Parameters - User Login Before Program Loads

Nov 30, 2010

I am writing a program where the user has to log in before the program loads. Right now I have all the users and passwords hard coded into the program. Recently I have written a Oracle function that the username and password is sent to the DB and a yes or no is sent back after comparing the passwords. I am getting the correct response back and it will display in a label (I tried it to make sure the response is correct). The problem I am having is that the program after receiving the response doesn't recognize the response so I always get an incorrect password error.

Below is my code:
empName = tbxUser.Text
passWord = tbxPassword.Text
dbConn.ConnectionString =
"Data Source=!!!!; User Id=!!!!; Password=!!!!"
[Code] .....

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'Database1' / Login Fails / Login Failed For User 'sa'

Mar 1, 2011

I got the above error when i deploy my web application into windows server 2003. How do i resolve it? [code]

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VS 2008 Run A Program Before User Login?

Apr 3, 2010

How would I go about writing a program that would run before the user logs in to the system?The application would use a timer to start about 10 programs without the user needing to click either the application that starts the 10 programs or one of the 10 programs.

what I need it to do:

1. application needs to start before user logs in.

2. should use a timer to start 10 programs (with admin permission) successive after XX seconds.

3. should run the programs as if it's a shortcut, thus being able to add for example the -win parameter.

4. require a password to change it settings

The thing I really need to know is how to add a parameter to the file i want to execute. and how to set up the program propperly to run with administrator permissions before the user is logged in. (bassically I want the program to run as a service.)

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Login Failed For User Using VB 2003 Program Application

Mar 7, 2009

error"login failed for user using vb.net2003 program application connect to sql 2000. i have sql2000 server and i created dbname test then i created log in sql name xtops gran permission access on dbname test, but if i created login in windows it works, but i don't want to create log in in windows coz the prog can access dbase even if hte user is not created into dbase.

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Error: "The Query Builder Failed. Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User <User Name>"

May 8, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010 and SQL Express 2008 in Windows XP. At first I couldn't add a datasource (the .mdf file for the database) because of a "Operating system error 32" which I seemed to have resolved by giving myself full permissions for .mdf file (by right clicking on the file and going into properties and then Security) and restarting the SQL SERVER (SQLEXPRESS) service. The dataset for the database is in my solution explorer but when I right click on a table adapter to add a query and attempt to open up the query builder, I get the error in the title above.

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"The Query Builder Failed. Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User <User Name>"

May 8, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010 and SQL Express 2008 in Windows XP.I created a database on my local PC HDD. At first I couldn't add a datasource (the .mdf file for the database) because of a "Operating system error 32" which I seemed to have resolved by giving myself full permissions for .mdf file (by right clicking on the file and going into properties and then Security) and restarting the SQL SERVER (SQLEXPRESS) service.The dataset for the database is in my solution explorer but when I right click on a table adapter to add a query and attempt to open up the query builder, I get the error in the title above.

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Add A Image Where And When Double Click On The Icon And The Program Starts It Shows A Picture Before The Program Loads?

Oct 11, 2010

How can you add a image where when you double click on the icon and the program starts it shows a picture before the program loads. Like Photoshop startup or the new 2010 visual Basic express start up


View 1 Replies - Validate User Role During Login Button Click Event In Login Control?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a login control in my webform i uses the roles manager...i have two roles admin and vendors i want when user enter username and password in login control then on login button click event it validates either the user is admin or vendors if vendor is admin then it will redirect to default.aspx other wise stay on login page with error. to do this using ?

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Login When User Type Password And They Press Enter That Login Code Can Be Activate?

May 29, 2009

how can i login when user type password and they press enter that login code can be activiate. What event can be using for this, i m using button_click event. need textbox typed value and press enter it should be login to that next form.

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Login System - Make The Registered User To Login His Character Automatically?

Aug 25, 2010

Alright, So with this game I am Making with VB I am Confused on how to make the login system to make the registered user to login to his character automatically other then having to make a new character? Here is my login System code not much[code].....

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VS 2008 Dll Login System - Make Another Interface Window That The User Can Login In

Oct 16, 2009

I'am trying to make a login system with the dll. I want the .dll file to have the password inside of it and make another interface window that the user can login in.

