WebSite Monitoring App Hangs?

Mar 11, 2010

I am writing a fairly simple web site monitoring app. It uses a timer to call a class that requests a web page and measures the response. Problem is that the third time the class is called the app hangs. looking at the locals box I see that the properties of the httpURL object are 'Property Evaluation Failed' .

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class Form1


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ADVERTISEMENT - Website Hangs For A Long Time Then Displays Nothing

Mar 10, 2009

Occasionally, my website will stop functioning and anytime an ASP page is accessed, the browser will hang for many minutes before bringing up a correctly formatted HTML page with nothing in the tag. It seems to happen whenever more than one person attempts to access an ASP page, but I'm not positive it's isolated to those conditions.

Let me emphasize that the issue does not arise when accessing directories/HTML pages/other files. Only ASP pages are the problem. I am using lunarpages as a host.

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VS 2008 Select Website In Combobox Open Form2 With Website Preview?

Feb 19, 2010

What Im making is like a face book and tagged login from my app

1. I have Combobox with 3 urls in there ( and )
2. I have a Form2 with webbrowser
3. I have a Button when clicked it should open up my form 2 and preview of the website which I selected in my combobox in form1

All I'm trying to do is when I select lets say facebook in my form 1 and click load it should open up my form 2 with facebook website in it.[code]Now when I click my button in form 1 it will load Form2 ( named Explorer1) but my form2 is not showing me facebook or tagged page for some reason

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Creating A Website That Allows People To Upload Images To The Website In A Folder?

Feb 26, 2011

i'm creating a website that allows people to upload images to the website in a folder called images on the Site. But I don't know how to upload a file and I'v searched everywhere Please Note: In this Website were not Using the asp:fileupload, were developing our own interface

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VS 2008 - Website Scanner - Scan A Website Every 15 Mins

Apr 6, 2009

What I want is: To scan a website every 15 mins or so, (craigslist in this case), and email myself any new posts that come up. I know I need to use WebClient, but I never used that before. Another question would be how to only email when a new post is up and not receive the same email every 15 mins.

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IDE :: Monitoring Bandwidth Client In Lan?

May 21, 2010

<!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent>[code].....

I am a beginner in network programming with VB 6, I am a beginner in network programming with VB 6,I wanted to ask is how the VB 6 source code to know the bandwidth usage of each client in an Internet cafe, we as a server at the cafe, suppose that we had five clients that are connected directly to server, on the server so we know the bandwidth usage of the clients.

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Make CPU And RAM Monitoring Tool In Vb?

Apr 3, 2009

I want to make CPU and RAM Monitoring tool in Vb. But I have no idea and knowledge about this.I can make a GUI for this but I don't know how to implement this.If you have some experience please tell me what references I have to use and what are the functions which will give current status of CPU and RAM. and also guide me how to present this information in the form of continuous graph and progress bar.I shall be thank full to all participants. If you have no experience please refer me some expert sites and groups on internet. I will try to contact them.

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Monitoring A Printer Queue?

Aug 7, 2009

The below code (VB 2008) will check the print queue every milisecond for a job. It will then show the pagecount in a text box. It works great when im printing to a local printer, but As soon as I change my pc default printer to a network printer, I cant capture any data.

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Monitoring Data In/out Of The Computer?

Dec 16, 2009

I want to create a bandwidth meter for Windows using, but I cannot seem to find anything in the .net framework for monitoring the amount of data in or out. I want to create this because I cannot find a good one for free, and I think it is something that people might want.If there is nothing in the .net framework for monitoring this, is there some P/Invoke calls I can make? If so, what are they?

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Monitoring External Program?

Dec 25, 2010

I start an external Program using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start I want monitoring when a user has started a new file, saves or opens another file and get the info of the file in current process

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Monitoring If A Variable Plateau's

Mar 22, 2009

I am dynamically adding values to list with each pass of a timer and after each pass I'd like to check if the last five elements in the list have similar values. After some time, the values should start to become constant. In other words, it would plateau.I tried to do this. Made sense to me (newbie) but I am getting errors like the bounds of the array are exceeded:[code]The list definitely works and is getting data from X. I thought I needed to ReDim the array but then I'm told ReDim statement requires an array. (ReDim platArray(Number-1)). By the way I'm using VB2008..

