- Update Telerik ComboBox And RadGrid?

Nov 2, 2011

I have inherited an application that uses telerik controls. This is my first time to work with it and I'm a little confused.I have a RadComboBox that has its values hard coded. When the user selects an item, a RadGrid is refreshed to show the records that correlate with the item the user selects from this combo box. This all works great.I'm trying to create link buttons, so that when the user clicks on one, the RadComboBox value is changed to whatever value I set it to in the codebeind page and the RadGrid is refreshed to show the appropriate records.I can set the value of the RadComboBox, and see what value it has when debugging, but the RadComboBox in the browser does not reflect the change and the RadGrid is not refreshed when I programatically execute the event handler for it.

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ADVERTISEMENT - RegisterPostbackControl In An AsyncPostback For Telerik RadGrid?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a RadGrid in a page which has a master page with an UpdatePanel wrapped round the Content. I have successfully run RegisterPostbackControl for the Export buttons on it on first load, thus:


View 1 Replies - Cancelling The Keypress [Enter] Action On A Telerik RadGrid

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Telerik Radgrid containing all the valid usernames and passwords that can be used to unlock functionnalities on my web page. The password is encrypted, so you have to click the row to decrypt and show the actual password. All usernames and passwords can be changed by an admin When the admin presses [ENTER] to submit the new username/password combination (instead of pressing the submit button), the new combination is actually submitted (which is fine).


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C# - Telerik RadGrid Set BoundColumn To ReadOnly In Edit Mode?

Jan 8, 2012

I have a Telerik RadGrid that has three bound columns and one button column. I would like to let the user edit the values in only one of the bound columns. The user can add a new record so i can't set the two bound column to read only. Is there anyway i can do this in the ASPX or do i have to do it in the code behind? I have some code that is working but it is not the best.Here's my code:

Case "Edit"
Dim aoeAnswerCode As GridBoundColumn = CType(e.Item.OwnerTableView.GetColumn("aoeAnswerCode"), GridBoundColumn)
aoeAnswerCode.ReadOnly = True
Case "Update", "PerformInsert"[code].....

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Access Changed (via GridDropDownListColumnEditor) Values Of A Telerik RadGrid Server-side?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm basically trying to implement the functionality of the example here ax/grid/examples/dataediting/editondblclick/defaultvb.aspx) on my own site, but instead of using a data source control located in the page markup (like in the example: essionDataSource), I'm using a dataset that I get from some server code-behind. I am able to successfully get my double-clicked row into edit mode with my dropdowns successfully

View 2 Replies - Redirect To Two Different Pages In Radgrid Using Two Command Buttons Inside Radgrid?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a radgrid1 and inside radgrid Item template i have two imagebutton namely imagebutton1 and imagebutton2 .... i want when i click on Selected radgrid Item whose id is id then after clicking on Image Button1 i redirect to ~/book.aspx?id=1 and if i click on imagebutton2 then i redirect to ~/details.aspx?id=1 Note : the id of the item will be changed dynamically according to the selected radgrid row . I have already done it using simple Gridview but m unable to perform this action using radgrid.

View 1 Replies - RadGrid Doesn't Update After Postback

Oct 24, 2011

I'm doing a form to add/edit/delete values from a data catalog. everything goes fine but the Radgrid doesn't update after Submit Button is pressed in the edit/new dialog. i did it before in a more complex form but i can't figure exactly what's wrong.

in the update the data where the new data will be overwritten dissapears after postback. (i have a way to solve this)

mnlib is a library of my authorship to deal with common tasks i know that queries with strings like {$database_name} is not a standart practice, and probably is not recomended, but i have to deal with it . i'm doing almost everything programatically some of the code is ommited because character limit in post Updated: Reduced code, i'm afraid if keep reducing code, i will eventually delete something important to the iusse

ASPX file

<%@ Page Title="" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Templates/2Cols.Master" CodeBehind="lstCat.aspx.vb" Inherits="adquisicioneNET.lstCat" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="server">


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Update Source Combobox To Printer Combobox Selection?

Mar 27, 2011

Is there a way to update source combobox to printer combobox selection?So going from printer1 to printer2 the source will update according to what that printer has to offer.

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Radgrid And RadFormDecorator?

Aug 14, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application using the Telerik Q1 2009 controls. I have a masterpage, which has a FormDecorator control in the master page. In my ASPX page, I have a RadGrid, with the following definition:

<telerik:RadGrid ID="gridExclusions" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"
GridLines="None" AutoGenerateColumns="False" PageSize="5">


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Radcontrols Tooltip And Radgrid?

