While Press On User See Message - Sockets Msg

May 27, 2011

on Sockets msg problem see pic and source code edit it for me big

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GetAsyncKeyState - Press Control, The Message Box Doesn't Pop Up?

Sep 10, 2011

I'm currently using this

Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
Public Function GetKeyState(ByVal Key1 As Integer, Optional ByVal Key2 As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal Key3 As Integer = -1) As Boolean[code].......

But even when I do press control, the message box doesn't pop up.

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Send A Message To A Different Program To Press A Button On It?

Mar 16, 2010

how can i send a message to a different program to press a button on it without me doing it with my mouse?

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Simulate Enter Press To Close Message Box?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a password form that contains a load of buttons. The user has to enter a four digit, numeric, password to procede. They do this by pressing one of 10 number buttons on the screen, the keyboard isn't used. If they enter the wrong password an error message pops up (this isn't using the error tool I just added a message box msgbox("Error Code #638492") or something) if the user doesn't enter a password, after 5 seconds (I use a timer called Timer1 with an interval of 5 seconds) the form closes and it goes back to the previous page.

My only problem is when I close the form using Me.close(), the message box is still displayed. And if the message box is still displayed it doesn't work. The form is miminized (I have the application in full screen) so this is very bad. What I need is to simulate the enter key press then close the form so the enter key is pressed, the messagebox close then the password form closes.I can do this using SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"). Here's the sub I use:


However, if I don't have the 'Close()' line of code in the message box closes as it should. If I don't have the message box open and I don't use the SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}") then the close() line works perfectly and close the password form as it should?

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Getting Error Message Whenever I Press Delete button In My Program

Jul 3, 2010

I get the following error message whenever I press the delete button in my program.

Unable to complete the delete/cancel operation: Update requires a valid delete command when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows.[code]....

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Create A Message Box That Stores User Name, Message And Post Datetime Into The Database As Messages Are Sent?

Jan 6, 2010

create a message box that stores my user name, message, and post datetime into the database as messages are sent. Soon came to realise, what if the user changed his name? So I decided to use the user id (icn) to identify the message poster instead. However, my chunk of codes keep giving me the same error. Says that there are no rows in the dataset.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim name As String
Dim icn As String
Dim message As String


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Create An Error Message By Message Box To Tell The User To Enter A Number Only If They Key In A Character Value?

Feb 22, 2009

how to create an error message by message box to tell the user to enter a number only if they key in a character value?


Private Sub btnCalcFat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalcFat.Click
Dim intFat As Integer
intFat = Integer.Parse(txtFat.Text)
lblResultDisplay.Text = txtFat.Text * 9
End Sub

My text box is call txtFat

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VS 2008 Sending A Message To A Window To Press The Maximize Button?

Jun 26, 2009

Is there is any option to send a message to a window to "press" on the maximize button? I thought using the sendmessage API but I don't really know how, I alreday got the window handle, the problem is how to send the message?

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VS 2008 Make Autotyper Press Enter Every Single Time After The Textbox Message Was Typed?

May 21, 2009

I have Visual Basics 2008 express and I tried to make a autotyper, so this is my

Button1: Timer1.Start
Timer1: Timer2.Start
Timer2: SendKeys.Send(Textbox.text)
Button2: Timer2.Stop

So it was my first try ever with VB and it kind of worked... Only 2 problems;

1. Button 2 doesn't really work, I have to click it really many times, then go to a different window, then click it really many times again, in the meantime it keeps on spamming

2. How do I make my autotyper press enter every single time after the textbox message was typed?

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Changing Label Color When User Press K Key

Oct 22, 2009

I've got a program where I want something to happen when the user presses the 'k' key. I want my label to change colour.
Private Sub k(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyPress
lbl_letter2.ForeColor = Color.Magenta
End Sub
Doesn't work.

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[2008] Forbid To The User To Press The Combination Of Alt+F4?

Mar 10, 2009

I was wondering how to forbid to the user to press the combination of Alt+F4? or atleast if user presses Alt then MsgBox("...") so that the combination ruins...?

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Allow User To Press Enter To Trigger Text Change Of Object?

Mar 29, 2009

I am trying to allow a user to press enter in a text box to trigger a text change of an object...
1. Say u put 2 in a text box called "Number" and
2. When you press enter,
3. Another object named and shaped as a book to change it's text, that u can see on the picture to "write"..
4. Originally the book will have the text "Start" on it

Do I changed the "number text box" enter event?
Private Sub xNumberTextBox_Enter(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xNumberTextBox.Enter
Me.NumbertextBox.AcceptsReturn = True
end sub
Is what I have so far.....

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Deleting Windows Temp Files When User Press Button

Aug 20, 2011

How To Make It So When You Press A Button, It Deletes Windows Temp Files.

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Repeating Two Popup Input Boxes Until User Press Cancel?

Dec 2, 2010

Is there a way to repeat two popup input boxes (in succession) until the user presses cancel?
Dim hours As Integer
Dim letterGrade As String
hours = InputBox("Total credit hours", "Total credit hours", )
letterGrade = InputBox("Letter Grade", "Letter Grade", )
The input boxes continue to repeat but when I hit cancel nothing happens... I'm sure I'm missing something to tell it when I cancel to go back to the MainForm I just don't know what it is.....

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Stop A Threadpool When User Press Cancel Task Button?

Jul 20, 2011

Is there any direct way to stop a threadpool when user press Cancel Task button? I got SmartThreadPool but using that i could not arrange my code. Its becoming difficult.

