XML Deserialization Not Setting Class Values

Nov 25, 2009

I am not seeing what I am doing wrong. To see what was being done, I changed the constructor values to "TEST", after the XML gets read in (I verified what the XML is), the class values are still stuck to "TEST". Any more Ideas? I am doing this process already in another class that works fine, neither me nor some co-workers could find the difference.[code]...

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Setting Parameter Values To Equal DataColumn Values?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm trying to assign some parameters for a stored procedure with some values that are stored in a data table. in the code, I can set the parameter values to the data table, and give a column header or index without issue, but when it tries to execute at runtime it bombs out.the error I get is a variation on "Failed to Convert Parameter Value from a DataColumn to a String" depending on exactly how I try to assign the value.the data types are all correct elsewhere in the code.

my code for this bit is

With NewYearCommand_Dates


other things I've tried to get this to work are all variations on the .Value=dates bit, such as

.Value=dates(0) (so using column index)
.Value=dates.columns(0) (again using column index)

I've also tried declaring variables, and setting their values to the values in the columns, but the code returns an error saying that "Value of type 'System.Data.DataColumn' cannot be converted to string".I should point out that i'm doing this for 3 tables at once in this sub, 2 of them will only have a single row of data, but the third has an indeterminate number of rows.I'm afraid I don't know what else to do. I'm lead to believe by my mate and my lecturer that this should work, and of course it will work, but the evidence says otherwise.

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.net - Visual Studio Setting: Invoke Directly Sub/nested Class (omit Parent Class)?

Feb 5, 2011

E.g. I have a class:

Namespace Common
Public Class AClass
Public Class BClass


How can I use BClass without saying AClass.BClass, I've see some existing code using this format, but I can't find the setting.

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Resetting The Values In Setting?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm storing data using my.settings (e.g., to use as a incremental counter). When I run my application it increments the value but, I do not know where to reset this value despite looking at all of the project files for them.

Is there a file that contains this data?

Note: at times during testing I don't want to reset the value(s) back to zero.

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Error With Setting Textbox Values

May 12, 2012

I am trying to set a rich text box value with this


but it does not work...WHats wrong

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Setting Values To Options In ComboBoxes

May 27, 2010

I'm using VB 2010 and I'm trying to use combo boxes on a current project but I'm not familiar with the code. I would like to set values to certain options in the combo box.

For example, if inside the combo box I listed the options:

I want dog to be set to = 1
cat = 5
bird = 12

To go further into depth, the code probably looks something like:
If cat.selected then
pet = 1

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VS 2008 Setting The Listbox Values?

May 15, 2009

Well, i have the listbox... and it has the colors



now the code works like this

color + color * color = resist value

well, i need to give say black the value of 0 and brown 1 and red 2 and so on...How to I assign value to it?

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[2005] Class Setting Itself To Nothing

Jan 20, 2009

Consider the following class:


In the Sub New(), technically you can pass in "Nothing" for one of the parameters, or string.empty for the string. My question is how do you force the class to not create itself? Oh yes and I know you technically are not supposed to use IsNothing() in .Net however "OrElse MyPar2 Is Nothing" generates an error.

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How To Use The Values From A Child Class In Parent Class

Mar 31, 2012

I have a problem that is frustrating me to no end, I have a overrideable function in a parent class, and the override function in the child class, like below:


When i debug, the value is produced, but it doesn't carry over to the parent class of ski.RetailPrice()what seems to be the problem here?

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Programmatically Setting Property Values In A Usercontrol?

Nov 12, 2009

I am programatically creating instance of usercontrol as shown below


I have two public properties in my usercontorl like clerkName and RespName. How can I set those values in the above code. Intellisense is not showing ClerkName and respName Properties.

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Setting A Textbox To Only Accept Numeric Values?

Dec 9, 2010

I am looking into data validation as I need a way of setting a textbox to only accept numeric values. I have had a search for this and it doesn't seem as straight forward as I had hoped.

