Writing User Documentation In HTML For Windows?

May 21, 2009

I have a windows project with an MDI interface.

I want to add a menu item called "Help" and when clicked load a HTML document I will create with another application.

Can I do that in a windows .NET 2008 program?

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Writing Function Documentation In A Dll Project?

Apr 26, 2012

I am creating a dll to use with all my projects and have run into a problem. functions work fine and i have no problems using the dll with a project but i am trying to add xml documentation to the functions in the dll so that i have information when i call it, i can see the summary if i call the function from within the dll project but not if i call it from a seperate project.

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Windows InitiateSystemShutdown And MS Documentation

Nov 7, 2011

If I run this against a Windows 7 machine it shutdown with forcing apps to close. owever if I run the same program against a XP on it reboots the machine??? SO I tried swapping the parameters between reboot and force and this works on XP IE the supossed reboot actually forces applications to close ?? Is Microsoft documentation just wrong after all these years or am I missing something ??


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Writing User Info Such As User, Computer Name, Date, And Time To An Acces Database?

Sep 25, 2009

writing user info such as user, computer name, date, and time to an acces database using a button click event. Then use a query to check if the user has accepted the aggreement. If the user has accepted the aggreement then call a vb.exe that display the aggrement. I have a login script that runs the vb.exe and uses a button click that records the user info to a csv file, but if the user has already agreed to the policies I do not want it run again.

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Writing From Lstbox To HTML File?

May 24, 2010

Was just wondering how you can write multiple values from a list box to a html file. I have 6 list boxes. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 and would like the date to go like this:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6


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Find Documentation For "Microsoft Internet Controls", "HTML Object Library"?

Sep 23, 2009

I have been writing VBA code for MS Access for years, but am starting my first project that will need to retrieve data from the Internet. I have come across code samples that use "Microsoft Internet Controls" and "Microsoft HTML Object Library", and I can make them available references in VBA, and available methods and fields etc. show when writing code, but I cannot find any documentation for these APIs. Does it come with MS Office on the CDs (if so, where?), or is it available over the Internet somewhere?

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Access Denied To The Path While Writing A File In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).

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Writing A Windows Service (MacTimeFix.exe) To Fix The Windows Time On A Macintosh?

Jan 31, 2009

I'm writing a windows service (MacTimeFix.exe) to fix the Windows time on a Macintosh (it's like this: i live in Moscow (GMT+03:00), and Mac OS thinks that the system time is GMT+00:00 and adds 03:00 to it< and Windows thinks that system time is the local time).I need to execute my code when my VB app is closed. (it happens with the shutdown of Windows) The form is invisible (hidden), and the user mustn't click anything except windws shutdown button. It is a service. When i write a Form1_FormClosing sub, it works only on Alt+F4 or CloseButton and doesn't work when the app is stopped from Windows Task Manager or whatever also.I need a way to execute sub when app is closed with taskkill (without /force) or a way to execute a several app on Winshutdown.

Here is my code:

Public Class Form1
Dim SystemMary As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
SystemMary = Mid(TimeString, 1, 2)


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VS 2008 Writing Class To Convert Datatables To HTML?

Mar 29, 2010

I need to create an HTML email that consists of four tables. My idea is to create four different datareader or datatables and pass them to a class that converts them to HTML. Please help me get started.I've done this before by creating a stringbuilder then appending text to it and then sending it as an html email. but, now I want to build a class so I don't have to do it the long way all the time?

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Writing IF Statement To Check For Html Class String?

Dec 30, 2009

I am writing the code as on if statement that if the html class has strings called "<a id=""rowTitle1""(.*?)</a>" then do something. In what property that come after pattern that I could check the string whether if it valid or not??

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.net Ontextchanged, Wait Until User Is Done Writing

May 8, 2012

I have a searchbox that queries a database and shows the results in a box below. This is kinda slow when I use the ontextchanged event, cause the database gets queried each time a new letter is written.

How can I make it only do the query when the user is done writing, or each time the user takes a small break?

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Reading And Writing Various User Settings?