Jun 3, 2011

I am trying to replicate something like this demo http:[url]....using the radtooltipmanager and the radgrid but i get an error that default2 is not is my code

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Me.IsPostBack Then
'GridView does not keep its items' IDs after postback, so rebind it or else tooltip manager will not show tooltips[code].....

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C# - How To Deselect A Row In RadGrid For Windows Forms

Jan 23, 2012

I tried the ClearSelection method, it is deselecting the row but the selected cell is still highlighted

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How To Read Multilevel Xml Bind To Radgrid

Jul 29, 2010

I am planning not to use Aspx for this 2) The node named Item would eventually change as per app Requirements. So, I don't want to restrict my xpath to something like "//Product/Item"..[code]I am reading this xml from codebehind and iterating through xmlnodes to display in the grid. Please find my snippet below:Dim root as new xmldocument() ' After loading the above xml into root..[code]I need the Columns: ItemID, ProductNo, indented Description with ManufacDate and ManufacID. I m not sure how to get this displayed.

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C# - Exporting A Custom Excel File With RadGrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I can export my radgrid to an excel file but I want to add some more info into the sheet.If it is possible, I would appreciate for a tutorial/sample code for doing a custom excel file generation.

<tel:radgrid runat="server" id="mygrid" skinid="RadGrid_Search_Standard">
<ExportSettings HideStructureColumns="true" />

Grid is databound with some datatable and I need to add some data to add some strings above


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Passing The Value Of A Readonly Radgrid Column To A Stored Procedure

Nov 4, 2009

I have a radgrid bound to a SqlDataSource that includes a hidden, readonly column that stores a pk. I want to pass the value bound to that column to a stored procedure for Updates but the default behavior when the column is readonly is not to pass the parameter to the sqlDataSource. My question is whether there is a way to pass that value without having to go into the code behind. Here is a snippet of my asp markup.

<telerik:RadGrid ID="rgEmployees" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="sdsEmployees" GridLines="None" AllowAutomaticUpdates="true" AllowAutomaticDeletes="true">


If I set readonly="false" on the It works fine but then the user can edit the primary key value which is not desired. I know work arounds in code behind but is there any way to do it straight in the markup?

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RadGrid - Filter Textboxs, Any Way To Control Their Width Dynamically?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a RadGrid with a filtercontrol on it. The grid fits the size of the window, but certain views have quite a few columns and when the columns get shrunk down, the filter controls don't resize to fit. Is there any way to set those filter controls to auto fix within the width of the column?

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How To Update Combobox After Database Changes

Apr 25, 2010

I fill my combobox cbx from an Access database as follows:

Public daOfficers As New OleDbDataAdapter, dsOfficers A New DataSet, dtOfficers As New DataTable
daOfficers.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT pID, [pName] & "", "" & [pPrename]


View 7 Replies - Programatically Removing A Header Context Menu Filter From RadGrid?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a repeater I've bound to column names that are filtered, as they're applied (using sessions currently, I might change this to loop through the columns looking for filters now that I really know how the grid works).

I've got a button next to each filtered column name that is to remove the filter from the RadGrid.


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Telerik.web.ui Is Missing?

Oct 11, 2011

I am Telerik controls in my project, Error is telerik.web.ui is not found, Coudn't find assembly

I have added Telerik.web.ui.dll inside Bin directory

Reference Code is available inside web.config

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ComboBox Update When New File Create?

Dec 5, 2009

My Text Folder is "C: ext"If I m Past Any Text file in This Folder Then My ComboBox Update its Name I want only textfileDont Scared With My Silly Example.?

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Datagrid View ComboBox Update?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a datagrid that is populated using a stored procedure. One of the columns is called LotNum which I would like to have as the combo box....this combo box should be populated by a table called CurrentLotNumbers, with the field LotNumber. My current coding is below. I am using windows forms and vs 2005. What do I need to add so the user can use this combo box, and do I need to add anything extra to my save button which saves the changes to the datagrid.

Dim ReturnInventory As SqlCommand = InventoryConn.CreateCommand
ReturnInventory.CommandType = CommandType.StoreProcedure


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How To Update ComboBox Values From DataSet

Apr 12, 2009

How to update combobox values coming from a dataset if I change the connection string. The connection string takes effect but doesn't update the dataset tied to the combobox.