View 10 Replies - Hide Button When The Page Loads Until The User Selects Item 1 Or 2 ?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a simple web for that has a dropdown list and a button on the form.The dropdown list is bound to a table in my database and holds three values with idents between 1 and 3 (Weekly,Monthly, Please Select).I have set my datasource to pull back item 3 (Please Select) as the first item in the dropdown list to prompt the user to select an option. Items 1 & 2 have data assigned to them and this pulls back the relevent data for these options.

Here is my problem. I need to hide my button when the page loads until the user selects item 1 or 2 and would like the button to be hidden of option 3 is selected. I have tried to complete this in my page load event and the code for the dropdown list but i cannot seem to get this to work.

If IsNumeric(DropDownList1.SelectedValue) = 3 Then
btnAddAgendaTemplate.Visible = False
End If

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Create A Login To Program Which Uses The Same Username And Password As Windows Login?

Apr 20, 2012

basically i want to create a login to my program which uses the same username and password as windows login.I already know how to retrieve username and auto place it in the username box using

TextBox1.Text = Environment.UserName.ToString

i wondered is there an easy way to only allow access if the password matches up to their logon? i dont know about setting up databases but i dont think this option would work because each member of staff can personally choose their password.

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Program Loads List Without Groups?

Apr 4, 2010

I was working a To-Do-List project. Everything is fine, but, program not saves list group view.

Before save (with groups)
Restart Program (no groups)

Program loads list without groups. How to load with groups?

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Getting Error: "Cannot Open Database "MainDB" Requested By The Login. The Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'D630Admin'."

Mar 15, 2012

I created a SQL DB named MainDB.mdf and a small VB 2010 application with some forms and datasets.Everything was working OK until i got a new computer and re-installed Visual Studio 2010 and SQL server 2010 on it. I copied my DB from the old to the new computer and also copied by VB 2010 project to it. I used Windows Authentication to connect to the DB in the old computer and also in the new one, i am using different Windows user account names though.

I was able to connect to the DB in the new computer in the Server Explorer section, i created a new connection string to the DB and i can seed there is data in the tables. When i run my VB 2010 application created in the old computer get error:

"Cannot open database "MainDB" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'D630Admin'."

I need to get rid of that error and be able to add/mod/del data from my DB using my VB application as i used to.

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C# - Reading & Writing In - When The User Refreshes The Page, For Some Reason The Sqldatasource Loads The Old Data?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a basic page which has fields that I read from the database and write to it. I would like to know where I should call the insert and read commands. I know about age_load but heard about page_loadcomplete.I noted that when the user refreshes the page, for some reason the sqldatasource loads the old data(before the write) even though new data has been loaded on the form.

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VS 2008 Populate The Listview When The Program Loads?

Aug 5, 2011

I have a screen with a listview. I can populate the listview when the program loads. But when i add or delete data the listview is not updated. Here is part of my code

Sub RefreshScreen()
dt = New DataTable


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Error Login Failed For User ''. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted Sql Server Connection

Oct 2, 2008

Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;uid=;pwd=;database=ContactManager")

Above is my connection string, The programs runs up until sqlConn.Open() and then i get the same error, using no UID and Pass, or using a uid and pass.

Login Failed For User ''. The user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection

I have the SQL Servers authentication se to Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005.

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Login Facility Reading In User Info From A Main User File?

Nov 9, 2011

I have been trying to solve this for 2 days now, every text book I own and google have been well and truely exhausted and I am still no closer to solving my problems.I have a login facility reading in user info from a main user file. This takes all info into a temp array and then splits usernames into a username file, passwords into a password file and a current score in a score file.

I have the login working fine and everything else in my program works as intended but touching up cosmetic aspects I want to add a Message box after login to say hello and display current score. This works great for the first name in the user file i.e - after login User1 welcome to the game. Your current score is 45 As intended.But the problem arises with any other users, my message comes out as

User2 welcome to the game. Your current score is 55 I do not understand where the random new lines are coming from. I have tried assigning the message as a variable and removing new line using


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Clr20r3 Error While Program Loads?

Feb 22, 2011

i have a application windows based created in that contains crystal reports and access .accdb files. to be honest i have tried to publish this app for 11 times and still there to be some problem. the application will install but it cannot run. it shows an error like this.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01:utm point of sale software.exe


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Login Failed For User ' '. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection

Jul 29, 2011

i am having a console application. I am trying to connect to a sql server.

my connection string: Data Source=<Some server>;Initial Catalog=<some database>;Trusted_Connection=True.

when i am executing on my local machine it runs successfully. But when i am trying to run it on a server it is giving me the following error:

Login failed for user ' '. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

do i have to change my connection string? if so what it should be?