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Monitoring Programs Starting?

Dec 26, 2009

I am trying to create a windows service that sits in the background waiting for programs to be started. When the programs start I want to be able to check a unique bit of information for each program (I believe GUIDs may provide this) to see what the program is. If the program is not allowed, I aim to provide a warning to the user and possibly close the program. The aim of the application is to identify when users are attempting to install additional software on to the computer so simply monitoring for a certain executable wouldn't work as msiexec is called for all MSI's and as I only want to stop blacklisted programs...this wouldnt work

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Monitoring Que With Multiple Processes

May 21, 2010

We recently have one problem started where we have two processes monitor the same queue, but the diff b/w both is, one does the PEEK only and the other process it as soon as the message arrives (event driven). Do you think that pointing these 2 processes to the same que cause any problems OR are there something special sync things we need to do?

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Monitoring The SqlConnection State?

Jun 19, 2009

I have a SqlConnection global variable in my proyect that it is always open (I wouldn't like to start a discussion about keep the connection open all the time or close it everytime a transaccion is executed).

This variable is sent to every class I need to execute a function or method. Instead of checking the connection in every single operation, is there any way to monitor the connection state in a centralized way ?

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Monitoring Web-browser From Different Form?

May 13, 2011

I was hoping to be able to monitor webbrowser1.documentcomplete which is being used in form1....but be monitoring it from form2.So basically I was hoping to run a form1.webbrowser1.documentcomplete in form2.If not does anyone have any suggestions? I currently am doing it with timers and it is just not working properly.

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Printer Status Monitoring?

Feb 2, 2010

I am engaged in a project to alert Paper out status of printer in screen on top of all other windows. I am new to VB programming... I tried the codes given in Microsoft Support. But it gives many errors as I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.[url]......

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Program For Monitoring Folder?

Feb 28, 2010

build a program for monitoring specific folder for example : C:MyFolder

i want the program check the bove folder and give me information about the following:

Files with date modified 'current day'
The number of files with date current day
The size for that files
Send that information by e-mail

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System Monitoring Tool In .net?

Apr 6, 2009

I am making my project for this semester. I am making "System monitoring Tool" so i have make a GUI and also get the all parameters but one thing missing I have tried to find from different places but not found that is the "continues line" that represents the changing values of CPU usage along time. same like "windows task manager" shows.

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.net - Monitoring All Events In A Class And Sub-classes

Apr 25, 2010

I'd like to be able to log to the console every time an event is fired either in the object I've instantiated or in anything it's instantiated [ad infinitum]. I wouldn't see some of these events normally due to them being consumed further down the chain). Ideally I would be able to log all public and private events but if only public are possible, I can live with that.

I've Googled and all I can find is how to monitor a directory - So I'm not sure if this is not possible or simply has a name that I don't know.

The sort of information I'm after is similar to what's found in an exception - Target Site, Source, Stack Trace, etc...

Could I perhaps do this through reflection somehow?

To Give you an idea of the console App:

Sub Main()
Container = ContainerGenerate.GenerateContainer()
Dim TemplateID As New Guid("5959b961-b347-46bc-b1b6-cba311304f43")


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FileSystemWatcher Quits Monitoring During Execution?

Mar 30, 2010

FileSystemWatcher quits monitoring during execution?

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Financial Monitoring Program Samples?

Feb 15, 2012

just a newbie programmer here. With 1 week experience in VB2008. I'd like to ask for assistance on making one of these inventory systems concepts. I hear its one of the basic programs a newbie can make. This will be made for students financial monitoring. Like how much they should pay in an event. Of course will be needing to input student names and event names.

So I'd like to ask could you give me tips on what to do first?*Set aside the database stuff first.

Like the main window, or a sample of a form to which I could encode and update entry payments for students.Am not asking for codes here just samples of forms or softwares I could get some ideas.

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How To Make A Network Monitoring Program

Jun 6, 2010

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section but I don't know where else to post.I am new to and would like to tackle it head on.I would like to know how to make a network moitoring tool thatwould check who is on the network. I cant find any tutorials.

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Local & Remote Service Monitoring?

