C# - Reading & Writing In Asp.net - When The User Refreshes The Page, For Some Reason The Sqldatasource Loads The Old Data?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a basic page which has fields that I read from the database and write to it. I would like to know where I should call the insert and read commands. I know about age_load but heard about page_loadcomplete.I noted that when the user refreshes the page, for some reason the sqldatasource loads the old data(before the write) even though new data has been loaded on the form.

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Asp.net - Execute Sqldatasource After Page Loads Without A Button?

Jun 17, 2012

So on my IssueRequest.aspx page I have a form that the customer can fillout that issues a work request to my company. However, I need to make sure that they filled out their account info which by default upon account creation equals "" in each field.

I have the following fields

Customer_ID // Auto Number
Customer__First_Name // text field size 50
Customer__Last_Name // text field size 50
Customer_Address // text field size 50


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Textbox Change Refreshes Data... Any Way To Delay Until User Finishes Typing?

Feb 28, 2012

In an application I have, when a user types in a textbox, the data in a listview is refreshed to reflect what the user is typing.As it stands, it does a refresh after each key is entered.Is there any way to smartly wait until the user has finished typing before initiating a data refresh?

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Asp.net - Hide Button When The Page Loads Until The User Selects Item 1 Or 2 ?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a simple web for that has a dropdown list and a button on the form.The dropdown list is bound to a table in my database and holds three values with idents between 1 and 3 (Weekly,Monthly, Please Select).I have set my datasource to pull back item 3 (Please Select) as the first item in the dropdown list to prompt the user to select an option. Items 1 & 2 have data assigned to them and this pulls back the relevent data for these options.

Here is my problem. I need to hide my button when the page loads until the user selects item 1 or 2 and would like the button to be hidden of option 3 is selected. I have tried to complete this in my page load event and the code for the dropdown list but i cannot seem to get this to work.

If IsNumeric(DropDownList1.SelectedValue) = 3 Then
btnAddAgendaTemplate.Visible = False
End If

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Pay Pal Button Will Not Link To Pay Pal / It Only Refreshes Page

Apr 27, 2010

I have the following code in my registration page to go to a paypal button.But when I click on the button it just refreshes the page. Is their something I am missing? I should be able to include a paypal button on an aspx page right? [code]

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Reading And Writing Various User Settings?

May 18, 2011

I'd like to know if there's a better way to read/write various user settings to disk. My program loads up a bunch of settings during load but also during execution from a few different forms, encrypted string values, boolean values, different types. The code seems to work okay but I have a feeling it's just not the best way to be doing this. Some of the settings are encrypted strings that have to be decrypted/encrypted so the code to read/write the text file is a bit different on some items. The data read from disk usually goes to a public string, a textbox, or a up/down type control. Below is about 1/10th of the settings that get loaded/written at various times. Anyone have a better way that might be more efficient that I should look at?


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Writing & Reading A Data File

Jan 30, 2011

I am trying to write the TOURN structure and then read the TOURN structure back in.. the file gets created on my desktop and the program does not have any syntax errors, but when I READ the file none of the Data gets retrieved. So I am not sure if the DATA was actually saved or it is just not being retrieved?? This is what I have coded so far...


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Writing A C++ Code For Reading Data From UC Using USB

Apr 9, 2009

I am doing the project to make a microcontroller communicate with PC. I am facing the problem writing the C++ code for command button to ask uC to display the data in my label. How to write the code for C++ to get the data from the microcontroller?

i'm using a C8051F320-dk which already have a USB connector and a RTC.

my data will be the date, and time provided from the RTC.

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Reading And Writing Data To A Text File?

Sep 28, 2009

The program that I am writing has three default variables that I would like it to store and also be able to change. I have them in a text file called "settings.txt" The format of the text file is as follows:

Default Source "I:DCIM101MSDCF"
Default Destination "C:Documents and SettingsChristyMy DocumentsMy Pictures"
Default Backup Destination "D:My DocumentsBackupMy Pictures"

The field descriptions eg "Default Source" take up 30 characters, so the variable data starts with character 30. I know their has to be an easy way just to pull out the data from a particular line starting with character 30 but I can't find it.

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Writing Data From Listbox To .txt Then Reading .txt Into An Array?

May 15, 2012

I�m currently working on a school project and I have encountered a problem in my code. When i write the contents of my listbox to a file called stock.txt it seems write an invisible linebreak in-between each data entry, my problem is that when I load my array on the next form those invisible linebreaks causes my array to load the data incorrectly.

I have attached a pic of my stock.txt file

The Code that Edits and writes to stock.txt

Private Sub BtnRemove_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnRemove.Click
'Removes the selected item from the listbox then updates stock.txt

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Reading And Writing Text File Data With Arrays?

