Add Excel Plugin In Visual Basics Project?

Jan 25, 2012

How add excel plugin in visual basics project? i created a form application and need to add excel plugin in visual basics project...

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VS 2008 Visual Basics - 2008 - Open Up A Project Again?

Dec 5, 2010

I have put a ton of effort into my new project, and I have saved the coding and designer part. I never did publish it, and when I came back to open it later to work on it, I can't seem to get to the screen that allows you to move items, and edit the looks of the project. I have to files that say RSEB.Designer.vb and RSEB.Vb - So how do I open the screen that allows me to edit the damn project?

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Visual Basics And SQL Database Compare?

Feb 22, 2012

how to create a comparison statement for a record that I have placed in a column of a SQL Database. In other words, I have a 2- forms, the first form is where the enduser places a few record requirements along with 4-digit number followed by the submission of a registration. After the registraions is submited, I have it coded to where the registration gets saved along with the 4-digit number into the database followed by a second form appearing. Ok, here comes the problem: When the user exits the applaication and then restarts the application again, the first form apears although it is not necessary since the enduser had already registered.

So, how do I or what kind of comparison statement can I create that will let visual basics or the first form know that the registration was completed and force the second form to appear instead or first?I would liked to makes some type of comparison with the 4-digit number thats in located in the SQL database.

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Creating A Sales Tax Program In Visual Basics?

Nov 13, 2011

Assume a grocery store approached you to write a simple program that calculates total sales of purchases. The program should accept item costs as input, calculate the tax on each item (8%), then display the item cost, total cost, and total after taxes. Item costs will be added to a listbox while the total without the taxes will be displayed in a label, the tax amount in another label, and finally, the total cost (items cost + tax) in a third label. this is the problem I have to program for,

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Implementing Security On Visual Basics 2005?

Jun 29, 2010

I WANT TO impliment security on visual basics 2005 HOW DO I GO ABOUT DOING THAT

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Link A Textbox To A Cmd Command In Visual Basics

Jul 20, 2010

I want to make a program that will sync two folders together with the command in cmd called xcopy, so when i click on a sync logo the folders sync. But i want the user to be able to browse for the locations then set the locations as they sync folders. I already have linked two FolderBrowserDialogs to two textboxes so when i select a folder in the browser the directory shows in the text box. But then how do i put the two directories into the xcopy command? This is what i have done so far...


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Made Form Visual Basics Onto Website?

Mar 1, 2009

How do I upload what I made form Visual Basics onto my website??!

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C# - Super Minimalist Plugin For MS Project: Where To Get Started

Jul 11, 2010

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction as far as developing a super simple plugin for MS Project (both 2007, which uses the old style ribbon, and 2010 which uses the new ribbon). What I need to implement: create an executable that installs a new button, with a specific icon, in some per-determined section of the ribbon
when the user presses the button MS project needs to save a file in a specific format and location and then call a batch file.

that's it - pretty basic, right? Turns out, I know nothing about this space - so apologies in advance for how trivial this may be. Note: I'm not tied to a specific language - whatever is simpler / faster will do. BTW, does anyone sell components like this one? I don't necessarily need to code this if there's decent stuff out there for sale.

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Activating Or Opening An Existing Excel Workbook With VB From Within A Visual Studio Project?

Sep 1, 2006

I have tried numerous ways to modify the responses to "Openening an Excel file from within project" to open an existing Excel workbook and also select and activate a minimized workbook but have totally struck out, Can anyone give me some guidance? Also, where should I be looking for samples that answer such basic questions?

View 11 Replies

Plugin That Makes It Available To Make Visual Studio Language Independend?

Nov 3, 2011

does anyone know if there is a plugin that makes it available to make visual studio language independend? So when I "push" a button I can see and edit the code in C# or in I would be ok if I cant use all language specific options.

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IDE :: When Open A Visual Basics Program On Another Computer (Vista) It Says "IP Finder Stopped Working"

Jul 17, 2011

The program i made is an IP Finder. it uses MS WinSock, so i thought that would be the problem. I have already installed the powerpack and i got another program i made working

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Add Project Setup Project For Project For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 15, 2010

i was developing Voice Chat Application in visual Basic .NET 2008 i try a lot methods to make installer for it :

1- i add Project Setup Project for my Project for Visual Studio 2008 Deploy & setup Type Projects and make it with output option and detect dependices

2- i try make it with Setup Factory 8.2.1

3- i try with MSI Factory 2.0

4 i try with Setup Factory 6.0

and after making installer copying it to my test virtual Machine or my friend lap and install it i get this error when try to run my application :


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Can't See Visual Basic Project Option In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 13, 2012

I am very new to Visual Studio Application Development. I'm mostly a DB guy. I used Visual Studio as a Report Designer, not much of an .Net guy though I can understand it. I am now asked to create a .net application and I'm trying to create a "Hello World" starter app. I opened my Visual Studio, click File-New Project and all I see is Business Intelligence Projects and Other Project Types. My step-by-step guide says choose Visual Basic, Windows Forms Application. But I can't see it as an option.

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No Visual Basic Project Types In Visual Studio 2005?

Dec 9, 2009

I am using: (copied from the/about vb studio window:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)
Microsoft .NET Framework


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Use OpenGL In Visual Studio 2010 In Visual Basic Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to use "OpenGL" in my project. Is it possible to associate it with "Visual Basic" application developed in Visual Studio 2010? If yes then how can we do it.