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Import All Files With Same Extension Directly In Listbox As Program Loads?

Feb 20, 2012

How do import all files whit the same extension (whit extension i mean all for example .exe files or .avi files) directly in an listbox as the program loads. [code]...

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Program - Loads Flash Movies And Games To Play Offline ?

Sep 13, 2009

I have my program working that loads flash movies and games for my son to play offline. Some of the games have http links in them. Is there any way that still allows playing the game without launching a webpage request? I have no code for this part of the program because I don't know where to look. I think I am just looking on how to block requests for launching anything outside of the program, or catching the request while my program is running, but not quite sure what to do.

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VS 2010 : Write A Program Which Loads A Tiff Image On Picturebox?

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to write a program which loads a tiff image on picturebox. Then the user clicks somewhere on loaded image to set the starting x,y coordinates and clicks again to set the ending x,y point. Then clicks the run button and the starting and ending x,y points are written on label.

Just to test the program a loaded a tiff image that has a dimension of 75x75 pixels. When I click upperleft and downright corners of the image, the program outputs the coordinates as starting x,y as (103,89) and ending points as (170,157). The program outputs wrong coordinates becayse the image has 75 rows and 75 colums only. To me, it should have outputted starting point as (0,0) and ending points as (75,75).

Public Class Form1
Dim StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY As Int16
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Text Editor Program-when Open A .txt Program Loads With No Text In The Textbox?

Feb 27, 2010

I believe I need the code for Load Event. I have tried many ideas. I have searched the threads here and also google of course. No luck as of yet. Better description: I have a file named hello.txt. The contents of this text file are "hello". I use my program as the default for .txt files. I dbl click hello.txt. My program loads and the contents are blank and it should have "hello" in it.

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Exe Program. Via VB 2010 - Loads A Picture And Description Of A Selection From A Radio Button ?

Aug 18, 2010

My problem is, I just finish creating a program, that loads a picture and description of a selection from a radio button.

Everything works on MY comp, but when i go to my lil sister comp and load the .exe file there, everything works too EXCEPT the image....the error is something along the line " C:documentspictures ame.jpg" not found.

My question is: how would I store the image to the program via another file or the program itself. so that when I "build" my program, I just need to run the .exe and lets say another file "for ex: .dll ", with all the images stored inside. And I dont know how to create and work with .dll file or whatever file is more convience.

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VS 2008 How To Make When Program Loads To Give 1 Textbox To Enter Password

Mar 30, 2010

How to make when the program loads to give 1 textbox to enter password: if they enter wrong password to give them message that the password is not right and to try again..if the password is right to open the corect form.can someone help me with that i have made 1 keygen program and i have insert there the keygens and to make the program to has more than 1 password inside to check

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Get User Id Of The Current Login User In Application

Sep 16, 2010

In my application I have a several type of user could be log in. My purpose is to have a restriction with other menu to show on or off. In php I used a session to handle that user id. In how can assign user id and retrieve anytime I need it in every user that has been logged in, so that I can check the user type and do some action.

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Sending User Input As Parameters To SQL?

Mar 11, 2010

I created a stored procedure in SQL which will accept parameters from a textbox.I want it to output the count of records.

stored proc:
USE [Traffic]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [CENTRALTIMOVKP].[spReturnValue] Script Date: 08/02/2010 08:57:13 ******/


I get the following error after I input my values (strRoadName and US45):Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblSpeedStudy WHERE strRoadName = 'US45'' to a column of data type int.

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SQL Server CREATE USER With Parameters (.net)?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm trying to execute CREATE USER with a given username (via sql parameter)

exec sp_executesql N'CREATE USER @LoginName
FOR LOGIN @LoginName;',
N'@LoginName varchar(5)', @LoginName='myuser'

Heres the code thats generating the above:

Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE USER @LoginName
FOR LOGIN @LoginName;",


I get and error:Incorrect syntax near '@LoginName'.I think this is due to the parameters being passed as VarChar causing 'MyUser' rather than MyUser Can I not do this with sql parameters?

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