May 3, 2009

Even a primer on just reading/writing to a text file would be golden. The array confuses me further, but understanding the data is primary.

Basically, we're writing a program to manage inventory for a bar. Fields and a few lines are below. The delimiter is "||"

So... How do we read the data into the arrays? NAME would be strName(), etc for all of them.

how to write and update existing data.

A0101.12B||Abita Brewing Company||Abita Amber||12


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VB - Pointers, Memory Allocation And Reading Writing Data?

Aug 15, 2009

I am using these API functions for my project where I am handling 3 unmanaged DLLs of two external apps, basically all it does is to carry data back and forth between these external applications. The project needs a lot of use of pointers, passing pointers and reading/writing to memory so both applications can talk to each other.

Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32.dll" _
(ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Declare Function HeapCreate Lib "kernel32.dll" _


set of windows API functions for allocating memory, reading and writing to allocated memory, and other required functions to generate required arguments to pass to these API calls?I am up to where I am allocating memory and getting pointer, but I don't know how to go about reading, writing, passing pointers, finding data lengths and reusing memory.


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VS 2008 Reading And Writing Data To A Serial Port

May 25, 2009

reading and writing data to a serial port. the settings for the port are correct (from manual of device):


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Improve The Performance Of Reading Data From Excel And Writing To Datatable?

May 21, 2011

I want to import data from excel and move that to Datatable in VB.NET 2008. I wrote and working but its taking too long time.. for 1500 records its taking 4.40 min.


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VS 2005 - Reading File Into Buffer / Encrypting And Writing Data

Sep 29, 2009

I'm reading a file into a buffer using the Space function. Then I'm using blowfish dll's to encrypt it, and want to write the encrypted data to a txt file. (I realize you can use .NET cryptography classes, but I need to use these old blowfish dll's for this project.) Anyway, when when I encrypt the data in the buffer, I can see all encrypted data, but when I write it out to a file, I get a few lines of encrypted data and the rest of plain text.

' BLOCK_SIZE is a const which = 2048
sBlock = Space(BLOCK_SIZE)
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(FileToEncrypt)
sBlock = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using[Code] ....

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Setting Value Of SqlDataSource Parameter From A QueryString Value @ Page Load?

Feb 20, 2010

Let's say we have a value coming in through the URL of a page. Example: www.test.com/page.aspx?&Key=Val. Val is retrievable through Request.Querystring("Key").Is there an accepted best practice for assigning a QueryString Value to a parameter of a SqlDataSource defined on an ASPX page?

Options that I know of: Do not include parameters in the ASPX file. Add them directly through the codebehind -- and assign Param.DefaultValue upon adding. Set Param.DefaultValue in the page load (Codeblock 2)

Both of these use DefaultValue, a property that clearly was not intended to be used in this manner. Do the ASP.NET overlords have a recommended method in mind for achieving this common task?


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VS 2010 Itextsharp Image Move On Next Page For No Reason

Jun 3, 2012

I am placing and image using this [code]It works perfectly however when my document is extended to second or third page.. it does not stays on the first page.. it stays on same position however moves to the last page

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Forms :: Enter Login Details Login Page Just Refreshes Itself And Login Wasn't Proceed?

Dec 13, 2010

I had a problem with WebBrowser component. Basically, it works improperly when try to log in on one web-site (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site). I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. I created a simple WebBrowser trying to access the indicated web-site. The problem begins. Well, the website loads, but when you go to the login page (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site) and try to log in, it doesn't work. I mean, when I enter the login details the login page just refreshes itself and the login wasn't proceed. The same login page appear with every login attempt. The is the current problem!I check with Google, it works. But, it doesn't work with Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site! Why?

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Asp.net - Button On Webpage Should Pressed Automatically When Page Loads?

Dec 11, 2011

Is there any way that a button on web page should pressed automatically when page loads? I have following code on button to make rows of grid-view


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VS 2008 WebBrowser Control - Wait Until Page Loads Before Executing?

Mar 28, 2009

How can I make the webbrowser control wait until a page finishes loading before continuing on to the next lines of codes?

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Asp.net - Recycle Data In A SqlDataSource Object?

Apr 17, 2009

I have an SqlDataSource object, linked to a GridView, which receives data from a database when executed.I'd like to add the values of the "Cost" column, to get the "TotalCost", and place it in a TextBox or Label on top of the GridView.Is it possible to just use (recycle) the data in the SqlDataSource object, instead of using another SqlDataSource object to just get the TotalCost"?

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Check That A SqlDataSource Returned Data?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a asp.net page that has several SqlDataSources defined that feed data into some graphs. The problem is that the graph product does not handle "no data" very well, and throws an error. I'd like this to handle the situation more gracefully-- so I need to check whether the SqlDataSource returned data or now before rendering the graph (and if not, just post a message saying "No Data" or something).

