using to update the table. But I think it is wrong. Does anything stick out? The connection string works cause it is used to read the database to get the profile information, I just removed it due to it containing password/login info for the db.player is the class of properties that contains player information and ds is the dataset, but I would like to update the database itself online.


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Any Way To Force Reload Form For Updating?

Jan 31, 2009

Is there a way to force a form to reload itself? The reason I ask is I have a listview that shows the data from my database. You can add information to the database from another form but when you go back to that form the information is not updated because the information updates on the form load. So my question is there a way to just do the form_load event again?

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Application Form Stops Updating Once Alt-tab Away?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a windows Forms app that displays data as it scans.Once you alt-tab or remove "focus" from the app and doing something else (open word) it stops updating. In otherwords it looks like the app has locked up.But it will finish the scanning as normal.But any updates from the scans being shown on the app window are not shown, that is until the app is finished and catches up.


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Avoiding Updating A Form From A Thread?

Sep 8, 2009

I've seen a good bit written on avoiding updating a form from a thread.However,I was wondering if that was a problem if the thread exists in an object that programatically builds the form?Thus the form and associated logic exist within the same "thread space." Seems on the face of it like it would work since everything in the form should be in a single dispatch queue.

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How To Make Form View IF On Updating

Mar 1, 2010

I'm having trouble with this line of my code throwing an IndexOutOfRangeException.

intArray(intRandom - intUp) += 1

Its in a For loop that generates random numbers then counts each instance of them given a user upper and lower bound + number to generate.

The loop:

For intCount As Integer = 0 To intGen - 1
intRandom = rnd.Next(intLow, intUp + 1)
intArray(intRandom - intUp) += 1

I have a global intArray() and then a reDim intArray(intUp - intLow)
intLow, intUp, and intGen are where the user upper and lower bounds are stored. Any help on why its throwing this would be appreciated I'm pretty new to this and can not figure out why.

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SerialPort And Control Updating In MDI Form?

Mar 2, 2012

i am receiving data from serial port and i update a richtextbox in a MDI Form with the control.invoke method

(Code in SerialPort.DataReceived Event)

If myTerminal.Visible Then
myTerminal.MyRichTextBox1.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub()
myTerminal.MyRichTextBox1.AppendText(dataLine & vbCrLf)
End Sub))
End If

But as a mdi form it has the ability to close and reopen. So when the serialport is sending data to richtextbox and the user click the close button and the form gets disposed. Then the error "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."...

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Updating Form Totals On DataGrid Changes

Sep 4, 2011

How do I fire an event when changes are made in a datagrid embedded in my form? My datagrid houses line items for different forms (Sales Orders, Purchases Orders, etc.), and when a value is changed (i.e. quantity or price), I want it to re-calculate the datagrid automatically (extended amount) and also re-calculate totals in the form itself without having to hit the Save Button. Right now I have a sub-routine that fires when the button is chosen, but how do I fire this event automatically on datagrid changes?

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Updating SQL Table On Form Close?

Jun 13, 2012

So on the form close I want to update the SQL table with changes that have been made through the text boxes I have. Text boxes populate with respective data (last name, first name, username, etc) and I have the correct SQL query as I've executed it and it works. I have it set up that a msgbx will open and clicking "yes" will confirm the change and update the SQL table.

When I click "yes" the form stays open as it is looks like it is still updating/loading/something I can't confirm and it does not move on to my next form_close event. I'm fairly sure I missed something with the SQL command to actually update the table


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Updating Two Tables Using A Databinding From Within A Form?

May 16, 2011

I have three tables Tasks, Notes & CallTypes Each item in Tasks and Notes has a relationship to CallTypes and my form edits work fine. However: Notes only belong to tasks, and when i update the note record we will need to change the CallType for the Task as well as for the Note and they could both be different.

I have the Notes working fine, but i cannot update the tasks. I have created a databindng on to a form from the datasources window. All the notes fields are ok and are working I then add the calltype field from the tasks, draged from the data sources window (i dont want all of the tasks fields, just the calltype).

The code does not through up errors, but when i save the form it only updates the notes and not the tasks.

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Updating Value Of Controls On Dynamic Form?

Feb 3, 2009

I have created a dynamic form and have added several textboxes controls giving them names such as tb1, tb2 etc. The form is create and displayed, however cannot update the value of the controls.

Private WithEvents gform As New GenerateForm
The form is created using the following from click event of a button
Dim x As Boolean = gform.myForm("AForm") -- Form get created and displayed
x = gform.PopulateForm("a test message") -- The value is passed but not displayed
Public Class GenerateForm
Dim tbMsg As New TextBox()
[Code] .....

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Vb 2008 - Updating Datagridview From Another Form

Feb 21, 2010

I have a datagridview where i add rows using array like this:

Dim srow() As String = {getIDprodus(cmbprodus.Text), cmbprodus.Text, getprodusforma(cmbprodus.Text), txtcantitate.Text}

Next, i need to let user to modify the added row. So when user selects a row and press EDIT, a new form is popped out using this code:

Dim i = griddetalii.CurrentRow.Index
frmdetaliiiesire.cmbprodus.Text = griddetalii.Item(0, i).Value
frmdetaliiiesire.txtcantitate.Text = griddetalii.Item(1, i).Value


In textbox1 i have put the index of the current row selected in grid The problem is when i push OK, the applications crashes and i receive an error: INDEX WAS OUT OF RANGE

If the users changes the values from the same form, it's works. But changing them from another form crashes the applications

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VS 2008 Show Form While Updating?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a "housekeeping Form" set up that...when triggerd by the main form, updates records, sends email, clears and refills an access table all of which runs from a Form.Load Event my problem is the form "PLEASE WAIT WHILE SYSTEM IS UPDATING" will not fully load while all these things are happning I have tried ME.Show and ME. Activate

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[2008] Updating A Form's Title?