May 18, 2011

I'd like to know if there's a better way to read/write various user settings to disk. My program loads up a bunch of settings during load but also during execution from a few different forms, encrypted string values, boolean values, different types. The code seems to work okay but I have a feeling it's just not the best way to be doing this. Some of the settings are encrypted strings that have to be decrypted/encrypted so the code to read/write the text file is a bit different on some items. The data read from disk usually goes to a public string, a textbox, or a up/down type control. Below is about 1/10th of the settings that get loaded/written at various times. Anyone have a better way that might be more efficient that I should look at?


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Writing A Windows Service?

Apr 22, 2010

I have an ASP website with a SQL Server database. I would like to write a windows service, that once a day reads data out of the database. how to connect to the database.

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Windows - Writing A Sbkey In Registry In .net?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using the following code to open and then write a subkey in the registry

Private Sub RegSubKeyCreates(ByVal sKeyPath As String)
Dim RegKey As RegistryKey
Dim SubKeyParam() As String = Nothing


When i'm trying to create the subkey i'm geting the error System.NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object?

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Deployment :: User Error When Writing To Shared Drive?

Feb 24, 2009

I have create a vb.net app that creates an excel spreadsheet. When I deployed the app, to the shared drive, I have no problems but the user gets the below error. The user can create the spreadsheet but gets the error when writing. When the user logs onto my PC, the user does not get the error. When I log onto the users PC, I got the error. Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy To grant the application the required permission, cintact your local system adminsitrator, or use the Microsoft .net framework

request for the permission type 'System.security.permissions.securitypermissions mscorlib
version culture =neutral

I have tried to use caspol but it doesn't help?

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Writing A Function To Validate That A User Has Entered Their Full Name?

Jun 13, 2011

writing a function to validate that a user has entered their full name (so at least two names must exist in the textbox).

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.net - Writing Windows Forms Application Using CodeDom?

Mar 24, 2012

How can you write a VB.NET Windows Forms Application via CodeDom? I have tried everything, the closest i got to it is the code below, which first of all shows command prompt window which is not good, and then shows the form for like a second and everything disappears.


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Best Way To Handle Resolution Monitor When Writing A Windows App

Apr 15, 2009

What is the best way to handle resolution issues on the monitor when writing a windows app from VB.Net.I developed an app on my laptop, it's widescreen and res is set to 1440 x 900. When I take my app and run it on a machine with an older Analog monitor and the res is 1024 x 768, all of the forms on the right and bottom are cut off.

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VS 2010 Writing To Parallel Port / Windows 7 64-bit

Mar 11, 2011

Does anyone have experience writing data to the parallel port (printer port) in Windows 7 64-bit. I have been trying inpout32.dll, inpoutx64.dll and following all the info on http://www.highrez.co.uk/ and www.logix4u.net but can't get anything to work. I have an on-board parallel port at &H378 - not an add-on card - and have tried various modes in the BIOS (standard, ECP etc). I have a background in electronics so I am confident my testing methods are sound; I just cannot get a data bit to change state under program control. I need to send data to an 8-bit port on some 20th Century electronics so serial/USB interfaces are not really an option. There must be a way to control those 8 data bits in Windows 7, mustn't there?

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WritePrivateProfileString Writing INI File In Windows Directory

May 13, 2008

I am using WritePrivateProfileString for writing INI file in Windows directory and GetPrivateProfileString for reading INI file from Windows directory. In one of my system, I found that writing is not working but reading is working fine. On further investigation, I surprised to find another another Windows folder in C:document and Settings<username>windows. And WritePrivateProfileString is writing INI File in that folder, but reading from C:windows. Any Idea why it is happening? More information Windir Environment variable is returning C:windows and I am passing only file name not full path in the API function. This thing is working fine in all other systems.