I have found a couple of possible methods, although the sites which I found them where very unclear on how they actually work. I feel strongly that I should know how all of my own programs work >_>

I have no actually got this to work with my program yet. Are there better methods than this?

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789$,"


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Setting Minimum And Maximum Values Of Text Box?

Aug 29, 2011

I want to set minValue and maxValue of text boxes to define a range of acceptable values for validation purposes.In VB 6 this is straight forward and can be done under text box properties, however in visual studio vb .net 2010 this is not the case or it may be the case that i am missing something.

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Setting Registry Values With Binary Value Kind?

Sep 14, 2010

I am a newbie so please forgive me if my terminology is incorrect.I am trying to Update a Registry sub key value. I have done this a few times before with success. But this time is kinda different. I noticed a few things,like the sub key value is in HEX when I export the key (The value that I want to input is from a sub key that I exported) I can only get the registry to accept the command if I do not specify the registry value kind, but that doesn't do me any good if its not the correct value kind.


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Setting Values On DataGridView From Context Menu

Jun 5, 2010

I'm have an app that currently allows a user to select a color (from a Color Dialog) which updates an unbound Datagridview with the name of the selected color & also changes the background of the selected row to that color.

I need to do one of 2 things:
Either change the Color Dialog so that I can set the colors available
Or Allow the user to select colors from a context menu and have that update the Datagridview.

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.net - Setting A Class Attribute In Page_load On Asp.net 4?

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to set the class attribute of a list item on page load. Dim liItem As HtmlGenericControl = DirectCast(Page.FindControl("default"),HtmlGenericControl)liItem.Attributes.Add("class", "active")

This code doesn't work, not quite sure why.This is the error it is generating "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

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Setting Default Property For Class?

Sep 16, 2009

Given a simple class like this:
Public Class clsOB
Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Private _Frequency As Double
Private _Value As Double
Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
[Code] .....

And then I'd like to do something like this:
o As
clsOB(50, 30)
o = 31

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Setting Property Of Class (LifeLine)

May 1, 2010

I'm new to classes. In my Who wants to be a Millionaire application, I have a Lifeline class and I create three instances of it - FF, PAF and ATA (50/50, Phone a Friend and Ask the Audience). Something I do with a lifeline is put a cross over its logo, hence the need for a centrepoint property, which marks the centre of the cross on a form.

Public Class Lifeline
Private ptCentrePoint As Point
Public Property CentrePoint() As Point
CentrePoint = ptCentrePoint
[Code] .....

What happens is that at the "Call Form2.DrawCross(Form2.CentrePoint)" line, the tooltip shows that the FF object's centrepoint property isn't set (as I thought it would be by " FF.CentrePoint = tmpPoint").

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Setting The Null Value To The Properties Of A Class

Sep 19, 2011

is there any trick (because I can't think of anything else ! ) to massively set all of the properties , of a user defined class , to their null values ? You see , I have a class called Apartment and it has a lot of properties (it only has properties , no methods or events , if that's important) and those properties are either strings , doubles or integers . I want each time I create a new instance of that class (a new apartment , that is) to automatically set those properties to their null values . That is all of the strings to be equal to "" and all of the numbers to be equal to 0 . Back in VB6 I could rely on VB6 to do this automatically , but now in VB .NET , whenever I create a new instance of a class , all the properties start with the value = Nothing . I know I can define every property in the class module like that : Public MyVariable As String = "" but I'd like to keep them as they are and set their null values directly whenever a new object of that class is created .

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Code - Xml Deserialization ?

May 6, 2011

Some code first..this is how i deserialize..This part works.