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How To Close One Form In A Project And Note The Entire Project When Using Me.close() In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I am really new to Visual Studio and VB and I am having trouble closing a single form:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

When I use Me.close() associated with this button it closes the entire project and not just the single form can anyone.

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Possible To Rename The "Project" Folder In A Visual Studio 2010 Project?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a VB.NET project in Visual Studio 2010 for an Excel Add-In.I use the "My" namespace,and in general it seems that the "My Project" folder contains configuration information about the project.My problem is that I need to change the name of this folder, because my version manager system won't accept spaces in file or folder names.Edit: There is a hacky way to do it, by renaming the folder and changing all references in the .vbproj file.However, the may work for a command line generation, but it won't work the next time the project will be opened in Visual Studio. The IDE will create a new "My Project" folder, and complain that it can't find the settings in it.

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C# - Web Matrix Differ From Visual Studio - Is It More Efficient Than Visual Studio To Develop ASP.NET Web Project

Oct 12, 2011

WebMatrix is a web development and deployment tool by Microsoft so how is this compared to Visual Studio? which Use C# Razor Syntax is that more better coding.


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Perform An Action On Clicking A Custom Context Menu Created In Excel Using Excel Add-In Created With Visual Studio 2010?

Apr 14, 2012

I am creating an Excel Add-In using Visual Studio 2010. My intention was to add a context menu to a cell and perform some action on the selected cell or cells. Here is the code I have got as of now


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VS 2010 Excel Method Find In VB2010 - Convert Excel Macro In A Exe File Using Visual Studio 2010

Oct 25, 2010

I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:


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WCF Basics With A Windows Service

Nov 8, 2010

I am looking into WCF specifically in relation to Silverlight. if I am correct in thinking that I can create a WCF Service, and expose a TCP endpoint using a Windows Service that my Silverlight app can use? I have managed to expose this using IIS but it would be good if we could bypass using IIS as some of our customers don't like it.


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Array Basics - Populating With Loop?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm looping through a zip file trying to add the file name of each file within.Is this the correct method?

Dim ZipNameArray(?)
Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipToUnpack)
For Each file In zip


View 4 Replies - Editable Gridview - Can't Seem To Get The Basics Working ?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple example of an editable gridview, and for some reason can't seem to get the basics working. Why is this example not displaying the label Bar and a textbox when I click on "edit"?

aspx: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="gv.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebRoot.gv" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "


code behind:

Public Class MyFoo
Public ReadOnly Property FooVal() As String
Return _val


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Basics Conversion From A Byte To An Integer

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to make to do a widening conversion from a byte to an integer. form has a text box for both Input, and Output, plus a conversion button. [Code] I'm trying to use a catch block, but I'm not certain how it works exactly, and also tried to use an If statement to avert the issue, but that didn't work either. When ever user inputs a number greater than what can be held within the Byte data type the program crashes from the run time error. [Code] and an error message pops up in the compiler saying overflow exception was unhandled.

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DB/Reporting :: Database Controls Basics?

Jan 4, 2009

I am trying to do a very simple demo - load data from an access database and let the user manipulate it with a DataGridView. Here's what I understand so far:1) Create an OleDbDataAdapter by passing it a query and a connection.2) Create a DataSet by calling .Fill() on the DataAdapter with a DataSet object and a name for the retrieved data.3) Attach the DataGridView to the DataSet using the .DataSource property of the DataGridView and the .Tables property of the DataSet.However, I was told there is a much easier way to do it now in vb2008 using TableAdapters.1) Create a DataTableAdapter ( I can't actually find this object -what is it called?)2) Use the Fill method on the DataTableAdapter to connect it to a DataSet3) Now anything the user does in the DataGridView can be saved simply by using TableAdapter.Update.

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Basics: Drawing Graph With Picturebox - Image

Jan 9, 2011

I am new to, from VB6. Trying to understand drawing a simple line graph into a picturebox, which was so simple in VB6 ! From code snippets, I can see the basic idea using an bitimage to draw the lines and then showing it in a picturebox. I don't understand how to (simulate) scaling of the bitmap's x/y scales like you could do with VB6's .Scale.

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VS 2008 What Are Basics To Creating A Tcpclient / Server

Sep 8, 2009

What are the basics to creating a tcpclient / server?

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Add Dll-s To Visual Studio2010 Project?

Nov 2, 2011

I want to use DateDiff function, but DateDiff requires Dates as DateTime structure variables. How I can convert for example string "05/ 01/ 1996" to DateTime structure? And when that conversion needs additional dll-s then how can I add these dll-s to my Visual Studio2010 project?

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Create First Project In Visual Studio?

Jan 25, 2011

how to create my first project in visual studio

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Moving A Project In Visual Basic?

Feb 1, 2010

Using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008. I have students zip the folder for a vb project and send it to me. Then I unzip and add it to a project of mine. It will not open any of their work as the path has changed. I can't even see the code. If they send me the code only then I have to recreate the forms. They also have problems saving it on a jump drive, then moving that jump drive to a different computer as the drive letter changes. I have looked for help and it states to go to icons that I can't find in studio 2008. Using the open existing project gives the same result as the path has changed. Is it impossible to give someone else an existing project? I have gone in the import/export options but have run out of guesses.

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