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Update Combobox On Save And Delete?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a bound combo box with employee profile names. I have two buttons: save and delete buttons.When I edit a selected profile, I hit save and automatically the change is reflected in the bound combo box, but when I hit delete or create new profile, I have to close the app and when I open it I see the changes in the bound combo box.The combobox.Refresh() no workThis is my code:

Private Sub deleteselectedprofile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_deleteprofile_oninsideprofiledittap1.Click
Dim mconn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=epmapp_db;Integrated


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Update Data From Database Using Combobox?

Mar 24, 2011

Im now creating an inventory system for my project.

i having difficulty with my project im using combobox to select data from database and i want to update the data. if i selected second row of the data it will update the first row of the data.

"comboboxitem_name" - red ball pen
- blue ball pen
- black ball pen
"quantitytextbox"- 100

when i selected the "blue ball pen" and fill the information that i want to update then press the submit button. the red ball pen will update with the information that i want to update to "blue ball pen" and the "red ball pen" will change it name to

"blue ball pen". and now i have two "blue ball pen", one with "red ball pen" information and the other one with original "blue ball pen" information.

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Update Object Property Placed In The Combobox?

Apr 7, 2010

I am working on a project that uses lots of custom class objects.Before starting work on real project, I tested the object behaviour on a temporary project. And find that if i add the object to a list and combobox and then make any change to the object property then it reflects in list and combobox.But after using the same process in real project the change does not reflect. how can i update object property placed in the combobox.for eg.Class X has property id and name created objX of type Class X and set id=1 and name='All' insert objX to combobox now, in the same form and in other function when i get objX from combobox and change name='None', then it does not reflect in combobox.

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Update SQL Server DB Using Combobox Selected Value?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to update my database based on the selected values in two comboboxes.

Combobox1 = Manufacturers
Combobox2 = Orderlists

In the App the user selects a manufacturer and then an orderlist and then presses Ok button which updates the default orderlist for the manufacturer.I am having problems on buttonClick event which updates the data, just unsure of method, if somebody could even point me towards a good tutorial it would be great as I have searched high and low for one.

Code is as follows....

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class frmMain


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Update With Datagridview When Combobox Added

Jan 7, 2012

I had a functioning datagridview that was created from VB2010's datasource by clicking on a table, picking datagridview and dragging to a form. I changed three of the columns of the grid to comboboxes bound to different tables. If I change a value in a column (not a combobox column which still shows the value from the original table), I receive InvalidOperationException was unhandled on Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.MasterDataDataSet). What code do I need to add if I change columns to comboboxes?

View 4 Replies Telerik Text Selection

Mar 23, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath [code]When I click one of the rows, it will display the password of the clicked row, like so:[code]That works fine. I am proceeding this way because the decryption of the password is a rather complicated and long process, so decrypting one password at a time is less time consuming, especially when the user doesn't need all the passwords.When I have the password displayed, I'd like to be able to select the password in the grid to copy it. Unfortunately, the radgrid will fire the "RowClick" item command once more, and the row gets de-selected. Therefore, I cannot copy the passwords. My question is: Is there a way to cancel the itemcommand of a radgrid under certain circumstances? I'd like to be able to disable the itemcommand event when the password is already decrypted.[code]

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C# - PostBackUrl In RadPanelBar Telerik?

Sep 7, 2010

i would just like to ask.. how do i assign a postback url in my radpanel items in my master page

Eventually i have a MasterPage wherein i construct my radpanelbar.. and i have this Item Quiz with a child name Create What i want to achieve is when i hit the button Create in my radpanelbar it will make a

PostBackUrl="CategoryCreate.aspx?Quiz=True"show me how to do this and another question how do i manipulate the Create child in my RadPanelBar.. i have started this code shown below.. but i don't know what to do next to achieve my goal..


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C# - Telerik RadComboBox Not Building?

May 20, 2011

I'm receiving a very peculiar Telerik error, I was wondering if any of you with Telerik experience had come across this one before.

I'm using a RadComboBox, when trying to build I get this error :

Method 'Protected Sub
As Object, e As


It all runs as expected when I force run the project, but it won't build successfully or allow me to publish. The error message just doesn't make any logical sense.I've tried using System.EventArgs assuming that the Telerik event args derive from it. But still no success.

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C# - Upgrading Telerik RAD Controls For ASP.NET

Jun 19, 2009

I go about upgrading the Telerik ASP.NET controls? I am currently using the Q3 2008 release and I just recently bought the Q1 2009 SP1 release. How do I upgrade my projects? Do I need to uninstall the old one and install the new one or just install the new one? Also how do my projects get upgraded? Also, what about my projects that I have "live"? Do I just need to upload the new DLLs and and change my web.config?

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