Mar 10, 2011

I put together a small app I want to use on my local network for service monitoring across a few of my servers.

I'm using express 2010 with system.serviceprocess imported The problem I am having is that my code only seems to work locally, and will not retrieve the service data for any server on my network.

For example, my local machine is called "office-pc", and when running the app on it, I get all the service information.

Dim localServices As ServiceController() = ServiceController.GetServices("office-pc")
For Each localservice As ServiceController In localServices

But, if I want the service info from my web server called "casper", I use the same code, but i change the GetServices() parameter like so;

Dim localServices As ServiceController() = ServiceController.GetServices("casper")
For Each localservice As ServiceController In localServices

After a few seconds delay, nothing happens, ComboBox2 remains empty.

It was my understanding that GetServices() would get the local machines service info unless a machine name was specified, which in both cases is true.

So why isn't it working? Do I need to set something up on the network servers first?

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Microsoft Fax Error Monitoring (SBS2008)?

Sep 2, 2011

how to catch faxing errors (outbound) using VB.NET.I am using this reference: MSDN Basically, the issue is that SBS2008 Event Log does not give the same amount of information that Windows XP did, so the users are being forced to look in the text activity log. Am I forced to loop through the log for new items, or can I actually catch errors as they come?My ultimate goal is to send an email report with the erroneous fax information (destination#, error reason, code, body or attachment).So essentially I need to figure out how to catch fax errors as they arise, by listening (this will be a VB.NET console app), and then I can take it from there.

Private Sub GetOutgoingArchiveMessages()
Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer
Dim vMessages As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxOutgoingMessageIterator


This is what I am using to get the outgoing archive messages, but I either need to reliably get an error when it happens there, or get one on demand. I would much rather just poll the fax service for the information if I can.

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Monitoring A SQL Server Table's Data?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a job in my sql server which will execute every second and insert some data for me in my table. Now, I need to do application to check whether checkouttime column in that table got data or not and if there is data then I need to get the id of that row.

How can I monitor my table's data to check whether that column got data or not.

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Monitoring Double Click Of A Folder?

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to make an app that launches a window(Form Window) whenever a user click a folder in Windows. My app will be running in the background all the time and it will be monitoring the double click of a particular folder.

I have found this[URl]..But the problem is that, it checks attributes of the folder instead of the double click.

Is there anyway i can check the double click of a folder in Windows?

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Monitoring Files In Folder & Processing?

May 10, 2010

My program needs to monitor two folders and if any files arrives in any of those it needs to be processed.So i created two filewatch tasks & the OnChanged event for both This does not work when the files are already in the folders before i start to run my program.It works for just the new files coming in.having a for each loop files loop in the onChanged event will this work I would like to know what's the best way to achieve this

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Monitoring Print Jobs On Network

Jul 11, 2011

i am developing an application which i want to use to monitor all print command executed on each and every machine on the network.I would like to record the print documemt name the time, the date, the name of computer on which the print job was made.Bascially it will be like a transaction log/Activity log which will monitor all activities done via each computer.I have researched about this and got to know that i have to use this dll files PrinterQueueWatch_Licensed i have downloaded this but for some reasons i am not able to add these file to my references so that i can start using it.

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Oracle ODBC Connection Monitoring?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to develop a simple app with in VS 2010 that could monitor the ODBC connections via DSN made on the macnhine running this app.My scenario is an application (non Vb) running on a workstation that connects to an MS Access database on a network share.

The application (non Vb) connects using a link (ODBC connection via Oracle 10G) to the tables on the Oracle side.My Application should monitor the machine running the main application for ODBC connections drops and alert me via email for example.My question is where in the framework can I find something to instantiate or reference in order to check ODBC connections states constantly as well as network disconnection issues as well so I can log and /or alert when possible for network problems and ODBC connection problems for all the applications that might run on the host (machine running my vb app).

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Real Time Monitoring Of Database?

Feb 12, 2009

I am converting an application to work with SQL.I need the application to monitor a specific table, so it can instantly pick up on changes.The sql server database is on the same machine.The table it needs to monitor is called MaintenanceRecords and it is inserted into via web service.I need to display a message in my VB project when an insert occurs in MaintenanceRecords table.

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