WinForms Clearing Multiple Textboxes With One Command?

Feb 7, 2010

I have several textboxes in a form, and have a button which inserts all the values in a Database and I have to clear the content of all the textboxes and focus to the first one right after pressing the button.Now I can easily do that using the Clear method of each of the textboxes but it takes 10-12 lines of code just for that. Can I do that in one go?

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Winforms - .NET Multiple Textboxes Validation?

Dec 1, 2010

validating a form with multiple text boxes? User would be informed what was the problematic field.The source of the form:

Private Sub btnNewUser_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNewUser.Click
'If txtEmail.Text.Contains(" "c) Or Not(InStr(txtEmail.Text, "@")) Then
'ElseIf txtPassword.Text.Contains(" "c) Then


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Clearing All Textboxes But One?

Nov 14, 2009

I have three textboxes and a button. The button's role is to clear all the textboxes. This one textbox that I don't want to clear keeps clearing. What do I have to do for this one textbox to not clear up when the clear button is pressed ?

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Clearing All Textboxes In GroupBox?

Oct 5, 2011

I want to clear all of the text boxes in a groupbox without hard coding them all. I tried the following snippet, but it also clears all of the form labels which I would like to keep.
For Each TextBox In GroupBox1.Controls
TextBox.Text = ""

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Clearing Textboxes / Comboboxes When Button Clicked

Jan 29, 2009

I would like to create a button that clears textboxes and comboboxes when it is clicked. For example when 'btnClear' is clicked then txtDate gets cleared (i.e. txtDate is 22/05/2000 then when btnClear is clicked it has nothing in it)

I have already tried
txtDate = ""
txtDate = Nothing
but an error comes up.

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Clearing Textboxes, Listboxes, Checkboxes And Radiobuttons?

Jan 12, 2010

I have developed a simple form with some checkboxes, textboxes, radiobuttons, and textboxes inside a groupbox. Initially I had all of this inside 3 tabs. I created a button to clear all selections so user can restart the process of selection if so choses. It does not work (see below). I thought it is the tabs - so I went on and removed them (by coping the groupbox - deleting the tabs and then pasting the groubox into the main form). The code still does not work. Is there a setting that I must change or something else because a created a simple form with a couple of groupboxes that had all the above mentioned and it works just fine - all of them clear. Just in my form it does not work

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Forms :: Clearing Textboxes And Comboboxes In Userform?

Jun 16, 2011

so yesterday this code was working for my userforms and today its not. Its a simple clear command for textboxes and comboboxes. what is from here?

Dim ctl As Control
ForEach ctl In Controls
IfTypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
IfTypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
Next ctl

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String.Empty - Clearing Both Labels And Textboxes

Nov 7, 2011

When clearing input from users. What is the difference between clearing it in these two forms
txtExample.Text = String.Empty

The only difference that I could find was that the labels aren't cleared with .Clear() (or at least from what I inferred from my book that's not possible). Is there a noticeable speed difference or should I just clear both labels and txt boxes with String.Empty

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Clearing Multiple Text Fields

Aug 2, 2010

I tried searching for a solution, but couldn't find anything, so if I am re-asking a common question, don't beat me too badly. For a class, I have to create a form that allows someone to enter in the names of six students, as well as five test scores each. It also averages the scores, and displays them in a label.

What I am wondering is if there is a way to clear the text from all 36 text fields, as well as the 6 labels without having to do everything individually?
I could certainly go through, and write out txtField1.text = String.Empty 36 times, but it seems there would be a more elegant solution. Also, if there is a way to do so, would the same would apply for putting the data entered into an array, or saving it to a file?

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Forms :: Run A Command Line Script From Within Winforms Application

Jul 19, 2010

I am writing an application in which a user is doing a file conversion. I have a set of tools that can perform the conversion on the fly via command line, but I'm not entirely sure of how to go about passing the parameters I need to the command line and running them. Can someone point me to the right direction?Would I just create a System.Diagnostics.Process and use that? If so how do I do the line by line command? For instance if I need to issue a cd command to change the directory and then execute a command after that how would I do that?

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Display Multiple Records In Multiple Textboxes?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to display the multiple records in multiple textboxes Following is my tables and data:

tblJan with these data:
col id
col January

now i want to display the value 10 in one textbox and the value 20 in another textbox and so with the value 30 in another textbox..

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Multiple Textboxes To Multiple List Boxes?

Mar 13, 2012

Okay this is the simple thing I'm trying to accomplish. I can get richtextbox1 to add to listbox 1. but i cant get both to add. the compare works fine. I'm stumped.

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Imply A Command That Affects All TextBoxes In The Application?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm wondering if there is a way to write a code that affects every single TextBox in my application... I have about 12 Forms that are all inherited from my BaseForm. I want to affect all of the TextBoxes in those 12 forms The idea is, that every single TextBox would change the text in it to Bold, if the text is not 0 or 0,0 or 0,00. Let's say there is a Form that has about 100 textboxes to indicate different values. Every TextBox that shows the value 0 should be in normal font, but every TextBox that shows any other value should be bolded...

Or should I just do a public function that is called every time a textbox changes value? (Not quite sure how to do this either...)

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Auto Fill TextBoxes In Order With Paste Command

Nov 20, 2011

I have this picture to be more clear. My idea is when I paste (ctrl+v) for example this number: 4111111111111111. It would automatically paste them in textboxes one by one in order!

so txtBox1 will contain : 4111
txtBox2 : 1111
txtBox3 : 1111
txtBox4 : 1111

The automation of inserting credit card's number will ease so much. So that user will not work so hard to cut & paste each four digits!dy in txtBox4 and want to delete back with the key "BackSpace/Return". After deleting txtBox4's content and clicking one more time the "RETURN' key it would move to txtBox3 and so on until cursor gets to txtBox1...