Here is my simple code:

'Delegaet to update UI
Public Delegate Sub updateClassDelegate(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal status As String)


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Create One Help File For Whole Application - Once User Press Help Button Next To Any Input Control

Aug 17, 2010

I want to create one help file for my whole application. and once user press help button next to any input control then appropriate help topic from file should get display. how can i create this functionality in vb.net?

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VS 2008 - Calling Sub When User Press Enter On Textbox (Computer Beeps)

Nov 10, 2011

I may be doing this wrong but I want to call a sub when the user presses enter on a textbox. The sub then shows a window in dialog mode. When I close that window, the computer makes a ding sound. Why is that? Is there a better way for detecting enter being presses on a textbox and not getting that ding?

If e.KeyChar = vbCr Then
End If

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VS 2008 - Using Form2 To Display Informaitonal Messages Without Having The User To Press The OK Button?

Jan 2, 2010

I have an app that I'm using Form2 to display informaitonal messages without having the user to press the OK button. I DIM form2 as a new form as a global and then add a lable to it on the fly and then control it's appearance with a timer. This all works great providing the main form is being displayed however I can't make Form2 show up if the main form is minimized or hidden. I can get around this a bit by keeping the main form maximized but change it's Opacity to zero but once I do that I have no idea how to return the Opacity back to normal when I do want to see the form. Anyone have any ideas on how to make Form2 display if the main from is minimzed or how to control the Opacity of the main form so I can return things to normal? I was thinking that there might be something I could do with hovering over or clicking on the icon in the taskbar but I don't know what that event might be.

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Create A Shortcut For Program That Sends The User To The World Map Of A Website With The Press Of A Button?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to create a shortcut for my program that sends the user to the world map of a website with the press of a button, but it isn't working. Here's my code:

Private Sub Game_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Game.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.M Then
End If
End Sub

"Game" is a WebBrowser control.

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Hangman Game - Generate Random Number When User Press Start Button

Jul 29, 2009

i've created a hangman game (Fully working) but since you can only "play" with one phrase (10 letters) it gets boring fast. Basic the current game works by on form load i define the slots (10 string which each hold a letter) and give them there letter. then the user type in a text box and if the textbox = any of the slots then the lbl repasenting that slots changes its text from "_" to the letter.

Anyway what I would like the button to do is when the user presses the start button a random number is generated. The program then looks into a textfile and based on which number is generated it takes a certain line (10 characters per line in a phrase) , moves them into the slots and the game starts. Is that possible to code or it too complicated. The textfile will be in the applications folder (words.txt).

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Allow The User To Send A Message To An Application?

Dec 3, 2009

So im trying to allow the user to send a message to an application on a server telling it to do different things. So i build the client and the server side applications and tested them on my computer and another computer here. Everything worked great, just like i wanted it to.

When I moved the server application to the actual server and tried connection via the internet, it did not work. I got the error message: An error has occured : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond IPADDRESS:PORT

Well then I realized chances are a VPN connection to my server and using my servers name instead of my servers IPADDRESS would fix this problem, which it did.

I dont want to require the user to have to create a VPN connection, i dont really care reather they use the IPaddress or not, although if theres a fix for that too it would be great. Heres my code: (I have marked where the error occured)

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text


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Display A Message To The User If Certain Criteria Is Not Met?

Oct 14, 2011

I want to display a message to the user if certain criteria is not met. Example of this would be - If "B" is equal to or less than "A", I want to display a message to the user.

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How To Make Each User Have A Different Color Message

Jul 17, 2009

With the code i have written can someone tell me how to make each user of the chat room have a different color message(text color) and were to place the code to do that.[code]

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Make A Message Box Appear When The User Presses Alt K (then) Alt E (then) Alt J?

Apr 17, 2009

i want to make a message box appear when the user presses Alt k (then) Alt e (then) alt j . is this the correct code to use?:

Private Sub form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txt3.KeyDown
Dim intcount As Integer = 0
If e.Alt And e.KeyCode.ToString = "k" Then
intcount = intcount + 1


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Make Each User Have A Different Color Message?

Dec 6, 2009

Make Each User Have A Different Color Message

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Login When User Type Password And They Press Enter That Login Code Can Be Activate?

May 29, 2009

how can i login when user type password and they press enter that login code can be activiate. What event can be using for this, i m using button_click event. need textbox typed value and press enter it should be login to that next form.

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User Type Password And Press "Enter" Without Click Log In Button ?

Aug 10, 2009

I've one form log in and 2 button in that form, log in and cancel. when user type user name and password,they must click log in button. I want when user type password and press "Enter" without click log in button.

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Asp.net - Display Message To User And Then Abandon Session?

Jan 11, 2012

I have added Two Factor Authentication to my Mobile ASP.Net Web App. When the user successfully enters their User Name and Password then a pin number is emailed to their email address which is stored in the database. The issue I am having is that after notifying the user that they don't have an email defined and then reload the login page but my code isn't notifying the user rather it is just reloading the Login.aspx page:


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Connect With Other User Through Ip Address And Send Them Message

Jun 21, 2010

I want connect with other user through ip address and send them a message how it will don in vb.net

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Display A Message Box To Inform A User Of A Requirement?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to display a message box to inform a user of a requirement. In this case, the requirement is to insert a USB flash drive. This is easy enough:

MessageBox.Show(blah, blah, blah)

This message box will only have an OK button. What I need to happen is this:The OK button should not be available (enabled) until after the flash drive has had a chance to initialize. We will say this takes 2-4 seconds. So how to I keep the OK button disabled during this time and then enable after the time has passed?

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