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VS 2010 Writing Files To A User's Default Documents Folder?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a quick question. One of the functions in the program I am writing is to take all of the data entered, compile it into an HTML document, then place that document into a folder.For the past few days, I have just been using a random folder on one of my hard drives to dump the file in, but the problem is that, in my code, I have supplied the folder location as a string ("E:Practice FilesDocuments"), and therein lies the problem. Trying to test my program on a separate system brought the bug to my attention; obviously, this program can only write this file to a location of E:Practice FilesDocuments, and if any other computer that runs this program doesn't have E:Practice FilesDocuments then there is going to be a problem in the program working the way I have intended

So what I would like to do is instead of having it write the file to "E:Practice FilesDocuments," have it write to the default My Documents folder so that the program is no longer specific to my machine only. The problem is, though, I have no clue what the right code is to use. I first tried using

System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location to write the file to the default installation directory. This would have worked, but since this is a VB.NET program, the default installation directory isn't in Program Files and doesn't seem to be meant for users to browse through for their documents, plus it seems that trying to write back to this directory causes some unhanded exceptions and whatnot. I figured it would just be easier to create a folder in My Documents rather than use the install directory (and probably smarter).


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COMException When Writing To Excel 2007 From Windows Forms

Jan 10, 2012

My Windows Forms app collects data from user input and mathematical calculation and outputs a set of results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Here's my code (for convenience, I've included only the code that seems relevant to the problem):

Dim exc As New Excel.Application
Dim book As Excel.Workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Windows Application For Reading / Writing To Specific File

Jan 18, 2011

What I am trying to do is I have a .dat file that I cannot read but can at the same time. What I mean is I know how to decipher it by hand (alas takes minutes per 6 parts and there are thousands.) I am trying to make an application that can read this and allow me to edit it from my computer. I can open this with a hex program such as hex editor neo. I am currently trying to get it so I can read the file and have it place corresponding parts in to text boxes that I can alter to suit my needs.

I am new to visual basic and know a tiny bit about C++ if you think I would be better off trying in C# I can try that as well I do know some since learning c++. There are 41 parts to each item listed in the file and each one would need to go in its own text box. In hex there are 348 blocks that need to be arranged in corresponding order. Also the beginning of the file has 6 block followed by a code for each item. I need to find a way to put all the correct code in the correct text box and have it make sense.

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Writing Text To Windows Form TextBox Control?

Sep 9, 2010

I want to write one text character to a textbox control on a Windows Form application. I have tried this and it doesn't work.TextBox13.Text = "5"

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Auto-fill A User Input Control With The User's Windows?

Feb 11, 2011

I am creating a form for work where managers can report when they find a customer's personal information laying around on a desk (we work at a call center where agents answer calls for a wireless cell phone provider, so we take personal information security very seriously). Anyway, I am wondering if there is a way to have a text box autofill with that manager's windows username (since they will need to be logged into their own profile to use the form).

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Error When Writing Filepath To App.config During Windows Service Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to write a user defined filepath to my app.config file. When i enter c: as the filepath it writes it to my xml file but adds and extra /

Im not too sure why its happening? i have all the correct custom actions set up and my install method is as follows:

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Asp.net - Detect What Domain User Group A Windows User Is In?

Sep 10, 2009

I know that using Dim currUser As String = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") retunrs the DomainUsername, but I want to know what Group that user is in say in Active Directory.

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C# - Reading & Writing In Asp.net - When The User Refreshes The Page, For Some Reason The Sqldatasource Loads The Old Data?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a basic page which has fields that I read from the database and write to it. I would like to know where I should call the insert and read commands. I know about age_load but heard about page_loadcomplete.I noted that when the user refreshes the page, for some reason the sqldatasource loads the old data(before the write) even though new data has been loaded on the form.

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Writing A Program Which Plays Audio Using A Windows Media Player Control?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm writing a program which plays audio using a windows media player control. It's quite basic but I'm running into a problem.


For some reason when this appears in my code, the sound doesn't start playing until AFTER the sleep. I have music running in the background, using another windows media player control, that continues playing just fine.

Basically, I want nothing else to happen for the duration of the sound, hence the sleep, so how can I make it so my sound starts playing BEFORE the sleep?

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Allow A User To Enter Html Comments?

Nov 12, 2011

Using MVC, EF 4.2. I am working on an application that has a comment section. Right now if a user enters a comment that contains HTML e.g.<b>text</b>and hits submit i get the message "A ptentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected..."How do i handle html on the way into the db? Should I just strip the html? Or encode it? I tried server.htmlencode the text but i still had the same error message.

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