What Is Code For Selecting A Telerik Radiobutton

Aug 24, 2010

What code should I write to select a Telerik radiobutton?It doesn't have a .checked property.

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.net - Telerik Version Of System.windows.text Code?

Jun 8, 2012

I want to have a partial class to manage my focus between radtextboxes when a user presses the enter key and I am looking for the telerik interpretation of this line of code tbs(i).KeyDown += New KeyEventHandler(AddressOf textBoxes_KeyDown)?

Partial Public Class MstFileTruck Inherits Form
Private tbs() As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadTextBox
Public Sub New()


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Code For A Scrolling Text RadioButton?

Mar 18, 2009

How about this then a scrolling text RadioButton!!?? >>1) Go to the PROJECT menu and select ADD CLASS.2) PASTE this code


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Make Button Read Code Sectors If Radiobutton Is Selected

Jun 9, 2011

I have my program all programmed but, i want to have only one button! How can i make it so if the radio button is selected it will do a certain sector of the code when the the actual button is pressed iv had a good attempt at if - A fail attempt but heres what i did


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Selecting Entire Line/row In RichTextBox - VB6 | Dream.In.Code?

Feb 21, 2012

I wanted to select the entire line/row in the RichTextBox, where currently the cursor is. How should I do it ?The code should be paste in command button 'cmdSelect'

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Telerik.web.ui Is Missing?

Oct 11, 2011

I am Telerik controls in my project, Error is telerik.web.ui is not found, Coudn't find assembly

I have added Telerik.web.ui.dll inside Bin directory

Reference Code is available inside web.config

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Asp.net Telerik Text Selection

Mar 23, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath [code]When I click one of the rows, it will display the password of the clicked row, like so:[code]That works fine. I am proceeding this way because the decryption of the password is a rather complicated and long process, so decrypting one password at a time is less time consuming, especially when the user doesn't need all the passwords.When I have the password displayed, I'd like to be able to select the password in the grid to copy it. Unfortunately, the radgrid will fire the "RowClick" item command once more, and the row gets de-selected. Therefore, I cannot copy the passwords. My question is: Is there a way to cancel the itemcommand of a radgrid under certain circumstances? I'd like to be able to disable the itemcommand event when the password is already decrypted.[code]

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C# - PostBackUrl In RadPanelBar Telerik?

Sep 7, 2010

i would just like to ask.. how do i assign a postback url in my radpanel items in my master page

Eventually i have a MasterPage wherein i construct my radpanelbar.. and i have this Item Quiz with a child name Create What i want to achieve is when i hit the button Create in my radpanelbar it will make a

PostBackUrl="CategoryCreate.aspx?Quiz=True"show me how to do this and another question how do i manipulate the Create child in my RadPanelBar.. i have started this code shown below.. but i don't know what to do next to achieve my goal..


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C# - Telerik RadComboBox Not Building?

May 20, 2011

I'm receiving a very peculiar Telerik error, I was wondering if any of you with Telerik experience had come across this one before.

I'm using a RadComboBox, when trying to build I get this error :

Method 'Protected Sub
As Object, e As


It all runs as expected when I force run the project, but it won't build successfully or allow me to publish. The error message just doesn't make any logical sense.I've tried using System.EventArgs assuming that the Telerik event args derive from it. But still no success.

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C# - Upgrading Telerik RAD Controls For ASP.NET

Jun 19, 2009

I go about upgrading the Telerik ASP.NET controls? I am currently using the Q3 2008 release and I just recently bought the Q1 2009 SP1 release. How do I upgrade my projects? Do I need to uninstall the old one and install the new one or just install the new one? Also how do my projects get upgraded? Also, what about my projects that I have "live"? Do I just need to upload the new DLLs and and change my web.config?

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Form For Telerik RadRibbonBar?

Apr 25, 2010

I got the Telerik RadRibbonBar for free with the Express edition of vb a while back, but it did not come with any sort of form. It also, unfortunately, has the control buttons there automatically. How would I create a form which is resizable, and works like a standard winform, but doesn't have the top bar?I tried:

FormBorderStyle = Sizable
Text = Nothing
ControlBox = Falseady made for this.


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Telerik Text Selection?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath

| Username | Password |
| A_user | ***** |


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Asp.net - RegisterPostbackControl In An AsyncPostback For Telerik RadGrid?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a RadGrid in a page which has a master page with an UpdatePanel wrapped round the Content. I have successfully run RegisterPostbackControl for the Export buttons on it on first load, thus:


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Asp.net - Telerik Rad Grid Button Caption

Apr 6, 2010

Is there a way to change the caption on a gridButton on a Telerik RADGrid (on a ASP.NET web page) , depending on another of the bound fields (in this case active) e.g if active = true text = "Disable", if active = false then text "Enable"

I have resolved the issue by iterating through the e.items on the databound event, but wonder if there a 'cleaner' method for doing this

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Asp.net - Update Telerik ComboBox And RadGrid?

Nov 2, 2011

I have inherited an application that uses telerik controls. This is my first time to work with it and I'm a little confused.I have a RadComboBox that has its values hard coded. When the user selects an item, a RadGrid is refreshed to show the records that correlate with the item the user selects from this combo box. This all works great.I'm trying to create link buttons, so that when the user clicks on one, the RadComboBox value is changed to whatever value I set it to in the codebeind page and the RadGrid is refreshed to show the appropriate records.I can set the value of the RadComboBox, and see what value it has when debugging, but the RadComboBox in the browser does not reflect the change and the RadGrid is not refreshed when I programatically execute the event handler for it.