View 7 Replies - SQL - Make The Insert Command Move Values From The Textboxes Into The Database

Dec 9, 2011

I am currently working in Visual Basic 2010 with a webform. I created an SQL database inside of Visual Basic and I'm trying to make the insert command move values from the textboxes into the database.


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Winforms - Multiple Backgroundworker .net?

Mar 18, 2011

I need to run multiple task in the background using backgroundwoker

e.g dim mybacgroundwokers(10) as backgroundwoker

in the backgroundworker event procedure, can i do somthing like this, cos i don't have an idea


select case index
case 1
'dowork for backgroundworker1
case 2
'dowork for backgroundworker2
end select

or how do i handle multiple backgroundworker if non of this is possible with the backgroundworker, how do i do this using thread multithreading?

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Multiple Controls From Different Sources In Winforms?

Aug 12, 2009

Has anyone tried using controls from different sources into their application that uses winforms? Will these combination of controls work together?

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Winforms - Uploading Multiple Files With .Net?

Nov 26, 2009

I need to upload multiple files in a winforms application. So far I've been using a webclient and while this is working fine I'm wondering if there is a better way for doing this. Does the webclient make a new connection for every request or does the connection persists between uploads?

Dim Ftpclient As New System.Net.WebClient()Ftpclient.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password)

Dim Files As New Dictionary(Of String, String)Fill dictionary with items for upload here

For Each RemoteFile As String In Files.Keys Ftpclient.UploadFile(RemoteFile, Files(RemoteFile))Next

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Winforms - .net Activated Fires Multiple Times?

Sep 22, 2011

I want to update a database based on the form that is currently activated. I had originally decided to use the GotFocus event. However I now understand that will not work as the form has controls on it. So I then thought I wouls use the activated event. This works but seems to fire multiple times. I put in the following code:

Private Sub frmNewTicket_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
MsgBox("Form Activated")
End Sub

I select the form and make it activated and the message box appears about 15 times.Why does it do this? How should I handle this. I only want my code to execute once when the form is activated.NOTE: There are several forms that the users will be changing between, incuding forms from other applications.

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Access The Multiple Textboxes?

Feb 13, 2010

I have 20 textboxes. textbox1 to textbox20. how can i access the text of each in a for loop. What i want to do(and I know this does'nt work) is

for loop = textbox1 to textbox20
storestring= storestring + loop.text

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Add Multiple Textboxes Together To Get Total?

Mar 31, 2012

All i get back when i run it is "The sum of all scores is: 0"[code]...

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Adding Up Multiple Textboxes All Together

Nov 6, 2009

Ok so I am adding up multiple textboxes about 10 all together. using Cdbl to convert strings to numbers, works fine.


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Multiple Textboxes In Messagebox?

Dec 1, 2009

Ok I need to have a message box pop up when a user clicks the "Add Patient" button and the message box should have multiple textboxes which include Patient name, Patient ID, etc. I guess my question is can I do this with a message box or do I need a new form to pop up when the button is clicked. The form is connected to a database and the info entered should be added to the "Patients" data table.

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Multiple Unique Textboxes

Jan 6, 2009

I have a form on a program i am working on that i need to check if all the textboxes hold a separate value when a button is clicked. I know that i can use comparative operators to check the values are different, but i am using 6 different textboxes, and don't fancy typing. [Code] 36 times over, could somebody point me in the right direction for an easy way of checking that 6 textboxes hold different values. Also, as a sidenote, i would like to know if there is a way to check if all 6 are numeric in an easier way than typing is-numeric(textbox1).

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Paste Into Multiple Textboxes At Once?

Aug 20, 2010

Is there a way to copy multiple delmited items and paste them into multiple textboxes on a windows form at once?

I have a form with 5 text boxes, if you click in the first textbox and press the tab key it jumps to the next textbox.

so lets say I copy data from notepad :


and click on the first textbox on the form and press paste, it will only paste the first line.

Is there a way to add that "tab" character to the end of each line, so when I paste the data, it will automatically fill all the texboxes?

I know this is possible in browsers with plugins, but i want to do this onto an existing windows form which code I am not allowed to change.

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SaveSetting With Multiple Textboxes?

Jun 24, 2010

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class Form1


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Allow Each Item To Use Multiple Lines In A Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

Oct 22, 2010

Allow each item to use multiple lines in a Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

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Winforms - Error - CheckedListBox Is Not Compatible With Multiple Selection

Apr 16, 2010

I have a little problem with a little VB.NET application that I am building. This is a winforms applications not WPF.I have a checkedlistbox with a few items and I want to allow user to select more than one using arrows keys or mouse clicks combined with shift and ctrl keys so I set selectionMode property to multiExtended. In design time it is not possible I get an error: It says value property is not valid.and if I set it in runtime by doing:

clbEmployees.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiSimple

I get an error too: It says CheckedListBox is not compatible with multiple selection.

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Change A Property Of Multiple TextBoxes?

Mar 18, 2012

is it possible to make this:

TextBox1.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Enabled = False
TextBox3.Enabled = False


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Change Maxlength For Multiple Textboxes?

Feb 17, 2011

how to change multiple textboxes without calling each specific name. I have about 10 textboxes and would like to change their maxlength based on the following conditions.

1- If the user select decimal i would like to limit the maxlength to 3 on all the 10 textboxes at once versus individually changing each textbox maxlength.

2. If the user select hexadecimal i would like to limit the maxlength to 2 on all the 10 textboxes all at once.

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