Dim rdr As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New System.IO.StringReader(Replace(prestr, "><", ">" & vbCrLf & "<")))
Dim serialize As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(ItemLookupResponse))
Dim myProduct As ItemLookupResponse = New ItemLookupResponse
myProduct = CType(serialize.Deserialize(rdr), ItemLookupResponse)

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Setting Values For Invisible Fields/Properties In DetailsView?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a DetailsView which has two fields - one that is visible, one that is not. The first the user fills out, the second I want to auto-populate. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to set the value in this second invisible field. I've tried adding code like this to the Page_Load:

If Not IsPostBack Then
DetailsView1.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Insert
Dim txt1 As TextBox = DirectCast(DetailsView1.FindControl("Type"), TextBox)
txt1.Text = "administrator"
End If

But this returns an error of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Any ideas on how to accomplish this - either using the method above or another method?The hoped for end result is that when a new record is inserted via the DetailsView that this record will include the username (entered by the user) as well as the "type" of "administrator"

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Setting Values To Predefined ComboBox Column In DataGridView

Jan 27, 2010

How to set values to a predefined combobox column in datagridview i.e., I want to set some values to this column other than binding

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Events Not Working With After Deserialization?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a Child class which uses DataContractSerialization and raises a Changed event when its Name property is set.

Public Class Child
Public Event Changed()

The Parent class is serialzed and deserialized and all the data (including the Child) is saved and resored as expected.However, after deserialization, the Changed event is never raised!I know the deserialization process bypasses class constructors, but shouldn't the event be initialized?Is it possible to serialize/deserialize the Event?Is there a way to initialize the event in the OnDeserialzed method of the Child rather than the Parent (see below)?

(1) Add a constructor to the Child class which takes an instance of itself as an argument.

(2) Add an OnDeserialized method to the Parent class which creates a New instance of the Child class based on the deserialzed instance of the Child class.

Private Sub OnDeserializedMethod(ByVal Context As StreamingContext)
Child = New Child(Child)
End Sub

Now the Changed event is raised as expected.

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Serialization And Deserialization Of An Interface?

Jun 18, 2012

how to serialize and deserialize an interface.

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Random Exception Thrown When Setting Valid Month Values?

May 30, 2011

The exception message I am receiving is this... "Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime."

Now I've traced my values being passed and everything is correct. Values loops through 1 to 12 but still I continue to receive an exception. Only way I can avoid this is by throwing a Try, Catch statement around where I'm passing over the value.

Here's my code..

001 Dim Calendar(11) As AppointmentBookControl.AppointmentBookControlMonthlyOverviewCalendarControl


Line '011 .Month = i+1' is where the problem is located. The values for (i+1) maintain within the bounds of 1 through 12..

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Setting/Reading Specific Values Of A Richtextbox Line To An Array

Dec 7, 2009

I have a button which reads a comma separated value file and loads it into a richtextbox. Each line contains comma separated chars.

Once the file is loaded in the richtextbox, i want to be able to select specific values from each line and store them into an array.

For example:
Line1: a,b,c,d,e

I want to be able to place only the values "b" and "c" into an array.

I was thinking something like creating a menu for the richtextbox which will be triggered on right click, then highlight the values I want, press right click and select 'place these values in an array'.

it doesn't have to be the way i proposed it, but it definitely must use a richtextbox.

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Getting Binary Serialization / Deserialization Progress?

Jan 26, 2011

I would like to handle the progress of binary serialization / deserialization of files to show a "loading" progress bar to the user but I cant't find a solution to do that.

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VS 2008 Deserialization From Byte Array

Feb 11, 2010

Coming up against a brick wall with sending items over the network using sockets. I'm using Chilkat rather than the built in TCP Client / listener but thats not the issue. From point a I send through a string converted to base64 as below


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VS 2008 XML Serialization / Deserialization - Objects Into Xml

Apr 8, 2010

I am using the following methods to serialize objects into xml:


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Setting Input Box Values After Invoking Click Event On Webpage Buttons

Jul 5, 2011

I have some code that broadly looks like the following ...
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select").Item("id_pickupdate").SetAttribute("value", "2011-07-07")

I cannot seem to get it to work in one code routine. I end up having to have a separate button to set the date after the page has loaded. I have tried all the blog posts using isbusy, timer etc but it does not seem to work. The code breaks and the error prompt says that id_pickupdate does not exist.

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VS 2005 : Setting Item Properties With Values Of A Variable At Design Time?

Jul 7, 2009

is it possible to set a value of an item, for example: a textbox1.text = Empty.String at design time?

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