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Build Programmatically A CommandItemTemplate In Telerik?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a question about Telerik. I have a RadGrid where inside the MasterTableView I have a DetailTables tag (so I have a hierarchy) and I also have a CommandItemTemplate tag inside my MasterTableView tag. Everything is fine when it runs from markup, but I've tried to build this programmatically from code behind. Unfortunately I was not successful. Everything works, except that my CommandItemTemplate is nowhere.[code]...

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VS 2008 - Using Telerik Controls / Tools

Sep 2, 2009

Anybody have experience with using Telerik controls/tools?

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Unwated Additional Row In Telerik Hierarchical Grid?

Dec 10, 2010

I've got a normal Telerik hierarchical grid with a child detail table. However when the items get bound in the master table there is an extra row between each item. It has a cell with the class "rgExpandCol". I suppose this has to do with the expand icon? I have run out of ideas...

Has anyone out there experienced this before?

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Asp.net - Cancelling The Keypress [Enter] Action On A Telerik RadGrid

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Telerik Radgrid containing all the valid usernames and passwords that can be used to unlock functionnalities on my web page. The password is encrypted, so you have to click the row to decrypt and show the actual password. All usernames and passwords can be changed by an admin When the admin presses [ENTER] to submit the new username/password combination (instead of pressing the submit button), the new combination is actually submitted (which is fine).


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Asp.net - Telerik Upload Control In DNN Just Posts Back Without Uploading?

Jul 13, 2011

Ultimately, what I would like to do is upload files directly into the database, so I updated this question with the code I'm using to write to the database. I am developing a module in DotNetNuke using Telerik controls. I need to upload files to the server in the user interface, so I am using the RadUpload control and the RadProgressArea/RadProgressManager.

Here is my ASP:

<telerik:RadUpload ID="RadUpload1" runat="server" ControlObjectsVisibility="CheckBoxes, RemoveButtons, ClearButtons"
AllowedFileExtensions=".doc,.docx,.pdf,.tiff,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.xls,.xlsx" MaxFileInputsCount="2"
MaxFileSize="10000000" InitialFileInputsCount="2">


When I hit the button, it does a postback to the page, but the files do not get uploaded. I tried using the autoupload functions and specifying pysical and virtual paths but that didn't work. I did it exactly like they said. I manually registered the controls in my web.config, then removed them and used the auto-register feature to re-register thinking maybe I did something wrong, but I'm still at a loss.

Here's where I spent the last couple hours:
[Upload Overview][3]
[Files are not uploaded][4]

get this upload control and progress indicator working?

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C# - Telerik RadGrid Set BoundColumn To ReadOnly In Edit Mode?

Jan 8, 2012

I have a Telerik RadGrid that has three bound columns and one button column. I would like to let the user edit the values in only one of the bound columns. The user can add a new record so i can't set the two bound column to read only. Is there anyway i can do this in the ASPX or do i have to do it in the code behind? I have some code that is working but it is not the best.Here's my code:

Case "Edit"
Dim aoeAnswerCode As GridBoundColumn = CType(e.Item.OwnerTableView.GetColumn("aoeAnswerCode"), GridBoundColumn)
aoeAnswerCode.ReadOnly = True
Case "Update", "PerformInsert"[code].....

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Telerik Grid Not Rendering Dropdownlist In Column MVC3?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a problem with the Telerik grid that I can't seem to find quite the exact problem anywhere. I'm following the demo from their site for Client Side Edit Templates. When going into edit mode it immediately dies saying select method is undefined from this js statement:


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Telerik Grid, Razor And .NET In Ajax Binding Mode?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a Grid in MVC3 with razor and VB.NET. The normal Grid works fine, sorts and paginates fine, but when trying to make the Ajax binding, I get an error 500 - internal server error when I try to go to the next page.


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Telerik Winforms Controls Free For MSDN Subscribers?

Jan 6, 2010

for MSDN subscribers:[URL]

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Telerik RadOpen Command Reloads Parent Window And Scrolls?

Dec 8, 2011

I am creating a modal popup window using the Telerik RadOpen function on an Asp.Net webpage.The popup window appears correctly, but the parent window refreshes and scrolls the popup down the page. How do I create the popup without scrolling the parent window.The code I am using to create the popup is:

btnEdit.OnClientClick = _
"radopen('newDialog.aspx?id=" + _id.ToString() + _
"&_newid=" + _newId.ToString() + "', 'newDialog'); return false;"


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Access Changed (via GridDropDownListColumnEditor) Values Of A Telerik RadGrid Server-side?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm basically trying to implement the functionality of the example here ax/grid/examples/dataediting/editondblclick/defaultvb.aspx) on my own site, but instead of using a data source control located in the page markup (like in the example: essionDataSource), I'm using a dataset that I get from some server code-behind. I am able to successfully get my double-clicked row into edit mode with my dropdowns successfully

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Best Way To Use Html.radiobutton

Feb 25, 2010

In a asp.net mvc form, im using a radiobutton set, to set a property. [code] I need the CType or i get an overload error.This case seems like the most commom use of radiobutton when working with a Model property.Of course i could create a partial view or a control, but apart from that, is there a cleaner code to accomplish this?

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Get A Counter Going For Radiobutton

Nov 16, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim dblPrice As Double = 0
Dim dblTotal As Double = 0


I'm trying to get a counter going for radiobutton 3 which will allow the user to add an extra child or adult for a set price any one know how I can do this.

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How To Know Which RadioButton Is Checked

Nov 15, 2011

I have problem, that I have a lot of code, and I want to try to make less as much code. I have 30 RadioButtons and is even possible tu use something like that
If CheckedRadioButton.Checked = True Then
When user click on any of RadioButtons, then it can write number of RadioButton in settings.

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[2008] For Next With RadioButton

Mar 11, 2009

The code below obviously works, but there must be a more elegant For Next code? I have 20 Radiobuttons and the user fills a textbox. I can't work out how to rename Button1 to Button2 in a loop.


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