Sep 22, 2010

I update a Form's Title from within the form, but it doesn't update. Any idea how to "Refresh" it so that the update displays?

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Asynchronous Socket Library Not Updating Form

Nov 23, 2011

I am attempted to write a small asynchronous socket library that I can use to create a client/server application. I can get all of the code to run fine if I leave it in the form, however if I try to move it out into its own class, I cannot figure out how to update the form with connection status, things like that. Below is code, shortened a bit just to make this easier to read and type.


There is actually more to that class, but I never get anything after the first message goes out. I'm not sure where to go from here. I've tried lots of different methods that I've found on the google searches, some from here, some not.

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Editing SQL Data - Form Not Updating Row In Database

Jul 29, 2011

My form just isn't updating the row in the database: Here's my code:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If Request.QueryString("a") = "edit" Then
Dim CategoryText As String = lstCategory.SelectedItem.Text
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=LogansArchive; Integrated Security=True;")
[Code] .....

I've never used nested SELECTs in SQL before so I'm not sure if I did it right. Aside from that, this is all stuff I've done before so I'm relatively sure that it's all correct. Finally, there are no errors being reported when I debug, although the updates don't seem to be coming through from the text fields (txtContent.Text isn't changing to reflect the new value).

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How To Create Form For Updating User Password

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to make a form for an app that will update the current users password to something new of his choice but I cant seem to make it update the database and just says the wrong password statement.

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim adaptor As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim dataset As New DataSet
[Code] .....

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IDE :: 2005 Application/Form Code Not Updating

Oct 15, 2007

I have a VS 2005 VB.NET Windows forms application that is exhibiting very strange behavior. I can add controls to any of my forms and see them at design time, however when I run the application, it resorts to "old" copies of the forms without the new modifications. Also, the application does not seem to be firiing the correct events - when I put a break on the Form_Load event of my main form - it never fires the event when the application runs. If I change the project settings to start with a new form - it does not recognize the change. Something strange is going on and I am quite frsutrated trying to figure it out.

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IDE :: Cannot Exit Form After Updating DataGridViewComboBox Cell

Oct 22, 2010

The form opens a simple form to accept a password if a name is selected from a dropdown. The form is opened modally from the validating event. If I select an item, fill in the password, close the modal form , it will not let the parent form close depending on how I exit the dropdown. When I look at the closing event cancel is set to true implying that the control still thinks it needs vaidating.

It works if i leave the dropdown cell in focus when I hit close.

If I click (even just once so the dropdown still is highlighted but just closed) on another cell in the grid the form will not close. It corrects itself if I repeats the first method.

Even worse if I press enter twice it crashes without going through any of my code when the grid tries to do its own commit edit on the editableControl but seems to have a wrong reference as it tries to use the DataGridViewComboBox as the editablecontrol and gets a cannot cast exception

Updated as I have found the cause.

The pop up password form is a home brewed modal form by disabling all open forms but leaves some menu items active.(mdi is used). It is the disable form that causes the issue. Without that it always works. So it seems the grid cant handle being disabled while changing cells.

A solution that works is to use ShowDialog but that changes the systems behaviour so I may not be allowed to do that.

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Progress Bar / Updating Form From Another One (Graphical Glitches)

Aug 20, 2009

My form has FOUR comboboxes populated from text files. The text files are loaded into an array into their own background process once completed are added to the combox. Due to the sheer amount of items the loading causes a lag and as the combobox are on the main GUI thread a glitch appear for several seconds. I then had an idea of loading the initial form, showing another form which is made the topmost form with a progress bar (values derived from the count of items in the arrays populated from the text files).

When I added the progress bar any other label or image on the SAME form did not show until the progress bar had completed, how can I resolve this? When I use it in conjunction with the other form i.e. using the form with the progress bar to populate the other in the background graphical glitches appear (mad transparency effect). I have the code from the form with the progress bar below:-

'Load City information
'Set form title
Me.Text = " Application loading city lookup information ...."
'Declare string array to store list of towns
Dim citylookup() As String
[Code] .....

Why I experience the glitch (assume it's because of refreshing the item, some kind of repaint needed)? Any alternative solution to prevent the user from using the form until all the comboboxes are populated?

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Public Module Updating Form Object?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm working on a project for my VB class at school. I am creating a form with several inputs and it calculates the total amount owed for a car sale. I have a text box for input of the TRADE IN VALUE of a car. the program is looking for a numeric input. If there is no trade in, how can i get this box to default to 0.00 so it doesnt error the program?

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Searching Database And Updating Textbox In A Form?

Apr 27, 2011

I am developing a Point of Sale application and I have a form for the selling interface where i would like the user to enter an Item code (stock code) and based on the entry search for the record in the database. After Searching i would like the data of Item Code, Item Description and Unit price displayed on the form using textbox control.

(I am using Visual Studio 2010 - Express Edition)

I have tried using the following code but its not working

Private Sub txtItemCode_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtItemCode.TextChanged
Dim db As DataRow


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Updating Background Color (Default) Of Form

Mar 16, 2009

I can change the backcolour on a form but I want to be able to change the colour making the change the new default color. The book I am using shows this as an example so far:
'show the color dialog and if the user clicks the ok button,
'update the background color of the form
if colordialog1.showdialog = windows.forms.dialogresult.ok then
me.backcolor = colordialog1.color
end if
end sub

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