Is there an easy way to check if the data source returned data, and do this if/then without a bunch of code behind?

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Reading And Writing Files On External Hard Drive, Code To Ensure SQL Or Data Read/write Execution In Case Of Periodic Drive Reconnect?

Dec 18, 2010

The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.

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Catch Error While Inserting Data With SqlDataSource

Oct 30, 2011

I have a SqlDataSource and a GridView.

What I want to do is, while the query is executed (i.e. for inserting a data), then after the data has inserted successfully, it should appear a message sounds: "The data deleted successfully". I've solved it by using GridView1_RowDeleted method.

Now the problem is, I want to catch the error while the query is failed to executed. If the query has failed to execute, then it should appear a message: "The data failed to insert."

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VS 2008 Auto-mate Form Fill - Randomize Each Time The New Page Loads

Aug 28, 2009

I am making a program that will fill in some info on a form. The information that needs to be filled is:


The thing is i need the program to click on a button on a website then open a new tab with the page it just clicked on, fill in email and click submit, then fill in the info that is above before pausing. I would also like the info above to be randomized each time the new page loads so it is not the same. I have already looked on this site and cant find what I am looking for.

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Asp.net - Accessing POST Data From ASCX User Control On Parent Page?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page (WebForm) on which I set the content of a central DIV by dynamically loading one of five user controls during Page_Load, dependant on the stage of the application.

One of the user controls contains radio buttons and a text box together with a submit button. What I want to do is process that information when the form is posted using the submit button.

I could do this with an AJAX call using jQuery, but I don't really want to do that, so I'm trying to access the form data on postback, but on page load following the postback the data is not present in the Request.Form object.

Looking at what I need to do it seems pretty simple and I'm sure is once you've got your head around it, but I can't find out how to carry this out. Some of the things I have read refer to event bubbling, but that doesn't make too much sense in this scenario.

EDIT: To clarify, I want to post the page back to itself to capture the values from the form elements via the Request object, store them in the database, and then display a confirmation message (or something else) on postback, and not re-display the same control again. So I won't be loading the same user control again.

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Parameters - User Login Before Program Loads

Nov 30, 2010

I am writing a program where the user has to log in before the program loads. Right now I have all the users and passwords hard coded into the program. Recently I have written a Oracle function that the username and password is sent to the DB and a yes or no is sent back after comparing the passwords. I am getting the correct response back and it will display in a label (I tried it to make sure the response is correct). The problem I am having is that the program after receiving the response doesn't recognize the response so I always get an incorrect password error.

Below is my code:
empName = tbxUser.Text
passWord = tbxPassword.Text
dbConn.ConnectionString =
"Data Source=!!!!; User Id=!!!!; Password=!!!!"
[Code] .....

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Writing User Info Such As User, Computer Name, Date, And Time To An Acces Database?

Sep 25, 2009

writing user info such as user, computer name, date, and time to an acces database using a button click event. Then use a query to check if the user has accepted the aggreement. If the user has accepted the aggreement then call a vb.exe that display the aggrement. I have a login script that runs the vb.exe and uses a button click that records the user info to a csv file, but if the user has already agreed to the policies I do not want it run again.

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Reading And Writing INI Files

Mar 12, 2011

I'm creating a simple forms application where users can enter their details and save the information to a .ini file because I needed this for a simple game profile. I've tried to make it write "Name =" + txtname.Text but it won't work anymore. And as well as that, I don't think It will load the text back from the ini file.

Here's the code I used;
Public Class Form1
Dim hFile As Long
Dim sFilename As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

Form designer: [URL]
Form1.resk: [URL]
Form1.vb: [URL]

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Reading And Writing To 64 Bit Registry?

Sep 20, 2010

I need to read a value (and possibly adjust the value) in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall key on both 32 and 64 bit systems.I've tried accessing 'stuff' by compiling my widget as both a 32 and 64 bit app, but nothing is working. Then I came across some information indicating that this could be done from a 32 bit applicaiton using KEY_WOW64_64KEY [URL] somehow, but I can't figure it out.

1) Check the existing value of HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall{ProductGUID}DisplayVersion handling both architectures.

2) If the value <> "" And <> Our Current Version Then

3) Write the Current Version to the value mentioned in step 1.

I wouldn't think this is that difficult as I've worked with registry before, but the 64 bit stuff is throwing me for a loop.It would be nice if I could compile my app to target AnyCPU then detect where its running on 32 or 64 bit. The app could then look and update in the appropriate location.I currently am set to use .NET 2.0, but could go to 4.0 if there is something in there that makes the above tasks easier.

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